Wyoming, constituent state of the United States of America. Wyoming became the 44th state of the union on July 10, 1890. It ranks 10th among the 50 U.S. states in terms of total area. It shares boundaries with six other Great Plains and Mountain states: Montana to the north and northwest, South Dakota and Nebraska to the east, Colorado to the south, Utah to the southwest, and Idaho to the west. Cheyenne, the capital, is located in the southeastern corner of the state.
The word Wyoming is derived from a Delaware word meaning “land of vast plains,” an apt description of the state’s spacious natural environment, which is home to nearly as many pronghorn as people. Wyoming’s residents are spread across the land in small ranching and farming towns, in mining settlements, and in communities offering unparalleled outdoor recreational opportunities. Each year millions of people visit Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Moreover, the state has a low crime rate and little pollution. One of Wyoming’s nicknames is the Equality State, because it was the first state in the country to approve a constitution that included a provision granting women the right to vote. Area 97,813.000000 square miles (253,334.000000 square km). Population (2020) 576,851.000000; (2024 est.) 587,618.000000.
Wyoming’s topography is dominated by several large basins and the ranges of the Rocky Mountains that border them. The broad basins are synclines. The mountains dominating Wyoming’s horizon were formed during a period of mountain-building activity known as the Laramide orogeny, which affected the region from about 70 million to 40 million years ago. The land surface of Wyoming has a mean elevation of 6,700 feet (2,040 metres) above sea level, the highest of any state except Colorado. Three-fourths of Wyoming lies more than 1 mile (1.6 km) in elevation, and two-fifths exceeds 7,000 feet (2,100 metres). The state’s lowest point, at 3,125 feet (953 metres), lies in the channel of the Belle Fourche River as it flows from the state into South Dakota; its highest point, Gannett Peak, part of the Wind River Range in west-central Wyoming, reaches 13,804 feet (4,207 metres) in elevation.
Wyoming has six physiographic regions: the Black Hills; the Great Plains; the Southern, Middle, and Northern Rocky Mountains; and the Wyoming Basin. The Black Hills extend into South Dakota and are of generally low relief. Wyoming’s Great Plains region occupies the easternmost one-third of the state, gradually increasing in elevation from the state’s eastern border to the many mountain ranges that mark the region’s western margin.
The Southern Rocky Mountains extend from northeastern Colorado along the Laramie, Medicine Bow, and Sierra Madre ranges, making their farthest extension into Wyoming along the Laramie Range, where the mountain system terminates just south of the North Platte River near the city of Casper. The Northern Rocky Mountain region extends south from Canada across the states of Montana and Idaho and enters Wyoming at the northwestern corner of Yellowstone Park. The much larger Middle Rocky Mountain region occupies most of the northwestern quarter of the state, extending south along the Idaho-Wyoming border into Utah. Included in this region are the scenic Bighorn and Wind River mountain ranges, the geysers and fumaroles of Yellowstone Park, the igneous Absaroka Plateau on the park’s eastern margins, and Gannett Peak.
The Wyoming Basin borders the Continental Divide between the Southern and Middle Rocky Mountains and is composed of interspersed smaller mountains and intermontane basins. This region includes Flaming Gorge, created by the erosive action of the Green River, and the Great Divide Basin, which encloses an area of interior drainage with no outlet.
The Continental Divide crosses Wyoming from the south-central portion of the state, trending northwest and leaving the state through Yellowstone National Park. Partly because of the presence of the divide, Wyoming contributes to the headwaters of four major North American drainage systems—the Colorado, Columbia, and Missouri rivers and the Great Salt Lake. The most significant of these to the state is the Missouri system, which drains approximately three-fourths of Wyoming’s land area. It is estimated that three-fourths of the state’s contributions to these drainage systems originate as snowmelt in Wyoming’s mountain ranges.
Wyoming’s several hundred soil types may be grouped into three broad categories determined largely on the basis of the state’s variable elevation and climatic zones. Varieties of mountain soils are found throughout the many ranges in Wyoming, with their greatest concentration in the northwest. These soils are frequently acidic and of limited value to commercial cropping, although they may support alpine meadows used for summer pasture and scattered forests used for timber products.
The southwestern to north-central portions of the state contain numerous varieties of desert soils that are frequently alkaline and used mostly for winter range, although others are suitable for agricultural crops when irrigated and sustain significant yields of grain. Plains soils, found in the eastern third of Wyoming, are of reasonable fertility and provide substantial forage for livestock; they also support moderate levels of dryland farming, including the production of wheat.
Wyoming’s climate is influenced by its interior location on the North American landmass and by its high mean elevation. The state includes areas of arid desert, semiarid steppe (short-grass prairie), and alpine climates. The arid desert regions are all found in the western half of the state and have average annual rates of precipitation of between about 4 and 8 inches (100 and 200 mm). Some three-fourths of the state is considered semiarid steppe and averages about 9 to 16 inches (230 to 410 mm) annually. Wyoming’s mountains may receive much larger quantities of precipitation. In some mountainous areas total snowfall can exceed 200 inches (5,100 mm) annually and can remain on the ground for more than 150 days per year.
Average monthly temperatures vary greatly across Wyoming. January mean temperatures range from a low of about 10 °F (–12 °C) in the mountains to the upper 20s F (about –2 °C) in the southeast. Mean July temperatures range from the low 50s F (about 10 °C) in the mountains to the mid-70s F (about 24 °C) in the Bighorn Basin in north-central Wyoming.
Plant and animal life
About four-fifths of Wyoming is covered with grasses and semidesert to desert shrubs. The state’s forests are found largely in the mountains and along streams where sufficient soil moisture is available. Though there are some limited areas of hardwood trees, most of Wyoming’s forests are composed of conifers, principally ponderosa pine in the northeast, lodgepole pine in the south-central area, and Douglas fir, Engelmann spruce, and lodgepole pine in the northwest. The state’s largest woodland preserve, the 1,100,000-acre (450,000-hectare) Bighorn National Forest, comprises most of the state’s principal tree species in a variety of montane ecosystems.
Wyoming supports abundant animal life, including the largest number of pronghorn in North America. Pronghorn are located in every part of the state, with their greatest concentration in areas of sagebrush and grasses. The state also supports large numbers of whitetail and mule deer, moose, and the world’s largest single herd of wapiti (American elk). Black bears live in most of Wyoming’s forested mountain areas, with grizzly bears in the high mountain and wilderness areas in and surrounding Yellowstone Park. Rocky Mountain timber wolves were reintroduced to the Yellowstone region in 1995. Herds of American bison (buffalo) are found in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Grouse, quail, partridges, and pheasants are found in some of the state’s uplands, and wild turkeys are common in many of the state’s open woodlands.
Population composition
More than nine-tenths of Wyoming’s residents are of European ancestry. Hispanics account for the largest minority of Wyoming’s population. African Americans constitute less than 1 percent of the total population, and most of them reside in the Cheyenne area. Although Chinese immigrants were instrumental in the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad, Wyoming’s present-day Asian population is small. Most Asians live in the state’s southern counties in the cities of Cheyenne, Laramie, and Rock Springs. More than 2 percent of Wyoming’s population is composed of Native Americans, mostly the Arapaho and Shoshone. More than half of this population lives on the nearly 2,000,000-acre (810,000-hectare) Wind River Reservation in the west-central portion of Wyoming.
Settlement patterns
Wyoming’s earliest pattern of sedentary occupancy by European immigrants and settlers from the eastern United States was determined by the locations of military posts such as Fort Laramie (1834–90) and Fort Bridger (1843–90), both of which provided protection from attacks by Native Americans as well as trading opportunities. The building of the Union Pacific Railroad in the late 1860s led to the founding of several early settlements, including Cheyenne, Laramie, Rawlins, Rock Springs, and Evanston.
Wyoming’s current pattern of settlement is based upon its agricultural, mining, and recreational activities, the last of which has contributed greatly to the state’s growth, owing to an increase in seasonal residents of vacation centres, especially Cody and Jackson. There is no major metropolitan area, and the state’s two largest urban areas, Casper and Cheyenne, are small cities by the standards of most states. The remainder of the state’s towns and cities are typically small in population, having long expanses of Wyoming’s wide-open spaces between them. They are service centres for surrounding ranches and farms, mining operations, and recreational lands.
Demographic trends
About two-thirds of Wyoming residents were born in state, and only 2 percent of the population is foreign-born. In the early 21st century, as young families and workers (many of whom were immigrants) moved to Wyoming to work in mining and energy development, the average age of the population decreased slightly in the counties where those sectors were prominent. In many of the state’s rural counties, however, as much as one-fifth of the population was over the age of 65 (the national average of those over age 65 was about 12 percent).
Wyoming’s economy is heavily tied to mining and agriculture (primarily the marketing of beef cattle and sheep). The state also has an important and growing tourist industry, serving millions of visitors to the state’s parks and historic sites. Manufacturing is of only minor importance. Personal income per capita in Wyoming is variable because of the state’s dependence on mineral extraction.
As one of Wyoming’s nicknames, the Cowboy State, implies, ranching has historically been important to the state both economically and culturally. The state’s rangelands are well suited to livestock production, and more than two-thirds of the state’s land area is devoted to livestock grazing. The cattle industry is dominant; it accounts for more than two-thirds of Wyoming’s agricultural economy. The production of hogs and sheep is also significant.
The major crop-producing areas in Wyoming are in the southeast and in the Bighorn and Wind River basins. The state has fewer than 10,000 farms because of the small amount of annual precipitation in its western portion. Hay, consumed by livestock, accounts for much of the state’s cropland. Wyoming’s most valuable export grain crop is wheat; other important crops include oats, barley, and corn (maize). Wyoming is also a major producer of sugar beets, dry beans (including great northern and pinto beans), and potatoes. About three-fourths of Wyoming’s total cropland is irrigated.
Resources and power
Wyoming is one of the top coal-producing states in the country. Coal ranked as Wyoming’s most valuable mineral resource prior to 1920, but it now ranks behind petroleum and natural gas production in economic importance. Of the oil and gas deposits found across the state, the largest known are those in the northeast. There are also significant oil shale reserves in the southwest.
Wyoming has substantial uranium deposits, estimated to account for one-third of the total reserves in the United States. The state’s largest uranium deposits are found in the Red Desert, Shirley Basin, South Powder River basin, Gas Hills, and Pumpkin Buttes areas. Wyoming also contains vast quantities of trona (unrefined soda ash), bentonite clay (used as drilling mud and foundry binder), gypsum, limestone, and iron ore. Small quantities of gold and gemstones have been found in the Wind River Mountains and elsewhere but are not mined in commercial quantities.
The majority of Wyoming’s electricity is generated by coal-fired power plants. Much of the remainder is produced by the Seminoe and Alcova hydroelectric power plants on the North Platte River and by an increasing number of wind farms. Its largest wind facility is in the southwestern corner of the state. The demand for energy is lower in Wyoming than in most other states, and much of its energy is exported to neighbouring states.
Most of the manufacturing that occurs in the state is related to the processing of the raw minerals mined there. Wyoming’s chemical plants produce fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals. Construction and farming machinery, foodstuffs, soap, and stone, glass, and clay products are also manufactured. Wyoming ranks among the top states in the country in the production of wool.
Services and labour
Tourism and recreation are major growth industries in Wyoming. The state government has increased its advertising of Wyoming’s spectacular scenery and recreational opportunities. Among the principal sites for tourists are the state’s parks and historic sites, including Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and such attractions as Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Fort Laramie National Historic Site, and Devil’s Tower and Fossil Buttes national monuments.
About half of Wyoming’s workers are employed in the service industry, and the national parks and forests employ a large portion of them. Much of the remainder work in mining and for utilities. Wyoming’s unemployment rate was lower and personal income growth higher than the national average in the early 21st century, mainly because of the state’s prosperous mining and energy-producing sectors. Many people from other western states and from Rust Belt states moved to Wyoming to work in its coal, oil, and gas industries. There is no income tax in Wyoming.
The original path of the transcontinental railroad still serves as one of Wyoming’s major transportation corridors. The tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad, which continue to carry substantial quantities of freight across the state, now share the corridor with Interstate 80, one of the country’s most important east-west highways. A second east-west transportation corridor is Interstate 90. Wyoming’s primary north-south transportation corridor is Interstate 25. The state is served by a network of paved highways and roads that include the scenic Yellowstone Highway, which connects Wyoming’s largest city, Casper, with Yellowstone National Park.
Passenger rail service in Wyoming was discontinued in 1997 because of high costs. Commuter air carriers serve the state’s major cities and recreational destinations, including Cheyenne, Laramie, Casper, Cody, and Jackson. Most commuter air service operations originate in Denver or Salt Lake City, Utah. Additional flights are scheduled during the winter to serve skiing destinations such as Jackson Hole and Pinedale.
