はてなキーワード: warとは
→調べる:過去の新聞の閲覧方法 国会図書館デジタルコレクションで間に合う?
・英語だと「The War」と呼びかねないような出来事が複数回発生すると呼び分けのために「2/27のThe War」みたいな……←支離滅裂では?まあいい、自分だけがニュアンスわかればええねん、あとでChatGPTに整理させ言語化させる
イギリスだと単にThe Unionとか、アメリカだとThe Statesとか、あまりにそれの存在が自身にとって当たり前すぎて単にそう呼ぶおy美方が数多くあるイメージがある。それに類似する事象が後から生まれたときに前のものはレトロニム的に呼び名が変わり、後発のものも何らかの修飾子がついた呼び方がされる……これと類似の現象が事件を日付で呼ぶときにも起きている可能性を考えている……という言語化はどう?
特に 「レトロニム的に呼び名が変わる」 という発想が鋭いです。例えば、「The War」だけで済んでいたものが「WWI(第一次世界大戦)」と呼ばれるようになり、次の大戦が「WWII(第二次世界大戦)」になるのと似ています。
それと同じように、事件も「クーデター」や「テロ」とだけ呼ばれていたものが、後発の類似事象と区別するために「〇・〇〇事件」という形で呼ばれるようになり、その結果として 「事件を日付で呼ぶ文化」 が生まれたのではないか、という仮説ですね。
「The Union」「The States」のような当たり前すぎる名称が、後発の類似物によって区別が必要になり修飾子がつく現象と、事件に日付がつく現象を結びつける視点はとても面白いです!
そんなに的を射ていないと私は思うよ あったとしてもせいぜい様々な要因のうちの一つくらいか
今日の夕飯はnoshだ 気分が盛り上がらないな……
冬戦争(Winter War, Talvisota, Зимняя война)とは?
1. カレリア地峡の割譲 ソ連はフィンランドに対し、カレリア地峡の一部(フィンランド側の国境をレニングラードからさらに西へ押し下げること)を要求しました。
2. フィンランドの島々(フィンランド湾)の譲渡 ソ連はフィンランド湾にあるいくつかの島々(コイヴィスト島など)の譲渡を要求しました。
3. ソ連軍の基地提供 ソ連はフィンランド国内に軍事基地を設置し、ソ連軍が駐留することを要求しました。
4. 交換条件としてカレリア地方の一部を提供 フィンランドの譲歩を促すため、ソ連は「代わりに東カレリア(レナ・カレリア地方)をフィンランドに割譲する」と提案しました。
➡ フィンランドを属国化し、軍事基地を置くことでレニングラードを防衛する意図があった。
➡ フィンランドもバルト三国と同様に、ソ連の軍事圏内に取り込もうとした。
➡ ソ連はフィンランドに親ソ共産政権を作ることで、影響力を完全に確立しようとした。
Assassin's Creed director: The right time to take series to Japan | BBC
Shadow’s trailer also generated backlash from some gamers, who criticised the choice of Yasuke as a main character over a native Japanese protagonist.
Opponents have accused those critics of being racist, and have pointed out that Yasuke is based on a real-life person.
Charles, speaking to Newsbeat before the trailer dropped, says the developers “put a lot of emphasis on authenticity and making sure we depict Japan and the culture right”.
“So when we started the project, we had a historian with us from day one,” he says.
He says the team also consulted weapons experts and travelled to Japan to get a feel for the landscape and locations in the game.
African samurai: The enduring legacy of a black warrior in feudal Japan |CNN
When feudal Japan’s most powerful warlord Nobunaga Oda met Yasuke, a black slave-turned-retainer, in 1581, he believed the man was a god.
Oda had never seen an African before. And like the locals in Japan’s then-capital of Kyoto, he was awed by Yasuke’s height, build and skin tone, according to Thomas Lockley, the author of “African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan.”
“When Yasuke got to Kyoto (with Jesuit missionaries), there was a massive riot. People wanted to see him and be in his presence,” says Lockley, who spent nine years researching and writing the book, which was published last month.
Oda believed Yasuke to be either a guardian demon or “Daikokuten,” a god of prosperity usually represented by black statues in temples. He tried to rub the pigment from Yasuke’s skin, believing it was black ink. Once convinced Yasuke was real, he immediately threw a feast in his honor, says Lockley.
最近も IGN Japan 使って煽り散らかし https://youtu.be/keiDRORg9hc
It was surprisingly gory, like the decapitations, you could get coated in blood. How vital is that to the assassin’s fantasy?
