はてなキーワード: surviveとは
Nissan Has '12 to 14 Months' Left
The company may sell a majority stake to Honda.
In an interview with the Financial Times, two unnamed Nissan executives said the company has "12 to 14 months to survive." "This is going to be tough. And in the end, we need Japan and the US to be generating cash," they said.
The virus that causes COVID-19 will continue to evolve
For viruses to survive they must continually make copies of themselves and infect new cells. Like other viruses, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to evolve because it makes errors, or mutations, when it is creating copies. Some mutations help the virus survive better or spread more easily, leading to different variants over time. During the analysis period, many different variants were infecting people.
Updated COVID-19 vaccine protects against many variants
CDC data show that vaccination offered significant protection. People who received the updated COVID-19 vaccine were 54% less likely to get COVID-19 during the four-month period from mid-September to January. The vaccine provided similar levels of protection against XBB lineage variants and the JN.1 variant.
To estimate vaccine effectiveness of the updated COVID-19 vaccine, CDC analyzed data from the Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) COVID-19 pharmacy testing program. The protection provided by the updated vaccine was compared to not receiving an updated vaccine, regardless of a person’s infection history or the number of previous COVID-19 vaccines they received. That means these estimates reflect the additional protection provided by getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine dose above protection that people have from any previous vaccination, infection, or both.
最新のCOVID-19ワクチンの有効性を推定するために、CDCはICATT COVID-19薬局検査プログラムのデータを分析しました。 最新のワクチンによる保護効果は、最新のワクチンを受けていない人々と比較されました。これは、個人の感染歴や以前に受けたCOVID-19ワクチンの回数に関わらずです。つまり、これらの推定値は、以前のワクチン接種や感染から得られる保護に加えて、最新のCOVID-19ワクチン接種によって提供される追加の保護を反映しています。)
COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness|February 1, 2024, 1:05 PM EDT|CDC
例えば、true tearsのオープニングみたいなやつ。
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ビーチ・浮き輪・サンダル カモメも楽しそうです!Yeah」
作品名:異世界ワンターンキル姉さん ~姉同伴の異世界生活はじめました~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「明日のピースのために レベル上げ重要↑」
作品名:MIX MEISEI STORY ~二度目の夏、空の向こうへ~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ありふれたこのフレーズも 君とつけたメロディなら」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「舞い散る世界を繋げMotive Rain (Never fading out!!)」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「夜明けの星が 目の前に落ちた」(※日本語訳)
OP曲名:ワナビスタ!(鳳 ここな(石見舞菜香)/静香(長谷川育美)/カトリナ・グリーベル(天城サリー)/新妻八恵(長縄まりあ)/柳場ぱんだ(大空直美)/流石知冴(佐々木李子))
曲名表示時の歌詞:「秘密♡Melody ありのままで期待しちゃいけない」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「たとえ誰かを傷つけたとしても 譲れない光があるんだ」
作品名:異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する ~レベルアップは人生を変えた~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「例えばこの世の全部を変えられる 枯れ木に花を咲かせる程の奇跡を」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「死んだ 死んだ 今日も死んだ 手 足 頭が取れちゃいそうだ」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「僕らを 育ててる そのきもちは たからもの」
OP曲名:ドキメキダイアリー(asmi feat. Chinozo)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ずっと僕は君のもんだ 最愛すぎて時空歪んだ」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「さあ全力メタ盛りフォーゼ 全部を守りたい」
作品名:BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story- Season 2
曲名表示時の歌詞:「Venus Line Venus Line 鮮やかな打球(きぼう)は空を切って」
OP曲名:刹那の誓い (feat. 由崎司)(Neko Hacker)
OP曲名:ぐらでーしょん feat. 北澤ゆうほ(KANA-BOON)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ふたりだんだん近づくたびに 代わりない感情がふんだんに」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「この躰千切れたとしても 諦めちゃいない」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ほら、想像は遥か遠くまで おいてかれないように駆け出した今」
作品名:ウマ娘 プリティーダービー ROAD TO THE TOP
OP曲名:Glorious Moment!(ナリタトップロード(中村カンナ)、アドマイヤベガ(咲々木瞳)、テイエムオペラオー(徳井青空))
OP曲名と同じ歌詞:なし(「glorious one moment」という歌詞はあり)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「眩しくて 眩しくて 僕は目を逸らしてしまう」
OP曲名:絆ノ奇跡(MAN WITH A MISSION × milet)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「何を引き換えにしようとも 何度だって汚すよこの手なら」
46本中、OP曲名と同じ歌詞が存在する曲は25本、OP曲名と同じ歌詞を歌っているときに曲名クレジットが表示されるアニメ作品は6本(君は放課後インソムニア、絆のアリル、魔術士オーフェン、勇者が死んだ!、BIRDIE WING、彼女が公爵邸に行った理由)だけでした
春アニメ以外だと、最近では『NieR:Automata Ver1.1a』OPのAimer「escalate」の「赦せなくて escalateして escalateして」のときに曲名表示されるのすき
イルクーツク国立研究技術大学(IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)の考古学者らが14世紀に住んでいた30歳~40歳の女性戦士の墓地を、
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
Damn freelance IT engineers are less than SES.
