はてなキーワード: et alとは
Brenner (1976) は「Economic Changes and Heart Disease Mortality in the U.S.」の研究で、景気後退期には自殺率や心疾患による死亡率が上昇することを指摘しました。
Stuckler et al. (2009) の「The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe」によると、2008年のリーマンショック後、失業率が1%上昇すると自殺率が約1%上昇することが示されました。
Marmot (2005) の「Status Syndrome: How Your Social Standing Directly Affects Your Health and Life Expectancy」によると、社会経済的地位が低いほど平均余命が短くなることが示されています。
Case & Deaton (2015) の「Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st century」では、経済格差が拡大することで、薬物中毒やアルコール依存、心疾患などが増加し、中年層の死亡率が上昇したことを報告しています。
Stuckler et al. (2011) の「Effects of the 2008 recession on health: a first look at European data」によると、経済危機による政府支出削減が医療サービスの低下を招き、疾病の早期発見が遅れるなどの影響があったとされています。
Ruhm (2000) の「Are Recessions Good for Your Health?」では、経済が停滞すると医療サービスの利用が減少し、特定の疾病の死亡率が上昇することが示されました。
Wilkinson & Pickett (2009) の「The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better」では、経済格差が拡大すると社会的ストレスが増加し、うつ病や自殺が増えることが指摘されています。
Kawachi & Berkman (2001) の「Social Ties and Mental Health」では、経済的不安が社会的孤立を引き起こし、精神疾患のリスクを高めることが報告されています。
この現象は、20世紀後半にベンジャミン・リベットによって行われた一連の実験によって広く知られるようになった。リベットは、被験者が指を動かす意思決定をするよりも前に、「準備電位」と呼ばれる脳活動がすでに発生していることを発見した(Libet et al., 1983)。この実験結果は、自由意志の存在そのものに対する疑問を投げかけるものとして、大きな議論を呼んだ。近年では、より高度な神経イメージング技術を用いて、意識的な意思決定に先行する脳活動を詳細に分析する研究が盛んに行われている(例えば、Soon et al., 2008)。彼女の研究も、これらの研究の流れを汲み、事象関連電位(ERP)や脳磁図(MEG)を用いて、意識的な意思決定の神経基盤を解明しようとしているようだ。
量子力学と意識の関係については、様々な理論的な提案がなされてきた。例えば、ロジャー・ペンローズとスチュワート・ハメロフは、意識が脳内の微小管における量子的なプロセスによって生み出されるとする「オーケストレーションされた客観的収縮(Orch-OR)」理論を提唱している(Penrose & Hameroff, 1995)。また、一部の研究者は、量子エンタングルメントなどの量子的な現象が、意識の統合的な性質を説明する上で重要な役割を果たす可能性を示唆している(例えば、Hameroff, 2014)。しかしながら、これらの理論は、実験的な検証が非常に困難であり、科学的なコンセンサスを得るには至っていない。
AIライター「deep researchはすごい!研究にも革命を起こす!」
コンサル「deep researchのレポート作成はプロ並みだな。これは研究者の仕事も大きく変えそうだ。」
研究者>>高いから誰も使ってない<<— yukimusi et al. ⛰ (@yukimusiii) February 10, 2025
Deep Researchのソースは概ねそれらだし(なので研究者は本来使う必要がない。知った情報しか出てこない)
Gender medicine and the Cass Review: why medicine and the law make poor bedfellows
2024年4月、英国のカス・レビュー(Cass Review)の最終報告書が発表され、18歳未満のジェンダー・アイデンティティ関連医療の改善を目的とした勧告が行われた。このレビューは、NHSイングランド(NHSE)の依頼により実施され、特にホルモン治療のエビデンスが不十分であることを指摘し、臨床研究の枠組み内で提供されるべきであると結論付けた。
しかし、英国医師会(BMA)の評議会は、7月にレビューの「方法論的な弱点」に懸念を示し、特にYale Law SchoolのIntegrity Projectによるマクナマラらの論文がその根拠となっていた。
例えば、Chen et al. (2023) および Tordoff et al. (2022) は、ROBINS-I基準で「重大なバイアスのリスク」と評価され、信頼性が低いとされた。
(3) 事実誤認
(4) ジェンダー医療が他の小児医療より厳しく評価されているという誤解
5. 結論
Please consider the histroy of humanity from biological perpsecitve and current known fact in nearby universe, which expo-planet (from the Sol system perspective) is most likely to have civlizaed society? Please add percentage next to it in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanet civilization likelihoodを28 秒行う
Evaluating planetary prospects
OK, I’m looking at the likelihood of a civilized society on an exoplanet within our Solar System. I’ll consider biological history and current space knowledge, aiming to identify the most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from our Solar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard's Star, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1, focusing on their habitable zones and available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilized society likelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m noting key exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which have Earth-like characteristics and are in habitable zones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advanced civilizations.
I'm gathering info on planets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, considering factors like magnetic fields, atmospheres, and proximity to G-type stars for their potential to support advanced civilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despite being close and around a red dwarf star, might support life if it has a magnetic field and atmosphere. This makes me think about its potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimating civilization probabilities for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculative percentages based on the Drake equation and the lack of evidence for intelligent life.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names and civilization likelihood percentages, grounded in the long timeline of life's evolution, despite the speculative nature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering their star types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advanced civilizations from our solar system's viewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due to its closeness and observational potential, despite concerns about its flare star dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'm focusing on exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, and K2-18b, aiming to chart their likelihood of hosting a civilized society based on current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilized society.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilized society, considering Earth's long biological history.
Refining odds
I'm considering the astronomical timeline for intelligent life on Earth, leading me to assign even lower speculative odds for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrary percentages, clearly noting the speculative nature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience's basic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrary percentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculative nature, and ensuring the data is accessible for young audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating a markdown table with speculative percentages for the likelihood of civilized life on exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoretical nature and considering the understanding level of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mapping out a markdown chart with speculative percentages for the likelihood of a civilized society on exoplanets, mindful of the complexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecing together markdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b's reduced civilized life chance due to the red dwarf's activity. This inclusion highlights the speculative nature of the analysis.
