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Stephen Patience
National anthem of New Zealand

New Zealand, Māori Aotearoa island country in the South Pacific Ocean, the southwesternmost part of Polynesia. New Zealand is a remote land—one of the last sizable territories suitable for habitation to be populated and settled—and lies more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Australia, its nearest neighbour. The country comprises two main islands—the North and the South Island—and a number of small islands, some of them hundreds of miles from the main group. The capital city is Wellington and the largest urban area Auckland; both are located on the North Island. New Zealand administers the South Pacific island group of Tokelau and claims a section of the Antarctic continent. Niue and the Cook Islands are self-governing states in free association with New Zealand.

Courtesy, Hamilton City Council

New Zealand is a land of great contrasts and diversity. Active volcanoes, spectacular caves, deep glacier lakes, verdant valleys, dazzling fjords, long sandy beaches, and the spectacular snowcapped peaks of the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana on the South Island—all contribute to New Zealand’s scenic beauty. New Zealand also has a unique array of vegetation and animal life, much of which developed during the country’s prolonged isolation. It is the sole home, for example, of the long-beaked, flightless kiwi, the ubiquitous nickname for New Zealanders.

New Zealand was the largest country in Polynesia when it was annexed by Great Britain in 1840. Thereafter it was successively a crown colony, a self-governing colony (1856), and a dominion (1907). By the 1920s it controlled almost all of its internal and external policies, although it did not become fully independent until 1947, when it adopted the Statute of Westminster. It is a member of the Commonwealth.

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The ascent of Mount Everest by New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953 was one of the defining moments of the 20th century. “In some ways,” Hillary suggested, “I believe I epitomise the average New Zealander: I have modest abilities, I combine these with a good deal of determination, and I rather like to succeed.”

Despite New Zealand’s isolation, the country has been fully engaged in international affairs since the early 20th century, being an active member of a number of intergovernmental institutions, including the United Nations. It has also participated in several wars, including World Wars I and II. Economically the country was dependent on the export of agricultural products, especially to Great Britain. The entry of Britain into the European Community in the early 1970s, however, forced New Zealand to expand its trade relations with other countries. It also began to develop a much more extensive and varied industrial sector. Tourism has played an increasingly important role in the economy, though this sector has been vulnerable to global financial instability.

The social and cultural gap between New Zealand’s two main groups—the indigenous Māori of Polynesian heritage and the colonizers and later immigrants from the British Isles and their descendants—has decreased since the 1970s, though educational and economic differences between the two groups remain. Immigration from other areas—Asia, Africa, and eastern Europe—has also made a mark, and New Zealand culture today reflects these many influences. Minority rights and race-related issues continue to play an important role in New Zealand politics.


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New Zealand is about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) long (north-south) and about 280 miles (450 km) across at its widest point. The country has slightly less surface area than the U.S. state of Colorado and a little more than the United Kingdom. About two-thirds of the land is economically useful, the remainder being mountainous. Because of its numerous harbours and fjords, the country has an extremely long coastline relative to its area.


Erik Morlang

Although New Zealand is small, its geologic history is complex. Land has existed in the vicinity of New Zealand for most of the past 500 million years. The earliest known rocks originated as sedimentary deposits some 545 million to 540 million years ago, at the close of Precambrian time (4.6 billion to 541 million years ago) and the beginning of the Cambrian Period (541 million to 485 million years ago); their source area was probably the continental forelands of Australia and Antarctica, then part of a nearby single supercontinent. Continental drift (the movement of large plates of Earth’s crust) created a distinct island arc and oceanic trench structure by the Carboniferous Period (about 359 to 299 million years ago), when deposition began in the downwarps (trenches) of the sedimentary rocks that today make up some three-fourths of New Zealand. This environment lasted about 250 million years and is typified by both downwarped oceanic sedimentary rocks and terrestrial volcanic rocks. This period was terminated in the west at the beginning of the Cretaceous Period (about 145 million years ago) by the Rangitata Orogeny (mountain-building episode), although downwarp deposition continued in the east. These mountains were slowly worn down by erosion, and the sea transgressed, eventually covering almost all of the land. At the end of the Oligocene Epoch (about 23 million years ago), the Kaikōura Orogeny began, raising land above the sea again, including the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana of the South Island. Many of the great earth movements associated with this final orogeny took place (and take place today) along faults, which divide the landscape into great blocks, chief of which is the Alpine Fault of the South Island. The erosion and continued movement of these faulted blocks, together with the continuing volcanism of the North Island, define to a large extent the landscape of the country.

New Zealand is part of the Ring of Fire—the circum-Pacific seismic belt marked by frequent earthquakes and considerable volcanic activity. The North Island and the western part of the South Island are on the Indian-Australian Plate, and the remainder of the South Island is on the Pacific Plate. Their collision creates violent seismic activity in subduction zones and along faults. Numerous earthquakes occur annually, including hundreds that can be felt by New Zealanders. A number of these temblors have been disastrous, such as one that devastated the towns of Napier and Hastings in 1931 and a series of quakes that did likewise in Christchurch in 2010–11.

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Both the North and the South islands are roughly bisected by mountains. Swift snow-fed rivers drain from the hills, although only in the east of the South Island have extensive alluvial plains been built up. The alluvial Canterbury Plains contrast sharply with the precipitous slopes and narrow coastal strip of the Westland region on the west coast of the South Island. The Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana are a 300-mile- (480-km-) long chain of fold mountains containing New Zealand’s highest mountain—Aoraki/Mount Cook at 12,316 feet (3,754 metres)—and some 20 other peaks that rise above 10,000 feet (3,000 metres), as well as an extensive glacier system with associated lakes.

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There are more than 360 glaciers in the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana. The Tasman Glacier, the largest in New Zealand, with a length of 18 miles (29 km) and a width of more than 0.5 mile (0.8 km), flows down the eastern slopes of Aoraki/Mount Cook. Other important glaciers on the eastern slopes of the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana are the Murchison, Mueller, and Godley; the Fox and Franz Josef are the largest on the western slopes. The North Island has seven small glaciers on the slopes of Mount Ruapehu.

Gerald Cubitt

In the north of the South Island, the Alps break up into steep upswelling ridges. On their western face there are mineral deposits, and to the east they continue into two parallel ranges, terminating in a series of sounds. To the south the Alps break up into rugged, dissected country of difficult access and magnificent scenery, particularly toward the western tip of the island (called Fiordland). On its eastern boundary this wilderness borders a high central plateau called Central Otago, which has an almost continental climate.

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The terrain of the North Island is much less precipitous than that of the South and has a more benign climate and greater economic potential. In the centre of the island, the Volcanic Plateau rises abruptly from the southern shores of Lake Taupō, New Zealand’s largest natural lake, itself an ancient volcanic crater. To the east, ranges form a backdrop to rolling country in which pockets of highly fertile land are associated with the river systems. To the south, more ranges run to the sea. On the western and eastern slopes of these ranges, the land is generally poor, although the western downland region is fertile until it fades into a coastal plain dominated by sand dunes. To the west of the Volcanic Plateau, fairly mountainous country merges into the undulating farmlands of the Taranaki region, where the mild climate favours dairy farming even on the slopes of Mount Taranaki (Mount Egmont), a volcano that has been dormant since the 17th century. North of Mount Taranaki are the spectacular Waitomo caves, where stalactites and stalagmites are illuminated by thousands of glowworms.

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The northern shores of Lake Taupō bound a large area of high economic activity, including forestry. Even farther north there are river terraces sufficiently fertile for widespread dairy and mixed farming. The hub of this area is Auckland, which is situated astride an isthmus with a deep harbour on the east and a shallow harbour on the west. The peninsular region north of Auckland, called Northland, becomes gradually subtropical in character, marked generally by numerous deep-encroaching inlets of the sea bordered by mangrove swamps.


Courtesy, Hamilton City Council

The mountainous country of both islands is cut by many rivers, which are swift, unnavigable, and obstructive to communication. The longest is the Waikato, in the North Island, and the swiftest is the Clutha/Mata-Au, in the South. Many of the rivers arise from or drain into one or other of the numerous lakes associated with the mountain chains. A number of these lakes have been used as reservoirs for hydroelectric projects, and artificial lakes, such as the large Lake Benmore, have been created for hydroelectric power generation.


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New Zealand’s soils are often deeply weathered, lacking in many nutrients, and, most of all, highly variable over short distances. Soils based on sedimentary rock formations are mostly clays and are found over about three-fourths of the country. Pockets of fertile alluvial soil in river basins or along river terraces form the orchard and market-gardening regions of the country.

In the South Island, variations in mean annual precipitation have had an important effect. The brown-gray soils of Central Otago are thin and coarse-textured and have subsoil accumulations of lime, whereas the yellow-gray earths of much of the Canterbury Plains, as well as areas of lower rainfall in the North Island, are partially podzolized (layered), with a gray upper horizon. The yellow-brown soils that characterize much of the North Island are often podzolized from acid leaching in humid forest environments. Their fertility varies with the species composition of their vegetation. Forests of false beech (genus Nothofagus), as well as of tawa and taraire, indicate soils of reasonably high fertility, while forests of kauri pine and rimu indicate podzolized soils.


New Zealand’s climate is determined by its latitude, its isolation, and its physical characteristics. There are few temperature extremes.

A procession of high-pressure systems (anticyclones) separated by middle-latitude cyclones and fronts cross New Zealand from west to east year-round. Characteristic is the sequence of a few days of fine weather and clear skies separated by days with unsettled weather and often heavy rain. In summer (December–February), subtropical highs are dominant, bringing protracted spells of fine weather and intense sunshine. In winter (June–August), middle-latitude lows and active fronts increase the blustery wet conditions, although short spells of clear skies also occur. Because of the high mountain chains that lie across the path of the prevailing winds, the contrast in climate from west to east is sharper than that from north to south. Mountain ranges are also responsible for the semicontinental climate of Central Otago.

Changes in elevation make for an intricate pattern of temperature variations, especially on the South Island, but some generalizations for conditions at sea level can be made. The average seasonal and diurnal temperature range is about 18 °F (10 °C). Variation in mean monthly temperature from north to south is about 10 °F (6 °C). In most parts of the country, daytime highs in summer are above 70 °F (21 °C), occasionally exceeding 80 °F (27 °C) in the north, while winter daytime highs throughout the country are rarely below 50 °F (10 °C).

