WIRED × イノラボ × TechShop 中高生向けサマースクール、開催!未来をつくる「イノヴェイション・サマースクール」 『WIRED』日本版はこの夏、電通国際情報サービス オープンイノベーションラボ(イノラボ)およびTechShop Tokyoとともに、中高校生たちの夏休みを格段に実り多いものにする、3日間の「サマースクール」を開催します。 WIREDでもおなじみの落合陽一ら、第一線で活躍する若きクリエイターやサイエンティストにIoT(もののインターネット)、人工知能 (AI)を学ぶというプログラムです。さらに、会場となるメイカースペースTechshop Tokyoで、実際にものづくりを体験できます。 「イノヴェイション・サマースクール」のプログラム内容 DAY 1(8/22)「IoT/ロボットをつくる」 メイン講師 きゅんくん AM:座学(「電子工作入門講義」コーディング基礎、
WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries.
Google calls its chip the Tensor Processing Unit, or TPU, because it underpins TensorFlow, the software engine that drives its deep learning services. This past fall, Google released TensorFlow under an open-source license, which means anyone outside the company can use and modify it. Google has not indicated it will share the designs for the TPU, but outsiders can make use of Google's machine lea
Quantum computing is computing at its most esoteric. But by sharing its prototype with the world at large, IBM hopes to change that. Quantum computing is computing at its most esoteric. It's an experimental, enormously complex, sometimes downright confusing technology that's typically the domain of hardcore academics and organizations like Google and NASA. But that might be changing. Today, IBM un
Which is not to say that our digital assistants will never live up to their simulated humanity. So many researchers working at so many tech giants, startups, and universities are pushing computers towards true natural language understanding. And the state-of-the-art keeps getting better, thanks in large part to deep neural networks---networks of hardware and software that mimic the web of neurons
Google is once again sharing its state-of-art artificial intelligence with the rest of the world. Google is once again sharing its state-of-art artificial intelligence with the rest of the world. Today at an event in San Francisco, the company unveiled a new family of cloud computing services that allow any developer or business to use the machine learning technologies that power some of Google's
The capabilities of Google's artificial intelligence are staggering. The phantoms within Google Photos can organize your pictures, the wizards inside Google Docs let you type and edit using spoken commands, and the brilliant pixies powering AlphaGo can easily beat a master of a 2,500-year-old game more complex than chess. Google's new Smart Reply feature uses artificial neural networks to come up
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA --- Korean Go grandmaster Lee Sedol has won his first game against AlphaGo, Google's artificially intelligent computing system, after losing three straight in this week's historic match. AlphaGo had already claimed victory in the best-of-five contest, a test of artificial intelligence closely watched in Asia and across the tech world. But on Sunday evening inside Seoul's Four Se