Piecing together speculative odds
I’m detailing a markdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanet likelihoods, considering environmental challenges and adding a disclaimer about the speculative nature and lack of evidence.
Piecing together
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b for its proximity and silent star, but I’ll add a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advanced civilizations' hypothetical likelihood.
Assessing civilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligent life on Earth, which suggests that the odds of any habitable planet developing a complex civilization might be as low as a few percent.
Below is a very speculative chart that—based on what we know about Earth’s long, winding path from simple life to a “civilized society” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives some fun, made‑up percentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists have not yet found any proof of life (let alone advanced civilizations) on any exoplanet. These numbers are just playful estimates to help you think about the ideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an Advanced Civilization on Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet Estimated Likelihood of a Civilized Society
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
How Did We (Very Roughly) Guess These Numbers?
Earth’s Example:
On Earth, life began as simple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that built complex societies. This long journey suggests that—even if a planet is in the “habitable zone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilized society might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
This is the closest exoplanet to us. Even though its star (Proxima Centauri) is a red dwarf that sometimes sends out strong flares (which might harm life), its closeness makes it one of our most interesting candidates. That’s why we give it a slightly higher guess (~2%).
These planets are part of a group orbiting a very cool star. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaning one side always faces the star), so the chance of a complex, advanced civilization might be a bit lower.
LHS 1140 b:
This planet is promising in some ways but is a little farther away and around a dimmer star, so our playful estimate is even lower.
All of these percentages are extremely rough guesses based on what little we understand about the conditions for life and intelligence. Scientists use ideas like the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concrete evidence, these numbers remain just for fun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring these ideas—and remember, space is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equation itself and see if this euqation is acculate or more opition in the equation you will use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation's value
OK, let me see. The Drake Equation isn't a precise formula; it's more of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluating its conceptual nature, its uncertain parameters, and its criticism to conclude on its reliability as an accurate predictive model.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mapping out the Drake Equation as a conceptual guide, detailing its parameters, which are often based on estimates or opinions, to evaluate its reliability for predicting extraterrestrial civilizations.
The Drake Equation is a famous formula that was created to help scientists think about the many factors involved in estimating the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. However, when we look at the equation closely, we see that it is more of a conceptual framework or heuristic tool than a precise, predictive formula. Let’s break down why:
The equation is usually written as:
: The average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy.
: The fraction of those stars that have planetary systems.
: The average number of planets that could potentially support life per star with planets.
: The fraction of those planets where life actually develops.
: The fraction of planets with life where intelligent life evolves.
: The fraction of civilizations that develop technology that releases detectable signals into space.
L: The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals.
Why the Drake Equation Is More of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction of stars with planets), have become better known through modern astronomy.
The parameters related to the development of life and intelligence—
, and
L—are based on very limited data. For example, Earth is the only planet we know where life has developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for these factors. This means that the values chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of Possible Values:
Because many of these factors are not well-constrained, if you change one of the more uncertain parameters even slightly, the final estimate for
N (the number of civilizations) can vary by many orders of magnitude. This wide range shows that the equation can lead to very different outcomes based on personal or theoretical assumptions.
The Drake Equation was never meant to provide a precise answer. Instead, it serves as a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrial civilizations. It encourages discussion about the relative importance of different factors and highlights where our scientific knowledge is limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate or More Opinion-Based?
In the sense of being a strict mathematical model with well-defined inputs and predictable outputs, the Drake Equation is not accurate. Its accuracy is limited by the extreme uncertainties in several of its key parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning the evolution of life and intelligence, are based on opinion, interpretation, and the single example of Earth. Therefore, while the structure of the equation is logical, the numbers you put into it (and hence the final result) are often more reflective of our current opinions and assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equation is a valuable tool for framing the question of extraterrestrial life. It helps scientists and enthusiasts break down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable questions. However, because several of its factors are highly uncertain and subject to personal interpretation, it is more of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of the number of extraterrestrial civilizations.
In summary, while the Drake Equation is useful for thinking about the various factors that might lead to the emergence of a civilization, its outputs should be taken as highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the long history of Sol system and nearby planets and see if there is any possiblites that in one time intelligent life emerged in nearby planets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-human intelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-human intelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligent life forms in the Sol system and neighboring planets, and how this might factor into the equation.
Piecing together possibilities
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligent life, possibly on Mars or Europa, into the Drake Equation for the Sol system and neighboring planets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligent life emerging on Mars or Venus, though Earth remains the only known life-supporting planet in the solar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligent life could have emerged on planets like Mars, Venus, or Europa, and how this possibility aligns with the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligent life on Mars or Venus could intersect with the assumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems to focus solely on Earth-based evolution.
I’m piecing together the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligent life in the solar system. Mars, Venus, and Titan present challenges, but Europa and Enceladus might harbor microbial life.
Please consider the histroy of humanity from biological perpsecitve and current known fact in nearby universe, which expo-planet (from the Sol system perspective) is most likely to have civlizaed society? Please add percentage next to it in the chart
Reasoned about exoplanet civilization likelihoodを28 秒行う
Evaluating planetary prospects
OK, I’m looking at the likelihood of a civilized society on an exoplanet within our Solar System. I’ll consider biological history and current space knowledge, aiming to identify the most promising candidate.
Identifying potential candidates
I'm considering exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1e, which might suggest they are within or observed from our Solar System.
Assessing potential candidates
I’m evaluating Proxima Centauri b, Barnard's Star, LHS 1140, and TRAPPIST-1, focusing on their habitable zones and available data. The Drake equation might help estimate their civilized society likelihoods.