Precipitation is highest in areas dominated by mountains exposed to the prevailing westerly and northwesterly winds. Although mean annual rainfall ranges from an arid 12 inches (300 mm) in Central Otago to as much as 250 inches (6,400 mm) in the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana, for the whole country it is typical of temperate-zone countries—25–60 inches (635–1,520 mm), usually spread reliably throughout the year. Snow is common only in mountainous regions, but frost is frequent in inland valleys in winter. Humidity ranges from 70 to 80 percent on the coast and is generally 10 percent lower inland. In the lee of the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana, where the effect of the foehn (a warm dry wind of leeward mountain slopes) is marked, humidity can become very low.

Climate change in the 21st century is expected to affect temperature and precipitation patterns in New Zealand, although those changes are expected to be more moderate compared with global changes. Under moderate and high carbon emission scenarios, climate models predict that the North Island will bear the most significant changes in average temperature, an increase of 2–4 °C (3.6–7.2 °F), whereas the South Island is expected to receive greater amounts of winter rainfall.

Plant and animal life

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The indigenous vegetation of New Zealand consisted of mixed evergreen forest covering perhaps two-thirds of the total land area. The islands’ prolonged isolation encouraged the evolution of species unknown to the rest of the world; almost nine-tenths of the indigenous plants are peculiar to the country. Today dense “bush” survives only in areas unsuitable for settlement and in parks and reserves. On the west coast of the South Island, this mixed forest still yields most of the native timber used by industry. Along the mountain chain running the length of the country, the false beech is the predominant forest tree.

European settlement made such inroads on the natural forest that erosion in high-country areas became a serious problem. Various government agencies were established to manage and conserve forests, beginning in the late 19th century, and a state forest service was established in 1921 to repair the damage; it uses forest-management techniques and does reforestation, using exotic trees. Experimental areas on the Volcanic Plateau were planted with radiata pine, an introduction from California. This conifer has adapted to New Zealand conditions so well that it is now the staple plantation tree, growing to maturity in 25 years and having a high rate of natural regeneration. Large areas of the Volcanic Plateau, together with other marginal or subagricultural land north of Auckland and near Nelson, in the South Island, are now planted with this species.

European broad-leaved species are widely used ornamentally, and willows and poplars are frequently planted to help prevent erosion on hillsides. Gorse has acclimated so readily that it has become a menace, spreading over good and bad land alike, its only virtue being as a nursery for regenerating bush.

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Because of New Zealand’s isolation, when the Māori arrived in the 13th century, they found few animals. There were three kinds of reptilesskinks, geckos, and tuatara, the latter “beak-headed” reptiles having been extinct elsewhere for 100 million years—and also a few primitive species of frogs and two species of bats. These are all extant, although they are confined primarily to outlying islands and isolated or protected parts of the country.

In addition to their domestic animals, Europeans also brought other species with them. Red deer, introduced for sport hunting, and the Australian opossums (for skins) have multiplied dramatically and have greatly damaged the vegetation of the high-country bush. The control of goats, deer, opossums, and rabbits—even in the national parks—is a continuing problem.

In the absence of predatory animals, New Zealand is a paradise for birds, the most interesting of which are flightless. These originally included several species of moa, a large bird that was eventually exterminated by the Māori. The kiwi, another flightless species, is extant, though only in secluded bush areas. Wekas and takahes (barely rescued from extinction) probably became flightless after their ancestors’ arrival on the islands millions of years ago. The pukeko, a swamp hen related to the weka, moves primarily by walking and swimming; though it can fly, it does so only with great effort. Some birds, such as saddlebacks, are peculiar to New Zealand, but many others (e.g., tuis, fantails, and bellbirds) are closely related to Australian birds. Birds that breed in or near New Zealand include the Australian (Australasian) gannets, skuas, penguins, shags, and royal albatrosses.

Because New Zealand lies at the meeting place of warm and cool ocean currents, a great variety of fish is found in its surrounding waters. Tropical species such as tuna, marlin, and some sharks are attracted by the warm currents, which are locally populated by snapper, trevally, and kahawai. The Antarctic cold currents, on the other hand, bring blue and red cod and hakes, while some fish (such as tarakihi, grouper, and bass) that can tolerate a considerable range of water temperatures are found in the waters all around the coasts. Flounder and sole abound on tidal mudflats, and crayfish are prolific in rocky areas off the coastline.

Warren Moran

Raewyn Dalziel


Ethnic groups

Contemporary New Zealand has a majority of people of European origin, a significant minority of Māori, and smaller numbers of people from Pacific islands and Asia. In the early 21st century, Asians were the fastest-growing demographic group.

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New Zealand was one of the last sizable land areas suitable for habitation to be populated by human beings. The first settlers were Polynesians who traveled from somewhere in eastern Polynesia, possibly from what is now French Polynesia. They remained isolated in New Zealand until the arrival of European explorers, the first of whom was the Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642. Demographers estimate that, by the time British naval captain James Cook visited the country in 1769, the Māori population was not much greater than 100,000. They had no name for themselves but eventually adopted the name Māori (meaning “normal”) to distinguish themselves from the Europeans, who, after Cook’s voyage, began to arrive with greater frequency.

The Europeans brought with them an array of diseases to which the Māori had no resistance, and the Māori population declined rapidly. Their reduction in numbers was exacerbated by widespread intertribal warfare (once the Māori had acquired firearms) and by warfare with Europeans. By 1896 only about 42,000 Māori—a small fraction of New Zealand’s total population at the time—remained. Early in the 20th century, however, their numbers began to increase as they acquired resistance to such diseases as measles and influenza and as their birth rate subsequently recovered. By the early 21st century, Māori constituted about one-sixth of New Zealand’s population, and that proportion was expected to increase.

Europeans began to settle in New Zealand in the 1820s. They arrived in increasing numbers after the country was annexed by Great Britain following the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. By the late 1850s settlers outnumbered Māori, and in 1900 there were some 772,000 Europeans, most of whom were New Zealand-born. Although the overwhelming majority of immigrants were of British extraction, other Europeans came as well, notably from Scandinavia, Germany, Greece, Italy, and the Balkans. Groups of central Europeans came between World Wars I and II, and a large body of Dutch immigrants arrived after World War II. Since the 1950s there has been a growing community of Pacific island peoples from Samoa (formerly Western Samoa), the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. Although Chinese and Indian immigrants have long settled in New Zealand, since the 1990s there has been a large growth in migration from Asia.


New Zealand is predominantly an English-speaking country, though English, Māori, and New Zealand Sign Language are official languages. Virtually all Māori speak English, and about one-fourth of them also speak Māori. The Māori language (te reo Māori) is taught at a number of schools. Other non-English languages spoken by significant numbers of people are Samoan, Hindi, and Mandarin Chinese.


Alan Liefting

New Zealand is nominally Christian, with Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Presbyterian denominations being the largest. Other Protestant sects and Māori adaptations of Christianity (the Rātana and Ringatū churches) constitute the remainder of the Christian population.

About one-third of the population does not claim any religious affiliation. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism have small but growing numbers of adherents. There is no established (official) religion, but Anglican cathedrals are generally used for state occasions.

Settlement patterns

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The majority of New Zealanders live in the North Island. The New Zealand countryside is thinly populated, but there are many small towns with populations of up to 10,000 and a number of provincial cities of more than 20,000. Some of the smallest towns and villages have become deserted as people moved to the bigger towns and cities.

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The main urban areas are Auckland, in the north of the North Island, the main industrial complex and commercial centre; Hamilton, the centre of the Waikato farming region; Wellington, centrally located at the southern tip of the North Island and the political capital; Christchurch, in the middle of the South Island and the second largest industrial area; and finally, still farther south, Dunedin.

Although New Zealand is notable for the strength of its rural sector, the great majority of people live in cities. There is also a marked difference in the degree of population growth of the two main islands—the North having about three-fourths of the total population, in sharp contrast to the earlier years of systematic settlement. As in the past, the great majority of Māori live in the North Island. After World War II, however, most Māori became urban dwellers, as did migrants from the Pacific islands.

Demographic trends

Life expectancy in New Zealand is generally high, although it is lower for Māori than for non-Māori. The death rate is below the world average. Annual population growth fluctuates but is generally low, comparable to that of other industrialized Western countries. The natural rate of increase tends to be highest among Māori and people of Pacific island heritage.

Immigration is a major contributor to overall population growth in New Zealand, and that has led to frequent debates about limiting immigration. Although in the past most immigrants came from Great Britain and the Netherlands, they have been surpassed by people from the Pacific islands and Asia. Australia is the preferred destination of emigrants. Both immigration and emigration are sensitive to the rate of growth of the New Zealand economy and its employment opportunities as well as to conditions overseas.

Keith Sinclair

Raewyn Dalziel


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New Zealand’s economy is developed, but it is comparatively small in the global marketplace. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, New Zealand’s standard of living, based on the export of agricultural products, was one of the highest in the world, but after the mid-20th century the rate of growth tended to be one of the slowest among the developed countries. Impediments to economic expansion have been the slow growth of the economy of the United Kingdom (which formerly was the main destination of New Zealand’s exports) and its eventual membership in the European Community (later the European Union) and the high tariffs imposed by the major industrial nations against the country’s agricultural products (e.g., butter and meat). New Zealand’s economic history since the mid-20th century has consisted largely of attempts to grow and diversify its economy by finding new markets and new products (such as wine and paper products), expanding its manufacturing base, and entering into or supporting free-trade agreements.

New Zealand has had a long history of government intervention in the economy, ranging from state institutions’ competing in banking and insurance to an extensive social security system. Until the early 1980s most administrations strengthened and supported such policies, but since then government policy has generally shifted away from intervention, although retaining the basic elements of social security. Most of the subsidies and tax incentives to agricultural and manufacturing exporters have been abolished, and such government enterprises as the Post Office have become more commercially oriented and less dependent on government subsidies. In addition, administrations have attempted to increase the flexibility of the labour market by amending labour laws and encouraging immigration.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing

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New Zealand’s farming base required a relatively complex economy. Highly productive pastoral farming, embracing extensive sheep grazing and large-scale milk production, was made possible by a temperate climate, heavy investment in land improvement (including the introduction of European grasses and regular application of imported fertilizers), and highly skilled farm management by owner-occupiers, who used one of the highest ratios of capital to labour in farming anywhere in the world. The farms supported and required many specialized services: finance, trade, transport, building and construction, and especially the processing of butter, cheese, and frozen lamb carcasses and their by-products. That economy could be described as an offshore European farm, which exported wool and processed dairy products and imported a variety of finished manufactured consumer and capital goods, raw materials, and petroleum. Pastoral farming, especially dairying, has remained significant, but other sectors such as forestry (and the production of paper and other wood products), horticulture, fishing, deer farming, and manufacturing have produced a more-balanced economy. Viticulture has also flourished, and many New Zealand wines have come to rank among the world’s best.