Even if you become a freelancer because you are fed up with being exploited by SES, if you can't get work on your own and end up using an agency, you will be charged a margin. In the end, freelance agents are slave traders just like SES companies.
Full-time employees have to pay taxes and insurance premiums from what is deducted from their paychecks, but the shitty freelancers have to pay taxes and insurance premiums separately from what is taken from their margin.
So, it's still better to be an SES with a stable income, benefits, and the credit of a full-time employee, and without the hassle of paperwork.
The only way to survive as a freelance IT engineer is to make a name for yourself as a top player in a particular field, so that stable, high-paying jobs will come your way. But such an existence is like Captain Levi, who was looked up to by the ordinary soldiers of the garrison corps. Can he slice the nape of the neck of multiple Titans in an instant with a rotating slash? How many such beings exist?
Most ordinary geniuses would be better off as full-time employees, desperately clinging to their companies even if they are thrown into a firestorm or relegated to the window, owning a service that brings in money even when they are asleep as a manager, selling people as a slaver, or moving to another profession such as a cleaner or a security guard. or move to another occupation such as a janitor or a security guard.
Meet The Healthy, Functioning Man Who Survived With Almost No Brain. | IFLScience
When it comes to our brains, does size really matter? One of the biggest myths about the brain is that bigger is always better. But what about those who sit on the extreme end of that scale? How much of our brain do we actually need to survive? Looking through the archives of medical history, there are a number of people with tiny brains, or brains with huge chunks missing entirely, which defy all odds.
In a 2007 Lancet study, doctors described an incredible medical oddity – the 44-year-old civil servant who had lived a normal life despite having an incredibly tiny brain. The French man went into hospital after he experienced weakness in his left leg for two weeks. Doctors were quite surprised when they took scans of his brain and found a huge fluid-filled chamber.
The scans showed that the man had a “massive enlargement of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, a very thin cortical mantle and a posterior fossa cyst,” researchers noted in the study. In short, while fluid normally circulates throughout the brain, it’s regularly drained. But instead of draining the fluid into the circulatory system, the fluid in this man’s brain built up. Eventually, the accumulation of fluid resulted in only a tiny amount of actual brain material.
The man’s medical history showed that he had to get a shunt inserted into his head as an infant to get rid of the buildup of fluid on the brain, known as hydrocephalus. The shunt was eventually removed when at age 14, he complained of left leg weakness and some unsteadiness. The man went on to live a normal life and he got married and had two children. Tests showed that he had an IQ of 75 which, though below the average of 100, is not considered a mental disability.
“What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life,” Dr. Max Muenke, from the National Human Genome Research Institute, told Reuters.
Earlier last year, IFLScience reported on the ninth known case of someone living without a cerebellum. This is the part of the brain that controls a number of important functions such as balance, motor movements and motor learning. The 24-year-old Chinese woman went into a hospital complaining of nausea and vertigo, and doctors discovered that she suffered from a rare condition known as cerebellar agenesis.