Identifying promising exoplanets
I’m noting key exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, which have Earth-like characteristics and are in habitable zones. This narrows down the potential candidates for advanced civilizations.
I'm gathering info on planets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1, considering factors like magnetic fields, atmospheres, and proximity to G-type stars for their potential to support advanced civilizations.
Evaluating exoplanet prospects
I'm noting that Proxima Centauri b, despite being close and around a red dwarf star, might support life if it has a magnetic field and atmosphere. This makes me think about its potential.
Charting probabilities
I'm estimating civilization probabilities for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e, using speculative percentages based on the Drake equation and the lack of evidence for intelligent life.
I'm crafting a chart with exoplanet names and civilization likelihood percentages, grounded in the long timeline of life's evolution, despite the speculative nature of these figures.
Identifying exoplanet contenders
I’m evaluating exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST-1 e, and Kepler-186f, considering their star types and distances, to gauge their potential for supporting advanced civilizations from our solar system's viewpoint.
Weighing proximity and observation
I'm leaning towards Proxima Centauri b due to its closeness and observational potential, despite concerns about its flare star dynamics. TRAPPIST-1 e, f, or g are also worth considering.
I'm focusing on exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, LHS 1140 b, TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, and K2-18b, aiming to chart their likelihood of hosting a civilized society based on current knowledge.
Assessing exoplanet potentials
I'm gathering speculative probabilities for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, using the Drake equation and current understanding, to better estimate their chances of hosting a civilized society.
Refining speculative probabilities
I’m refining speculative probabilities for exoplanets, including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e/f/g, to estimate their chances of hosting a civilized society, considering Earth's long biological history.
Refining odds
I'm considering the astronomical timeline for intelligent life on Earth, leading me to assign even lower speculative odds for exoplanets like Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e.
I’m crafting a simplified chart with arbitrary percentages, clearly noting the speculative nature and lack of scientific data, while considering the target audience's basic understanding of the topic.
I’m charting arbitrary percentages for exoplanets, clarifying their speculative nature, and ensuring the data is accessible for young audiences with minimal scientific detail.
Crafting a chart
I’m creating a markdown table with speculative percentages for the likelihood of civilized life on exoplanets, emphasizing their purely theoretical nature and considering the understanding level of an 8-year-old.
Integrating speculative analysis
I’m mapping out a markdown chart with speculative percentages for the likelihood of a civilized society on exoplanets, mindful of the complexity and simplifying for an 8-year-old's understanding.
I’m piecing together markdown for exoplanets, noting Proxima Centauri b's reduced civilized life chance due to the red dwarf's activity. This inclusion highlights the speculative nature of the analysis.
Piecing together speculative odds
I’m detailing a markdown chart for audience-friendly exoplanet likelihoods, considering environmental challenges and adding a disclaimer about the speculative nature and lack of evidence.
Piecing together
I’m leaning towards Proxima Centauri b for its proximity and silent star, but I’ll add a speculative chart ranking nearby exoplanets, noting their advanced civilizations' hypothetical likelihood.
Assessing civilization probabilities
I'm emphasizing the slow emergence of intelligent life on Earth, which suggests that the odds of any habitable planet developing a complex civilization might be as low as a few percent.
Below is a very speculative chart that—based on what we know about Earth’s long, winding path from simple life to a “civilized society” and our limited observations of nearby exoplanets—gives some fun, made‑up percentage chances for a few of our best candidate exoplanets. Remember: Scientists have not yet found any proof of life (let alone advanced civilizations) on any exoplanet. These numbers are just playful estimates to help you think about the ideas!
Speculative Chances of Finding an Advanced Civilization on Nearby Exoplanets
Exoplanet Estimated Likelihood of a Civilized Society
Proxima Centauri b ~2%
LHS 1140 b ~0.5%
How Did We (Very Roughly) Guess These Numbers?
Earth’s Example:
On Earth, life began as simple single‑celled organisms and took billions of years to evolve into a species that built complex societies. This long journey suggests that—even if a planet is in the “habitable zone” (where liquid water could exist)—developing an advanced, civilized society might be rare.
Proxima Centauri b:
This is the closest exoplanet to us. Even though its star (Proxima Centauri) is a red dwarf that sometimes sends out strong flares (which might harm life), its closeness makes it one of our most interesting candidates. That’s why we give it a slightly higher guess (~2%).
These planets are part of a group orbiting a very cool star. Their environments might be challenging (for example, they could be tidally locked, meaning one side always faces the star), so the chance of a complex, advanced civilization might be a bit lower.
LHS 1140 b:
This planet is promising in some ways but is a little farther away and around a dimmer star, so our playful estimate is even lower.
All of these percentages are extremely rough guesses based on what little we understand about the conditions for life and intelligence. Scientists use ideas like the Drake Equation to think about these chances—but until we have concrete evidence, these numbers remain just for fun and imagination.
Enjoy exploring these ideas—and remember, space is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered!
Please examine the Drake Equation itself and see if this euqation is acculate or more opition in the equation you will use
Reasoned about the Drake Equationを6 秒行う
re-examining the Drake Equation
evaluating the Drake Equation's value
OK, let me see. The Drake Equation isn't a precise formula; it's more of a guiding heuristic that tackles numerous uncertainties regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
Thinking through the Drake Equation, I’m evaluating its conceptual nature, its uncertain parameters, and its criticism to conclude on its reliability as an accurate predictive model.
Understanding the Drake Equation
I’m mapping out the Drake Equation as a conceptual guide, detailing its parameters, which are often based on estimates or opinions, to evaluate its reliability for predicting extraterrestrial civilizations.
The Drake Equation is a famous formula that was created to help scientists think about the many factors involved in estimating the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. However, when we look at the equation closely, we see that it is more of a conceptual framework or heuristic tool than a precise, predictive formula. Let’s break down why:
The equation is usually written as:
: The average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy.