Apart from gold mining’s brief heyday in the mid- to late 19th century, biological resources have always been more significant than minerals. Domesticated animals introduced from Europe thrived in New Zealand. Forestry has always been important, but the emphasis has swung from felling the original forest for timber to afforestation with pine and fir trees for both timber and pulp. Although New Zealand’s forestry industry is small on the world scale, it is a significant supplier of wood products to the Asia-Pacific region.

Resources and power

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Most minerals, metallic and nonmetallic, occur in New Zealand, but few are found in sufficient quantities for commercial exploitation. The exceptions are gold, which in the early years of organized settlement was a major export; coal, which is still mined to a considerable extent; iron sands, which are exploited both for export and for domestic use; and, more recently, natural gas. In addition, construction materials, with which the country is well endowed, are quarried.

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New Zealand’s energy comes from both fossil fuels and renewable resources such as hydroelectric, wind, and geothermal power. The country has exploited much of its great hydroelectric potential, and hydroelectricity long has supplied the bulk of the country’s power. However, as demand has increased, that proportion has dropped somewhat. Thermal plants fired with coal and natural gas constitute much of the remaining generating capacity, although a small but growing amount comes from geothermal sources. The New Zealand electricity grid has a notable feature in the form of direct-current submarine cables across the Cook Strait. Those link the two main islands, enabling surplus hydroelectric power in the South to be used by the North’s concentration of industry and people. In addition, partnerships between government and private interests developed natural gas reserves and constructed the world’s first plant producing gasoline from natural gas (since closed). There has been some successful offshore drilling for oil reserves.


Even in the 19th century New Zealand’s relative geographic isolation made necessary a proportionately large industrial labour force engaged in the manufacture and repair of agricultural machinery and in shipbuilding, brewing, and timber processing. After the 1880s the factory processing of farm products swelled those numbers, while the country’s temporary isolation during World Wars I and II stimulated the production of a wide range of manufactured goods that previously had been imported. Protectionist policies first espoused, although weakly, by governments in the late 19th century were strengthened after World War I. From the end of World War II until the early 1970s, manufacturing industries were protected by import-licensing fees in order to maintain full employment. Some labour-intensive, heavily protected, and uneconomic activities—such as automobile and consumer-electronics assembly (with the manufacture of some parts and components)—were developed but were not able to remain competitive. Some industries have taken their manufacturing activities offshore, although the sector has remained significant as an employer and as a contributor to gross domestic product.


Banking was established early in New Zealand, and over the years several large state- and foreign-owned commercial (trading) banks emerged. In the first decades of organized settlement, those operated independently and issued their own currency. Today all banks must be registered with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which is the central bank and issues the country’s national currency, the New Zealand dollar. They are supplemented by nonbank financial institutions. From the early 1980s the financial industry was transformed by deregulation. The government loosened restrictions on the types of financial services the various institutions could perform, and the commercial banks lost their privileged position. The capital market became highly competitive with the establishment of new, often foreign-owned specialty institutions and a currency that floated against several other currencies. Many of the unregulated financial institutions have been vulnerable to national and global economic recessions, and there has been renewed pressure for greater regulation of financial markets. In the early 21st century most major banks were foreign-owned.


Agricultural products—principally meat, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables—are New Zealand’s major exports; crude oil and wood and paper products are also significant.

The major imports are crude and refined oil, machinery, and vehicles. New Zealand’s chief trading partners are China, Australia, the United States, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. A succession of trade agreements provided the basis of the Australia and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (known as CER), signed in 1983. That agreement eventually eliminated duties and commodity quotas between the two countries and was seen by some as the first step toward integrating their economies. New Zealand also has a free-trade agreement with China, and Australia and New Zealand together are associated in a free-trade arrangement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


The public-service sector is a large employer, especially in Wellington, where the head offices of government departments are located. Tourism is an important part of New Zealand’s economy. Most of the country’s visitors originate from Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and China. Since the late 1990s there has been a significant increase in the number of international students—notably from China, South Korea, Japan, India, and Saudi Arabia—studying in language schools, universities, and polytechnics, and education has thus become an important source of foreign exchange.

Labour and taxation

The labour force was organized into strong trade unions from the late 19th century. Like Australia, New Zealand evolved a system of compulsory arbitration in which the government played a major role. From the late 1960s, however, government policy generally alternated between periods of government-imposed freezes on wages and prices and periods of officially tolerated bargaining between unions and employers, although the strong link between the labour markets of New Zealand and Australia—especially in the skilled trades and professional vocations—constrained policy. However, after the passage of the Employment Contracts Act (1991), which ended compulsory union membership, the number of union members fell dramatically.

Although taxation in New Zealand in relation to national income is not particularly high in comparison with other developed countries, direct taxation (taxation of personal income) has traditionally been relied upon to an unusual extent. The introduction in 1986 of a value-added tax on goods and services thus represented a fiscal revolution, because it was linked to a reduction in income tax rates and to an increase in government transfer payments to low-income families. Since 1986, governments have progressively reduced direct, and increased indirect, taxation.

Transportation and telecommunications

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In spite of the rugged nature of the country, most of the inhabited areas of New Zealand are readily accessible. The road system is good even in rural districts, and the main cities have express highway systems. Though the difficult terrain of the country often can make for slow journeys, the distances involved are seldom great.

In the 19th and much of the 20th century, New Zealand depended on shipping for trade and the movement of people. The main towns were located on or near good natural harbours. The major ports are now Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton (serving Christchurch). Other ports of note are at Marsden Point, Tauranga, and Napier on the North Island and Nelson, Westport, and Dunedin on the South Island. The import and export of goods via ship has declined from a boom period following World War II, and, consequently, so has maritime employment. Interisland ferries ply the route across Cook Strait.

The railway network was owned and operated by the government until the 1990s, and since then it has been in and out of private ownership. From 2008 the country’s freight and passenger railways were owned and operated by a state-owned enterprise known as KiwiRail (New Zealand Railways Corporation). The railway network comprises a main trunk line spanning both islands via roll-on, roll-off ferries and branch lines linking most towns. Rail travel is notoriously slow, which discourages passenger travel, but service is efficient for large-scale movement of goods over considerable distances. Long-standing regulations protecting the railways against competition from road carriers were abolished in the early 1980s, and, as a consequence, long-distance road haulage has increased.

The difficulty of the terrain has greatly encouraged air travel in New Zealand. Most provincial towns have airports, and all major urban centres are linked by air service. The national airline, Air New Zealand, has majority government ownership, although, like the railways, it was for a time privately owned. Air New Zealand, along with several foreign airlines, handles the country’s international service, with international air terminals at Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. Hamilton, Palmerston North, Queenstown, and Dunedin also offer limited international service.

New Zealand’s telecommunications industry has undergone numerous reforms to transform the country into one of the leaders in the field. The country’s Post Office originally had a monopoly on telecommunications services, but it was plagued by economic difficulties and poor service. The state-run Telecom Corporation of New Zealand—renamed Spark New Zealand in 2014—was formed in 1987 (privatized in 1990), and industry deregulation began in 1989. Undersea fibre-optic cables, like the direct-current cables, cross the Cook Strait to serve as a main telecommunications link between the two main islands. New Zealanders have adopted changes in information and communications technology rapidly. Cellular phone usage far exceeds the use of landlines. Internet usage is common among the vast majority of the population.

Conrad Alexander Blyth

Raewyn Dalziel

Government and society

Constitutional framework


New Zealand has a parliamentary form of government based on the British model. Legislative power is vested in the single-chamber House of Representatives (Parliament), the members of which are elected for three-year terms. The political party or coalition of parties that commands a majority in the House forms the government. Generally, the leader of the governing party becomes the prime minister, who, with ministers responsible for different aspects of government, forms a cabinet. The cabinet is the central organ of executive power. Most legislation is initiated in the House on the basis of decisions made by the cabinet; Parliament must then pass it by a majority vote before it can become law. The cabinet, however, has extensive regulatory powers that are subject to only limited parliamentary review. Because cabinet ministers sit in the House and because party discipline is customarily strong, legislative and executive authorities are effectively fused.

Marty Melville/Getty Images News

The British monarch is the formal head of state and is represented by a governor-general appointed by the monarch (on the recommendation of the New Zealand government) to a five-year term. The governor-general has limited authority, with the office retaining some residual powers to protect the constitution and to act in a situation of constitutional crisis. For example, the governor-general can dissolve Parliament under certain circumstances.

The structure of the New Zealand government is relatively simple, but the country’s constitutional provisions are more complex. Like that of Great Britain, New Zealand’s constitution is a mixture of statute and convention. Where the two clash, convention has tended to prevail. The Constitution Act of 1986 simplified that by consolidating and augmenting constitutional legislation dating from 1852.

The business of government is carried out by some 30 departments of varying size and importance. Most departments correspond to a ministerial portfolio, department heads being responsible to their respective ministers for the administration of their departments. Recruiting and promoting of civil servants is under the control of the State Services Commission, which is independent of partisan politics. Heads of departments and their officials do not change with a change of government, thus ensuring a continuity of administration.

As a check on possible administrative injustices, an office of parliamentary commissioner for investigations (ombudsman) was established in 1962; the scope of the office’s jurisdiction was enlarged in 1968 and again in 1975. In addition, the Official Information Act of 1982 permits public access, with specific exceptions, to government documents.

There are also a certain number of non-civil-service appointees within the government. They fill positions in government corporations—commercial ventures in which the government is the sole or major stockholder, such as NZ On Air (the government’s broadcast funding agency) and Kiwibank (which provides commercial banking and financial services)—and in a host of bodies with administrative or advisory functions. Political affiliations, as well as expertise and experience, often figure in appointment decisions for those institutions.

Local government

Local government bodies consist of elected councils at the regional and city levels together with specialist and community boards. Those entities have limited powers conferred by statute. The responsibilities of the city councils include the provision of community services and local infrastructure and the management of resources and the local environment. Regional councils carry out larger environmental and infrastructure functions requiring coordination (such as water quality, flood control, civil defense, and transportation planning). Community boards serve as a liaison between the people of the community and local authorities. They are made up of elected members; it is also common, though not obligatory, for a smaller number of additional members to be appointed. Elections for local government bodies are contested every three years.

