Conscious Quotes

Quotes tagged as "conscious" Showing 1-30 of 215
George Orwell
“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
George Orwell, 1984

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“I swear, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is an illness - a real thorough-going illness.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground, White Nights, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, and Selections from The House of the Dead


I was born the day
I thought:
What is?
What was?
What if?

I was transformed the day
My ego shattered,
And all the superficial, material
Things that mattered
To me before,
Suddenly ceased
To matter.

I really came into being
The day I no longer cared about
What the world thought of me,
Only on my thoughts for
Changing the world.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Steve Maraboli
“How would your life be different if...You were conscious about the food you ate, the people you surround yourself with, and the media you watch, listen to, or read? Let today be the day...You pay attention to what you feed your mind, your body, and your life. Create a nourishing environment conducive to your growth and well-being today.”
Steve Maraboli, The Power Of One

“Whenever you appreciate a certain thing you become conscious of its real quality, and whenever you become conscious of the quality of anything, you begin to develop that quality in yourself. When we appreciate the worth of a person, we tend to impress the idea of that worth in our own minds, and thereby cause the same effect to be produced, in a measure, in ourselves.”
Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them

“We awaken by asking the right questions. We awaken when we see knowledge being spread that goes against our own personal experiences. We awaken when we see popular opinion being wrong but accepted as being right, and what is right being pushed as being wrong. We awaken by seeking answers in corners that are not popular. And we awaken by turning on the light inside when everything outside feels dark.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

T.F. Hodge
“Deep within, there is something profoundly known, not consciously, but subconsciously. A quiet truth, that is not a version of something, but an original knowing. What this, absolute, truth [identity] is may be none of our business…but it is there, guiding us along the path of greater becoming; a true awareness. It is so self-sustaining that our recognition of it is not required. We are offspring’s of such a powerfully divine force – Creator of all things known and unknown.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

“A truly good person will speak truth, act with truth, and stand for Truth. A truly good person is not afraid to think from their heart; therefore, allowing nonconformist decisions, viewpoints, and perspectives to lead their life. By following their heart, they stand with their conscience, and only with God.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Your mind can be your enemy or friend. If you always follow your heart, your mind will feel neglected. If you follow only your mind, your heart will never forgive you. Never ignore your conscience, yet always be conscious of reason. Make your heart and mind friends and you will have peace of mind throughout life's seasons.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“We must all work in harmony with each other to stand up for what is right, to speak up for what is fair, and to always voice any corrections so that the ignorant become informed and justice is never ignored. Every time a person allows an act of ignorance to happen, they delay our progress for true change. Every person, molecule and thing matters. We become responsible for the actions of others the instant we become conscious of what they are doing wrong and fail to remind them of what is right.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

C.G. Jung
“But there is no energy unless there is a tension of opposites; hence it is necessary to discover the opposite to the attitude of the conscious mind.”
C.G. Jung, The Essential Jung: Selected Writings

Thomas Ligotti
“In the recumbence of depression, your information-gathering system collates its intelligence and reports to you these facts: (1) there is nothing to do; (2) there is nowhere to go; (3) there is nothing to be; (4) there is no one to know. Without meaning-charged emotions keeping your brain on the straight and narrow, you would lose your balance and fall into an abyss of lucidity. And for a conscious being, lucidity is a cocktail without ingredients, a crystal clear concoction that will leave you hung over with reality. In perfect knowledge there is only perfect nothingness, which is perfectly painful if what you want is meaning in your life.”
Thomas Ligotti

“By means of personal experimentation and observation, we can discover certain simple and universal truths. The mind moves the body, and the body follows the mind. Logically then, negative thought patterns harm not only the mind but also the body. What we actually do builds up to affect the subconscious mind and in turn affects the conscious mind and all reactions.”
H.E. Davey, Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation

T.F. Hodge
“This path was not that of my conscious choosing. But after persistent subconscious confrontation, I have finally embraced what is, 'souly' for me...and I am thankful, when called upon, to be able to share and give to those who seek their own way of the path.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Sebastian Faulks
“This is how most people live: alive, but not conscious; conscious but not aware; aware, but intermittently.”
Sebastian Faulks, Engleby

T.F. Hodge
“Divide the constant tide and random noisiness of energetic flow, with conscious recurring moments of empty mind, solitude, gratitude and deep...slow...breathing. Of this, the natural law of self-preservation demands.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Frank Herbert
When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.
Frank Herbert, Dune


I am for
One world undivided.
One world without fear and corruption.
One world ruled by Truth and Justice.

I am for
One peaceful world for all,
Where hate has been overcome by love,
And everyone is guided only
By their conscience.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Kamand Kojouri
“You only feel powerless because your fear has given your power to the object of your fear. Once you realise this, you can claim it back.”
Kamand Kojouri

Toba Beta
“Sometimes, we feel conscious but unable to move our body.
The first thing to do is focus in a prayer, then start to wink frequently.
By this way, slowly but sure our body can be moved totally by our persistent willpower.”
Toba Beta [Betelgeuse Incident], Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Sebastian Faulks
“We're not really conscious of what we're doing most of the time.”
Sebastian Faulks, Engleby

Toba Beta
“Bukan doa orang lain yang membuat anda sukses atau gagal,
tapi karena anda telah mengaminkannya, sadar atau tak sadar.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Helen Oyeyemi
“I love sleeping. Waking is more and more hateful the older I get. I say this as if I've lived too long. I'm twenty-two.”
Helen Oyeyemi, Mr. Fox

“Be conscious about life and time in order to maximize your time effectively”
Sunday Adelaja

“At the surface of our life we are conscious of the many pressing problems that beset us, the conflicts, the anxieties, the angers, the decisions that we feel we must urgently make. But one reason that theIntensive Journal method has been effective for many people is that it practices an indirect approach to slowing our life problems. Rather than move head-on to encounter problems in the external form in which they appear in our lives, we step back and move inward to meet them at a deeper level.”
Ira Progoff, At a Journal Workshop

Hashim Nadeem
“انسان کے جسم اور اس کے دماغ کو سلانے اور سن کرنے کے لیے ہزاروں دوائیں بازار میں مل جاتی ہیں۔ مگر سارے زمانے کے حکیم اور طبیب مل کر بھی ایسی دوا ایجاد نہیں کر پائے جو چند لمحوں کے لیے کسی کے جاگے ہوئے ضمیر کو سلا دے۔”
Hashim Nadeem, Parizaad / پری زاد

Abhijit Naskar
“First thing crucial for mental health is awareness - not mental health awareness, just awareness - awareness of life, awareness of being. In fact, mental health awareness is just awareness commercialized.”
Abhijit Naskar, Azad Earth Army: When The World Cries Blood

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