Write like a rocket scientist with Overleaf —the collaborative, online LaTeX editor that anyone can use.
Did this help? Hosting Detexify costs money and if it helps you may consider helping to pay the hosting bill. Want a Mac app? Lucky you. The Mac app is finally stable enough. See how it works on Vimeo. Download the latest version here. Restriction: In addition to the LaTeX command the unlicensed version will copy a reminder to purchase a license to the clipboard when you select a symbol. You can p
LaTeX – A document preparation system LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software. You don't have to pay for using LaTeX, i.e., there are no license fees, etc. But you are, of co
Rich Markdown editor StackEdit’s Markdown syntax highlighting is unique. The refined text formatting of the editor helps you visualize the final rendering of your files. WYSIWYG controls StackEdit provides very handy formatting buttons and shortcuts, thanks to PageDown, the WYSIWYG-style Markdown editor used by Stack Overflow. Smart layout Whether you write, you review, you comment… StackEdit's la
TeX Live 2016 には「日本語 TeX 開発コミュニティ」によってカスタマイズされた新しい pLaTeX がインストールされます。W32TeX では 2016/05/02 以降は新しい pLaTeX が配布されていますし、TeX Live 2016 pretest をインストールした方も 2016/05/10 以降は新しい pLaTeX を持っていることになります。従来のものと何が変わったのか、ここで実際の画像を見ていただきながら説明していこうと思います。 あくまでこのブログは「日本語 TeX 開発コミュニティによる公式見解」ではなく、その中の一個人が独断と偏見を交えつつ(?)説明しようという試みであり、それ以上の意味を持たないことをことわっておきます。公式な告知は TeX Forum に出してあります。 変更点の超ダイジェスト(兼・目次) 詳しく説明する前に、ダイジェストで画像
Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of Now, anyone with internet access and a web browser can enjoy reading2 a high quality up-to-date copy of Feynman's legendary lectures. This edition has been designed for ease of reading on devices of any size or shape; text, figures and equations can all be zoomed