: The fraction of those stars that have planetary systems.
: The average number of planets that could potentially support life per star with planets.
: The fraction of those planets where life actually develops.
: The fraction of planets with life where intelligent life evolves.
: The fraction of civilizations that develop technology that releases detectable signals into space.
L: The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals.
Why the Drake Equation Is More of a Guideline Than a Precise Formula
Uncertain Inputs:
(fraction of stars with planets), have become better known through modern astronomy.
The parameters related to the development of life and intelligence—
, and
L—are based on very limited data. For example, Earth is the only planet we know where life has developed, so we have no way to compare or derive a statistically robust estimate for these factors. This means that the values chosen for these parameters are largely subjective estimates or educated guesses.
Wide Ranges of Possible Values:
Because many of these factors are not well-constrained, if you change one of the more uncertain parameters even slightly, the final estimate for
N (the number of civilizations) can vary by many orders of magnitude. This wide range shows that the equation can lead to very different outcomes based on personal or theoretical assumptions.
The Drake Equation was never meant to provide a precise answer. Instead, it serves as a way to organize our thinking about what conditions might be necessary for the development of extraterrestrial civilizations. It encourages discussion about the relative importance of different factors and highlights where our scientific knowledge is limited.
Is the Drake Equation Accurate or More Opinion-Based?
In the sense of being a strict mathematical model with well-defined inputs and predictable outputs, the Drake Equation is not accurate. Its accuracy is limited by the extreme uncertainties in several of its key parameters.
Many of the terms in the equation, especially those concerning the evolution of life and intelligence, are based on opinion, interpretation, and the single example of Earth. Therefore, while the structure of the equation is logical, the numbers you put into it (and hence the final result) are often more reflective of our current opinions and assumptions than of robust empirical data.
The Drake Equation is a valuable tool for framing the question of extraterrestrial life. It helps scientists and enthusiasts break down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable questions. However, because several of its factors are highly uncertain and subject to personal interpretation, it is more of a conceptual guide—or even a way to stimulate discussion—than a formula that provides a definitive, accurate prediction of the number of extraterrestrial civilizations.
In summary, while the Drake Equation is useful for thinking about the various factors that might lead to the emergence of a civilization, its outputs should be taken as highly speculative estimates rather than precise measurements.
Please also consider the possiblities of non-human intelligent emrgencing from the long history of Sol system and nearby planets and see if there is any possiblites that in one time intelligent life emerged in nearby planets and see this to the equation
Reasoned about non-human intelligence and the Drake Equationを19 秒行う
Evaluating non-human intelligence
I'm thinking about the potential for non-human intelligent life forms in the Sol system and neighboring planets, and how this might factor into the equation.
Piecing together possibilities
I'm thinking about how to integrate the emergence of non-human intelligent life, possibly on Mars or Europa, into the Drake Equation for the Sol system and neighboring planets.
It's interesting to think about the hypothesis of intelligent life emerging on Mars or Venus, though Earth remains the only known life-supporting planet in the solar system.
Considering other realms
I'm examining if intelligent life could have emerged on planets like Mars, Venus, or Europa, and how this possibility aligns with the predictions of the Drake Equation.
Hmm, I’m thinking about how non-human intelligent life on Mars or Venus could intersect with the assumptions of the Drake Equation, which seems to focus solely on Earth-based evolution.
I’m piecing together the hypothesis of non-human, advanced, intelligent life in the solar system. Mars, Venus, and Titan present challenges, but Europa and Enceladus might harbor microbial life.
チャイナのやつでLi Zhangってやつ80億人くらいおるから通名使えなかったら衝突しまくってわけわかめだぜ
例えばHo Akikoが結婚して名前変わったらYosano Ho-Akikoみたいな通名を作り出してる人もいる
し、結婚して名前変わっても論文に書くオーサーネームはHo Akikoのまま変えないパターンも全然ある
あとは、サトーシンタローみたいな衝突の多い名前の場合はスペルをヘンテコにしてみたりSatou Syntarouのような
I've noticed a non-negligible number of people who have not only completed compulsory education in regular classes but have also received higher education and graduated from university, yet struggle with reading comprehension (understanding the meaning of text), cannot read long texts, and even have difficulty understanding videos.
When we limit the scope to individuals with broad cognitive challenges, the problem seems rather straightforward: they either "lack the ability to understand" or "take longer than usual to acquire the ability to understand."
Similarly, the case of individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities is relatively simple. While they may not have broad cognitive challenges, they require different approaches and training due to their unique learning styles.
However, it is perplexing that university graduates without broad cognitive challenges or diagnosed learning disabilities struggle to understand not only written text but also simplified video content.
I suspect that the underlying causes might include gaps in the horizontal transfer of experiences and knowledge, a severe lack of adaptability, and an extreme deficit in metacognition. Has there been any research on these issues? Additionally, could you please explain the concept of knowledge transfer?
Yes, research and analysis exist around the issues you described, particularly in the domains of education, psychology, and cognitive science. Let’s break down your observations and questions step by step:
Key Issues with Reading and Comprehension
1. Reading Comprehension Among Educated Individuals
• This phenomenon—educated individuals struggling with comprehension—is indeed perplexing, especially given their presumed exposure to a variety of learning materials. It suggests that education systems sometimes emphasize rote learning and surface-level knowledge acquisition over deeper understanding, critical thinking, and metacognition.
• Horizontal Transfer Gaps: This refers to the inability to apply knowledge or skills learned in one context to another. For example, someone might excel in a university course focused on memorization but fail to apply that knowledge in practical or less structured contexts.
• Severe Lack of Adaptability: Adaptability involves applying problem-solving and comprehension skills to unfamiliar formats or media. A lack of adaptability can result from a curriculum that prioritizes familiarity and routine over exploratory learning.