Over time, many councils and boards have been consolidated by the central government into larger authorities. A major amalgamation brought together several cities and their councils in the Auckland region in 2010. City and regional councils are empowered within their jurisdictions to levy taxes on business and property owners, debate and approve plans, and manage a large range of facilities and services. In the case of Auckland, new entities controlled by the city council have been created to manage major infrastructure development and facilities.


New Zealand derives from the common law of Britain certain statutes passed before 1947 by the British Parliament. New Zealand law usually follows the precedents of English law. Nevertheless, the New Zealand courts have taken a more independent stance and now play a significant constitutional and political role with respect to public and administrative law. In addition, some members of the legal community have challenged the traditional doctrine that future Parliaments are not bound by laws passed by the current Parliament, contending that certain common-law rights might override the will of Parliament.

The law is administered by the Ministry of Justice through its courts. A Supreme Court was established by legislation in 2003 (hearings began in 2004), replacing the British Privy Council. Below the Supreme Court there is a hierarchy of courts dealing with civil and criminal cases, including—in ascending order—District Courts, the High Court, and the Court of Appeal. There are also environment and employment courts, a Māori Land Court and a Māori Appellate Court, and a number of tribunals, including the Waitangi Tribunal, which addresses Māori claims of breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi by the government.

Political process

There is universal suffrage for those 18 years of age and older. In 1996 the country’s long-standing simple plurality (“first past the post”) system was replaced with the mixed member proportional (MMP) method, in which each voter has two votes, one for an electorate (district) candidate and one for a political party. A party’s representation in the legislature is proportional to the number of party votes it receives. The new system also enlarged the Parliament to 120 seats—71 elected (including 7 reserved for Māori) from the electorates and 49 from party lists.

While the MMP system has given a boost to small parties, the New Zealand National Party and the New Zealand Labour Party remain the country’s two major political players. They each have distinct foundations. National’s traditional support base is in rural and affluent urban districts and among those involved in business and management. Labour’s is in trade unions and the urban blue-collar workforce. Over time, however, both parties have broadened their electoral bases. Labour has gained the support of some areas of the business sector and has attracted more professionals, while the National Party has had some success among higher-paid workers in key small-town and provincial districts. Increasingly, ideological differentiation between the two parties has become complex, and intraparty differences in such areas as economic policy have often been greater than they have been between parties.

MMP has meant that governments are usually coalitions of one of the main parties with one or more of the smaller parties that hold seats in Parliament. In the early 21st century those included the Green Party, ACT New Zealand, New Zealand First, and the Māori Party.

In 1893, after a multidecade campaign by woman suffragists, New Zealand became the first country in the world to extend the vote to all its female citizens. It was not until 1919, however, that women could stand for election, and few women were elected to Parliament before the 1980s. The women’s movement of the 1970s and ’80s, however, led an increasing number of women to enter the mainstream political arena, and by the 21st century New Zealand had a notably high rate of female representation in national office. The country’s first female prime minister, National Party leader Jennifer Shipley, held office from 1997 to 1999. She was succeeded by Labour leader Helen Clark (1999–2008). Another woman, Jacinda Ardern, of the Labour Party, became prime minister in 2017.


Participation in the military, called the New Zealand Defence Force, is voluntary, and individuals must be at least 17 years old to join. The country maintains a relatively small military force, with an army and a small naval fleet. Its defense expenditure as a percentage of the GDP is well below the world average. The military is deployed overseas mainly in peacekeeping forces. Law enforcement is the responsibility of the New Zealand Police, a cabinet-level department largely independent (with respect to law enforcement) of executive authority.

Health and welfare

New Zealand has one of the oldest social security systems in the world. Noncontributory old-age pensions paid for from government revenues were introduced in 1898. Pensions for widows and miners followed soon after, and child allowances were introduced in the 1920s. In 1938 the New Zealand government introduced what was then the most extensive system of pensions and welfare in the world, which included free hospital treatment, free pharmaceutical service, and heavily subsidized treatment by medical practitioners.

Since then the system has been eroded in some respects but greatly extended in others. Doctors’ fees, though still subsidized by the state, have become relatively high. Many people invest in private medical insurance and seek treatment in private hospitals instead of in public hospitals. There is still a universal pension system, called New Zealand Superannuation, in which all citizens over age 65 receive an income that is based on the average annual after-tax wage and adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases.

Other financial-support measures include tax credits for families and benefits for single parents, invalids, and the sick. Under the Accident Compensation Act of 1972, all persons suffering personal injury from any sort of accident, whether at work or not, can receive compensation for disability and loss of earnings, and they are covered by insurance for any medical or other treatment; in return they waive the right to sue for damages. The act led to the establishment of the government-run Accident Compensation Corporation, to which all New Zealanders must pay premiums and which handles claims. The cost of accident compensation is high, which leads to occasional political debate as to the best method of handling the risk of accident.


Home ownership has long been an ambition of most New Zealanders, but after reaching a high in the early 1990s—when nearly three-fourths of all households lived in owner-occupied domiciles—the rate of home ownership dropped steadily as housing costs rose. By the first decade of the 21st century, only about two-thirds of households owned their dwellings. State agencies provide limited financial assistance toward home purchases and renovation work, as well as subsidized rental accommodations for those on low incomes. The state also subsidizes pensioner accommodations through local authorities.

The housing stock in most towns and cities is made up primarily of single-family detached houses, reflecting a traditional housing preference for stand-alone family homes. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, however, concomitant with decreasing home ownership and increased urban sprawl, the trend was toward greater density in urban areas, an increased number of multifamily dwellings and apartment buildings in the larger cities, and smaller section (lot) sizes.


Courtesy of New Zealand National Publicity

Education in New Zealand is free between ages 5 and 19; it is compulsory between ages 6 and 16. In practice almost all children enter primary school at age five, although many of them have already begun their education in preschools, all of which are subsidized by the state. Education is administered by the Ministry of Education. Elected boards of trustees control all of the primary and secondary state schools. There are also more than 100 private primary and secondary schools, most of them run by the Roman Catholic Church or some other religious group. They may apply to receive state subsidies and must meet certain standards of teaching and accommodation. State primary schools are coeducational, but there are still many single-sex secondary schools. Most private secondary schools are single-sex.

© Dmitry Naumov/

Universities, polytechnics, and private training establishments make up the higher-education sector. There are eight universities—including the University of Otago, Dunedin (1869), the University of Canterbury (1873), the University of Auckland (1883), and Victoria University of Wellington (1899). There are some two dozen polytechnic institutes, among them Open Polytechnic, which provides certificate- and degree-level education via distance learning throughout New Zealand and in other countries.

Students pay partial tuition fees but can borrow the cost of these fees from the government, which also subsidizes tuition costs by direct grants to polytechnics and universities. The fees that institutions may charge students are limited by the government. Entry to the universities has traditionally been open, with admission based on school-leaving qualifications or, in the case of mature students, age. However, the rising cost of tertiary education, along with caps on tuition fees and government constraints on the number of students it will fund, has led to more-stringent admission requirements, especially for degree study.

Education has been strongly emphasized since the early years of the colony, and virtually the entire population is literate. A correspondence school caters to primary- and secondary-level students living in remote places, and various continuing education and adult education centres provide opportunities for lifelong education.

Jack Vowles

Raewyn Dalziel

Cultural life

Cultural milieu

New Zealand’s cultural influences are predominantly European and Māori. Immigrant groups have generally tended to assimilate into the European lifestyle, although traditional customs are still followed by many Tongans, Samoans, and other Pacific peoples. Māori culture suffered greatly in the years of colonization and into the 20th century, and many Māori were torn between the pressure to assimilate and the desire to preserve their own culture. However, since the 1950s there has been a cultural renaissance, with a determined effort to preserve and revive artistic and social traditions. The culture of the Pākehā (the Māori term for those of European descent) has come to incorporate many aspects of Māori culture. The biennial Te Matatini festival, first held in 1972, celebrates Māori culture, especially the traditional dance and song performances known as kapa haka. The festival is held over several days, each time in a different region of New Zealand, and culminates in the national kapa haka championship.

The state has moved progressively to assist and encourage the arts. Creative New Zealand, the national agency for arts funding, gives annual grants in support of theatre, music, modern dance and ballet, opera, and literature. In addition, New Zealand was one of the first countries to establish a fund to compensate writers for the loss of royalties on books borrowed from libraries rather than purchased. The national orchestra is supported by the government through the Ministry for Culture and Heritage. The government also provides taxation and other incentives for the motion-picture industry, and New Zealand-made films have received growing international recognition.

Daily life and social customs

© Sam D. Cruz /

The Māori culture has seen a renaissance in wood carving and weaving and in the construction of carved and decorated meeting houses (whare whakairo). Māori waiata (songs) and dances have become increasingly popular, especially among the young. Māori meetings—whether hui (assemblies) or tangi (funeral gatherings)—are conducted in traditional fashion, with ancient greeting ceremonies strictly observed. Waves of migrants have also brought different cultures that are celebrated in a variety of ways—for example, in annual festivals such as the Chinese Lantern Festival and Lunar New Year and the Indian festival Diwali.

New Zealand cuisine has also been influenced by the foods of immigrants and the expectations of international tourists. It was originally a combination of traditional British dishes with local delicacies. Fresh seafood was popular along the coasts; mutton, venison, and meat pies were common. Pavlova, a sweet meringue dish, was and remains a popular dessert. Food, however, has become more imaginative and cosmopolitan, and there are many restaurants, bistros, and cafés in the major cities and towns that present a range of classic and ethnic menus. A traditional Māori feast of meat, seafood, and vegetables is steamed for hours in an earthen oven (hāngī).

© Kenneth William Caleno/

New Zealand celebrates a number of national public holidays. Waitangi Day—February 6, the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi (1840)—is considered the country’s national day. Commemorations are centred on Waitangi but are held throughout the country. Public celebrations include Māori ceremonies as well as sporting events, music, and parades. With the increasing attention paid to Māori history and culture, Waitangi Day has also become an occasion for reflection on the historical effects of European settlement on the indigenous people. Another, more sombre, public holiday is ANZAC Day—April 25, the day in 1915 when amphibious New Zealand and Australian (ANZAC) forces landed at the Gallipoli Peninsula (Turkey) and began one of the iconic battles of World War I. The holiday honours those who have served in New Zealand’s military forces, especially those killed in war.