In another case, 12-year-old Trevor Judge Waltrip shocked medical professionals when he survived as long as he did with only his brain stem. Trevor passed away last year after going his entire life without a brain. He suffered from a rare condition called hydranencephaly, whereby the cerebral hemispheres are replaced entirely with cerebrospinal fluid. People with hydranencephaly usually survive for up to 12 weeks, which made Trevor’s case so remarkable. He was able to breathe on his own and respond to stimuli, but was blind and unable to communicate.
These cases show not only the adaptability and resilience of the human brain, but also how little we know about one of our most important organs. Cases like this force neuroscientists to rethink how we view the brain, particularly what functions different regions have and how the brain adapts when these regions become damaged.
Приветствую всех и с добрым временем суток. Меня зовут Юра. Я из России. Это не моё настоящее имя, действую в целях анонимности, прошу любить и жаловать. В мире, как мы все знаем, 24 февраля началась и продолжается по сей день "Спецоперация на Украине". Воистину это ужасное событие, которое влечёт за собой тысячи и тысячи жертв с обеих сторон конфликта. Цель "Спецоперации на Украине" - Денацификация Украины. Если вам в новостных каналах и в средствах массовой информации говорят, что цель спецоперации - не денацификация - значит таковы новости, таковы их источники, ничего не поделать. Каково моё мнение на этот счёт? Начну с того, что лично я против любой войны. Для меня война - это зло, это насилие. И то, что всю Россию и россиян в целом считают агрессором и просто ужасными людьми - это плохо, потому что ужасные люди и аггресоры - это те люди, которые ведут себя подобным образом и хотят тем самым разжигать пламя войны ещё сильнее дабы получить с этого удовлетворение в виде ещё одного убийства, прощения со стороны жертв, которые молят о пощаде и прочего. В России и так находятся миллионы людей, которые категорически против войны и которые не хотят, чтобы их считали последними тварями только потому, что так всё получилось. У меня, например, есть несколько друзей с Украины, которые сейчас находятся там и переживают эти взрывы, бомбы, ракеты и всё остальное, что перечислять не хочу. Я продолжаю держать с ними контакт и мы, слава богу, не думаем обо всём этом и стараемся поддерживать друг друга благодаря весёлым мемам, смешным видео, просто хорошим новостям из разных индустрий, чтобы хоть как-то разрядиться. Ведь самое главное, самое главное - война не изменила наши умы потому, что мы знаем что война не должна быть тем препятствием, благодаря которому наша дружба должна рухнуть. За это я их и ценю. Что держатся и не падают духом даже в такие тяжёлые дни и не "ищут предателей среди своих друзей, только потому что они русские", так сказать. Конечно же, есть и обратные примеры, что с начала войны некоторые мои знакомые начали отстаивать свою позицию как русских, что украинцы не люди и вообще спецоперация всё сделает к лучшему, что "мы сравняем города с землёй" и "денацифируем всё"... К сожалению, с такими людьми уже и общаться стыдно, что уж говорить, всё очевидно. В моём городе, например, я пока не наблюдаю сильной пропаганды, что "мы должны верить в то, что мы следуем справедливой цели", что всё образуется именно так как надо. Ну, даже если пропаганда и существует у нас, то я её и не наблюдаю. Да и не хочу наблюдать, потому что, как мне кажется, такую информацию стоить игнорировать и жить дальше, следуя своей цели в жизни. Я никогда не считал себя патриотом своей страны. Это звучит странно, да, но и врать мне нет смысла в этом. Я родился в России - значит так должно было случиться. Тем более я б хотел, что бы один из моих друзей на Украине, вот как раз один из них, смог пережить эту войну и смог поиграть в ту же самую Kingdom Hearts 4, т.к. я его с этой серией игр и познакомил. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы он увидел продолжение данной серии игр, чтобы он смог это вё увидеть. Я очень на это надеюсь. Ведь я, он, и многие другие такие же обычные люди - ходим на работу, спим, едим, играем, отдыхаем. И также я просто хочу, чтобы те, кто слушает меня сейчас не считали всех русских и россиян плохими, потому что я в вас верю, абсолютно всех. И неважно какой вы расы, неважно какой религии верите, это неважно. Главное, что вы остаётесь теми людьми, в которых можно верить, на которых можно надеяться и которые продолжают думать о том, что всё будет хорошо. И даже если у кого-то есть силы на то, чтобы исправить эту всю ситуацию, у кого есть эти возможности - то они смогут это изменить к лучшему и всё сделать мирно, что очень очень важно для нас сейчас. Поэтому я верю в мир, который обязательно наступит. И он наступит именно таким, что украинцы, что русские смогут пожать руки и сказать, что "Всё. У нас будет мир, у нас будет всё." Спасибо за внимание.