• Deficits in Metacognition: Metacognition is the ability to “think about thinking”—to reflect on, monitor, and regulate one’s own learning. If metacognitive skills are underdeveloped, individuals might struggle to evaluate the meaning of texts or videos, even if they have the raw intellectual ability.
Research Insights
1. Knowledge Transfer
The concept of knowledge transfer involves applying skills, knowledge, or strategies learned in one context to another. It is often classified into:
• Horizontal Transfer: Applying knowledge across similar contexts (e.g., using concepts learned in a biology course to understand a medical text).
• Vertical Transfer: Building upon foundational knowledge to understand more complex ideas (e.g., using basic algebra to solve advanced calculus problems).
Studies suggest that transfer is more likely to occur when:
• Learners deeply understand underlying principles, not just surface details.
• Connections between different contexts are explicitly taught and reinforced.
• Learning environments often emphasize task-specific skills rather than generalizable strategies.
• Standardized testing may encourage rote memorization over critical thinking.
• Lack of explicit instruction in how to generalize knowledge to new situations.
Research highlights the importance of metacognition in learning. Students who are unaware of their own comprehension limitations are less likely to engage in corrective strategies (e.g., rereading, seeking clarification). This can lead to stagnation in comprehension skills despite formal education. Effective interventions include:
• Teaching self-monitoring techniques.
• Encouraging reflective practices, like summarizing or questioning during reading.
4. Cognitive Overload in Multimedia
Even videos, if not designed properly, can overwhelm learners. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning suggests that excessive extraneous information or unclear organization in videos can overload working memory, hindering comprehension.
Strategies and Research-Based Solutions
1. Improving Knowledge Transfer
• Active Learning: Techniques such as problem-based learning or case studies can improve transfer by encouraging the application of knowledge to new situations.
• Teaching for Understanding: Encouraging learners to focus on “why” and “how” questions fosters deeper comprehension and the ability to generalize learning.
• Encourage learners to engage with unfamiliar formats and topics to build flexibility.
• Develop problem-solving skills in diverse and unpredictable contexts.
3. Developing Metacognitive Skills
• Self-Regulated Learning Training: Programs that teach students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning have shown success in improving comprehension.
• Feedback Loops: Providing actionable feedback on comprehension tasks encourages learners to reflect on their thinking processes.
The issues you describe highlight a gap between formal education outcomes and true comprehension or learning ability. Addressing these challenges requires systemic changes, including incorporating metacognition training, emphasizing transferable learning, and fostering adaptability.
If you’d like, I can delve deeper into specific research studies or provide examples of programs addressing these issues.
This is a fascinating and concerning observation that touches on several important areas of cognitive psychology and education. Let me address this systematically.
First, regarding knowledge transfer and metacognition: Knowledge transfer refers to the ability to apply knowledge, skills, or strategies learned in one context to new situations. It's closely related to metacognition - our ability to understand and monitor our own thought processes.
Research in this area has revealed several key findings:
David Perkins and Gavriel Salomon's work in the late 1980s and early 1990s identified two types of transfer:
A significant study by Brown, Collins, and Duguid (1989) in "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning" highlighted how knowledge often remains "inert" - students can pass tests but fail to apply knowledge in real-world contexts.
The phenomenon you're describing aligns with what cognitive scientists call the "transfer problem." Despite years of education, many individuals struggle to apply their learning in new contexts or integrate information across domains.
Some relevant research directions:
1. Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller et al.)
Shows how working memory limitations affect learning and transfer. Many students may never develop effective strategies for managing cognitive load, leading to poor comprehension of complex materials.
2. Reading Comprehension Studies
Work by Pressley and Afflerbach on "verbal protocols" revealed that skilled readers use multiple strategies simultaneously, while poor readers often lack these metacognitive tools.
3. Domain Integration Research
Studies by Susan Goldman and others have shown that even advanced students often fail to connect knowledge across domains, treating each subject as an isolated "silo."
Your observation about university graduates struggling with comprehension despite no apparent cognitive disabilities might be explained by several factors identified in research:
1. Surface-level Learning: Many educational systems reward memorization over deep understanding
2. Limited Strategy Instruction: Students often aren't explicitly taught comprehension strategies
3. Fragmented Knowledge: Information is typically taught in isolation without emphasis on connections
4. Weak Metacognitive Skills: Students may never develop the ability to monitor and regulate their own understanding
Some promising approaches to address these issues include:
1. Strategy Instruction Models
Teaching explicit strategies for comprehension, integration, and transfer. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model has shown particular promise.
2. Knowledge Integration Frameworks
Approaches like Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE) help students connect ideas across domains.
3. Metacognitive Training Programs
Programs focusing on developing metacognitive awareness and self-regulation skills.
Since you asked about studies, I should note that while I've referenced several important works, you should verify these citations as I don't have direct access to current databases and could be misremembering details.
Would you be interested in exploring any particular aspect of this issue in more detail? For instance, we could delve deeper into specific instructional strategies that have shown promise in developing transfer abilities, or examine the relationship between metacognition and knowledge transfer more closely.