The arts

BBC Hulton Picture Library

The arts in New Zealand have been strongly influenced by the desire to establish a national identity distinct from that of other cultures. Numerous writers were active in the late 19th century, the most successful of whom were historians, such as William Pember Reeves, and ethnologists, including S. Percy Smith and Elsdon Best. The work of the first genuinely original New Zealand writers, the short-story author Katherine Mansfield and the poet R.A.K. Mason, did not appear until the 1920s. In the 1930s, during the harsh years of the Great Depression, a group of poets appeared and established a national tradition of writing. Although influenced by contemporary English literatureT.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden were greatly respected—they wrote about their New Zealand experience. The most-notable member of this group was Allen Curnow. A.R.D. Fairburn, Denis Glover, and Charles Brasch were other major poets. At the same time, Frank Sargeson began writing the superb stories in the New Zealand vernacular for which he became well known.

The work of those pioneering writers was followed by that of such widely published and acclaimed poets as James K. Baxter, Kendrick Smithyman, Ian Wedde, and Elizabeth Smither. A number of novelists have also earned international reputations, notably Janet Frame, Keri Hulme, Sylvia Ashton-Warner, Lloyd Jones, and mystery writer Ngaio Marsh. Authors Witi Ihimaera and Patricia Grace explored the intersection of Māori and Pākehā culture. Poet Hone Tuwhare has achieved an international reputation. Those and other New Zealand writers were greatly aided by the growth of the publishing industry in New Zealand.

Courtesy, Hamilton City Council

The first painter to achieve international recognition, Frances Hodgkins, spent most of her life abroad. In the 1960s, however, an unprecedented art scene began to emerge, created initially by a group of artists, including Colin McCahon and Don Binney, who were helped by the rise of commercial galleries in most large towns and cities. Although New Zealand is often the subject of those paintings, they clearly reflect international influences. That group paved the way for what has become a small legion of artists. Since the late 20th century, Māori arts have experienced growing popularity, and works of visual art are prominently displayed in numerous galleries and museums.

Reg Wilson/

In the 1970s and ’80s, professional theatre companies—including Downstage in Wellington and the Mercury in Auckland—rose to prominence in the major cities, and they have since been joined or succeeded by a number of small, more experimental companies. A national symphony orchestra tours within New Zealand and internationally, and most towns have musical groups or orchestras that play locally. New Zealand singers who garnered an international following include Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Inia Te Wiata, and Donald McIntyre. Popular music has a long history and was dominated in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by such artists as brothers Neil and Tim Finn and their bands Split Enz and Crowded House, Dave Dobbyn, Bic Runga, and the hip-hop rapper Scribe.

© Denis Makarenko/
© Universal Pictures/Wing Nut Films

New Zealand has a well-developed film industry, and the country has been the setting for a number of films by international directors who took advantage of the local scenery, skilled production workers, and government tax concessions. The films of New Zealand directors Jane Campion and Peter Jackson had notable success around the world; Campion’s The Piano (1993) and Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–03) in particular received much acclaim. The work of actors Sam Neill, Anna Paquin, Lucy Lawless, and New Zealand-born Australian Russell Crowe has been recognized internationally.

Cultural institutions

Courtesy, Hamilton City Council

New Zealand has numerous museums, including Te Papa Tongarewa, the country’s national museum. Te Papa’s exhibits focus on themes of national and natural history, including a re-created island, complete with wildlife, and an art collection. There are also a number of notable local and regional museums, such as the Auckland Museum, the Otago Museum (Dunedin), and the Waikato Museum (Hamilton). Theatre is a vital part of the country’s culture, and in 1970 the government founded the New Zealand Drama School. The New Zealand Opera Company performs in the main cities.

Sports and recreation

Ross Setford/AP Images

Sports are the main leisure-time activity of more than half the population. There is widespread participation in most major sports, particularly rugby football, which is played by both men’s and women’s teams. The inaugural World Cup of rugby, which New Zealand cohosted in 1987, was won by the country’s national team, the All Blacks. (New Zealand also hosted the seventh Rugby World Cup in 2011.) The opening of each All Black match is highlighted by the players’ performance of the haka known as “Ka Mate,” a traditional Māori chant accompanied by rhythmic movements, stamping, and fierce gestures. Notable players include Colin Meads, who participated in 55 Test matches for the All Blacks. Women’s netball has become a popular participatory and spectator sport, as has basketball.

New Zealand made its Olympic debut at the 1908 Games in London, where it competed with Australia on the Australasian team. There the country captured its first medal, a bronze in the 3,500-metre walk. New Zealand competed separately at the 1920 Antwerp Games. The country has had notable success in Olympic track-and-field events. Jack Lovelock set a world record in the 1,500-metre race at the 1936 Berlin Games, and in 1952 at Helsinki long-jumper Yvette Williams became the first female New Zealander to win Olympic gold.

© Delphimages/

The climate and the variety of terrain allow for year-round activity in many sports. Mountaineering and hiking are popular outdoor activities. The country has extensive skiing facilities, especially on South Island. Sailing is also popular, particularly around Auckland Harbour; New Zealand won its first America’s Cup yachting race in 1996. Adventure sports have long been common on the islands, and in the late 20th century New Zealand helped popularize bungee jumping.

© chameleonseye—iStock/Getty Images

Several natural and cultural areas have been designated UNESCO World Heritage sites. Te Wāhipounamu (South West New Zealand), a 10,000-square-mile (26,000-square-km) expanse of near-pristine land on South Island, encompasses glaciers, rainforest, beaches, and mountains and is home to many ancient plant and animal species. Aoraki/Mount Cook, Fiordland, Westland Tai Poutini, and Mount Aspiring national parks are within its borders. On North Island, Tongariro National Park is also a World Heritage site. It was originally located on land inhabited by the Māori since their arrival in New Zealand and granted by them to the crown in 1887, and it has since expanded and now covers an area of some 300 square miles (800 square km). Its borders include Mount Ruapehu and other mountains of great cultural and religious importance to Māori culture.

Media and publishing

Newspapers in New Zealand provide a high standard of reporting, with substantial coverage of world news provided largely by foreign agencies. No daily paper has a national circulation, but some that originate in the large cities are distributed widely over their respective islands. Some prominent daily newspapers are the New Zealand Herald and the Dominion Post (North Island) and The Press (South Island). Numerous local and regional dailies are also published. Commercial and privately owned radio stations and television channels, including satellite and cable networks, compete with state-owned networks. All forms of media maintain an online presence.

Keith Sinclair

Raewyn Dalziel



No precise archaeological records exist of when and from where the first human inhabitants of New Zealand came, but it is generally agreed that Polynesians from eastern Polynesia in the central Pacific reached New Zealand in the early 13th century. There has been much speculation on how these people made the long ocean voyage. People from Polynesia are known to have sometimes set sail in search of new lands, their canoes well provisioned with food and plants for cultivation, and it is likely that the discoverers of New Zealand were on such a voyage. It is probable that few canoes made the dangerous journey, but the people from even one of these large double-hulled craft could have produced the Māori population that the Europeans encountered in New Zealand in the 17th and 18th centuries. With them they brought the dog and the rat and several plants, including the kumara (a variety of sweet potato), taro, and yam.

The Polynesian period, prior to the arrival of Europeans, has been divided into an early “Archaic” phase, with primarily coastal settlements and an economy based on hunting, especially of moas (flightless birds), fishing, and limited crop cultivation, and a later “Classic” phase, characterized by a movement inland, the building of lightly defended villages, and the extensive cultivation of gardens. Another approach to Māori history divides the period into a “colonization,” a “transitional,” and a “traditional” phase. Colonization, when the new arrivals settled in base camps along the coasts and exploited the abundant animal food resources, lasted until about 1400. The transitional phase—marked by a growth in population, a shift to a fish, shellfish, and plant diet, the emergence of food-storage pits, and changing art forms—lasted until about 1600. And the traditional phase—during which inland villages were built, artifacts of bone, wood, and stone became more common, and gardening was commonplace—lasted until the arrival of Europeans.

In the South Island, if not elsewhere, the first Polynesian settlers found moas in immense numbers on tussock grasslands. These served as their major food supply and had become extinct by the 15th century. The 18th-century Māori population was densest in the warmer northern parts of the country, where the Māori variant of Polynesian culture had reached its high point, particularly in the arts of war, canoe construction, building, weaving, and agriculture.

The first European to arrive in New Zealand was a Dutch sailor, Abel Janszoon Tasman, who sighted the coast of Westland (northwestern South Island) in December 1642. His sole attempt to land brought only a clash with a South Island tribe during which several of his men were killed. After his voyage the western coast of New Zealand became a line upon European charts and was thought of as the possible western edge of a great southern continent.

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In 1769–70 the British naval officer and explorer James Cook completed Tasman’s work by circumnavigating the two major islands and charting them with a remarkable degree of accuracy. His initial contact with the Māori was violent, but harmonious relations were established later. On this and on subsequent voyages, Cook, with the explorer and naturalist Joseph Banks, made the first systematic observations of Māori life and culture. Cook’s journal, published as A Voyage Towards the South Pole, and Round the World (1777), brought the knowledge of a new land to Europeans. He stressed the intelligence of the natives and the suitability of the country for colonization, and soon colonists as well as other discoverers followed Cook to the islands he had made known.

Early European settlement

Apart from convicts escaping from Australia and shipwrecked or deserting sailors seeking asylum with Māori tribes, the first Europeans in New Zealand were in search of profits—from sealskins, timber, New Zealand flax (genus Phormium), and whaling. Australian firms set up tiny settlements of land-based bay whalers, and Kororareka (now called Russell), in the northeastern North Island, became a stopping place for American, British, and French deep-sea whalers. Traders supplying whalers drew Māori into their economic activity, buying provisions and supplying trade goods, implements, muskets, and rum. Initially the Māori welcomed the newcomers; while the tribes were secure, the European was a useful dependent.

Māori went overseas, some as far as England. A northern chief, Hongi Hika, amassed presents in England and exchanged them in Australia for muskets; back in New Zealand he waged devastating war on traditional enemies. The use of firearms spread southward; a series of tribal wars, spreading from north to south, displaced populations and disturbed landholdings, especially in the Waikato, Taranaki, and Cook Strait areas. Europeans soon founded colonies in these unsettled regions. Missionaries quickly followed the traders. Between 1814 and 1838, Anglicans, Wesleyan Methodists, and Roman Catholics set up mission stations. Conversion was initially slow, but by the mid-19th century most Māori were adherents, for varying reasons, of some form of Christianity.

