Space Shuttle in Extreme Detail: Exclusive New PicturesExplore Discovery's flight deck with a new 360 panorama. This week NASA's space shuttle Discovery will fly low over Washington, D.C., atop a jumbo jet and roll into its new permanent home with the Smithsonian Institution. Discovery will touch down at Dulles International Airport on Tuesday, weather permitting, and the National Air and Space Mu
Las actividades espaciales, inicialmente reservadas a pocas naciones y canalizadas a través de grandes agencias espaciales nacionales, se han convertido en el objetivo de un número creciente de países, empresas y operadores de todo tipo. Donde antes solo existía el prestigio nacional, consideraciones de seguridad y defensa, investigación y ciencia de alto nivel y prestación de algunos servicios e
The votes have been counted, and the most popular photo is...
Click here to launch the GLIMPSE/MIPSGAL Image Viewer GLIMPSE (Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Extraordinaire) is a survey of the inner part of the Milky Way Galaxy in which we reside. The images come from the IRAC instrument on board the Spitzer Space Telescope, one of NASA's four "Great Observatories". The telescope was pointed to 111,000 different positions in the sky and snapshots were taken
MESSENGER Approaches Mercury On January 13, 2008, beginning 30 hours before MESSENGER's closest approach to Mercury, the Wide Angle Camera, part of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS), began snapping images as it approached the planet. Over this period, MESSENGER imaged the planet once every 20 minutes to produce this approach sequence, which has been compiled into a movie. At the start of the
A colossal 28-wheel truck that will help build a major telescope array in the Chilean Andes has successfully passed a series of tests. The giant vehicle will heave antennas - each weighing 115 tonnes - up a mountainside to the site of the array, a plateau 5,000m above sea level. The Alma telescope will study the night sky at sub-millimetre wavelengths. Astronomers say Alma will illuminate one half
This website serves as a mechanism for publishing data produced by Hayabusa Science Team.- Welcome to Hayabusa Project Science Data Archive Information System - This archive site provides access to Hayabusa mission derived data of the main mission target asteroid, 25143 Itokawa and of in-flight instrument calibration. As of April 24, 2007, data for the Hayabusa Science Data Archive is available on
The picture was taken by the NASA robot "Spirit" over the course of 5 months. The "McMurdo panorama" is a combination of more than 1400 individual pictures which were taken when the lack of sunlight didn't allow the rover to move during the Marsian winter. For improved immersion, the interactive panoramic image has been contrast enhanced and the sky is an extrapolation from the narrow band of sky