Using Search You can easily search the entire site in several ways. Brand Name: Core i9 Document Number: 123456 Code Name: Emerald Rapids Special Operators: “Ice Lake”, Ice AND Lake, Ice OR Lake, Ice* Quick Links You can also try the quick links below to see results for most popular searches. Product Information Support Drivers & Software
Intel Launches Coffee Lake Xeon E (Entry): The Next-Gen E3-1200 Today Intel is announcing the Xeon E family of processors. The Xeon E-2100 stack of CPUs will replace the previous generation E3 v6 processors, following Intel's renaming of their whole Xeon stack, and in line with the workstation-focused Xeon W-2100 family, and the Xeon D-2100 family. The new processors mirror the current Coffee Lake
AppleがmacOS 10.13.6 High Sierraおよびセキュリティアップデート2018-004でIntel CPUのLazy FP state restore脆弱性を修正したと発表しています。詳細は以下から。 Appleは現地時間2018年07月09日、High Sierra向けに「macOS High Sierra 10.13.6アップデート」、El CapitanおよびSierra向けに「セキュリティ・アップデート 2018-004」をリリースしましたが、同アップデートではIntelが今年06月に情報を公開した「Lazy FP state restore(CVE-2018-3665)」脆弱性が修正されているそうです。 2018 年 6 月 14 日、Lazy FP State Restore というサイド チャネル投機的実行に関係する新たな脆弱性が発表され、CVE-201
Intel’s 10nm Ice Lake Xeon Processors and Platform Details Exposed – LGA 4189 Socket, 8-Channel Memory, Up To 230W TDP SKUs It looks like the first details regarding Intel's future Xeon processors which will fall under the Ice Lake 10nm architecture have been revealed. The details which come from Power Stamp Alliance (via Anandtech) reveal key details about the Ice Lake-SP family and also the plat
Meet TLBleed: A crypto-key-leaking CPU attack that Intel reckons we shouldn't worry about Updated Intel has, for now, no plans to specifically address a side-channel vulnerability in its processors that can be potentially exploited by malware to extract encryption keys and other sensitive info from applications. A team of researchers at the Systems and Network Security Group at Vrije Universiteit
Recompiling is unlikely to be a catch-all solution for a recently unveiled Intel CPU vulnerability known as TLBleed, the details of which were leaked on Friday, the head of the OpenBSD project Theo de Raadt says. The details of TLBleed, which gets its name from the fact that the flaw targets the translation lookaside buffer, a CPU cache, were leaked to the British tech site, The Register; the side
OpenBSD 6月25日(オーストラリア時間)、iIWireに掲載された記事「iTWire - OpenBSD chief de Raadt says no easy fix for new Intel CPU bug」が、Intel CPUの新たな脆弱性「TLBleed」に関するOpenBSD開発者のインタビューを伝えた。この脆弱性に対処できるとする向きもあるが、この開発者は「実際には難しい」と答えたようだ。 インタービューを受けたのはOpenBSDの開発者であるTheo de Raadt氏。先週、Intel CPUに新たな脆弱性として「TLBleed」の存在が広く知られることになったが、「この脆弱性は再コンパイルですべてを解決できるとは言い難い。また、カーネルプロセススケジューラを変更すればよいとする向きもあるあ、それは簡単なことではない」との意見が掲載されている。 「TLBleed
HomeNewsSecurityOpenBSD Disables Intel CPU Hyper-Threading Due to Security Concerns The OpenBSD project announced today plans to disable support for Intel CPU hyper-threading due to security concerns regarding the theoretical threat of more "Spectre-class bugs." Hyper-threading (HT) is Intel's proprietary implementation of Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT), a technology that enables multiple compu
Using Search You can easily search the entire site in several ways. Brand Name: Core i9 Document Number: 123456 Code Name: Emerald Rapids Special Operators: “Ice Lake”, Ice AND Lake, Ice OR Lake, Ice* Quick Links You can also try the quick links below to see results for most popular searches. Product Information Support Drivers & Software
Sizing Up Servers: Intel's Skylake-SP Xeon versus AMD's EPYC 7000 - The Server CPU Battle of the Decade? Measuring the full bandwidth potential with John McCalpin's Stream bandwidth benchmark is getting increasingly difficult on the latest CPUs, as core and memory channel counts have continued to grow. We compiled the stream 5.10 source code with the Intel compiler (icc) for linux version 17, or