All of these newcomers had a profound effect on Māori life. Warfare and disease reduced numbers, while new values, pursuits, and beliefs modified tribal structures. Christianity cut across the sanctions and prohibitions that had supplied Māori social cohesion. A capitalist economy, to which Māori were introduced both by traders offering new inducements (for instance, the brief demand for New Zealand flax) and by missionaries bringing new agricultural techniques, affected the whole material basis of life. At first in the north and later over the whole country, a process of adjustment began, which has continued to the present day. By the late 1830s, chiefly through the Australian link, New Zealand had been joined to Europe. Settlers numbered at least some hundreds, and there were certain to be more. Colonization schemes were afoot in Great Britain, and Australian graziers were buying land from the Māori. These circumstances determined British policy.

Annexation and further settlement

In 1838 the British government decided upon at least partial annexation. In 1839 it commissioned William Hobson, a naval officer, as lieutenant governor and consul to the Māori chiefs, and he annexed the whole country: the North Island by the right of cession from the Māori chiefs and the South Island by the right of discovery. At first New Zealand was legally part of the New South Wales colony (in Australia), but in 1841 it became a separate crown colony, and Hobson was named governor. Before declaring the annexation of New Zealand, Hobson went through a process of discussion with the northern chiefs from which emerged the Treaty of Waitangi (February 1840). Under the Treaty the Māori ceded kāwanatanga (translated as “sovereignty,” but its meaning is much debated) to the crown in return for protection and guaranteed possession of their lands; they also agreed to sell land only to the crown. Hobson promised an investigation into past “sales” of land to private individuals to ensure fair dealing. This treaty imposed a strong moral obligation upon the British government to act as guardian of the Māori.

Even before annexation was proclaimed, planning for the first English colony had begun. The New Zealand Company, founded in 1839 to colonize on the principles laid down by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, sent a survey ship, the Tory, in May 1839. The agents on board were to buy land in both islands around Cook Strait. The company moved hastily because its founders were aware that British annexation was likely and would entail a crown monopoly of land sales and a consequent increase in price. Purchases were effected in great haste before Hobson could bring to an end such private transactions. Little effort was made to seek out the true Māori owners; this would have been difficult anyway, as Māori ownership was communal and titles had been disturbed by the warfare of the preceding quarter century. The company, combining skillful propaganda with outright trickery and brutality, enforced its claim to the land upon which New Plymouth, Whanganui, and Wellington in the North Island and Nelson in the South Island were founded in the 1840s. Later, through the crown, it secured other areas in the South Island where Otago (1848) and Canterbury (1850) were settled by separate associations. Meanwhile, Hobson moved the seat of government south from the Bay of Islands, bringing Auckland into existence (1840).

Courtesy of The Mitchell Library, Sydney

In the early 1840s settlement and government began to alarm the Māori. In the Cook Strait area a formidable chief, Te Rauparaha, obstructed settlement. Near the Bay of Islands there was open warfare, and Kororareka was repeatedly raided. Neither Hobson (who died in 1842) nor his successor, Robert FitzRoy, was able to overcome the Māori. George (later Sir George) Grey, who became governor in 1845, had money and troops and the will to use them. His victories brought a peace that lasted from 1847 until 1860. Hōne Heke, the principal leader in the north, was thoroughly defeated (1846), and in the south a likely uprising was prevented. Ethnic strife had been accompanied by economic distress. In the mid-1840s the nascent economy was depressed until the Australian gold rushes of the 1850s offered a market for foodstuffs to the New Zealand farmer, settler and Māori alike.

By the end of the 1840s ethnic and economic trouble had given way to political agitation. The leading settlements, apart from Auckland, began to campaign for representative government in place of Grey’s personal rule. He, while refusing to give way, helped to draft the New Zealand Constitution Act of 1852, which was designed to meet all demands of the settlers. Grey sought not to prevent the introduction of self-government but to delay it until he had determined both native and land policy. He wanted to begin the rapid assimilation of the Māori (with whom his relations were excellent) to British social and cultural patterns and to introduce a land policy that would safeguard the small farmer against the large landowner. He believed he had secured these goals by the time of his departure at the end of 1853.

Responsible government

After the Constitution Act came into force in 1853, New Zealand was divided into six provinces—Auckland, New Plymouth (Taranaki), Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago—each with a superintendent and a provincial council. The central government consisted of a governor and a two-chamber legislature (General Assembly): a Legislative Council nominated by the crown, and a House of Representatives elected upon a low property franchise for a five-year term. This General Assembly did not meet until 1854; it then embarked on a quarrel with the acting governor, Col. Robert Henry Wynyard, that was not ended until the achievement of full responsible government—i.e., a system under which the governor could act in domestic matters only upon the advice of ministers enjoying the confidence of the elected chamber. Henry Sewell and James FitzGerald, of Canterbury, led the representatives in this struggle; heading the opposition against them was Edward Gibbon Wakefield, who, having first moved the resolution for responsible government, then secretly opposed it while serving as extra-official adviser to the acting governor. The Colonial Office (which oversaw the government of Britain’s overseas territories) conceded responsible government in 1856. The next governor, Thomas (later Sir Thomas) Gore Browne, reserved Māori affairs to the control of the governor alone.

For most purposes, during the 1850s New Zealand was administered not by central but by provincial institutions. These authorities (10 in number by the time of their abolition in 1876) directly affected settlers through their administration of land and control of immigration and public works. The native department, directly under the governor, bought land from the Māori; the provincial governments settled it, regulated immigration, and built roads and bridges. Until the wars of the 1860s, the central legislature was less important, though its ultimate authority remained.

Each province made use of revenue arising from land sales and depended on that revenue for its strength. Canterbury and Otago, with small Māori populations, cultivated prosperity by spending that revenue on communications, immigration, and education. Other provinces were either less fortunate or less wise and enjoyed less success. In the North Island the numerous and anxious Māori held on to desirable land. Here most of the land available for settlement had been taken up by the end of the 1850s, a good deal of it by speculators, and some of it was given away to attract immigrants. The island remained largely without roads until the 1870s, so impecunious were its governments. But by that time the major obstacle to settlement—the continuing power of the tribes—had been removed. This was the result of a decade of war.

Ethnic conflict

Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-USZ62-109768)

In the 1850s relations between settlers and Māori deteriorated. The settler population and the demand for land, especially pastoral land, increased. Many Māori, fearing for their future, became reluctant to sell more land. In the Taranaki province, where the land shortage was acute, both settlers and those Māori willing to sell were opposed by Wiremu Kīngi (Te Rangitāake), chief of Te Ātiawa. In the Waikato, where good land was coveted by settlers and speculators, an elderly chief, Te Wherowhero, became “king” in 1858, largely through the support of the Waikato and Maniopoto tribes, and reigned as King Pōtatau I. The Māori King Movement and the unrest in the Taranaki headed by Wiremu Kīngi (the two movements remained distinct though related) were opposed to further land sales.

The likelihood of conflict was not reduced by any particular wisdom in government policy. Gore Browne was guided in native policy by the head of the Native Land Purchase Department, Donald (later Sir Donald) McLean, who, responsive to settler demands, increased pressure on potential sellers. Grey’s caution and his recognition that a chief could veto sales proposed by any section of his tribe were forgotten. McLean sowed a rich harvest of distrust. Christopher Richmond, the member of the cabinet in charge of native affairs, was also a member of the House of Representatives from Taranaki and was fully responsive to the needs of his settler neighbours. The central ministry, theoretically unconcerned with native policy, could not, despite the promise of protection made to the Māori in the Treaty of Waitangi, neglect a matter so vital to the colony’s future. In 1859 the representative of the crown unwittingly supplied the occasion for the outbreak of civil strife.

Gore Browne accepted an offer to sell from a Taranaki subchief, Te Teira, and ignored the veto imposed by the paramount chief, Wiremu Kīingi. Early in 1860 troops were used to dislodge Kīngi from the land in question, the Waitara block. A decade of fighting began. In 1861 Grey was sent back for a second term as governor in the hope that he would again prove to be a peacemaker. In fact he accelerated the extension of conflict. Fearing that Auckland was menaced by the followers of the Māori king, he took defensive measures that could easily be interpreted as acts of aggression, and the fighting subsequently spread from Taranaki to the Waikato. Imperial troops, colonial militia, and Māori allies (for not all the tribes supported the Māori nationalist movement) had no easy task, but their victory could not be postponed for long. By the mid-1860s Māori resistance in the Taranaki and Waikato had ended. But the “king” tribes were by no means crushed, and the fear that they would embark on war again haunted the colony for many years.

In the later 1860s the fighting was of a different character, in which religion acted as a last, desperate stiffener of Māori resistance. Pai Mārire (Hauhauism), an amalgam of Jewish, Christian, and native beliefs, was the first (1862) of many movements in which the Māori, rejecting the religion of settler and missionary, put their own imprint on Christianity. Toward the end of the decade, Te Kooti organized resistance on the east coast of the North Island. He was the founder of another religious movement as well as a guerrilla of some note; his adaptation of Christianity, Ringatū, still has numerous followers. Te Kooti was never finally defeated, but by the early 1870s he had been forced to retreat into the “King Country” (the centre of the island), and he devoted the rest of his life to religious leadership.

An uneasy peace settled on the colony in 1870. Casualties had not been high, but the loss of life was serious for the tribes concerned. Especially in those areas in which the Māori king retained some authority, defeat led to a period of withdrawal from settler society. Resentment was deepened by a punitive policy of land confiscation adopted by the victors, a policy improper in its nature and made worse in some places by undiscriminating application to “guilty” and “innocent” tribes alike. The Māori future looked bleak. By the Native Land Act of 1862, private land transactions between settler and Māori had been legalized, and during the next 40 years the Māori lost most of their best land. In 1867 four seats in the General Assembly were created for Māori members and Māori men gained the vote, but many years were to elapse before Māori numbers, morale, and confidence would revive throughout the country.

Development of the colony

Fluctuation of the economy

Economic growth in the North Island had been considerably retarded by the wars. Meanwhile, the South Island, especially Canterbury and Otago, had grown increasingly prosperous. Pastoral farming expanded steadily, and the discovery of gold, first in Otago and then on the west coast, led to a sudden boom in production and trade. Population rose when diggers poured in; economic life quickened as gold brought prosperity, less to the diggers than to bankers, merchants, land sellers, and farmers supplying provisions. The South Island share of the European population jumped from about 40 percent to 60 percent during the 1860s. The North Island did not recover its previous lead until the 20th century.

Attempts by other provinces to emulate the development of Canterbury and Otago normally ended in embarrassment (in one case in bankruptcy) as money was recklessly borrowed and spent. To preserve the colony’s reputation, the central government in 1867 banned further provincial overseas borrowing. About that time economic depression struck the greater part of the country, especially the South Island, where the accessible alluvial gold had been worked out. The South Island was thus looking for a stimulus, while the ending of the wars now made further development possible in the North Island. It was widely agreed that only the central government could adequately revitalize the economy.

