Let Your Creativity Flow with DomoAIEffortlessly produce AI Anime Videos and Images with a suite of AI-powered Tools
Observable Framework is an open-source static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Framework includes a preview server for local development, and a command-line interface for automating builds & deploys. You write simple Markdown pages — with interactive charts and inputs in reactive JavaScript, and with data snapshots generated by data loaders in any programming language (
Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content Powered by MDXSave time and focus on text documents. Simply write docs and blog posts with MDX, and Docusaurus builds them into static HTML files ready to be served. You can even embed React components in your Markdown thanks to MDX. Built Using ReactExtend and customize your project's layout by writing React components. Leverage the pluggabl
Introduction This page describes some new pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) we (David Blackman and I) have been working on recently, and a shootout comparing them with other generators. Details about the generators can be found in our paper. Information about my previous xorshift-based generators can be found here, but they have been entirely superseded by the new ones, which are faster and b
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? ・各convolution層後にstyleの調整を行う ・細部の特徴(髪質やそばかす)はノイズによって生成される ・潜在変数$z$を中間潜在変数$w$にマッピングする ・これまでのGANのようにGeneratorの入力層に潜在変数$z$を入れることはしない Style-based generator A:$w$をstyle($y_s,y_b$)に変えるためのアフィン変換 $y_s,y_b$はチャンネルごとに値をもつ B:ノイズは1チャンネル画像から成る convの出力に足し合わせる前に、ノイズをチャンネルごとにスケーリングすることを意味
Nodz is a very user friendly python library to create nodes based graphs. It can be connected to anything you want as long as it understands python. Nodz does not hold any data other than its own graphics and attributes types as it is used by the graphics. Nods provides you with a very simple way to read your graph, it outputs connections as strings ('Node1.attribute1', 'node2.attribute5') Nodz is
This program generates bitmaps that are locally similar to the input bitmap. Local similarity means that (C1) The output should contain only those NxN patterns of pixels that are present in the input. (Weak C2) Distribution of NxN patterns in the input should be similar to the distribution of NxN patterns over a sufficiently large number of outputs. In other words, probability to meet a particular
🃏This generator is a part of Procgen Arcana. This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. The generation method is rather arbitrary, the goal is to produce a nice looking map, not an accurate model of a city. The first version of this generator was created for the monthly challenge #17 of the proceduralgeneration subreddit. Right click to open the context menu wit