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Idaho, constituent state of the United States of America. It ranks 14th among the 50 U.S. states in terms of total area. Its boundaries—with the Canadian province of British Columbia to the north and the U.S. states of Montana and Wyoming to the east, Utah and Nevada to the south, and Oregon and Washington to the west—are both historical and geographic in derivation. The boundary with British Columbia follows the 49th parallel of north latitude, while the border with Utah and Nevada follows the 42nd parallel; both lines were established by treaty—the northern between the United States and Britain in 1846 and the southern between the United States and Spain in 1819. The border with Montana follows the Continental Divide, while the border with Wyoming incorporates a small slice of Yellowstone National Park. Idaho’s border with Oregon and Washington is a 480-mile (770-km) straight stretch except between the Idaho cities of Weiser and Lewiston, where Hells Canyon of the Snake River serves as a natural boundary. Boise is the state capital.

Idaho, admitted as the 43rd state of the union on July 3, 1890, is one of the Mountain states, but it is often classified as part of the Pacific Northwest, a region unified by the Continental Divide as an eastern boundary and by the Columbia River drainage basin, which covers virtually the entire area. The name Idaho is thought to be derived from a Shoshone phrase meaning “gem of the mountains.”

Idaho is shaped much like a logger’s boot, thereby accidentally reflecting the state’s rugged forested and mountainous terrain in which logging and mining play major roles. The residents of Idaho enjoy some of the largest unspoiled natural areas in the United States, including about 3,900 square miles (10,000 square km) of wilderness and primitive land in which roads and vehicles are seldom to be found. Since its development in 1936 Sun Valley has become an internationally known area for winter sports. Idaho also has large supplies of groundwater. Hot springs are found in many parts of the state and are used to heat some homes and buildings in Boise, whose name (French boisé, “wooded”) reflects its settlement as an oasis for explorers who once crossed the desolate Snake River Plains. A frontier character is still evident in the individualism of voting that makes the crossing of party lines a frequent occurrence in an otherwise fairly conservative climate. Area 83,569 square miles (216,443 square km). Population (2020) 1,839,106; (2024 est.) 2,001,619.


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Diversity of the natural environment is characteristic of Idaho’s landscape, creating a sectionalism that is reflected in the state’s community life, politics, economy, and cultural development, as well as in the varieties of its soils and animal and plant life. Elevation is often a more important factor in controlling Idaho’s climate than is latitude. The northern areas of the state are lower in elevation on the average than are much of the central and southern areas. Prevailing westerly winds from the Pacific Ocean blanket most of the state, especially the northern and southwestern regions. A drier, colder, continental climate is more noticeable in the southeastern counties, but Idaho has a milder climate than most of the states located in the same latitudes east of the Continental Divide.

Relief and drainage

G. Thomas
Steve Spring

Parts of four major physiographic provinces are included within Idaho: the Northern Rocky Mountains, the Middle Rocky Mountains, the Columbia Basin, and the Basin and Range Province. The Northern Rockies extend from the Canadian border to south-central Idaho and occupy nearly half the state’s area. Peaks reaching elevations between 10,000 and 12,000 feet (3,000 and 3,700 metres) are common in central Idaho. At 12,662 feet (3,859 metres) in the Lost River Range, Borah Peak is the state’s highest point. Other notable ranges in this part of the state include the Sawtooth, Pioneer, Continental Divide, Beaverhead, and Bitterroot. Peak elevations generally decrease northward to about 6,000 feet (1,800 metres) at the Canadian border.

The Middle Rocky Mountains occupy a narrow strip along the Idaho-Wyoming border. The area comprises several ranges that trend north-south and northwest-southeast and rise to between 7,000 and 10,000 feet (2,100 and 3,000 metres). Grass- and sagebrush-covered plateaus and valleys and a few small lakes are found between the ranges.

The Basin and Range Province extends into southeastern Idaho as a roughly triangular-shaped desert with its base along the Idaho-Utah border. A series of low north–south-trending block-faulted ranges separate small gravel-floored basins.