Greetings to all and with a good time of day. My name is Yura. I'm from Russia. This is not my real name, I act for the purposes of anonymity, I ask you to love and favor. In the world, as we all know, on February 24, the "Special Operation in Ukraine" began and continues to this day. Truly, this is a terrible event that entails thousands and thousands of victims on both sides of the conflict. The purpose of the "Special Operation in Ukraine" is the Denazification of Ukraine. If you are told in the news channels and in the media that the purpose of the special operation is not denazification, then this is the news, these are their sources, nothing can be done. What is my opinion on this? To begin with, I personally am against any war. For me, war is evil, it is violence. And the fact that the whole of Russia and Russians as a whole are considered an aggressor and just terrible people is bad, because terrible people and aggressors are those people who behave in this way and thereby want to kindle the flames of war even more in order to get satisfaction from this in the form of another murder, forgiveness from the victims who beg for mercy and other things. There are already millions of people in Russia who are categorically against the war and who do not want to be considered the last creatures just because everything turned out that way. For example, I have several friends from Ukraine who are currently there and are experiencing these explosions, bombs, rockets and everything else that I do not want to list. I continue to keep in touch with them and, thank God, we don't think about all this and try to support each other through funny memes, funny videos, just good news from different industries to somehow discharge. After all, the most important thing, the most important thing is that the war has not changed our minds because we know that war should not be the obstacle through which our friendship should collapse. That's why I appreciate them. That they hold on and do not lose heart even in such difficult days and do not "look for traitors among their friends, just because they are Russians," so to speak. Of course, there are also reverse examples that since the beginning of the war, some of my friends have begun to defend their position as Russians, that Ukrainians are not people and in general the special operation will do everything for the better, that "we will level cities to the ground" and "denazify everything"... Unfortunately, it's already a shame to communicate with such people, what can I say, everything is obvious. In my city, for example, I have not yet observed strong propaganda that "we must believe that we are following a fair goal," that everything will work out exactly as it should. Well, even if propaganda exists here, I don't observe it. And I don't want to watch, because, as it seems to me, such information should be ignored and live on, following my goal in life. I have never considered myself a patriot of my country. It sounds strange, yes, but there's no point in lying to me about it. I was born in Russia - so it had to happen. Moreover, I would like one of my friends in Ukraine, just one of them, to be able to survive this war and be able to play the Kingdom Hearts 4, because I introduced him to this game series . I would really like him to see the continuation of this game series, so that he could see it. I really hope so. After all, I, he, and many others are just ordinary people - we go to work, sleep, eat, play, relax. And also I just want those who are listening to me now not to consider all Russians and Russians bad, because I believe in you, absolutely everyone. And no matter what race you are, no matter what religion you believe, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you remain the people in whom you can believe, on whom you can hope and who continue to think that everything will be fine. And even if someone has the strength to fix this whole situation, who has these opportunities, they will be able to change it for the better and do everything peacefully, which is very very important for us now. Therefore, I believe in peace, which will surely come. And it will come exactly like that, that Ukrainians, that Russians will be able to shake hands and say that "Everything. We will have peace, we will have everything." Thanks for attention.