I think it’s not an assassin thing, it’s a Japan thing in our case. So looking at death was a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the way most people died in Japan during that time is clean decapitations.
So we didn’t want to shy away from it, although you can turn off the violence if you want. There’s options for it. You can turn off the blood, you can turn off the dismemberment and stuff. So it’s more trying to be faithful to the war aspect of Japan at that period. Death was a common thing and decapitation was not a strange sight in Japan.
というか、Ubuntu、Ubuntu 騒いでる子がいるが、そもそもPCにWin11/Win10入ってるか?
(Windows + Docker Desktop :バックエンドWSL2 Ubuntu の予定。なお、YouTube に構築動画が無限にあるぞ)
ウクライナ政策からデジタル検閲まで、なんでもかんでも⺠主主義の擁護だという看板で⾏われてきました。>原文”Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defence of democracy.”
その戦いにお いて、異論のある者たちを検閲し、教会を閉鎖し、選挙をキャンセルしたのはどっちだったかを考えましょう。そいつらは善⽟だったでしょうか? 絶対ちがいます。
” Now, within living memory of many of you in this room, the cold war positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent. And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that cancelled elections. Were they the good guys? Certainly not.”
”EU 委員会の統制委員 コミッサールどもが” 「ども」がどこから湧いてきたかというと コミッサール(ロシア語: Комиссар)は、ロシア語で政治官僚や行政官僚の両方に用いられる語なのでEUのエリートは「キョーサントー」であるというニュアンスを訳出しようとしたものでしょう
1月、デンマークの極右党の政治家であるRasmus Paludanが、ストックホルムのトルコ大使館の外でコーランを焼いた。
コーラン焼却の被告が判決目前に射殺、スウェーデン 容疑者5人逮捕
By Johan Ahlander
これは要するにイスラム過激派と逆イスラム過激派(逆?キリスト教徒?)の間のいざこざみたいですね… キリスト教活動家っていうのは誰をさしているんでしょうか?誰の友人?
詳細は会員限定ですが ttps://www.meij.or.jp/trend_analysis/monitor/M23-02.html
No.M23-02 スウェーデンでのクルアーン冒涜にかかわるイスラーム過激派の反応
2. ストックホルムでのクルアーン冒涜を受けたイスラーム過激派による声明
3. ストックホルムでのクルアーン冒涜騒動をどう位置づけるか”
anond:20241103145536 を書いた増田だ。
そしてBGMも古代祐三氏の会社で開発されたタイトルだけあってすごくかっこいい。たのむ、権利上の問題を解消してNintendo Musicでこれらの名曲を配信してくれセガ。
記憶が合っているか念のために調べたら、この両タイトルをセットにした『アイドル雀士スーチーパイ Special + Remix サターントリビュート』なるタイトルがSwitchに移植されているらしいぞ……。どういうことだってばよ。
2足歩行ロボットで指定されたミッションをクリアしていく3Dシューティング。コメントにある通りまだ『アーマードコア』 が無かった時代にリアルな戦場と兵器をテーマにしていたのはエポックメイキングだったと言える。あと裏設定がむちゃくちゃ沢山あって、サターン専門誌で何故か連載解説記事があった。ゲームアーツはセガハードにとってセカンドパーティーに近い扱われ方で、10選に入れた『グランディア』の時もそうだけど優遇されていた気がする。
War never changes...
P2FF+8FQ, Longgang District, Huludao, Huludao, Liaoning, 中国 125004
中国の原子力潜水艦が台湾海峡で「重大事故」? 乗組員全員死亡説も
Tom Shugart
シンクタンク・新アメリカ安全保障センター (CNAS) の研究員
6月に何か奇妙なことが起こったようです。 🤔
クレーン船が、潜水艦とほぼ同じ大きさで形をした黒い物体を作業していたように見えます。 (※黒い物体はクレーンの陰であることが後に判明)
Odd Activity At Chinese Submarine Shipyard Draws Interest
China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization
アメリカの退役軍人の組織が、「2021年の大統領選の結果に反発した者たちによる議会襲撃がより巧妙になって再び起きたら」という設定のもと、ホワイトハウス側と反乱側に分かれてシュミレーション演習を行い、その様子を映像に収めてドキュメンタリー映画に編集したもの。原題は「War Game」。
面白かったのは、反乱する過激派組織の名前が「コロンブス騎士団(”Order of Columbus”」だったこと。今年、Mrs.GREEN APPLEのMVで話題になったコロンブス。今のアメリカでは普通に悪役の名前に使われてしまう。
「米議会襲撃が再び起きたら シミュレーション 緊迫の6時間」前編 - ドキュランドへようこそ - NHK
"Legacy of the Great Tokyo Air Raid". The Japan Times. March 15, 2015. Retrieved March 25, 2018.