【緊急声明】 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防接種に導入されるレプリコンワクチンへの懸念 自分と周りの人々のために
そして、昨年11月28日に、自己増幅型mRNAワクチン(レプリコンワクチン)が世界に先駆けて日本で認可され(CSL, 2023; Sheridan, 2024)、以来日本は世界で唯一の認可国となっています。
認可されたレプリコンワクチンは米国の Arcturus Therapeutics が開発し、ベトナムでの大規模な治験(第I~第III相臨床試験)(Ho et al., 2024)を経て、製造と販売を日本のMeiji Seikaファルマが行なうものです。
このレプリコンワクチンは2024年10月1日をめどに定期接種を開始する(読売新聞, 2024)とされていますが、本学会は以下の通り、このワクチンの安全性・倫理性に関する懸念を表明します。
1. レプリコンワクチンが開発国や先行治験国で認可されていないという問題
日本がレプリコンワクチンを認可してから 8 ヶ月が経過していますが、開発国である米国や大規模治験を実施したベトナムをはじめとする世界各国で未だにレプリコンワクチンが認可されていないのはなぜでしょうか。
COVID19 パンデミックのときのような緊急時を除き、本来、薬剤は安全性が認められるまで世の中に出回ることはありません。
2. シェディングの問題
レプリコンワクチンが「自己複製するmRNA」であるために、レプリコンワクチン自体が接種者から非接種者に感染(シェディング)するのではないかとの懸念があります(Seneff & Nigh, 2021)。
レプリコンワクチンは、感染性を持たせないように設計されている(Ricardo-Lax et al., 2021)とのことですが、そのことは臨床研究によって実証されなければなりません。
しかし、現在までに当該レプリコンワクチンにおけるシェディングに関する臨床研究は皆無(岸田, 2024; 厚生労働省, 2024)です。
3. 将来の安全性に関する問題
mRNAベースのワクチンはヒトのDNAを変化させないという根強い主張がありますが、それを裏付ける研究は欠如しており、出所のはっきりしない仮定である(Domazet-Lošo, 2022)ことが明らかになっています。
最近の研究では、ファイザー・ビオンテック製のmRNAワクチンの塩基配列がヒトの肝細胞のDNAに逆転写されたと報告されており(Aldén et al., 2022)、ヒトの遺伝情報に影響しないという言説は
4. インフォームドコンセントの問題
従来のmRNAワクチンで指摘されていた重篤な副作用については、臨床試験の段階においても(Cardozo & Veazey, 2021)、実際に接種が開始されてからも(Slawotsky, 2023)、被接種者に十分な説明が行われてこなかったことが示されており、インフォームドコンセントを基盤とする医療のあり方を揺るがしかねない事態に私どもは強い懸念をもっています。
従来のmRNAワクチンでも指摘されていた心筋炎(Hviid et al., 2024)やアナフィラキシー(Barta et al., 2024)等に加え、上述したシェディングの可能性など、接種の時点で判明している有害事象のリスクを、被接種者に十分に説明し、理解をしてもらうことが重要です。
5. 接種勧奨と同調圧力の問題
【緊急声明】 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防接種に導入されるレプリコンワクチンへの懸念 自分と周りの人々のために
そして、昨年11月28日に、自己増幅型mRNAワクチン(レプリコンワクチン)が世界に先駆けて日本で認可され(CSL, 2023; Sheridan, 2024)、以来日本は世界で唯一の認可国となっています。
認可されたレプリコンワクチンは米国の Arcturus Therapeutics が開発し、ベトナムでの大規模な治験(第I~第III相臨床試験)(Ho et al., 2024)を経て、製造と販売を日本のMeiji Seikaファルマが行なうものです。
このレプリコンワクチンは2024年10月1日をめどに定期接種を開始する(読売新聞, 2024)とされていますが、本学会は以下の通り、このワクチンの安全性・倫理性に関する懸念を表明します。
1. レプリコンワクチンが開発国や先行治験国で認可されていないという問題
日本がレプリコンワクチンを認可してから 8 ヶ月が経過していますが、開発国である米国や大規模治験を実施したベトナムをはじめとする世界各国で未だにレプリコンワクチンが認可されていないのはなぜでしょうか。
COVID19 パンデミックのときのような緊急時を除き、本来、薬剤は安全性が認められるまで世の中に出回ることはありません。
2. シェディングの問題
レプリコンワクチンが「自己複製するmRNA」であるために、レプリコンワクチン自体が接種者から非接種者に感染(シェディング)するのではないかとの懸念があります(Seneff & Nigh, 2021)。
レプリコンワクチンは、感染性を持たせないように設計されている(Ricardo-Lax et al., 2021)とのことですが、そのことは臨床研究によって実証されなければなりません。
しかし、現在までに当該レプリコンワクチンにおけるシェディングに関する臨床研究は皆無(岸田, 2024; 厚生労働省, 2024)です。
3. 将来の安全性に関する問題
mRNAベースのワクチンはヒトのDNAを変化させないという根強い主張がありますが、それを裏付ける研究は欠如しており、出所のはっきりしない仮定である(Domazet-Lošo, 2022)ことが明らかになっています。
最近の研究では、ファイザー・ビオンテック製のmRNAワクチンの塩基配列がヒトの肝細胞のDNAに逆転写されたと報告されており(Aldén et al., 2022)、ヒトの遺伝情報に影響しないという言説は
4. インフォームドコンセントの問題
従来のmRNAワクチンで指摘されていた重篤な副作用については、臨床試験の段階においても(Cardozo & Veazey, 2021)、実際に接種が開始されてからも(Slawotsky, 2023)、被接種者に十分な説明が行われてこなかったことが示されており、インフォームドコンセントを基盤とする医療のあり方を揺るがしかねない事態に私どもは強い懸念をもっています。
従来のmRNAワクチンでも指摘されていた心筋炎(Hviid et al., 2024)やアナフィラキシー(Barta et al., 2024)等に加え、上述したシェディングの可能性など、接種の時点で判明している有害事象のリスクを、被接種者に十分に説明し、理解をしてもらうことが重要です。
5. 接種勧奨と同調圧力の問題
共同親権よくある誤解 Q&A
Q1. 共同親権は子供の利益を犠牲にして親の権利を大事にしている。
A1. いいえ。共同親権 (監護権を含む)を原則とする法制度を支持する第一の理由は、共同親権が子供の利益となるからです。
Nielsen (2014); Baude (2016); Bauserman (2002 & 2012)
A2. いいえ。両親が高葛藤である場合でさえ、共同親権は全ての指標で子供の幸福にとって良い結果をもたらします。
Fabricius & Leucken (2007); Nielsen (2017 & 2018); Harmon, et al. (2022); Fabricius & Suh (2017)
Baker, J., & Horton, S. (2004). A review of primary and secondary influences on sport expertise. High Ability Studies, 15(2), 211-228.
