13. Table 2. Christmas Booksに登場する24人の主要人物の語彙頻度プロファイル I and the you is it a of not to(i) me in(p) my have to(p) do he be was that(d) what as for(p) her will(m)that(c) but are with your Scrooge 47.19 21.32 31.81 34.25 23.07 26.56 25.52 15.38 20.27 15.03 21.32 12.23 8.39 11.19 11.88 13.63 6.29 10.49 7.69 6.29 10.84 5.59 5.94 0.00 12.23 2.80 5.59 9.44 4.19 5.94 Toby 45.52 29.06 28.36 17.86 28.71 30.46