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expressionを使用して数値を文字列に組み合わせる ftoa --- 数値を文字列に変換 ftoa(number) //sample タイムが20frameの場合 `ftoa($F)`Frame = 20Frame padzero --- 指定したpadding数値に変換 (zero padding) padzero(size, value) //sample タイムが20frameの場合 `padzero(4, $F)`Frame = 0020Frame geoファイルの読み込みに10frameのオフセット。 X:/geo/file.$F4.bgeo.sc X:/geo/file.`padzero(4, $F+10)`.bgeo.sc
Today we are going to cook a rock! and rock with it! I’ve seen the work all of you guys have been doing for a long time, and that’s wonderful. I’m not going to teach you anything, just want to shed some light IF there is anybody here who is not very familiar with the subject. As a person who wasn’t familiar with PBR for a while ago I know documentations can be very confusing and hard to understand