De Moor, M. H. M., et al. (2007). Genome-wide linkage scan for athlete status in 700 unselected families. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10(6), 812-820.
•Mitch WE, et al. (2002): 低たんぱく食はCKDの進行を遅らせることが示されています【Mitch WE, Remuzzi G. Diets for patients with chronic kidney disease, should we reconsider? BMC Nephrology, 2002】。
•Knight EL, et al. (2003): 高たんぱく食が腎機能低下のリスクを増加させることが示唆されています【Knight EL, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE, Spiegelman D, Curhan GC. The impact of protein intake on renal function decline in women with normal renal function or mild renal insufficiency. Ann Intern Med, 2003】。
この著者、牧田 善二って人、プレジデントオンラインでずーっと同じこと言ってるんだな
So, Noam Chomsky et al argues languages must be superficial shim layers on top of what they call the Universal Grammar underneath(which they're constantly, constantly backtracking), and there's been a lot of effort to "scientifically prove" it as well as to exploit it for practical applications e.g. Duolingo, I guess this is one such anecdotal instance of its counter-proof that it's not how languages work, and what I'm saying is, maybe I'm not speaking Japanese anymore and that's why Nightshift-kun and his company had severe issues trying to comprehend what my posts said.
人はなぜワクチン反対派になるのか ―コロナ禍におけるワクチンツイートの分析―
1. 「ワクチン」「vaccine」を含む日本語ツイート98,805,971個を取得する。
3. ツイートのクラスタリングを行い、20種のクラスターが作成される。
4. 上位3つ(検証ツイートの99%・リツイートの98%を占める)のクラスター(「ワクチン賛成ツイート;pro-vaccine tweets」「ワクチン政策批判ツイート;opposition to the government’s vaccine policy」「ワクチン反対ツイート;anti-vaccine tweets」)を検討する。
5. 上記3クラスターのツイートを行ったアカウントとRTしたアカウントを集計する(「ワクチン賛成ツイート拡散アカウント:1,382,065」「政府批判拡散アカウント:248,699」「ワクチン反対ツイート拡散アカウント:196,936」)。
6. 上記3種のアカウントからそれぞれ50,000アカウントずつ無作為に抽出し、フォロー中のワクチン反対ツイート拡散アカウントの割合を算出する。
7. "ワクチン反対ツイート拡散アカウント/総フォローアカウント"の割合でソートし、上位25%(全体の12.3%以上)を"High anti-vaccine group"、下位25%(全体の0.24%未満)を"Low anti-vaccine group"とする。
基本的に日本語プレスリリースにおける「反対派」「賛成派」は上記メソッドで出たHigh group/Low groupとして表現されている。「反ワクチン性が高いグループ」「反ワクチン性が低いグループ」といったところ。
ただ、「ワクチン反対派」に類するフレーズは度々使われている(元からしてHigh/Low anti-vaccine groupだし)。
一方のLow groupでは、anti-vaccineに対してpro-vaccineという表現が使われている。が、ほぼ全ての用法で発言・ツイートに対してのみ使われており人に対して使われるケースは殆どない(イントロダクションに一回だけある)。
Toriumi, F., Sakaki, T., Kobayashi, T. et al. Anti-vaccine rabbit hole leads to political representation: the case of Twitter in Japan. J Comput Soc Sc (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42001-023-00241-8
Peter Eötvös : Concerto pour harpe
Cette oeuvre (création mondiale) est une commande de Radio France - Rundfunkorchester und Chöre GmbH Berlin - Orchestre de la Suisse Romande - Musikverein de Vienne - Casa da Música de Porto - Orchestre Symphonique de la NHK de Tokyo, dédiée au harpiste Xavier de Maistre.
Seven, premier concerto pour violon, rendait hommage aux cosmonautes de la navette Columbia ; DoReMi, le deuxième, était un retour à l’enfance et aux premiers apprentissages musicaux ; Alhambra, le troisième, une promenade architecturale en compagnie de ses interprètes : chaque concerto de Peter Eötvös possède son monde propre. Certains titres annoncent une réinvention du dialogue entre le soliste et l’orchestre : Replica pour alto, le bartokien CAP-KO, acronyme de Concerto for Acoustic Piano, Keyboard and Orchestra, Focus pour saxophone suggérant l’usage d’une caméra sonore et une mise au point entre différents plans. De fait, le genre est approprié aux plus folles explorations dans le théâtre instrumental. C’est ainsi que la pièce de jeunesse Kosmos a 9 offert à un cymbalum très hongrois de jouer un nouveau rôle en compagnie de l’orchestre dans Psychokosmos. En 2023, le compositeur renoue avec l’essence même du genre en proposant à Xavier de Maistre un simple Concerto pour harpe.
En trois mouvements vif-lent-vif, ce concerto s’inscrirait dans le schéma le plus classique, si seulement la harpe bénéficiait d’un répertoire symphonique aussi riche que les autres instruments solistes. Si Haendel lui a offert quelques pages, Mozart a senti le besoin de lui adjoindre la flûte pour l’associer à l’orchestre. Et les efforts des Krumpholz, Boieldieu, Pierné et Glière n’y ont rien changé : les concertos pour harpe ont le privilège de la rareté. « Allegro e felice », indique Péter Eötvös en tête du premier mouvement. Seraitce là une joie inspirée par son interprète Xavier de Maistre ? « Xavier est sportif et sait danser, voilà un aspect du portrait que j’ai fait de lui », confie Péter Eötvös, avant de préciser : « Je trouve la plupart des concertos existants très bien écrits pour harpe, mais ils ne s’aventurent guère dans les modernités des dernières décennies. C’est pourquoi j’ai essayé de nourrir l’écriture de harpe d’éléments plus actuels, et de l’associer à un petit orchestre. » Sur plusieurs cordes, les glissandos de harpe influencent ainsi l’écriture orchestrale.
