The Flying Platform is a flying machine developed at IDSC, ETH Zurich. Its purpose is to study the use of electric ducted fans as control and propulsion systems. Background The idea is to explore the use of ducted fans for joint control and propulsion, as a basic sub-system for flying machines. Ducted fans are useful for applications where size is limited and high static thrusts are required. Exam
ETH Zurich researchers have developed multifunctional origami structures, which they then fabricated into 3D printed objects. The design principle mimics the structure of an earwig’s wing. Every child knows about origami. The skill of this oriental art lies in folding a flat sheet of paper into different – and in some cases highly complex – structures. Examples of origami also exist in the natural
Results User Study The following figure shows the results of a userstudy. We can see that our method is prefered over BPG, even when BPG uses almost twice the number of bits. The bitrate of our models is highlighted on the x-axis with a black diamond. The thick gray line shows the percentage of users preferring our model to BPG at that bitrate (bpp). The blue arrow points from our model to the hig
Debian Version Numbers¶ The version number of a package contains several valuable pieces of information which we summarize below. For further details refer to Debian policy manual - Version numbering. Simple generic examples¶ These examples show the necessary syntax Native package (Debian package = Upstream software): 123 Package version = Upstream version Non-native package: 123-3 123 = Upstream
Deep Extreme Cut (DEXTR): From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation State of the Art in guided and interactive segmentation K.K. Maninis*, S. Caelles*, J. Pont-Tuset, and L. Van Gool Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018. [BibTeX] [PDF] @inproceedings{Man+18, author = {K.-K. Maninis and S. Caelles and J. Pont-Tuset and L
Search the NEBIS Library Catalogue, Research Collection, E-Periodica, ETH Data Archive, E-Pics Image Catalogues, Material-Archiv, Graphische Sammlung and Archival Databases Now that swissuniversities and the Swiss University Conference have approved the action plan drawn up in 2017, the national open-access strategy for Switzerland can be put into practice. At the beginning of 2017, the swissunive
This web page presents visual-inertial datasets collected on-board a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV). The datasets contain stereo images, synchronized IMU measurements, and accurate motion and structure ground-truth. Those data sets were published in: M. Burri, J. Nikolic, P. Gohl, T. Schneider, J. Rehder, S. Omari, M. Achtelik and R. Siegwart, The EuRoC micro aerial vehicle datasets, International Jou
Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction From a set of images of a scene(left), multi-view stereo methods can reconstruct a dense 3D point cloud (middle left), which however often suffers from noise and outliers. We propose a simple and efficient filtering method that produces clean point clouds (middle right) that allow for a favorable surface reconstruction (right)
About VerifyThis is a series of program verification competitions, which has taken place annually since 2011 (with the exception of 2020). Previous competitions in the series have been held at FoVeOOS 2011, FM 2012, Dagstuhl (April 2014), and ETAPS 2015—2024. The challenge problems and solutions of previous competitions are available in the archive. The aims of the competition are: to bring togeth
Logo Synthesis and Manipulation with Clustered Generative Adverserial Network arXiv:1712.04407 Designing a logo for a new brand is a lengthy and tedious back-and-forth process between a designer and a client. In this paper we explore to what extent machine learning can solve the creative task of the designer. For this, we build a dataset -- LLD -- of 600k+ logos crawled from the world wide web. Tr
Looking at the millions of people who use technical assistance systems in their daily lives, Robert Riener, head of the professorship for sensorimotor systems, ETH Zurich, initiated the CYBATHLON in 2013. The idea for the CYBATHLON was inspired by athletes, such as the first runner with a motorised leg prosthesis to climb the Chicago Willis Tower and the first runner with lower body paralysis to u
S. Caelles*, K.K. Maninis*, J. Pont-Tuset, L. Leal-Taixé, D. Cremers, and L. Van Gool One-Shot Video Object Segmentation, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. [BibTeX] [PDF] @inproceedings{Cae+17, Author = {Sergi Caelles and Kevis-Kokitsi Maninis and Jordi Pont-Tuset and Laura Leal-Taix\'e and Daniel Cremers and Luc {Van Gool}}, Title = {One-Shot Video Object Segmentation}, Bookti
This project combines programming languages and machine learning for building statistical programming engines -- systems built on top of machine learning models of large codebases. These are new kinds of engines which can provide statistically likely solutions to problems that are difficult or impossible to solve with traditional techniques.
You are here Homepage chevron_right News & events chevron_right ETH News chevron_right All articles chevron_right 2017 chevron_right October 2017 chevron_right How much does life weigh? ETH researchers have developed a scale for measuring cells. It allows the weight of individual living cells, and any changes in this weight, to be determined quickly and accurately for the first time. The invention
We study the effects of the Internet, especially with respect to routing on public Blockchains, taking Bitcoin as our use case. To that end, we first uncover the impact that Internet routing attacks (such as BGP hijacks) and malicious Internet Service Providers (ISP) can have on Bitcoin (see paper). Next, we provide a concrete relay design that guarantees connectivity to the Bitcoin network even i