Jami Dwyer

The remainder of the state is included within the Columbia Basin, which in Idaho is occupied entirely by the arid Snake River plateau. The Snake River follows the plateau in a broad crescent across southern and western Idaho. Next to the Northern Rocky Mountains, it is the major natural feature of the state. It rises in the southeastern part of the state, with tributaries in Yellowstone National Park, and flows from east to west through “sagebrush Idaho.” With huge reclamation projects, the river valley contains most of Idaho’s irrigated farmland. The course of the Snake River includes Hells Canyon—at 7,900 feet (2,400 metres) North America’s deepest gorge—and 212-foot- (65-metre-) high Shoshone Falls. Its valley is a geologically complex sequence of lakes, lava beds, mesas, buttes, canyons, and desertscape, symbolized by the barren craters and cones of the Craters of the Moon National Monument.

US Army Corps of Engineers

Idaho has some 2,000 lakes, and water is the state’s greatest single resource. A major portion of its industry, agriculture, and population lies along the Snake River, which furnishes water in abundance for one of the country’s largest irrigated areas and developed hydroelectric power sources.


Idaho’s mountainous topography produces an extremely diverse climate pattern. In general, as elevation increases, precipitation increases and mean temperatures drop. On a different scale, the high mountains in eastern Idaho tend to hold back the cold winter air that predominates in Montana and Wyoming, giving the state higher mean temperatures than are found at the same latitude and elevation in those states and in more mid-continental locations. Mean January temperatures range from the upper 10s F (about −8 °C) at Deadwood Dam in the central mountains to the low 30s F (about −1 °C) at Orofino in the central panhandle. July temperatures range from about 60 °F (16 °C) at Deadwood Dam to the upper 70s F (about 25 °C) at Grand View in the southwest.

Idaho is situated in the rain shadow of mountains to the west in Washington and Oregon, and only the higher elevations receive adequate amounts of precipitation. Most of the Snake River plateau receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation annually, making it the driest part of the state. At the other extreme, large sections of the Northern Rockies record annual totals of more than 50 inches (1,250 mm) of precipitation, much of it in the form of snow.

Plant and animal life

Courtesy of Annette Rousseau/U.S. National Park Service

Idaho is home to numerous bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, and reptile species. They occupy the state’s six ecoregions, which vary from the sagebrush plains of the Snake River plateau to the alpine grasslands found in the higher mountain elevations. Vast evergreen forests cover nearly two-fifths of the state, largely the mountainous terrain. Western white pine, white fir and other true firs, and Douglas fir predominate in northern forests, while Douglas fir, lodgepole pine, and ponderosa pine dominate the southern forests. Aspen, maple, willow, birch, and mountain ash often carpet the lower slopes of higher mountains, especially in the north.

Idaho is one of the few states in which grizzly bears and gray wolves roam free, though in small numbers. Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, in the southeastern corner of the state, was the site of a long-term attempt to reintroduce the whooping crane, one of North America’s endangered birds, and to use sandhill cranes as surrogate parents to further increase the birds’ population size and range. More than a dozen other endangered plant and animal species occur in Idaho, including MacFarlane’s four o’clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei) and the woodland caribou.

Idaho is known for its wilderness areas and for its cold-water fish populations. Fishing for trout, including the Kamloops (Kootenai) and steelhead varieties, takes place on many of the thousands of miles of rivers and streams in the state. Some of the most remote mountainous country in the United States—the Frank Church River of No Return, Selway-Bitterroot, and Gospel Hump wilderness areas—constitutes the heart of Idaho and the largest contiguous wilderness area in the conterminous 48 states. These wilderness areas and adjacent forested lands provide hunting for elk, Rocky Mountain goats, bighorn sheep, and mule deer. Idaho is also one of the few states in which there are large numbers of sage grouse and sharp-tailed grouse.


Population composition

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More than nine-tenths of the population is of European descent (white), and most people trace their ancestry to the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, or Poland. Hispanics constitute almost one-tenth of the population. There are also small proportions of Native Americans, Asians, and African Americans.

Nearly half of Idahoans are church members, and about one-third of them are Mormons, a group that has been prominent since the earliest days of settlement by non-Native Americans. The next largest denominational groups are Roman Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian. The proximity to Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City has resulted in strong religious ties to Utah, and the populations of some of the cities in the southeastern part of the state are more than nine-tenths Mormon.