Jeu près de la table, frappe sur le bois, arrachés et harmoniques dressent un inventaire quasi illimité des possibilités techniques et timbres de l’instrument. De l’usage de la scordatura sur une partie du registre naissent des couleurs inédites : abaissées d’un quart de ton, certaines cordes produisent de délicieux frottements lorsqu’elles sonnent en mouvements parallèles avec les cordes à « hauteur normale ». Au centre de la pièce, un « hommage à Ravel » rappelle que le compositeur français a magnifié l’écriture de la harpe. Non seulement avec son Introduction et Allegro, qui a inspiré Péter Eötvös, mais aussi avec la féerie de Ma mère l’Oye ou encore le premier mouvement du Concerto en sol et son extraordinaire solo d’harmoniques et de glissandos. Peut-être Péter Eötvös, dans sa propre pensée concertante, se souvient-il aussi comment Ravel distribuait les soli au sein de son orchestre, capable d’offrir un magnifique contrepoint de bois à la partie du piano.
Au côté d’un instrument comme la harpe, l’orchestre doit se réinventer. Il n’en demeure pas moins que le soliste joue encore le premier rôle. Dès l’introduction, Péter Eötvös l’invite à se livrer au cours d’une grande cadence dont les courbes de plus en plus amples se transformeront dans l’Allegro en lignes tournoyantes. Il lui offrira une autre cadence à l’issue du troisième mouvement, requérant l’improvisation sans vraiment suivre les vieux préceptes du genre. En effet, l’interprète ne devra y recourir à aucune mélodie, aucun accord ni motif antérieur. Le va-et-vient plus ou moins vif et large des mains sur les cordes dessinera des formes fascinantes. Des mouvements browniens imprévisibles et pourtant mystérieusement ordonnés, comparables au ballet des oiseaux se resserrant et se dispersant dans les nuées d’étourneaux.
Pensez à vous abonner pour découvrir d’autres vidéos France Musique !
十代において自傷した経験のある者はそうでない者に比べて 10年後の自殺既遂によって死亡するリスクが数百倍高くなることが知られている
Fatal and non-fatal repetition of self-harm. Systematic review
David Owens et al. Br J Psychiatry. 2002 Sep.
Treating Self-Injury: A Practical Guide , by B. W. Walsh
しかし、当の経済学界においては、これらの意見はどれもコンセンサスとは言えない。どちらかというと、2000年代半ば以降「ゼロ金利下での金融政策の有効性」についてはあまり目新しい論考が出ていないというのが現実と言って良いのではないか。「不景気から脱却した後も利上げをせず、過剰なインフレを放置することを約束すれば、ゼロ金利下でも中銀は影響力を行使できる」というKrugman他の議論は、「でもその約束を信じる理由がないじゃん」という十年来のツッコミに対して依然として回答できていない。この議論が死に絶えたわけではないが、最近の議論ではこの「約束」を信じてもらえない(=金融政策が機能しない)可能性にあらかじめ言及する論文が多いように思う(Mankiw and Weinzierl (2011)など)。
一方で、財政政策の研究は急速に進んでいる (ゼロ金利下では財政乗数が大きくなるとしたChristiano et al (2011)やWoodford (2010)などが代表的だろうか)。これは、むしろ復活したという表現の方が正しいのかも知れない。いわゆるDSGEマクロモデルでは財政政策の効果は無きに等しくなるので、マクロ経済学者の間では「景気対策は金融政策で行うべき、即ち、中銀が責任を取るべき」、という理解が一般的になった。いわゆる「リフレ派」とかその界隈の人たちが日銀をやたらと非難したがるのも、元々はこの理解を出発点としている(はずである)。だが、ゼロ金利下では、この常識それ自体が成立しないらしいことが少しずつ分かってきたのである。
この「常識の通用しない世界」では、色々なことが起こりうる。「ゼロ金利下では減税が景気を悪化させうる」としたEggertsson (2009)の論文もそうだし、逆に「消費税増税でデフレから脱却できる」と論じた論文もある。今年のアメリカ経済学会で話題になったCorreia et al (2011)の論文がそれだ。結論は、「ゼロ金利の下では金融政策は有効ではなく、むしろ消費税を緩やかに増税していく(同時に裏で所得税を減税する)ことで利下げと同等の効果が得られる」というものだ。大雑把に言えば、消費税増税でも物価は上がるわけで、これがインフレ(=実質金利低下)と同じ効果をもたらすという理屈になる。ちなみに、所得税減税を伴わず、消費税増税単体で景気回復が可能とする論文をWren-Lewis (2000)が10年も前に書いている。彼のブログに簡単な解説があったので、興味のある人は読んでみると良いだろう。
ちなみに、アメリカ経済学会ではこれ以外にもゼロ金利関連で面白い論文が発表されていたのだが、The Economistの以下の記事が良い要約になっているのでそちらを参照してもらいたい。金融政策に対して学界が悲観的になりつつあることも、これを読めば概ね理解できるだろう。書き手は金融政策の有効性を信じる人らしく、金融政策はもう無効だという考えを少し批判的に書いている記事なので、自分に都合の良い記事しか読みたくない類の人も気持ちよく読めるのではないかと思う。
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo (2011) “When is the Government Spending Multiplier Large?”, Journal of Political Economy.
Correia, Farhi, Nicolini and Teles (2011), “Unconventional fiscal policy at the zero bound”, mimeo.
Eggertsson (2009), “What fiscal policy is effective at zero interest rates?”, FRBNY Staff Paper.
Mankiw and Weinzierl (2011), “An exploration of optimal stabilization policy”, Brookings Papers of Economic Activity.
Wren-Lewis (2000), “The limits to discretionary fiscal stabilization policy”, Oxford Rev of Economic Policy.
Woodford, (2010), “Simple analytics of the government spending multiplier”, mimeo.