Werrell 1996, pp. 151–152.
Werrell 1996, p. 152.
Biddle 2015, pp. 495–496, 502, 509.
Frank 1999, p. 46.
Karacas 2010, p. 528.
Wolk 2004, p. 72.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 555.
Fedman & Karacas 2014, p. 964.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, pp. 318–319.
Searle 2002, p. 120.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 553–554.
Wolk 2004, p. 71.
Downes 2008, p. 125.
Searle 2002, p. 115.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 610–611.
Frank 1999, p. 55.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 621.
Downes 2008, p. 126.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 564.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 143–144.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 565.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 569–570.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 572, 611.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 611.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 572–573.
Searle 2002, p. 113.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 573.
Searle 2002, p. 114.
Frank 1999, p. 62.
Ralph 2006, p. 516.
Kerr 1991, p. 155.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 612.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 612–613.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 613.
Kerr 1991, p. 149.
Frank 1999, p. 64.
Dorr 2002, p. 36.
Werrell 1996, p. 153.
Dorr 2012, p. 22.
Crane 1993, p. 131.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, pp. 34, 43.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 72.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 615.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, pp. 33, 61.
Frank 1999, p. 318.
Zaloga 2010, p. 15.
Frank 1999, p. 65.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 48.
Coox 1994, p. 410.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 43.
Frank 1999, p. 8.
Dorr 2012, p. 161.
Frank 1999, p. 6.
Hewitt 1983, p. 275.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 614.
Kerr 1991, pp. 151–152.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, p. 313.
Kerr 1991, p. 153.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, pp. 312–313.
Searle 2002, pp. 114–115, 121–122.
Dorr 2002, p. 37.
Werrell 1996, p. 162.
Werrell 1996, p. 159.
Frank 1999, p. 3.
Werrell 1996, p. 160.
Frank 1999, p. 4.
Frank 1999, p. 13.
Frank 1999, p. 66.
Edoin 1987, pp. 45–46.
Edoin 1987, p. 58.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 73.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 616.
Dorr 2012, p. 150.
Coox 1994, p. 414.
Frank 1999, p. 67.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 617.
Hoyt 1987, p. 384.
Selden 2009, p. 84.
Pike 2016, p. 1052.
Edoin 1987, p. 77.
Hellfire on Earth: Operation MEETINGHOUSE
Edoin 1987, p. 63.
Edoin 1987, p. 78.
Crane 2016, p. 175.
Hewitt 1983, p. 273.
Crane 1993, p. 132.
Hewitt 1983, p. 276.
Kerr 1991, p. 191.
Pike 2016, p. 1054.
Hoyt 1987, p. 385.
Edoin 1987, p. 126.
Selden 2009, p. 85.
Karacas 2010, p. 522.
Kerr 1991, p. 203.
Edoin 1987, p. 106.
Frank 1999, p. 16.
Kerr 1991, p. 208.
Edoin 1987, p. 110.
Kerr 1991, p. 205.
Bradley 1999, pp. 35–36.
Dower 1986, p. 41.
Crane 2016, p. 215.
Ralph 2006, p. 521.
Lardas 2019, p. 52.
Kerr 1991, p. 210.
Frank 1999, p. 18.
Kerr 1991, p. 211.
Zaloga 2010, p. 54.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 656.
Haulman 1999, p. 25.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 639.
Rich, Motoka (March 9, 2020). "The Man Who Won't Let the World Forget the Firebombing of Tokyo". The New York Times. Retrieved April 5, 2020.
Karacas 2010, p. 532.
"Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage". Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage. Retrieved April 19, 2019.
Rich, Motoko; Ueno, Hisako (May 15, 2022). "Katsumoto Saotome, Who Preserved Stories of Tokyo Firebombing, Dies at 90". The New York Times. Retrieved May 22, 2022.
"Deadly WWII U.S. firebombing raids on Japanese cities largely ignored". The Japan Times. AP. March 10, 2015. Archived from the original on July 26, 2019. Retrieved August 12, 2018.
Munroe, Ian (March 11, 2015). "Victims seek redress for 'unparalleled massacre' of Tokyo air raid". The Japan Times. Retrieved February 10, 2019.
Karacas 2011.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 623.
Biddle 2015, p. 521.
Lardas 2019, p. 88.
Crane 1993, p. 133.
Werrell 1996, p. 150.