これについての私の意見は何か? まず、私は個人的にあらゆる戦争に反対します。私にとって戦争は悪で、暴力です。また、ロシア全体やロシア人全体を侵略者や単に悪人のようにとらえるのはよくないことです。なぜなら悪人や侵略者とは、このように行動して戦火をさらに燃え上がらせることで殺人や被害者の命乞いから満足感を得る人々のことだからです。
The 7th Blues~LOOSE~SURVIVEあたりの楽曲が一番好きで今でも良く聴くんだけど、
THE CIRCLEあたりからかな?ストーンズがそうだったように、レッチリがそうだったように、いつしか「良い意味で大衆に向けたロック」を演るようになって、
「Ruka, called a demon at birth, is a genius. Born malformed and ugly into the snow-covered wasteland of the Ascom, he was spared from death by his mother's love. Now he is an outcast, consumed with hate for those who've wronged him. But to take his vengeance, he must first survive. 」
「One hundred years ago Nall's Engine was fired on the enemies of the Republic, and in its wake it left a blackened and scarred landscape known as The Misery. Beyond The Misery, a wasteland of corruption and dark magic, reside the even darker entities known as The Deep Kings. They want nothing more than to destroy the Republic, the realm of men」
「誰かが俺たちがくることを忠告しやがった。信者たちは空の部屋と違法の経典をいくつか残して姿をくらました。食べかけの皿、開きっぱなしの箪笥の引き出し。持てるものだけ持ってThe Miseryに逃げ込んだ。制服を着てたころ司令官が言ってたな。The Miseryに好き好んでいくのは追い詰められてヤケクソになってるか馬鹿野郎か欲に駆られた奴だけだって。あいつらはそれだけヤケクソになってるんだ。俺は10人くらいの馬鹿で欲深い男たちを集めて奴らを始末しに出かけた。」
・Founders 三部作(未完結):魔力をベースに構築されたスチームパンク世界。
「You've got to be careful when you're chasing a murderer through Bulikov, for the world is not as it should be in that city. When the gods were destroyed and all worship of them banned by the Polis, reality folded; now stairs lead to nowhere, alleyways have become portals to the past, and criminals disappear into thin air.」
「押しよせる帝国軍. 迎え撃つは空に浮かぶ要塞―― 女帝ラシーンが帝位に就いてから七年。以来マラザン帝国は多くの自由都市に侵攻し、大陸をまたぎ、海を越えて版図を拡大してきた。そして侵攻作戦がジェナバキス大陸に及んだ今、若き貴族将校パランは、秘められた魔道の力を知ることになる……空中要塞や異種属との攻防、兵士たちの野望と葛藤、そして渦巻く神々の思惑――猛り狂う運命の波濤を荘厳かつ凄惨に描き、現代最高との呼び声も高いファンタジイ群像劇」らしいよ。
賛否あると思うけど、4巻の「House of Chains」までは読んで欲しい。
「A nobleman from an infamous family, imperial legionary officer, fighter and a right proper bastard of a man… Captain Ben Stiger finds himself reassigned from a crack legion to the rebellion simmering in the South. Placed in command of a truly terrible company, the 85th Imperial Foot, he is unknowingly sent on a suicide mission to resupply an isolated outpost, the garrison of Vrell.」
「The king's scholar, the magus, believes he knows the site of an ancient treasure. To attain it for his king, he needs a skillful thief, and he selects Gen from the king's prison. The magus is interested only in the thief's abilities. 」
「When Caldan’s parents are brutally slain, he is raised by monks and taught the arcane mysteries of sorcery.」既視感のある設定!
When I was in college, I had a part-time job writing moaning voices incessantly.
It was a part-time job at an erotic game company that I was introduced to by one of my seniors.
The company put a lot of effort into the story of their erotic games, and the writers who worked there were all people who took pride in their writing.
From their point of view, it was a pain to write the moaning voices in the sex scenes, so they decided to leave it to the part-time workers.
First, I was given the "gist" of the sex scene, such as "unzipping" or "moving hips faster.
2. I would then add my own moaning voices, such as "mmm ......" and "ahhhhhh", in a reasonable amount of salt.
3. the scenario writer checks it and it's done.