Settlement patterns


Many factors—religion, agriculture, transportation, topography, industry, cultural ties, and sectional pride—have contributed to Idaho’s diverse regional characteristics. For many years writers and politicians consistently referred to the division of Idaho into two regions: northern Idaho, meaning the 10 northern counties, and southern Idaho, the rest of the state. A more accurate view of regionalism in the state, however, takes into account the trading and marketing centres, resulting in regions that sometimes cross state boundaries. According to this view, the regions are Lewiston and Spokane, Wash., in the north; Boise, Twin Falls, Pocatello, and Idaho Falls in the south; and the LoganOgden–Salt Lake City axis in northern Utah, which extends into the Bear Lake Valley of southeastern Idaho. More than half of the state’s population lives in urban areas; the largest concentration is in the southwest, in Boise and nearby Nampa and Meridian. Other urbanized areas are Idaho Falls and Pocatello, in the southeast, and Coeur d’Alene, in the northwest.

With the exceptions of mining and lumbering settlements, most of the settlements in southern Idaho tend to follow the course of the Snake River, the locus of the state’s agricultural production. Agriculture continues its dominance to the west as far as the Boise Valley. The Palouse and Camas prairies are primarily agricultural, while the Lewiston area is industrial and service-oriented. Mining, lumbering, and agriculture are important throughout the north, while rural villages centre on a community life that includes churches, schools, commercial trading, banking, and service businesses that support the region’s population.

Demographic trends

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Idaho’s population is slightly younger than the national average. The rural counties of Idaho have lost population to the state’s towns and cities, with the result that family farms and ranches are giving way to large corporate entities. Most of the immigration comes from the Western, North Central, and Southern states, whereas the bulk of emigration goes to the West. California is the largest source of new residents.


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Economically, Idaho occupies a middle position among the states in terms of industrial development. Industrial expansion replaced dependence on agriculture, lumbering, and mining in the 20th century, when Idaho also emerged as one of the top states in tourist income.

Agriculture and forestry

Agricultural Research Service/U.S. Department of Agriculture (Image Number: K4166-5)
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Huge herds of beef cattle and sheep graze not only in the prairie regions but also among the plateaus of the mountain regions. Idaho has some of the richest agricultural land in the United States, especially the irrigated region of the Snake River plain. Of the farm crops, potatoes have become almost synonymous with Idaho, which contributes about one-third of the country’s total potato production. Wheat, lentils, barley, oats, sugar beets, peas, beans, and alfalfa seed are also important sources of farm income. Nearly two-fifths of the state’s total area is in forests, and a huge quantity of lumber is cut from commercial timberlands each year. The primary commercial trees are Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, and western white pine.

Resources and power

Although the discovery of gold and the subsequent gold rush created Idaho’s mining industry, gold is no longer important to the state’s economy. Likewise, although the land contains dozens of gemstone varieties, notably opal and garnet, gemstone mining is not carried out on an economically significant scale. Idaho’s main metal mine products are molybdenum, silver, and lead. Phosphate mining and processing is important in the southeast.

U.S. Department of Energy

Hydroelectric power, much of it provided by power stations on the Snake River, is the main source of energy for both business and private users in Idaho; it supplies virtually all of the state’s energy needs. Natural gas and coal have been used increasingly, while wind and the burning of wood waste provide small fractions of the state’s power. The Idaho National Laboratory (formerly the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory), in the desert near Arco, operated primarily as a research and testing site for nuclear reactors by the federal government, also is used for energy production and serves as a nuclear waste repository.


Value added by manufacturing exceeds the contributions of agriculture to the economy. Most of it is related to the processing of foods and forest and mining products, however, indicating how dependent the economy remains on primary products. Other industries include the manufacture of electronics and industrial machinery, food processing, and printing and publishing.

Services, labour, and taxation

Tourism became increasingly important to the state’s economy in the latter part of the 20th century. Sun Valley attracts thousands of visitors annually, notably skiers. More than one-fourth of the state’s workforce is employed in the service sector. Government furnishes the second largest portion of Idaho’s income. Labour, except in agriculture and small business, is heavily organized.

State general-obligation debt (government debt that is repaid through taxes on the general public) is limited constitutionally to $2 million. The difficulty of achieving an equitable base for a sound system of public finance is increased by federal and state ownership of about two-thirds of Idaho’s land area. The state’s major revenue comes from personal and corporate income taxes and a sales tax, most of which is returned to public school districts. The state controls virtually no businesses or utilities except liquor sales, and among conditions made favourable to business development is the state’s role as a service rather than as a regulatory agency.


The wilderness and the mountains have made transportation difficult. Idaho has only one major highway connecting the southern and northern parts of the state. Almost all interstate highways that pass through the state run from east to west. Several interstate or transcontinental freight railroads cross the panhandle, and one serves the southern portion. An Amtrak passenger train route crosses the northern panhandle. Geographic conditions influence air travel as well, with many small airfields providing service to remote areas. These airfields are used largely by private and contract fliers. The main commercial airport in the state is at Boise; major airlines also serve airports in some of the smaller cities. Idaho has a water route to the Pacific Ocean from Lewiston by way of the Snake and Columbia rivers. Due to slack water that permits oceangoing barges to dock at Lewiston, the city is an important industrial and shipping centre.

Government and society

Constitutional framework

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Idaho operates under its original constitution of 1889, and, typical of states admitted to the union after the American Civil War (1861–65), it has a constitution that establishes the usual separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers but limits the governor’s strength. The constitution is detailed and includes many provisions that are ordinarily found in statutory law; it has been amended more than 100 times. Women achieved the right to vote in 1896, making Idaho one of the first states in the country to extend suffrage to female citizens.

The only change in the government between 1890 and 1914 was the creation of numerous service and regulatory commissions and boards largely independent of the governor. Administrative reorganization after World War I consolidated these agencies in an effort to make them democratically responsive. The Great Depression of the 1930s brought about the creation of dozens of new commissions and boards, however, and the growth continued thereafter.

In 1974 the state government was again reorganized. The executive branch consists of the governor and six other elected officers (lieutenant governor, attorney general, controller, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction, and treasurer) as well as a number of departments, boards, commissions and other agencies. The governor and other executive officials are elected to unlimited four-year terms. The bicameral legislature, which meets annually, comprises a Senate and a House of Representatives; both senators and representatives serve two-year terms. Justice is administered by the Supreme Court, a court of appeals, and seven district courts and by county magistrate’s courts. The district courts may originate cases and hear appeals.

The various geographic regions have tended to display distinct voting patterns. The rural south-central and southeastern sections are politically conservative; the southwestern section, with the university towns of Boise and Moscow and the wealthy towns of Hailey and Sun Valley, is broadly centrist. The two major political parties generally have dominated Idaho’s political life since World War I. The voters have chosen Republican congressional candidates much of the time; the election of conservative Democrat Walt Minnick in 2008 gave Idaho its first Democratic U.S. representative since 1992. Voting in presidential elections has trended heavily in favour of Republicans. Since 1944 a majority of voters has only once voted for a Democratic presidential candidate—in 1964, when Lyndon B. Johnson won Idaho over Republican challenger Barry M. Goldwater by a margin of less than 1 percent. In the 2008 presidential election John McCain, the Republican candidate, earned 61 percent of the vote. The Republicans have also tended to control the state legislature. The governorship, except between the early 1970s and the mid-1990s, has more often been won by Republicans than Democrats. The preprimary party convention has been replaced by open primaries.

Idaho has more than 1,000 units of local government, including counties, municipalities, school districts, and special-purpose districts, the last having limited taxing power. Most activities of local government are carried on by counties and cities. County commissioners, with a combination of legislative and executive functions, are very powerful. The state legislature for many years refused to pass home rule legislation, but in the late 1990s it granted charter authority to Idaho’s counties.

Health and welfare

Although the electorate of Idaho is generally conservative on economic matters, allocations for social and educational programs are liberal and are endorsed by both political parties. Nearly one-fifth of the state tax revenues goes into public health and public assistance programs. In addition, notable achievements have been based on a sense of social ethics, including a superior civil rights law. Living standards are relatively high because labour contracts follow national patterns, and living costs are below those of many states.

Idaho has several health districts that provide public health care throughout the state. Although Idaho has a low ratio of physicians to population and many rural hospitals find it difficult to remain open, the range of health services is comparable to that found in most U.S. states. All of the major cities have high-quality hospitals and private medical services.


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Indian mission schools were supplemented by classes for white students when settlement began during the 1860s, and by the time of statehood Idaho’s land-grant university, the University of Idaho (founded in 1889, in Moscow), had been chartered. The state Board of Education, dating from 1912, supervises appropriated funds, teacher certification, and related functions. The junior college system began on a district basis in 1939 and became a state function in 1965. In addition to the University of Idaho, the publicly supported Idaho State University (1901, in Pocatello) and Boise State University (1932), as well as the private College of Idaho (1891, in Caldwell) and Northwest Nazarene College (1913, in Nampa), all offer advanced degrees. The University of Idaho is both a college of agriculture and the state’s major educational institution. It offers bachelor’s and advanced degrees in areas that are related to the state’s economy—engineering, mining, forestry, and wildlife and range science—and in other areas of business, education, and arts and letters.

Cultural life

The arts

Robbie Giles

The opera houses in the mining camps, with various types of musical shows and serious drama, were Idaho’s first “culture.” The missionaries and the churches set the patterns of cultural development for a long period. The University of Idaho has taken a leading role in developing programs in music, art, architecture, creative writing, and theatre. Other institutions of higher learning have also developed strong fine arts programs.

Idaho has contributed artists with wide reputations, including Vardis Fisher, a novelist whose writing decried dogma and tyranny; poet Ezra Pound, born in Hailey, who wrote about Idaho’s 19th-century Free Silver movement in his Cantos; and Carol Ryrie Brink, who wrote books for adults and children. Ernest Hemingway wrote many of his books while living in Idaho, which he enjoyed for its wilderness aspects.

Cultural institutions

All the colleges and universities have symphony orchestras, choral groups, and theatre programs, and a number of cities—including Boise, Pocatello, and Moscow—have orchestras. The Idaho Shakespeare Festival performs classic and popular works in an outdoor amphitheatre along the river in Boise each summer, and the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, and the cities of Coeur d’Alene and Lewiston also have summer theatres. The Idaho Commission on the Arts sponsors and promotes the development of art exhibits, lectures, literature, films, theatres, and music throughout the state.

Sports and recreation

Ray Manley/Shostal Associates

Idaho has created a statewide system of nearly two dozen parks. In addition, there are several national parks and national forests, and part of Yellowstone National Park is in Idaho. Craters of the Moon National Monument contains some of the rarest geologic formations in the United States. The U.S. Forest Service maintains many campgrounds throughout the state.

Hunting, fishing, golf, and skiing all enjoy great popularity in Idaho. In terms of spectator sports, the state’s principal universities draw most of the attention: Idaho State University is a member of the Big Sky Conference, and Boise State University and the University of Idaho (alma mater of Green Bay Packers lineman Jerry Kramer) participate in the Western Athletic Conference. Boise State’s football team, with its signature blue turf, is frequently a powerhouse. Since the 1970s Idaho Falls and Boise have had minor league baseball franchises. Among the best-known athletes produced by Idaho are Baseball Hall of Famer Harmon Killebrew and Picabo Street, Olympic silver medalist (1994) in downhill skiing.

Media and publishing

Daily newspapers include the Idaho Statesman (Boise), Coeur d’Alene Press, Post Register (Idaho Falls), Lewiston Morning Tribune, Twin Falls Times-News, and Idaho State Journal (Pocatello). Several literary publishing houses also operate within the state. There are a variety of network television and radio stations across the state.


Early history and settlement

Before the 1840s, when the buffalo herds disappeared and the wagon trains of settlers who were bound for California began to arrive, Native Americans had lived in the Idaho region for at least 10,000 years. In the north were the Kutenai, the Kalispel (a Salish-speaking group), the Coeur d’Alene, and the Nez Percé. Northern Paiute lived in the west-central region, while the western Shoshone and the northern Shoshone occupied most of the southern lands. These peoples generally organized themselves into groups of extended families and friends. Because they relied upon hunting, gathering, and fishing for their subsistence, some groups traveled extensively. Others, particularly those living on major rivers, built substantial settlements that took advantage of annual runs of salmon and other fish. Many tribal members still live in the state.

When the Lewis and Clark Expedition reached Idaho in 1805, about 8,000 Native Americans lived in the region. A trading post was erected at Lake Pend Oreille in the north in 1809, and fur traders were followed by missionaries. Gold seekers by the thousands poured through the area on their way to California in 1848, but many returned eastward after gold was discovered in northern Idaho in 1860. The settlers who followed wanted land and political stability, which had hitherto been uncertain, and slowly agriculture acquired economic dominance.

Territorial period

Idaho originally was in Oregon country, which was claimed first by Spain and then by Russia, Great Britain, and the United States; after the latter two had settled on the 49th parallel as the northern U.S. border, the Oregon Territory was created in 1848. It included the present state of Idaho, as well as what are now Oregon, Washington, and part of Montana. From 1853 to 1859 Idaho was divided between the Oregon and Washington territories. It then was part of Washington until it was organized separately as the Idaho Territory in 1863.

From a population of fewer than 17,000 in 1863, the territory expanded to nearly 90,000 at the time of statehood in 1890. Many new arrivals were Confederate refugees who, in the years following the American Civil War, often dominated the legislature and opposed the Republican governors who were appointed by the federal government. Political strife and vigilante committees were elements of frontier life during the territorial decades. Many events and trends coloured the state’s early political and social life: religious conflicts between the polygamous Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and other sects; a strong sectionalism that divided various regions of the territory; a pioneer democracy that emphasized the rights and achievements of the individual; the completion of railroads, which fostered economic and population growth; the beginning of lead and silver mining in the mountains; and the creation of the University of Idaho in 1889 by the last territorial legislature that was convened prior to statehood.

Statehood and beyond

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Labour protests that often erupted into violence were features of the 1890s era in Idaho. Through his unsuccessful prosecution in 1907 of William D. Haywood, an organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Sen. William E. Borah became Idaho’s major national figure until his death in 1940.

During the 20th century Idaho was engaged in developing its agriculture, forestry, and industry, while maintaining the more satisfying aspects of modern life at the doorstep of a natural wilderness. That wilderness attracted many adherents of the countercultural back-to-the-land movement in the 1960s and ’70s. In the following decade, that movement was succeeded by an influx of survivalists and members of extreme right-wing groups and other organizations attracted by the state’s remoteness and its libertarian attitude. Idaho is now broadly perceived as strongly conservative but inhospitable to extremist elements.

Idaho’s population grew markedly in the last decades of the 20th century with the arrival of more than 100,000 newcomers, mostly from California and the Pacific Northwest. The population continued to grow in the early 21st century, particularly in the areas of Boise and Coeur d’Alene.

Boyd A. Martin

Gregory Lewis McNamee

Additional Reading

Federal Writers’ Project, Idaho: A Guide in Word and Picture (1937), also available in a 2nd ed., revised (1950, reprinted 1976), offers a still-useful overview of the state; Federal Writers’ Project, The Idaho Encyclopedia (1938), though dated, contains more detailed information. Merle Wells and Arthur A. Hart, Idaho: Gem of the Mountains (1985), provides information about the state, its industries, and its history. Alan A. Delucia (ed.), The Compact Atlas of Idaho (1983), treats all aspects of the state’s resources and development; while DeLorme Publishing Company, Idaho Atlas & Gazetteer, 6th ed. (2007), focuses on the state’s topography. Lalia Boone, Idaho Place Names (1988), combines geography and history. James B. Weatherby and Randy Stapilus, Governing Idaho: Politics, People, and Power (2005), analyzes popular government.

Merrill D. Beal and Merle W. Wells, History of Idaho, 3 vol. (1959), is a detailed history. F. Ross Peterson, Idaho: A Bicentennial History (1976); and Carlos A. Schwantes, In Mountain Shadows: A History of Idaho (1996), are good introductions to the state’s history.

Boyd A. Martin

Gregory Lewis McNamee