In 1870 a development policy was provided by Julius (later Sir Julius) Vogel, who at the time was colonial treasurer and who later served twice (1873–75; 1876) as premier. He was convinced (not altogether accurately) that New Zealand was bursting with potential resources needing no more than the stimulus of capital and labour for their exploitation. He borrowed overseas capital for public works on an unprecedented scale and swelled the labour force with British immigrants whose passage had been subsidized by the government.

Not all of Vogel’s schemes were wisely conceived; the prosperity of the mid-1870s was more an investment boom than a solid growth of productivity. But the colony ended the decade with a doubled population (about 500,000) and the beginnings of efficient internal and external communications. Roads, bridges, railways, and telegraph systems had been built and overseas shipping services improved. Private lending agencies contributed to the boom; in a heady atmosphere land values and interest rates climbed alarmingly. The public debt greatly increased, and many people who had acquired land were in desperate financial straits. Falling overseas prices for farm products (chiefly wool and wheat), a declining gold output, retrenchment by the government, and widespread unemployment marked the 1880s. Immigrant ships discharged their passengers at ports where unemployment was already rife. There had been growth in the 1870s, but it was succeeded by a depression that lasted until 1895.

Vogel abolished the provincial governments in 1876. They had earned his enmity by refusing to allow their lands to be used as security for public works and by blocking a forest-conservation scheme. Essentially, they had become outmoded when in the early 1870s the initiative in development passed to the central government. Provincial governments had been set up to colonize their districts; when the centre assumed this function, they lost their raison d’être. Abolition came fairly painlessly; it was an affront more to local pride than to local prosperity. Only in Otago was there a strong attempt to resist change. Thereafter, provincial interests were long pursued by the respective delegates in the General Assembly, whose achievements were in no way diminished by the lack of particularist (provincial) institutions.

The governments of the 1880s, though led by men of some ability and imagination, such as Sir Robert Stout and Sir Harry Atkinson, did not deal effectively with the depression. The time-honoured remedy, spending loan money on development, was not fully given up until 1887. The basic problem was to find productive work for the country’s labour force; closer land settlement was the remedy suggested in the 1880s and applied in the 1890s. Great areas, especially in the South Island, had fallen to large owners; these “monopolists” were attacked by the radicals, though probably the pastoral industry could not have been established under any other system. William Rolleston, minister of lands in the early 1880s, first proposed that the state help men to become small farmers as state tenants; John (later Sir John) McKenzie and the Liberal government applied that remedy with vigour in the 1890s. But closer settlement and intensive farming did not of themselves create economic benefits, which in fact could not accrue until small farmers had a product to export and gained a good price for that product. Refrigeration and rising world prices provided the answer. It became possible in the 1880s to send to Great Britain refrigerated cargoes of butter, cheese, and meat; this encouraged the spread of small-scale intensive farming.

The Liberal era (1891–1912)

Greg O'Beirne
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The energetic Liberal government led by John Ballance, which took office in 1891, accelerated the process of change. It opened more land (much of it bought from the Māori), established farmers on perpetual state leaseholds, provided credit for land purchase and improvements, and built roads. So came into existence great dairying and meat-producing areas, especially in the North Island. Prices for dairy and meat, as well as for wool, rose about 1895 and stayed generally high until about 1920.

This economic stimulus was not limited to farmers. Urban distress had been serious in the 1880s, for many recent immigrants had been townspeople who had stayed in New Zealand towns on arrival. The ultimate cure for their distress was for the towns to share in the farmers’ high prices. Urban New Zealand depended on the prosperity of the country. But other remedies were considered, and some of them were applied. In the 1880s there was serious discussion of insurance against sickness, poverty, and old age; the Old Age Pensions Act of 1898 was the first measure of social security. Tariff protection to foster industrial employment was halfheartedly applied in the late 1880s. Revelations of oppression in industry led in the 1890s to a labour code to protect workers.

The chief Liberal industrial policy, however, formulated by William Pember Reeves, minister of labour from 1892 to 1896, was to encourage trade unions and to introduce, in the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1894, a conciliation and compulsory arbitration system intended to end industrial unrest and give the unions the means of protecting their members. The growth of unions was stimulated by the fact that only through them could the workers use the system. Reeves’s act, amended and occasionally suspended but still essentially his own handiwork, remained in effect until the late 1960s. It enabled the worker in good times to resist wage cuts and to press for increases, but it did not manage to prevent cuts and unemployment when falling overseas prices brought depression to New Zealand. It was not strikingly radical in effect; employers and governments used it to break strikes, such as that of miners at Waihi in 1912. It built up the power of those majority elements in the unions that preferred coming to terms with capitalism to any effort to destroy it. Some occupations, such as transport, cargo handling, meat processing, and mining, fostered unions keen to relinquish arbitration for direct action, but they were in a minority and were seldom successful in the long run.

The Liberal era, from 1891 to 1912, transformed political life. Previously politics had not been marked by neat party divisions. Local advantage had determined political behaviour in the development period during and after the 1870s; voters had argued over the scope and details of policies and had advanced the claims of locality and province for a proper share of largesse. Acute economic depression ended development and with it the politics of local advantage. In 1890 the Liberals began to act as a more or less unified party. But perhaps the most significant political change was the winning of the franchise by women in 1893 after a campaign of more than two decades.

BBC Hulton Picture Library

The Liberals’ 20 years in office, the success of their land and labour policies, and the formidable qualities of leadership discovered in Richard John Seddon, premier from 1893 to his death in 1906, welded the Liberals into a fairly coherent parliamentary and popular party. Seddon was a portent of a new age. In 1893 this energetic goldfields-trader-turned-politician provided a sharp contrast to the gentlemanly premiers who had preceded him. But his crudeness assisted rather than hindered his popularity. He was devoted to political success and skilled in the manipulation of the means of success—parliamentary procedure, patronage, and party organization. By the time of his death, he had established a kind of elective despotism over the country.

William Hosking Oliver

New Zealand since 1900

Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London

Seddon’s successors, in his own and in other parties, were of the same stamp—men of the people devoted to a political career. Politics ceased to be a duty of the well-to-do amateur. The Liberal government, under Sir Joseph Ward, survived Seddon by six years. In 1912 it fell before a new party, the New Zealand Political Reform League (usually called the Reform Party), led by a dairy farmer, William Ferguson Massey, who served as prime minister until 1925. Based on prospering farmers and townspeople, especially of the North Island, and closely connected with their professional organizations, it was more narrowly sectional than the Liberals had been. Except for views borrowed from the Liberals, it had little positive policy. Reform made much of a promise to enable the state leaseholder to buy the freehold of his farm at original valuation. That promise was an emotional rallying cry for conservatives fearing land nationalization and complete socialism. Only a small minority of farmers were state tenants, and not all bought the freehold when the Reform government gave them the chance.

While the Liberals lost support in rural areas, they were further weakened by urban left-wing defections, which eventually led to a separate Labour Party. The initiative, on the right and on the left, was passing to other parties, and the Liberals were gradually eclipsed. The period before World War I was one of discontent and anxiety. Prosperity, though still considerable, had somewhat declined. The farmers were disturbed by what they took to be the threat of socialism, detected in the radicalism of a Liberal minority but chiefly in the rebirth of direct action in some trade unions. That change in temper arose from labour’s dissatisfaction with wage levels achieved under arbitration and from the growth of syndicalist and socialist ideas. After 1906 the Arbitration Court refused to grant further increases of real wages. Discontent flared up in the strikes of 1912–13, the biggest occurring on the waterfront when the farmers’ government, headed by Massey, repressed a movement that had overtones of revolution.

Nationalism and war

By the late 19th century many New Zealanders were coming to regard themselves as a new nation. Most of those of European background had been born in New Zealand and had no memories of or nostalgia for Britain, often called “home.” In the 1890s New Zealand Natives Associations were established by native-born European New Zealanders. Success in sports, especially rugby, spurred national pride. An even greater influence was war. New Zealanders served on the British side during the South African War (1899–1902), during which time they earned a reputation as being superior to the British at fighting a guerrilla war. World War I greatly stimulated national sentiment. During the warfare at Gallipoli, Turkey, and later in France, New Zealanders proved to be excellent soldiers. But while the war boosted nationalist sentiment among both troops and civilians, the price was terrible: nearly one of every three men between the ages of 20 and 40 was killed or wounded. The loss in leadership in the following years was considerable.

At home the war brought prosperity, as export markets were assured and prices good. Domestic unity was only slightly shaken by the antiwar feeling of a faction on the political left. Massey remained prime minister, but, in the wartime coalition government (1915–19), Ward and the Liberals carried great weight. The Reform Party stayed in office until 1928, led after Massey’s death in 1925 by Joseph Gordon Coates. The party survived the first postwar economic depression but not that of the mid-1920s. Led by Ward, the Liberals, under the new name of the United Party, were victorious in 1928; they thus had to face the deepening depression of 1929–30. After Ward’s death (1930) and at the height of the depression, Reform and United formed a new coalition (1931) under the premiership of George Forbes, which lasted until the election of 1935 brought in a Labour government.

Some postwar developments were of great importance. In external affairs Massey led a delegation to the Paris Peace Conference and signed the Treaty of Versailles and so committed New Zealand to membership in the League of Nations. New Zealand thus began to acquire the status of a sovereign state, though Massey denied this consequence. The Liberals, especially Seddon, had already taken steps toward autonomy within the empire. At the series of colonial and imperial conferences from 1887 onward, New Zealand had followed Canada and Australia in asserting its right to a voice in certain foreign policy issues. Seddon argued vehemently against British reluctance to acquire more Pacific islands while permitting German influence to grow in Samoa.

New Zealand legislation to restrict Asian immigration was sharply and obstinately at variance with British policy. Western Samoa (now Samoa), which New Zealand had captured from the Germans in 1914 and over which it was granted a mandate in 1920, also provided occasions for British and New Zealand differences.

Reform leaders professed little love for the principle of Commonwealth autonomy. New Zealand took a passive part in the conferences leading to the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and did not adopt it until 1947. But the substance of autonomy had been enjoyed before.

The major domestic achievement of the Reform administration was a system of export-marketing agencies in which authority was shared by producer and state. That system laid the foundations of a collectivist marketing structure. J.G. Coates was the most energetic minister in Forbes’s coalition government. His attempts to counter depression concentrated on the farmer in order to revive the country. To increase export receipts, he devalued the New Zealand pound. He also protected farmers against foreclosure and set up a credit agency.

