Features Fully responsive. Scales with its container. Separate settings per breakpoint Uses CSS3 when available. Fully functional when not. Swipe enabled. Or disabled, if you prefer. Desktop mouse dragging Infinite looping. Fully accessible with arrow key navigation Add, remove, filter & unfilter slides Autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, etc... Single Item
WOW, that's deep man! parallax.js reacts to the orientation of your smart device, offsetting layers depending on their depth within a scene... Oh, you don't have a smart device? No worries, if no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available, parallax.js uses the position of your cursor instead. Radical. This project is a collaboration between Matthew Wagerfield & Claudio Guglieri.
Animate.css Just-add-water CSS animations See animations Close list Attention seekers bounce Copy class name to clipboard flash Copy class name to clipboard pulse Copy class name to clipboard rubberBand Copy class name to clipboard shakeX Copy class name to clipboard shakeY Copy class name to clipboard headShake Copy class name to clipboard swing Copy class name to clipboard tada Copy class name t
For many 2D games, a common method of providing character animation is by using a series of static images or sprite-sheets. Dream Zoo, Zynga’s newest mobile game (available soon for iOS and Android) required a different approach. In Dream Zoo, players collect, breed and care for animals in their very own zoo with thousands of animal varieties possible – from rainbow giraffes to polka dot lions. (W