This may sound easy, but it is surprisingly difficult.
First of all, there is a certain length to an sex scene, so it is necessary to make it exciting precisely within that range.
The sounds used must be gradual, so that the audience does not get bored, and the excitement must be gradually increased.
It is also important to adjust the length of the text.
If the text is too short, it won't convey a sexual pleasure feeling, but if it is too long, the voice will become redundant.
In this way, a sense of balance and systematic pacing is required to get a bird's eye view of eroticism.
It was definitely not a job that I could just bang on the keyboard as I pleased.
My first work was a "younger sister" story, and I had a hard time allocating the "a" sound for the second sex scene.
If she said "aaaaah" from the beginning, it would sound like a seasoned whore's moaning voices, but if She said "an", it would not be erotic enough.
I finished it after much effort, but the writer said, "Couldn't you make it faster?” I'm disappointed.
As I was puzzling over what to do with ...... in front of the computer left by my predecessor (only the "A"key on the keyboard was strangely shiny), I noticed the existence of a file.
It was an Excel file titled "moaning-editor.xls," and it was a macro left by my predecessor specifically for making moaning voice.
By entering lines one by one in the vertically aligned cells, the phonetic elements such as vowels and consonants in each line were automatically converted into numerical values.
Furthermore, by adding and subtracting the numerical values, a value called "climax level" was calculated.
This "climax level" make a breakthrough to creating the ideal moaning voice.
If the sentence is constructed in such a way that this value gradually increases from the beginning to the end of the scene, the voice comes ideally.
It seemed that my predecessor had single-handedly created such an amazing and awesome Excel program.
I guess he wanted to share it with me, his successor, while hiding it from his boss as a secret tool.
Thanks to this tool, my work became much easier, and I could continue to make moving sounds with a stable quality.
One day, while I was working, I noticed something.
Theoretically, any text can be entered into the cell where the moaning voice is supposed input.
In other words to that, any text other than a moaning voice could be used to calculate the "climax level".
So I tried to calculate the "climax level" of famous works in the history of literature.
For example, "I have always called him teacher." for exampleis 12, and "He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child. " is 30.
I have always called him teacher.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1914
Story of distressed man who robbed lover from his friend by lying.
He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1906
Story that revenge of one teacher, who was naughty boy in youth ,to nasty coworker.
I hadn't expected this, but as I researched, I found that many of the masterpieces were written on the same principle as my work.
In other words, the degree of "climax" increases toward the end.
The most notable example is Akutagawa's "Nobody knows where the servant" is. The number of climaxes in this story is 367.
Nobody knows where the servant
Author , Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Out , in 1915
Story of one fired servant struggle to survive and he decide throw aside his human conscience.
The scene in which a drugged married woman faints with the whites of her eyes is at most 330, so you can see how astonishing the number is.
It turns out that "climax" is a universal rule that applies to all kinds of writing.
After realizing this fact, I started to write every sentence as if it were a gasp.
And I have been successful in every aspect of my life.
In job-hunting entry sheets, too, it is the distribution of the "climax level" that is important.
For example, in the education section, if you drop out of the university with the name that has the highest "climax level" and use it as your final education, it will look very different.
(It depends on the name of the university, but in general, "dropped out" has a higher climax level than "graduated.)
As some of you may have noticed, I've been writing this article in such a way as to gradually increase the climax level.
↑The climax level of this sentence is 290.
I'd like to end this sentence here, since it's getting quite high.
Ohhhh! Aaahhhh!
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
Rocket League
Sid Meier's Civilization V
Heat Signature
7 Days to Die
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Sniper Elite 4
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Kerbal Space Program
Watch_Dogs 2
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist
Dungeon Warfare
Far Cry 4
Graveyard Keeper
Stardew Valley
Project Zomboid
Papers, Please
BioShock Infinite
Universe Sandbox
Portal 2
Starbound - Unstable
How to Survive
Quantum Break
Age of Empires® III: Complete Collection
Garry's Mod
The Talos Principle
Return of the Obra Dinn
Rebel Galaxy
Game Builder
Valiant Hearts: The Great War™ / Soldats Inconnus : Mémoires de la Grande Guerre™
DiRT Rally
Invisible, Inc.
