Elixir 1.6 replaced the old :simple_one_for_one supervisor strategy with shiny the new DynamicSupervisor module. As well as giving you the old ability to spawn multiple instances of the same server, dynamic supervisors let you run different server modules under the same supervisor, all created at runtime. Here’s a short video showing how I changed my Hangman game over.
Elixir v1.6 includes new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. The main feature in this release is a code formatter. Important improvements can also be found in the standard library and in the Mix build tool. Code formatter The big feature in Elixir v1.6 is the addition of a code formatter and an accompanying mix format task that adds automatic formatting to your projects. The goal of the formatt
The Supervisor.Spec module was deprecated and does not work with the module-based child specs introduced in Elixir v1.5. Thus, all methods for supervision tree declaring were sugnificantly changed. It’s great time to understand the waterflow of passing arguments - from top-level Supervisor to low-level workers aka GenServers. The problem I faced the problem with declaring arguments in Supervisor →
supervisorとapplicationが停止する条件 ドキュメントをちゃんと読んでいれば, 当然知っているであろうことなのですが, 「セグフォも吐いてないのに何か死んでる!!」と焦ったことがあるので, 自分への戒めとして投稿します. supervisorの終了条件 To prevent a supervisor from getting into an infinite loop of child process terminations and restarts, a maximum restart intensity is defined using two integer values specified with the intensity and period keys in the above map. Assuming the values MaxR for inten