Slow Living Quotes
Quotes tagged as "slow-living"
Showing 1-16 of 16
“I wanted to live how I really wanted, even if that meant turning against what everyone I knew was doing. I didn’t want to be close to the action or save on rent by sharing space anymore. I wanted to live somewhere with quiet views of the mountains, surrounded by nature and with plenty of time to sit, read, write and think.”
“Our lives aren't meant to be fast and functional, like my weekday life had become. Our lives were created to be vibrant--enriched with the foods that make us feel like we’re truly living, to the very fullest.”
― Every Day Is Saturday: Recipes and Strategies for Easy Cooking, Every Day of the Week
― Every Day Is Saturday: Recipes and Strategies for Easy Cooking, Every Day of the Week
“So much seems impossible until it happens. But perfect opportunities do exist and when they come into your life, you can either feel unworthy or not ready and push them away, or you can accept them with a heartfelt thank you. It’s so easy to say no to everything you’ve ever wanted. The hardest thing can be to say yes.”
“Slow, soulful living is all about coming back to your truth, the only guidance you’ll ever need. When you rush, you have the tendency to follow others. When you bring in mindfulness, you have the power to align with yourself.”
“Journal prompt: What would you regret about today when you wake up tomorrow? I would regret not appreciating the slowness that today was trying to gift me. I’m always so quick to want to leap into the new, that I often don’t give myself time to soak in the little things that make this moment right here so special. Then one day, though it’s always so hard to believe, I’ll likely think to myself (as I always do), how I miss this pace and all the things I’d give to live it again. So here it is… your reminder to take a little time to enjoy the quiet and the slow drip of time before everything as you know it right this second somehow melts into another, “where did this month go? It flew by!”.”
“We don’t want to live our lives on autopilot and wake up one day and think, “Man, where did my life go”? By being intentional about starting our day, we can be more productive, less stressed people by making time for the things that make us happy and fulfilled.”
― Radiance and Ritual: Skincare and Self-Care for the Winter Season
― Radiance and Ritual: Skincare and Self-Care for the Winter Season
“Slow, soulful living is all about coming back to your truth, the only guidance you’ll ever need. When you rush, you have the tendency to follow others. When you bring in mindfulness, you have the power to align with yourself.”
― The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight
― The Call of Intuition: How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinct & Insight
“Did slowing down and simplifying make our lives easier? Not really. And certainly not in the beginning. Simpler, yes, but not easier. What it did do was put the important things front and center.”
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
“Slow food, yoga, mindfulness, de Tiny House Movement, Marie Kondo, hernieuwde populariteit van volkstuinen, de opkomst van een minimalistische levensstijl; er zijn tal van trends die - hoe klein, imperfect en onbeholpen ze ook zijn - een afkeer belichamen van een consumptiesamenleving enkel gebaseerd op het najagen van steeds meer verlangens en materiële invloed. Ze tonen daarnaast niet alleen een groeiend ongemak met ons destructieve materialisme, maar ook een latent besef van het verlies van betrokkenheid met de spullen die we hebben en met de dingen die we doen.”
― De eeuw van Felix
― De eeuw van Felix
“Because what is privilege if not an opportunity? Opportunity to make things better for everyone? Opportunity to see inequity and rectify it? Opportunity to take these immense and lucky gifts and make them count toward a better world for those who didn't win the arbitrary where-you-were-born lottery?”
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
“I've realized that in order to leave the world a better place than I found it - to be compassionate and caring - I need to be strong, I need to be vulnerable, I need to be healthy and vital and full of good stuff like kindness and generosity and laughter. Not because those things make me a Good Person but because if I have those things, I can turn around and share them.”
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
― Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World
“When your mind rests, the world also rest.”
― The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down 16-Month 2018-2019 Wall Calendar: September 2018-December 2019
― The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down 16-Month 2018-2019 Wall Calendar: September 2018-December 2019
“SLOW DOWN... Sit in stillness, Listen, Observe, Wonder, Dream, Omit, Worry Less, Nourish... BODY, MIND & SOUL”
“Life’s most sacred wonders are not always loud or grand; they are often in the stillness... gentle, ordinary gifts that we so often hurry past”
“When we slow down, we don’t lose time - we find MORE of it. MORE wonder in the simplest moments, MORE depth in the quiet, MORE beauty in what we once rushed past”
“Life is not just about moving forward; it’s about noticing what’s been there all along... waiting to be seen”
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