RubyKaigi 2022 is over. Thank you everyone who made it. See you at RubyKaigi 2023 in Matsumoto!
He is a free software programmer and the president of ClearCode Inc. He is also the namer of ClearCode Inc. The origin of the company name is "clear code". We will be programmers that code clear code as our company name suggests. He is interested in how to tell other programmers about how he codes clear code. Benoit Daloze is a PhD student in Linz, Austria, researching concurrency in Ruby with Tru
Juanito Fatas joined Jolly Good Code in 2014 as one of their first engineering hires. He loves Emoji, an amateur translator, hacks on and contribute to Open Source frequently. He spent most of his time producing typos, checking spellings and deciding which Emoji to use every day.
Vladimir Makarov is a software developer. His major interests lays in algorithms, programming languages, compilers and JITs. Vladimir finished Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and got his PhD in computer science in Russian Academy of Sciences. Last 20 years he has been working on GCC in RedHat, Canada. Vladimir started his work on Ruby MRI in 2015. His MRI projects are new hash tables an
Money Forward is a fintech startup delivering tools to visualize and improve both individuals' and SMEs' financial health. Our BtoC service "Money Forward", is the largest personal financial management application in Japan. Through web, smartphone and tablet, we automatically integrate data from over 2.6K data sources and deliver the service to more than 5.0M users. Our BtoB service is a SaaS base
RubyKaigi Anti Harassment Policy At RubyKaigi, we want you to be happy. We value your attendance. To achieve that, all participants are required to agree with the following anti harassment policy. Organizers will enforce this throughout the conference, party, and related social events. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody. RubyKaigi is dedicat
Detail Lightning Talks *No translation provided for this session factory_girlを代表とするFixture Replacementライブラリによって、柔軟なテストデータの準備が容易にできるようになりました。 しかしながら、Fixture Replacementの使い方を知るだけでは、変化し続けるプロダクトに合わせてテストデータをメンテナンス可能な形で更新し続けるのは困難です。 本発表では、factory_girlの機能紹介だけなく、テストデータとテストコードを継続的にメンテナンスし続けるための考え方と、実践的なTipsを紹介します。 あなたのアプリケーションのテストデータとテストコードの両方を書きやすく、そして読みやすくするために、明日からできることを持って帰ってください。
RubyKaigi is the authoritative international conference on the Ruby programming language, attracting Ruby committers and Ruby programmers from around the world to Japan, the birthplace of Ruby. Held nearly every year since 2006, RubyKaigi is a truly international event. Last year's 3-day event -- the first to include English as an official language -- welcomed over 1500 participants. The eighth in