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Wallpaper Engine
The Witness
Age of Empires II (2013)
The Flood
Grow Home
Age of Empires II (2013): The Forgotten
Assassin's Creed III Remastered
Audio Party Pack (オーディオ・パーティパック)
BioShock 2
BioShock 2 Remastered
BioShock Remastered
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 1: Bloody Harvest
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2: Wattle Gobbler
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 3: Mercenary Day
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 4: Wedding Day Massacre
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 5: Son of Crawmerax
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Cities: Skylines - After Dark
Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
Civilization V - Scrambled Continents Map Pack
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: African Portraits
Crusader Kings II: South Indian Portraits 5 Year Anniversary Gift
Cuisine Royale
Dead Rising 3 DLC1
Dead Rising 3 DLC2
Dead Rising 3 DLC3
Dead Rising 3 DLC4
Door Kickers
For Honor
Killing Floor Mod: Defence Alliance 2
Murderous Pursuits
Pinball FX3
Regions Of Ruin
Satellite Reign
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World
Starpoint Gemini 2
Stellaris: Original Game Soundtrack
The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct Tape
The Flame in the Flood
The LEGO® NINJAGO® Movie Video Game
The Talos Principle - Bonus Content
The Talos Principle - Prototype
The Talos Principle - Soundtrack
The Talos Principle: Road To Gehenna
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
Yume Nikki
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
1977年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望 | -- |
1980年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード5/帝国の逆襲 | 3年 |
1983年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード6/ジェダイの帰還 | 3年 |
1999年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード1/ファントム・メナス | 16年 |
2002年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード2/クローンの攻撃 | 3年 |
2005年 | スター・ウォーズ エピソード3/シスの復讐 | 3年 |
2015年 | スター・ウォーズ/フォースの覚醒 | 10年 |
2017年 | スター・ウォーズ/最後のジェダイ | 2年 |
2019年 | スター・ウォーズ/スカイウォーカーの夜明け | 2年 |
1984年 | ターミネーター | -- |
1991年 | ターミネーター2 | 7年 |
2003年 | ターミネーター3 | 12年 |
2009年 | ターミネーター4 | 6年 |
2015年 | ターミネーター/ジェニシス | 6年 |
2019年 | ターミネーター/ニュー・フェイト | 4年 |
2001年 | ワイルド・スピード | -- |
2003年 | ワイルド・スピードX2 | 2年 |
2006年 | ワイルド・スピードX3 | 3年 |
2009年 | ワイルド・スピードMAX | 3年 |
2011年 | ワイルド・スピードMEGA MAX | 2年 |
2013年 | ワイルド・スピードEURO MISSION | 2年 |
2015年 | ワイルド・スピードSKY MISSION | 2年 |
2017年 | ワイルド・スピードICE BREAK | 2年 |
2019年 | ワイルド・スピード/スーパーコンボ | 2年 |
B'z | 1988年 | -- |
OFF THE LOCK | 1989年 | 1年 |
BREAK THROUGH | 1990年 | 1年 |
RISKY | 1990年 | 0年 |
IN THE LIFE | 1991年 | 1年 |
RUN | 1992年 | 1年 |
The 7th Blues | 1994年 | 2年 |
LOOSE | 1995年 | 1年 |
SURVIVE | 1997年 | 2年 |
Brotherhood | 1999年 | 2年 |
ELEVEN | 2000年 | 1年 |
GREEN | 2002年 | 2年 |
BIG MACHINE | 2003年 | 1年 |
THE CIRCLE | 2005年 | 2年 |
MONSTER | 2006年 | 1年 |
ACTION | 2007年 | 1年 |
MAGIC | 2009年 | 2年 |
C'mon | 2011年 | 2年 |
EPIC DAY | 2015年 | 4年 |
DINOSAUR | 2017年 | 2年 |
NEW LOVE | 2019年 | 2年 |
1999年 | FLAME VEIN | -- |
2000年 | THE LIVING DEAD | 1年 |
2002年 | jupiter | 2年 |