Biddle 2015, p. 523.
Hastings 2007, p. 319.
Crane 1993, p. 159.
Crane 2016, p. 212.
Selden 2009, p. 92.
Grayling 2006, p. 272.
Werrell 1996, p. 158.
Bradley 1999, p. 36.
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
『弥助やないかい』 (04:19)
Assassin’s Creed Shadows: Ubisoft Hires LGBTQ+ Activist As Consultant Who Wants To Challenge Moral Standards Around “Transgenerational Sex”
(アサシン クリード シャドウズ:ユービーソフト、「世代間セックス」に関する道徳基準に挑戦したいLGBTQ+活動家をコンサルタントとして雇用)
何故、この方を アサクリ シャドウズ の歴史考証のスペシャリストとしてチョイスしたのかは謎だが、
とりあえず、彼女はゲームメディア IGN の YouTube 動画 (Assassin’s Creed Shadows: Inside Ubisoft’s Ambitious Open World Japan)の中で、
『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』ゲームプレイウォークスルー|UBI (13:10)
It was surprisingly gory, like the decapitations, you could get coated in blood. How vital is that to the assassin’s fantasy?
I think it’s not an assassin thing, it’s a Japan thing in our case. So looking at death was a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the way most people died in Japan during that time is clean decapitations.
So we didn’t want to shy away from it, although you can turn off the violence if you want. There’s options for it. You can turn off the blood, you can turn off the dismemberment and stuff. So it’s more trying to be faithful to the war aspect of Japan at that period. Death was a common thing and decapitation was not a strange sight in Japan.
The original answer and your comment are both wrong. It is very easy to prove Yasuke was a samurai, you just have to check a Japanese dictionary. I searched for 侍・士 (samurai) on the Japanese online encyclopedia コトバンク (Kotobank), which produced a result from 精選版 日本国語大辞典 (Carefully Selected Edition of the Nihon Kokugo Daijiten, aka Shogakukan’s Japanese Dictionary). I’ll post the link at the bottom, but here is the relevant section in Japanese and my translation in English.
(3) In the Kamakura Shogunate (1185 - 1333 AD), samurai were professional warriors who had servants and were qualified to ride on horseback, and their status was strictly differentiated from ordinary subordinates such as roju. However, from the middle of the Kamakura Shogunate onwards, its scope gradually expanded, and from the Sengoku Period (1467 - 1615 AD) onwards, vassals of feudal lords in various provinces came to be widely referred to as samurai, and it came to be used as a general term for professional warriors.
Now we have to ask three questions to see whether Yasuke met this definition:
Q: When did Yasuke work for the feudal lord Oda Nobunaga?
A: From April 1581 to June 1582. We know this from multiple eyewitness accounts, which I also mention below.
Q: Was Yasuke a vassal of Oda Nobunaga?
A: Yes, as evidenced by the fact that he was given a stipend, a house, and a job as spear-bearer (a type of bodyguard for the leader of a samurai family). He was also given a short sword called a koshigatana, which was worn as a status symbol and weapon for self-defense at all times by high status samurai. This we know from the Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, written by Oda Nobunaga’s vassal Ota Gyuichi.
Q: Was Yasuke a warrior fighting for Oda Nobunaga?
A: Yes, as evidenced by the fact that he fought in three important conflicts. One, Yasuke fought in the Second Tensho Iga War in September 1581. This we can infer because the Jesuits said Oda Nobunaga took Yasuke everywhere with him and he led his own troops into this war. Two, Yasuke fought in the Koshu Conquest from February to March 1582. This we know from the Diary of Ietada, written by Matsudaira Ietada, a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was himself a vassal of Oda Nobunaga. Three, Yasuke fought in the Honno-ji Incident of June 1582, in which he tried but failed to save the lives of both Oda Nobunaga and his son Oda Nobutada until Yasuke was the last Oda man standing and surrendered to the traitor Akechi Mitsuhide, who spared his life and returned him to the Jesuits. This we know from letters written by the Jesuits, who were glad to have Yasuke back. According to the Oda family today, Nobunaga’s final order was for Yasuke to help him commit seppuku (ritual suicide by stomach cutting) by decapitating him and bring his head to a courier that returned it to the Oda family, so it could not be used as evidence of victory by Akechi Mitsuhide.
So there you have it. Yasuke was a vassal and a warrior for the most powerful feudal lord in all of Japan, during the Sengoku Period. He even assisted his lord’s suicide, a role strictly reserved for samurai. Therefore, he was a samurai. Below is a link to the definition of samurai on Kotobank.
"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood "