is licensed by Sylvain Hellegouarch under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. In my last article, I discussed the way the WSPBus could help your management of Python processes. This time, I’ll show how the bus can help plugging in heterogeneous frameworks and manage them properly too. The following example will plug the WebSocke
By Ilya Grigorik on November 17, 2010 ZeroMQ sockets provide message-oriented messaging, support for multiple transports, transparent setup and teardown, and an entire array of routing patterns via different socket types - see quick refresher on ZeroMQ. The combination of these features, as well as the fact that we can bind or connect a single socket to multiple endpoints is what makes ZeroMQ "top
For those who have been away from the internets, node.js is an evented JavaScript engine based on Google's V8. Because it is essentially one big, efficient event loop, it's a natural fit for programs that shuffle data backwards and forwards with little state in-between. And it's fun to program, an opinion apparently lots of people share, because there have been loads of libraries crop up around it
//configure params here MQ.configure({ //enable logging to the console //logger: console, // to get better performance set //onReceiveHandler: "queue", host: "" }); //create a queue, with an auto generated unique name //and subscribe. Note: You can only have one auto exchange MQ.queue("auto"); //subscribe to a named queue and handle messages sent to it //in a round robin fash
HTML5 is here! Urray! I was tired of hearing about one of the new innovation in HTML5: the WebSocket API. After reading the excelent blog post about WebSockets and Ruby by Ilya Grigorik I got inspired by this experiment which is a simple example of a twitter-to-browser usage of websockets. Since the excelent em-websocket was available on github, I decided to write my own “from twitter to the brows
By Ilya Grigorik on October 08, 2009 Not all message queues are made equal. In the simplest case, a message queue is synonymous with an asynchronous protocol in which the sender and the receiver do not operate on the message at the same time. However, while this pattern is most commonly used to decouple distinct services (an intermediate mailbox, of sorts), the more advanced implementations also e
This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.4). For development docs, go here. Celery - Distributed Task Queue¶ Celery is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system. It’s a task queue with focus on real-time processing, while also supporting task scheduling
This article introduces the AMQP client library for Erlang, which is currently available as a contribution to the RabbitMQ server. This library will be of interest to those wanting to: Use Erlang to connect to an AMQP server; Deploy Erlang modules directly into RabbitMQ and expose them via AMQP. This is the first of a series of articles describing the Erlang AMQP client. This article assumes tha
This document introduces AMQP messaging using RabbitMQ as a broker. It explains that AMQP and RabbitMQ allow applications to communicate asynchronously by sending and receiving messages through a broker, providing decoupling, queueing, load balancing and scalability. It provides details on RabbitMQ as an open source AMQP broker developed by Rabbit Technologies and the AMQP Working Group which main
Info: About | FAQ | Getting Started | Download Specification | Find Products Activity: Weekly PMC Minutes | Work in Progress | Issue Tracker | Subversion | Mail Archive Overview AMQP is an open Internet Protocol for Business Messaging. In response to the needs of its members and market demand the AMQP Working Group are collaborating on specifications for messaging infrastructure that provides bus