2004年 | ユグドラシル | 2年 |
2007年 | orbital period | 3年 |
2010年 | COSMONAUT | 3年 |
2014年 | RAY | 4年 |
2016年 | Butterflies | 2年 |
2019年 | aurora arc | 3年 |
2015年 | ラブとピースは君の中 | -- |
2016年 | MAN IN THE MIRROR | 1年 |
2017年 | レポート | 1年 |
2018年 | エスカパレード | 1年 |
2019年 | Traveler | 1年 |
私は何に関しても、人と感想を話し合いたいと言う気持ちにとらわれるので、あるものにハマるとよく「◯◯ 感想」とか「◯◯ はてなブログ」とか検索する。
「恋愛ドラマな恋がしたい kiss to survive」(以後ドラ恋)
1 | 126.3億円 | ボヘミアン・ラプソディ |
2 | 87.8億円 | 名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人 |
3 | 86.0億円 | 劇場版コード・ブルー ドクターヘリ緊急救命 |
4 | 79.0億円 | ジュラシック・ワールド 炎の王国 |
5 | 63.7億円 | ファンタスティック・ビーストと黒い魔法使いの誕生 |
... | ... | ... |
14 | 37.0億円 | アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー |
1 | 99.1億円 | Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days(神と共に 第二章:因と縁) |
2 | 96.7億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
3 | 81.0億円 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
4 | 54.4億円 | Mission: Impossible - Fallout |
5 | 51.4億円 | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom |
1 | 629.1億円 | Operation Red Sea(紅海行動) |
2 | 591.5億円 | Detective Chinatown 2(唐人街探案2) |
3 | 492.9億円 | Dying To Survive(我不是薬神) |
4 | 400.9億円 | Hello Mr. Billionaire(西虹市首富) |
5 | 392.8億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
1 | 762.9億円 | Black Panther |
2 | 739.8億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
3 | 663.2億円 | Incredibles 2 |
4 | 455.2億円 | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom |
5 | 365.1億円 | Aquaman |
1 | 105.5億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
2 | 92.0億円 | Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! |
3 | 79.9億円 | Incredibles 2 |
4 | 77.6億円 | Black Panther |
5 | 76.3億円 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
1 | 52.1億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
2 | 51.8億円 | Les Tuche 3 |
3 | 50.6億円 | La ch'tite famille |
4 | 46.2億円 | Incredibles 2 |
5 | 38.5億円 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
1 | 49.6億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
2 | 48.2億円 | Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald |
3 | 39.8億円 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
4 | 36.8億円 | Fifty Shades Freed |
5 | 34.8億円 | Der Junge muss an die frische Luft |
1 | 39.1億円 | T-34 |
2 | 37.8億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
3 | 35.3億円 | Venom |
4 | 29.4億円 | Politseyskiy s Rublyovki. Novogodniy bespredel |
5 | 28.9億円 | Ice |
これだけソースがList of highest-grossing films in India - Wikipedia。
1 | 88.5億円 | 2.0 |
2 | 67.4億円 | Sanju |
3 | 60.6億円 | Padmaavat |
4 | 48.3億円 | Simmba |
5 | 46.0億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
1 | 72.8億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
2 | 41.0億円 | Incredibles 2 |
3 | 40.3億円 | Black Panther |
4 | 39.5億円 | Aquaman |
5 | 36.0億円 | Nada a Perder(神への献身) |
1 | 8.7億円 | Black Panther |
2 | 6.1億円 | Avengers: Infinity War |
3 | 4.2億円 | Aquaman |
4 | 3.8億円 | Incredibles 2 |
5 | 3.4億円 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017
In the Mosuo tribe, marriage is non-existent and Grandmother's the boss, but will their way of life survive? https://t.co/9SrJtu0f4k pic.twitter.com/XB573wjWEB— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 2, 2017