日本刀の3Dモデルデータ 「Katana」が2月22日に発売。紹介PVを公開 Katana 配信元 Bunnopen 配信日 2017/02/20 <以下,メーカー発表文の内容をそのまま掲載しています> 精巧な日本刀の3Dモデルデータ、 「Katana」を新商品として発売します。 商品名:Katana 販売価格:34.99USドル 発売日:2月22日(UE4マーケットプレイス) 3月下旬(Unityアセットストア) セット内容:8種の日本刀モデルデータ ◆日本人が作る最高品質のヒストリカルな日本刀3Dモデルデータです。 「Katana」は、今までのゲームに採用されている日本刀モデルに比べて、より歴史資料に基づき正確に日本刀を再現した日本刀3Dデータモデルです。 三重県桑名市博物館、愛知県名古屋市徳川美術館での実地調査、および室町時代、戦国時代の刀剣資料をもとに限りなく現実的な3Dデータにな
This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis. DescriptionReviewsQuestionsDungeon Architect is a procedural level generator. Design the layout of your levels using powerful node based systems. Create key-locks, teleporter
Hello Zbrushers I’m a senior 3D environment artist working at blizzard, and It’s been a while I didn’t show new stuff so I decided to update my website and Art dump the work I did on the “Heroes of The Storm” team on Zbrush central. Some of you may already know my work or a brush a shared a couple years ago called the “Orb_cracks”, this brush was created to make stylized stone cracks or wood lines
Free Infinity Blade Collection Now Available in the Unreal Engine Marketplace On the heels of yesterday’s Apple Special Event, and with Infinity Blade III going free for the first time ever, there’s one more surprise in store: You can now download thousands of assets from our Infinity Blade Collection for free in the Marketplace! This content represents a $3 million investment in art and sound des
Unfortunately, Strumpy Shader Editor is no longer available. This package has been deprecated from the Asset Store. This means that new purchases of the package are not allowed and that only users who already purchased or downloaded the package before it was deprecated, are allowed to download it. In most cases, package deprecation happens because the publisher is unable or unwilling to support th