Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...
We deploy a lot of code. Deployinator is our creation to make that as easy and painless as possible. Deployinator is a one button web-based deployment app. Hit that button and code goes to our webservers and is serving requests in almost no time. Using Deployinator we've brought a typical web push from 3 developers, 1 operations engineer, everyone else on standby and over an hour (when things went
If Engineering at Etsy has a religion, it's the Church of Graphs. If it moves, we track it. Sometimes we'll draw a graph of something that isn't moving yet, just in case it decides to make a run for it. In general, we tend to measure at three levels: network, machine, and application. (You can read more about our graphs in Mike's Tracking Every Release post.) Application metrics are usually the ha