Government and society
Constitutional framework
Wyoming’s constitution, adopted in 1889, specifies three branches of state government: a legislature, an executive, and a judiciary. There are five elected executives: governor, auditor, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, and secretary of state; there is no lieutenant governor. All executive officers serve four-year terms. Each of the five elected state administrators supervises an area of state government with a substantial degree of autonomy.
Wyoming’s constitution specifies a bicameral legislature, including a House of Representatives and a Senate. The Senate has 30 members who are elected for four-year terms, while the House has 60 representatives who are elected every two years. Representation in both chambers is based upon county or district populations. Wyoming’s legislature is composed of part-time citizen lawmakers who meet for limited legislative sessions each year.
Wyoming’s constitution also establishes a three-tier court system that includes local courts, nine district courts, and a Supreme Court. District court justices stand for reelection every six years. The state’s Supreme Court has five justices who stand for reelection every eight years in nonpartisan elections. Local courts included country courts and justices of the peace and municipal courts until the late 1990s, when they were phased out in favour of circuit courts of limited jurisdiction.
At the local government level there are 23 counties and numerous municipalities, school districts, and special districts. The form of municipal government is by local option, the strong and weak mayor and the manager forms all being used. All counties use the commission form of government. The average county government provides services to a sparse population spread over some 4,000 square miles (10,000 square km), an area more than twice as large as the state of Delaware. Sweetwater county, in the southern portion of the state, alone accounts for more than 10,000 square miles (27,000 square km). These large areas require a strong commitment to the effective provision of services on the part of local government officials and a measure of self-reliance on the part of Wyoming’s population.
Wyoming is politically conservative and has traditionally favoured the Republican Party in presidential contests. Wyoming has also tended to send Republican senators and representatives to the U.S. Congress. Although Democratic victories are not uncommon in state executive-branch positions, there has not been a Democratic majority in the state Senate since 1936 or in the House since 1964. Republican Dick Cheney, the vice president of the United States from 2001 to 2009, represented Wyoming in the U.S. House of Representatives for six terms beginning in 1978 and eventually became the Republican whip.
Health and welfare
Quality health care facilities are located in the state’s larger towns and cities, but there remains a demand for health care professionals in many of the state’s rural areas. Many rural residents must travel to Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, or Denver for treatment. The state’s Native American communities are served by the U.S. Indian Health Service.
The state’s population is well educated, with the proportion of both high school and college graduates above the national average. Wyoming’s schools are small and have favourable teacher-pupil ratios. In some of the state’s most isolated areas, kindergarten to eighth-grade students are still taught in one-teacher schools. The vast majority of the state’s population graduates from high school.
The University of Wyoming, located in Laramie, was founded in 1886 and is the state’s only public four-year institution of higher learning. There are, however, several private four-year colleges in Wyoming, as well as two-year community colleges in Casper, Cheyenne, Sheridan, Powell, Rock Springs, Torrington, and Riverton.
Cultural life
The traditions and culture of the American West remain very much a part of Wyoming life. Annual festivals that celebrate the state’s Western heritage include county fairs, the Wyoming State Fair, held in Douglas each August, and Jubilee Days, held in Laramie in July. Many of these events are held in conjunction with rodeos. The world’s largest rodeo is held each summer in Cheyenne during Frontier Days. Frontier Days has been held annually since 1897 and draws visitors from all parts of the world to watch events that include bronco riding, bull riding, calf roping, and barrel racing.
The arts
The annual Jackson Hole Falls Arts Festival is popular with local artists. There is also an arts community in the town of Cody, which was founded by entertainer and marksman William F. Cody (better known as Buffalo Bill Cody), whose Wild West show toured throughout the United States and Europe and made him a national celebrity. Jackson Pollock, one of the leading artists of the Abstract Expressionist movement, hailed from Cody.
Several writers focused their work on Wyoming. Perhaps the best-known novelist to portray the heroic cowboy of the American West was Owen Wister, who spent some summers in the state. Humorist Bill Nye began his career in Wyoming and was the first editor of the Laramie Boomerang newspaper. Other writers who have lived in and written about Wyoming include Gretel Ehrlich, Geoffrey O’Gara, E. Annie Proulx, and C.L. Rawlins.
