Create a laptop. ノートパソコンを作りたかった。 Backgorund After I built the cube PC , I want to build laptop PC as next project. When I was kids, I draw my perfect laptop PC to note. At that time, I couldn’t have the laptop. But, now I can start my project! As a first step, I decided to create a orthodox clamshell style PC. Which have a keyboard and screen. I define a goal that I can design next laptop in this
この記事は HDL Advent Calendar 2021 25日目の記事です。 すいません、11日ほど遅れての投稿です。 この記事では、以下のツイートに至るまでの裏話について話させていただきます。 HDLに関係があるかというとかなーり微妙ですが、許していただきたいです🙏 Our first tapeout project of 8bit CPU with @Cra2yPierr0t has just finished. We still don't have enough knowledge about making LSI ...https://t.co/J99bRlMTY3#mpw3 #efabless #openmpw pic.twitter.com/6MmGvlDMCZ— Δyuk! (@heppoko_yuki) 2021年11月12日 遂に@heppoko_yuki と共
Introduction: Make a ThinkPad Keyboard USB Adapter With Arduino Among the business class laptops, ThinkPads have the best keyboards. Even with the change to island style keyboards, I would say that ThinkPad keyboards still beat all its laptop competitors hands down in the keyboard department. Unlike others, ThinkPad keyboard keys are curved to fit your fingers, they have roughly the same surface a