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新作レインウェア『UP-SWING Rain Hoody / Pants』2025年2月1日(土)発売開始 2025-01-30
The NITECORE EDC23 SABER, Ultra Slim Pocket Tactical EDC Flashlight, utilizes the UHi 25 LEDs to deliver an output of 2500 lumens and a throw of 280 meters. It features a compact and ultra short structure, measuring just 102.8mm (4.05") in length. The NITECORE HC70 UHE High Performance 21700 Rechargeable Work Headlamp features a matrix-design 6-core UHE optics that provides a bright and wide light
SHOP OUR CO-BRANDED FLASHLIGHTS These flashlights are all partnerships with influencers. If you happened to be one of his/her fans, click the button and get one of the customized lights for yourself. shop now Thrunite. guiding you through the nite. Founded in 2009 by a previous college dropout, now the CEO David Chen, ThruNite is an on-going dream. He dropped out to pursue his dream in south China
Features ·Uses Cree XP-G2 R5 LED with a lifespan of 50,000 hours ·Uses one AA (Ni-MH, Alkaline) battery ·SIZE: 71mm×38.9mm×40mm(2.79" ×1.53"×1.57") ·WEIGHT: 52g (1.76 oz) excluding battery ·Digitally regulated output maintains constant brightness ·60 degree tilt mechanism ·Fast, convenient all-in-one button switch ·Reverse polarity protection guards against improper battery installation ·Made from
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Lithium-ion Batteries (Li-ion Batteries) are batteries with one of the best energy-to-weight ratios. They do not have any memory effect and have a slow loss of charge when not in use. Li-ion batteries are much lighter than other equivalent secondary batteries. Care should be taken while handling these batteries. Unless care is taken their life span may be reduced. Most of the AW Batteries reviewed
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