Cultural institutions
Music companies and music festivals include the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra, the Casper Civic Symphony, the Grand Teton Music Festival in Teton Village, and the Wyoming Summer Music Festival in Laramie, which highlights chamber music. Several cities and towns in Wyoming have active theatre companies. There are also a number of museums in Wyoming, many preserving the state’s colourful historical past. The National Museum of Wildlife Art is in Jackson Hole. Cody’s Buffalo Bill Historical Center features a museum and a library. Every county in Wyoming has at least one library, with the state’s largest being the William Robertson Coe Library, at the University of Wyoming in Laramie.
Sports and recreation
Spectator sports in Wyoming tend to focus on local high school teams. On the college level, the University of Wyoming, a member of the Mountain West Conference, has a solid fan base and a tradition of success in both gridiron football and men’s basketball. Although the Wyoming basketball program produced especially strong teams in the 1980s, its heyday was in 1943, when Kenny Sailor (credited by some as the inventor of the jump shot) led Wyoming to a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championship. Another University of Wyoming basketball player, Curt Gowdy, went on to become one of the best-known American sportscasters of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s.
Wyoming’s numerous state and national parks, national forests, and historic sites provide nearly unparalleled opportunities for camping, hiking, and observing wildlife. Nearly the entire expanse of the world’s oldest national park, Yellowstone, is found within the borders of Wyoming, making it readily accessible to the state’s residents. A large number of Wyomingites also regularly take advantage of the state’s excellent hunting and fishing opportunities.
Media and publishing
The major daily newspapers in Wyoming are the Casper Star Tribune and the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. The Warren Sentinel covers news from the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base near Cheyenne.
Early history
The first occupants of Wyoming were prehistoric hunters and gatherers who probably arrived from Siberia through Alaska more than 20,000 years ago. The total number of these peoples was never large, because they were highly dependent upon local game populations. By the time the first well-documented visits by “white” explorers to Wyoming occurred, the state’s population likely did not exceed 10,000. The Shoshone were the largest group in Wyoming at the beginning of the 19th century, but there were also smaller numbers of Arapaho, Crow, Cheyenne, Atsina, Arikara, Nez Percé, Ute, and Oglala and Brulé Dakota (Sioux).
The first known explorers to enter Wyoming were the French Canadian brothers François and Louis-Joseph, sons of Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de la Vérendrye. The brothers visited the northeastern corner of the state in 1743 while unsuccessfully searching for a route to the Pacific Ocean. Although the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) missed Wyoming by 60 miles (97 km), a member of the group, John Colter, broke away from the main party and trapped in northern Wyoming for some time; the official journal of the expedition includes Colter’s route and descriptions of the Jackson Hole and Yellowstone Park areas.
Fur trade and the Union Pacific Railroad
The early explorers were followed by small numbers of fur traders. Although there were likely never more than 500 traders in Wyoming at any given time, the state’s economy between 1825 and 1840 was heavily dependent on the activities of famous trappers and traders, including Jim Bridger, William Sublette, Jedediah Smith, and Thomas Fitzpatrick.
The number of people entering the Wyoming area increased with the westward movement of the U.S. population. After the discovery of the South Pass through the Rocky Mountains, as many as 400,000 emigrants crossed Wyoming between 1841 and 1868 on the Oregon, Overland, Mormon, Bozeman, and Bridger trails leading to what are now the present-day states of Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, and California. It is estimated that in 1850 alone as many as 55,000 crossed the future state. Pony Express riders, including William F. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, carried the mail across Wyoming between April 1860 and October 1861. The military posts of Fort Laramie and Fort Phil Kearny were established during this period.
In November 1867 the first train of the Union Pacific Railroad reached Cheyenne and made the state accessible to settlers and visitors. Also that year Fort D.A. Russell (now Francis E. Warren Air Force Base) was built on the branch of the South Platte River, 3 miles (5 km) west of present-day Cheyenne. Cheyenne grew from a handful of people to more than 6,000 in the first year, though the town consisted largely of tents and shacks, with a limited number of commercial buildings. This rapid population growth continued in southern Wyoming as the Union Pacific tracks continued across the state, finally entering Utah in 1868. The building of the railroad focused attention on the West, and the Wyoming Territory was created on July 25, 1868.
