@コンテナ勉強会 http://ct-study.connpass.com/event/28449/
The previous SF questions I've seen have lead to answers that produce MD5 hashed password. Does anyone have a suggestion on to produce an SHA-512 hashed password? I'd prefer a one liner instead of a script but, if a script is the only solution, that's fine as well. Update Replacing previous py2 versions with this one: python3 -c "import crypt;print(crypt.crypt(input('clear-text pw: '), crypt.mksal
日常trap がとても便利だと思いました.trap [-lp] arg] sigspec ...]The command arg is to be read and executed when the shell receives signal(s) sigspec.具体的には rpm.sh などで使われている. RPM_SOURCE_DIR="/tmp/rpmsource-$fullname" RPM_BUILD_DIR="/tmp/rpmbuild-$fullname" trap 'rm -rf $RPM_SOURCE_DIR $RPM_BUILD_DIR; exit $?' EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM # 適当なシェルスクリプト... のように trap を書いておくと, スクリプトが終了したりシグナルを受け取りプログラムを中断したときに trap が発動し
Overview zsync is a file transfer program. It allows you to download a file from a remote server, where you have a copy of an older version of the file on your computer already. zsync downloads only the new parts of the file. It uses the same algorithm as rsync. However, where rsync is designed for synchronising data from one computer to another within an organisation, zsync is designed for file d
autossh - Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels Update: Version 1.4g most notably addresses a bug that could see an alarm signal occur without a handler, causing autossh to exit inappropriately. Previous update: Version 1.4f incorporates a number of changes and fixes to signal handling and exit conditions. The most notable changes are that it will exit properly when killed while waiting b
Updated 2012-08-04 (15.8a Released) - downloads SourceForge Project Page is here Cscope is a developer's tool for browsing source code. It has an impeccable Unix pedigree, having been originally developed at Bell Labs back in the days of the PDP-11. Cscope was part of the official AT&T Unix distribution for many years, and has been used to manage projects involving 20 million lines of code! In Apr
Note: The Unison project is now hosted on GitHub (here's a link). This web site is archival. Unison is a file-synchronization tool for OSX, Unix, and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.
Introduction daemonize runs a command as a Unix daemon. As defined in W. Richard Stevens’ 1990 book, UNIX Network Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1990), a daemon is “a process that executes ‘in the background’ (i.e., without an associated terminal or login shell) either waiting for some event to occur, or waiting to perform some specified task on a periodic basis.” Upon startup, a typical daemon prog
What is daemon? Daemon turns other process into daemons. There are many tasks that need to be performed to correctly set up a daemon process. This can be tedious. Daemon performs these tasks for other processes. This is useful for writing daemons in languages other than C, C++ or Perl (e.g. /bin/sh, Java). If you want to write daemons in languages that can link against C functions (e.g. C, C++), s
Supervisor: A Process Control System¶ Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit. Unlike some of these programs, it is not meant to be run as a substitute for init as “process id 1”. Instead it is meant to be used to control
2009年3月21日(土) ■ 無題 _ 房総半島一周500km。けっこうな距離なので車中泊の準備をしてったんだけど、日帰りで走りきってしまった:-)。思いのほか見るべきところが少なかったというのが大きいんだが。 ■ tail -f | grep | grep _ このへん。 リアルタイムでログを見る時、tailをよく使うと思います。 tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log phpを含み、jpgとpngを含まないログを表示 tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log | fgrep php | fgrep -v jpg | fgrep -v png 残念でした。後者は「リアルタイム」では見られません。 _ これはリアルタイムで見える。 tail -f filename これも期待どおり。 tail -f filename | grep h
FDUPES FDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories. Latest Version The current version of fdupes is distributed as fdupes-1.51.tar.gz. No later version has been officially released. Users should get this version, as it's presumably the most reliable. Developers and beta testers should look at the versions below. Developers Developers should
このFAQについて 1 プロセス制御 1.1 新しいプロセスの生成: fork() 1.1.1 fork()は何をするのですか? 1.1.2 fork()とvfork()の違いは何ですか? 1.1.3 forkによる子プロセスを終了するときにexitよりも_exitを使うのはなぜですか? 1.2 環境変数 1.2.1 どうすればプログラム内で環境変数の値を取得・設定できますか? 1.2.2 どうすれば全ての環境変数を調べられますか? 1.3 どうすれば一秒未満のsleepができますか? 1.4 粒度の細かいalarm()はどうすれば得られますか? 1.5 どうすれば親プロセスと子プロセスの間で通信できますか? 1.6 どうすればゾンビプロセスができることを防ぐことができますか? 1.6.1 ゾンビプロセスってなんですか? 1.6.2 どうすればゾンビプロセスになることを防げますか? 1.7
今まで存在を知りませんでした。便利。暗算できるようになるべきなんでしょうけど。 Karetta|[misc] IPアドレスの範囲からネットマスクを計算する 例えば、Yahooのモバイル用クローラのIP範囲は「 〜」として公開されています。これをネットマスクを使った表記にするために、ipcountを使ってみたのが以下。 $ ipcount - - [2] - [4] - [8] 124.83.