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If your model is created and trained using a supported third-party machine learning framework, you can use the Core ML Tools or a third-party conversion tool—such as the MXNet converter or the TensorFlow converter—to convert your model to the Core ML model format. Otherwise, you need to create your own conversion tools.
Collections Accessibility & Inclusion App Services Audio & Video Business & Education Design Developer Tools Graphics & Games Photos & Camera Privacy & Security SwiftUI & UI Frameworks System Services Platforms iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS watchOS Accessibility & Inclusion 9:31 Designing for a Global Audience iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS The worldwide reach of the App Store means that your
As a reminder, new iOS apps and updates submitted to the App Store must support 64-bit. Support for 32-bit apps is not available in iOS 11 and all 32-bit apps previously installed on a user’s device will not launch. If you haven’t updated your app on the App Store to support 64-bit, we recommend submitting an update so your users can continue to run your apps on iOS 11, which will be in the hands
macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 Release Notes Cocoa Foundation Framework The Foundation framework is a library of APIs that provide the infrastructure for object-based applications with or without graphical user interfaces. It is available on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Parts of Foundation are also available in Swift Core Libraries, for other platforms. Note that at this time these notes do not capture
macOS High SierraではRuby v2.3.3、PHP v7.1.4がデフォルトで同梱されているそうです。詳細は以下から。 Appleは現在、macOS 10.13 High Sierraの1st betaを開発者向けに公開していますが、同バージョンではデフォルトで同梱されているRubyおよびPHPのバージョンがアップデートされているそうです。 Nice, looks like macOS 10.13 High Sierra (ugh, that name!) finally ships a not totally outdated php version (php 7.1.4). pic.twitter.com/LxnQwEsN5H — Dominik Tobschall (@DominikTo) 2017年6月6日 TIL: High Sierra apparently
Configuring Web ApplicationsA web application is designed to look and behave in a way similar to a native application—for example, it is scaled to fit the entire screen on iOS. You can tailor your web application for Safari on iOS even further, by making it appear like a native application when the user adds it to the Home screen. You do this by using settings for iOS that are ignored by other pla
WWDC2017先週はWWDC2017が6/6-9の日程で行われた。WWDCはWorldwide Developer Conferenceの略で毎年この初夏の時期にApple社が主催している開発者向けのカンファレンスだ。特に初日のKeynote(基調講演)はソフトウェアや新製品が発表されるため世界中の人が開発者だけじゃなくても注目する。今回の基調講演では大きく6つの分野で発表があった。基調講演はiMac Proが発表されるなど、とても盛り上がっていた。 しかし、私のようなiOSアプリ開発者にとって注目なのは2日目以降に行われる開発者向けの講演の方が興味深い。基調講演で紹介された新しい機能の詳しい情報が発表されるからだ。この記事ではWWDC2017から個人的にとてもわくわくした発表を3つ紹介したい。 Essential Design Principlevideo この発表では自動車の運転にな
はじめに こんにちは! モバイルアプリサービス部の田中孝明です。 現地で参加した「Core ML in depth」のセッションのレポートになります。 本記事は Apple からベータ版として公開されているドキュメントを情報源としています。 そのため、正式版と異なる情報になる可能性があります。ご留意の上、お読みください。 Core ML in depth Dive deeper into the details of the new Core ML framework. Explore how machine learning model development and app development fit together. Take a closer look at how models are represented and how models can be converted
As a high level summary, I am a well-known leader who is distinguished by a hands-on approach to building systems. I am co-founder and CEO of Modular AI. I built and scaled many open source compiler infrastructures, including LLVM, Clang, MLIR, and CIRCT. These span the gamut of fundamental systems at the HW/SW boundary - powering iOS, Android, CUDA, TensorFlow, and countless other products and te
Christopher Arthur Lattner (born 1978) is an American software engineer and creator of LLVM, the Clang compiler, the Swift programming language and the MLIR compiler infrastructure.[1] After his PhD in computer science, Lattner worked at Apple for 12 years, eventually leading the Developer Tools team. Between 2017 and 2022, Lattner worked in various positions for Tesla, Google[2] and SiFive.[3] He
I hope you enjoyed the WWDC keynote and Platforms State of the Union yesterday – I know I did! Whether we were at WWDC, or watching the live steam, the raywenderlich.com team and I loved finding out about the new tech and sharing our reactions. We had some especially fun discussions about some of the odd naming choices! :] As the iOS team lead at raywenderlich.com, I thought it would be useful to
Celebrate the festive season with Lake! Enjoy seasonal drawings, a curated palette, and an exclusive holiday collection for relaxing, creative moments. Discover a world of relaxation and self-expression with Lake, the award-winning coloring app loved by millions. Explore hand-drawn illustrations by independent artists and dive into a friendship of colors and brushstrokes right on your trusty iPad
今申請中のNISA口座が出来たらAppleの株を数万円〜十数万円ぐらい買おうと思ってる。こんなにも毎日使ってお世話になっている会社ってそうそう無いから。というのは建前で、目的は投資による資金運用の練習です。いずれにせよ、応援してるのは間違いない。 で、WWDC2017ですよ。言うまでもなく、それぞれのクオリティは物凄く高い。だからクリエイターとして言うことは特に無いんだけど、いちユーザーとしては無責任にもいろいろ思うことがある。先に褒めて、後半で落とす構成でくっちゃべりたい。 iOS 11でiPad Proが便利になりそう俺のiPad ProはほとんどYouTubeビューワーになっている。たまにKindle。そう、ビューワー。10万円もするビューワー。これって昔っから語られているけど、iPadがビューワーから抜け出せるかどうかっての。確かにApple Pencilで絵を描いたりフリーハンド
Collections Accessibility & Inclusion App Services Audio & Video Business & Education Design Developer Tools Graphics & Games Photos & Camera Privacy & Security SwiftUI & UI Frameworks System Services Platforms iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS watchOS Accessibility & Inclusion 9:31 Designing for a Global Audience iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS The worldwide reach of the App Store means that your
Integrate machine learning models into your app.
Tools and Developer ResourcesYou obtain Xcode 9.4.1 from the Mac App Store. It is a free download that installs directly into the Applications folder. The Apple Developer Program provides everything you need to build and distribute your apps on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Membership includes access to beta OS releases, advanced app capabilities, and tools to develop, test