The state’s constitution was approved by a vote of the territorial population on Nov. 5, 1889, although Wyoming was not admitted to the Union until 1890. Wyoming’s constitution was the first in the world to grant full voting rights to women, as well as to allow them to hold public office. Wyoming also became the first state to elect a woman governor when Nellie Tayloe Ross won the position in 1924. Because of these developments Wyoming has been called the Equality State.
In the years preceding statehood, Wyoming developed its thriving cattle industry, serving as a terminus for cattle drives from Texas. The state’s immense rangelands fostered the initiation of the cowboy era that was chronicled in Owen Wister’s The Virginian (1902), based on his experience in turn-of-the-century Wyoming. This era was marked by violence on the range between cattlemen, homesteaders, and sheepherders that continued well after 1900; such conflicts over the control of resources and land occurred throughout the American West.
Wyoming in the 20th century
During the first two decades of the 20th century, the population of the state nearly doubled to 194,531. Much of the growth was due to the discovery and drilling of oil, which centred on the town of Casper. The Great Depression of the 1930s, however, brought a drop in the price of oil and coal and, as a result, an increase in Wyoming’s unemployment rate. Many people left the state in search of work. New Deal economic recovery programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps were of great benefit to the state, providing jobs in and around Wyoming’s national and state parks. Moreover, the Casper-Alcova Project (now the Kendrick Project), funded by the Public Works Administration, was established to construct dams on the North Platte River for irrigation purposes and to generate electricity. (Since then, the number of irrigated acres of farmland has increased dramatically.) In the 1934 elections, Democrats won the majority of the seats in the state legislature, but by 1938 the Republicans had regained control of the legislature, which they would dominate for the rest of the century.
Following World War II (1939–45), Wyoming experienced modest population growth and an expansion of both its agricultural and resource-extractive economic sectors. The discovery of uranium, an important nuclear fuel, in the Powder River basin in 1951 coincided with the expansion of the country’s nuclear arsenal. Steel foundries and coal-burning power plants were built in the 1960s, during which time the state’s oil industry grew markedly as well.
During the energy boom of the 1970s, Wyoming’s population grew substantially—increasing by nearly 50 percent from 1970 to 1983. The state also enjoyed one of the highest per capita incomes in the country. However, the world oil-supply glut that followed in the mid-1980s caused a substantial downturn in the state’s economy, which led to significant out-migration.
With the development of ski facilities at Jackson and nearby towns that began in the late 1940s, Wyoming became a popular winter-sports destination. Consequently, tourism emerged as an important component of the economy. Later in the 20th century, numerous wealthy visitors, many with connections to Hollywood, bought second homes in Wyoming, particularly in Jackson.
Wyoming in the 21st century
Although Wyoming retains its Western heritage and personality, employment in the state is now more centred on mining and the service industry than on cowboy life. The state’s reliance on the energy industries of coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium has made Wyoming subject to “boom-and-bust” cycles that depend on world prices for its products. The state has made considerable and largely successful efforts to diversify its economy, increasing its emphasis on tourism and recreation, but its economy remains tied to mining and ranching.
Gerald Raymond Webster
Gregory Lewis McNamee
Additional Reading
General works
Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Wyoming, Wyoming: A Guide to Its History, Highways, and People (1941, reprinted 1981), provides a still-useful overview of the state. Robert Harold Brown, Wyoming: A Geography (1980), describes the land and its resources. DeLorme Mapping Company, Wyoming Atlas & Gazetteer, 5th ed. (2006), contains topographic maps. David Lageson and Darwin Spearing, Roadside Geology of Wyoming (1988), traces the state’s geologic history. Mae Urbanek, Wyoming Place Names (1988), combines geography and local history.
Gretel Ehrlich, The Solace of Open Spaces (1985), is a popular account of modern ranch life; while C.L. Rawlins, Sky’s Witness: A Year in the Wind River Range (1993), describes Wyoming’s wilderness backcountry. Annie Proulx, Close Range: Wyoming Stories (1999), has received critical praise for its attention to local geography and culture.
Wyoming’s history is chronicled in T.A. Larson, Wyoming (1977), an introduction, and History of Wyoming, 2nd ed., rev. (1978, reissued 1990). Candy Moulton, Roadside History of Wyoming (1995), takes a popular approach to the subject. Ongoing historical research is reported in Annals of Wyoming (quarterly).
Gregory Lewis McNamee