Body Mind Soul Quotes

Quotes tagged as "body-mind-soul" Showing 1-14 of 14
Nataša Pantović
“In an attempt to deeper explore the infinite game of Life, we explore:
• Earth that is fixed, rigid, static and quiet, and symbolizes your world of senses;
• Water that is the primordial Chaos, is fluidity and flexibility, and symbolizes your subconscious mind; Intuition is a deeper perception. Without clear evidence or proof, intuition perceives the subtle inner relationships and underlying processes creatively, and imaginatively.
• Fire that is boundless and invisible, and is a parching heat that consumes all, or within its highest manifestation, becomes the expression of Divine Love. It is a symbol of your emotions, and
• Air that has no shape and is incapable of any fixed form. It symbolizes your world of thoughts. It is a rational, systematic process, it is our intellectual comprehension of things.
All elements are bound by:
• Soul that stands at the center of the four elements as an Essence, an Observer, Consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life.”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Mindful Being

Nataša Pantović
“Because the parenting IS the most difficult job in the world! Our children need our Love, but also our support within this amazing matrix of choices. They need us to guide them towards Healthy Foods, Healthy Habits, Inspiring Activities, Life Enriching Friends, etc.’
Conscious Parenting by Natasa Pantovic Nuit Quotes about kids body mind soul”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course

Nataša Pantović
“If we do not respect our Earth, the World of Emotions & Mental development will suffer. We all need Rhythm in our food consumption, sleep patterns, cleanliness & exercise regime. This Routine does not come naturally and it is learned and exercised from very young age.’
Conscious Parenting by Natasa Pantovic Nuit Quotes about kids development Routine”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course

Nataša Pantović
“Just as God is hidden, so are the inner secrets of Her divine message. We read about them, hear them uttered, but we cannot possibly comprehend their meaning unless we have a direct experience of their truth. That is why to be able to talk to our souls we use meditation, we use rituals, symbols and signs, we use dreams and careful observation of souls’ subconscious messages. The mystics of our past help us in this quest. From Zarathustra who comes from the ancient Persian spiritual culture, to Pythagoras who comes from the Greco-Latin cultural epoch, to Lao Tzu, Buddha and Christ, they all carry the keys to the secrets of the most varied mysteries.”
Nataša Nuit Pantović, Spiritual Symbols

Nataša Pantović
“A thought weaves into another thought, seeking the other.
The thought world has its-own Inner Life.
A rose acts upon us through its symbolism, through its beauty, through our conscious & sub-conscious mind.
Meditating we tap into the thought form of ‘rose adoration’.”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Conscious Creativity Mindfulness Meditations

Stefan Emunds
“Your heart will challenge you, but also reward you beyond your wildest dreams.”
Stefan Emunds, Holistic Self-realization

Dorothy Holder
“Using your imagination means that you are using your most powerful tool of creation, manifestation and modification”
Dorothy Holder

Stefan Emunds
“Holistic self-realization is the realization of your heart’s desire. Why holistic? Because it involves your entire being. ”
Stefan Emunds, Holistic Self-realization

Tobe Hanson
“I have found that most people are more willing to accept physical pain and limitation rather than acknowledge and deal with the mental and/or emotional pain that might have caused it.”
Tobe Hanson

“As you grow in life as burden shift from body to mind.”
Arbab J. Edhi

“SLOW DOWN... Sit in stillness, Listen, Observe, Wonder, Dream, Omit, Worry Less, Nourish... BODY, MIND & SOUL”