When overseas prices began to recover in 1934, the country was financially strong, but little had been done for the unemployed. Conditions in towns and relief camps led to rioting, violence, and widespread discontent, all of which were favourable to the Labour Party. The Labour Party had been formed by socialist and radical groups in 1916. During the 1920s it was predominant only in working-class electorates. In its quest for votes, however, Labour increasingly abandoned its socialist theories and adopted welfare and credit-reform proposals, which had wider appeal. In the election of 1935 Labour won a considerable victory; successful in the towns, the party also won in many rural areas. Prices for dairy exports were slowest to recover, and many dairy farmers were drawn by Labour promises of a guaranteed price. The victory was particularly notable in terms of seats, for a right-wing third party (the Democrat Party) split the conservative vote to Labour’s advantage. The National Party, successor to the coalition, was rendered temporarily ineffective.

Courtesy of the High Commissioner for New Zealand

The new ministers, among whom the most notable were Peter Fraser and Walter Nash, showed great energy. Led by Michael Joseph Savage, they had the good fortune to govern a country to which prosperity was returning. The farmer enjoyed increased earnings; the worker, increased wages and shorter hours. Jobs were multiplied by a public works and housing program. The education system was revitalized. In 1938 the Social Security Act provided a state medical service, extended the pension system, and increased benefits. The expansion of secondary industry was accelerated after the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

World War II and the postwar decades

The alacrity with which New Zealand went to war in 1939 showed that dominion autonomy had not weakened the country’s ties with Great Britain. At first the war resembled that of 1914; troops were sent to Egypt to train for the European conflict. There they were directly involved by the enemy advance there and saw action in Greece, Crete, North Africa, and Italy. After 1941 New Zealand was directly threatened by Japan, which meant New Zealand had to concentrate forces in the Pacific. Well before the end of the war, the strain upon the country’s manpower, together with the demands of home production, forced a reduction of commitments in the Pacific.

The Pacific theatre was dominated by the United States, the forces of which provided New Zealand’s sole defense. The fact that disaster was averted by American, not British, forces required a change in New Zealand’s attitudes; security was conferred by a foreign, though friendly, power. External relations in the postwar period reflected that new situation, chiefly through the ANZUS pact (1951), a defensive alliance between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

At home the entire economy was mobilized in the war effort and subject to controls. Conscription and direction (directed allocation of the labour force to strategic industries) sent manpower into the military forces and essential occupations. Heavy taxation, war loans, bulk purchase, and controlled marketing kept the economy in a firm grip. They also kept inflation in check; with price control and wage restraint, they amounted to a complete policy of economic stabilization, applied by a Labour government that remained in power until 1949. Savage died early in the war. Fraser, his successor, and Nash were chiefly responsible for the tasks of administration during the war and of reconstruction after peace returned.

Dean S. Pemberton

Sidney Holland led the revival of the National Party, which culminated in victory in 1949. Discontent with controls and with the rising cost of living helped to swing support away from Labour. The National government benefited from its vigorous handling of a serious waterfront dispute in 1951, but in later elections its majority narrowed until Labour returned in 1957. In 1960 the National Party, led by Keith (later Sir Keith) Jacka Holyoake, was returned to power, which it retained until 1972. In that year Labour won a huge victory under Norman Eric Kirk. His death in office in 1974 was the prelude to as great a National victory in 1975, under a new leader, Robert Muldoon.

After World War II, New Zealand began to play a relatively independent role in world affairs. That development, in fact, had begun before the war, when the Labour government’s attitude to the League of Nations was coloured by an idealism that clashed with British policy. During the war, Fraser had insisted on an independent voice in the councils of the Allied Powers. At the formation of the United Nations in 1945, he became a notable spokesman for the small powers and made a large impression on the Trusteeship Council. None of those developments weakened New Zealand’s close affinity with Great Britain, its loyalty to the Commonwealth, or its dependence upon the United States.

Geography and insecurity shaped postwar foreign policy. With Australia, New Zealand claimed a voice in settlement in the South Pacific Commission (now the Secretariat of the Pacific Community) and in the transfer of authority in Western Samoa, successfully completed in 1962. New Zealand became deeply involved in Southeast Asia. From 1951 it provided assistance through the Colombo Plan. New Zealanders fought in Malaya (now part of Malaysia), Korea, and Vietnam. Further, New Zealand became a member of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization in 1954 and supported the United States by sending troops to Vietnam. That reflected fear at the growth of communist power in Asia. The independent spirit of the postwar years was modified to a greater dependence on Western powers during the 1950s and ’60s. In the later 1960s, involvement in the Vietnam War led to a vigorous and continuing public debate on foreign affairs. After Vietnam, debate turned largely on the problem of South African apartheid, especially in the context of sports relations with South Africa and with African countries at Commonwealth and Olympic games.

The 1970s and ’80s were difficult economically for New Zealand. The combination in the early 1970s of high energy prices and Great Britain’s entry into the European Economic Community (later succeeded by the European Union) brought about a severe economic recession. Inflation and unemployment skyrocketed, and thousands emigrated to Australia. The response of Muldoon’s National government was interventionism on an unparalleled scale: the government borrowed funds from overseas and ran up huge budgetary deficits, in part to finance large industrial developments; in the early 1980s it placed a freeze on wages and prices; and it attempted to regulate interest rates. Dissatisfaction with that program led in 1984 to the election of a Labour government, headed by David Lange.

William Hosking Oliver

Keith Sinclair

Raewyn Dalziel

A major change during that period was the growing participation of women in the workforce and their assertion of rights in the public arena. In the 1970s and ’80s the women’s movement was well organized, and an increasing number of women entered the mainstream political arena or engaged in feminist politics. By the 1990s women had attained the highest governmental offices.

The late 20th and early 21st centuries

The David Lange government and Labour’s changing leadership (1984–90)

The fourth Labour government initiated one of the most-sweeping policy reversals in the country’s history as, one after another, restrictions on free enterprise that had been imposed progressively over some 50 years were removed. Among the reforms, agricultural subsidies were eliminated, income tax rates reduced, and controls on wages, prices, interest rates, and foreign exchange lifted. The government also took a strong stand against the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region, and its decision to ban nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed vessels from New Zealand’s ports strained relations with the United States. Popular support for the Labour program was reflected by the party’s 1987 general election victory.

Wolfgang K

In the late 1980s inflation was finally brought under control, but unemployment continued to rise. Prime Minister Lange began to face substantial opposition within his own party, especially as a result of the privatization of state-owned enterprises, which was initiated in 1987, and over his conflict with the finance minister, Roger Douglas. Douglas was pushing for economic measures, such as a flat-scale tax system and deregulation of the labour unions, that the prime minister considered extreme. Lange dismissed Douglas in December 1988, but in August 1989, with the aim of shoring up Labour’s poor standing in the polls, Labour MPs voted to return Douglas to the cabinet. Lange resigned a few days later and was replaced by justice minister Geoffrey (later Sir Geoffrey) Palmer. In just 13 months, however, Palmer was himself replaced by Mike Moore, a former minister of foreign affairs, who held onto the position of prime minister for only eight weeks before the National Party’s landslide victory in the October 1990 general election. James Brendan Bolger, the National leader, became prime minister. The National Party had campaigned for reduced government spending on social programs and the elimination of such labour practices as compulsory unionism but pledged to maintain New Zealand’s antinuclear stand.

The James Bolger and Jennifer Shipley governments (1990–99)

The 1993 elections proved to be the closest in some time, with the National Party managing a narrow win over Labour. Though initially facing political uncertainty, Bolger saw his popularity rise with strong economic growth and his condemnation in 1995 of France’s nuclear testing in the South Pacific. In 1996 the country held its first elections under the mixed-member proportional system, which voters had approved by referendum three years earlier. Though no one party managed a majority in the elections, after much negotiation, the National Party formed a coalition government with the small New Zealand First Party. The new administration, however, was plagued by inexperience and factionalism. In addition, inability to allay concerns regarding social welfare issues, particularly the country’s superannuation (retirement savings) scheme, resulted in unrest.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

In November 1997 Bolger resigned, and the National caucus elected Jennifer Shipley as its leader and the country’s first female prime minister. That government, however, also struggled. After Shipley dismissed Winston Peters, of New Zealand First, as deputy prime minister and treasurer in 1998, the coalition between the two parties dissolved. Shipley was left with a minority government; later that year the country suffered a recession. At the 1999 election the National Party was voted out of office. Labour formed a coalition with Alliance (a breakaway group of smaller parties), and Labour leader Helen Clark became the first directly elected woman prime minister.

The Helen Clark government (1999–2008)

That Labour government remained in power for three terms, winning elections in 2002 and 2005. It moved away from the economic liberalization policies of the fourth Labour government, modifying employment relations legislation, providing a minimum wage and income support for families, and developing a voluntary savings plan known as Kiwisaver. Its overall policy was to focus on what New Zealand needed to do to compete in an increasingly global economy while protecting its most vulnerable citizens.

The Labour government returned to a more independent foreign policy, declining to serve in a combat role during the Iraq War and restricting expenditure on the defense forces, at some cost to its close relationship with Australia. The economy expanded under Labour, with low inflation and low unemployment prevailing until 2006, when it started to worsen ahead of the global economic downturn that reached its crisis in 2008.

John Key’s first term as prime minister (2008–11)

In the midst of the economic crisis, the tide began to turn against a government that had been in power for nine years. The National Party, under John Key, returned to power in 2008 on a platform of taxation change and a rolling back of what had come to be called “the nanny state.” Winning the most votes but falling short of an absolute majority, the National Party was able to form a government with the support of three smaller parties, including the Māori Party. The latter had formed in 2004 as a result of the Labour government’s denial of Māori claims to customary rights over areas of the country’s shoreline and seabed.

In the 1970s and ’80s Māori had become much more active politically and culturally. Māori activism for social and economic rights intensified; demands included the use of the te reo Māori language in education, broadcasting, and official settings and the preservation of Māori arts and culture. Arguing from the rights and obligations of the crown set out in the Treaty of Waitangi, Māori sought the return of land and compensation for the loss of access to natural resources that had occurred since 1840.

In 1975 the Treaty of Waitangi Act established a tribunal to examine and make recommendations on Māori claims of crown breaches of the treaty principles. A 1985 amendment to the act permitted claims for historical breaches and opened the way for many more claims. The Waitangi Tribunal investigated the claims and made recommendations to the government. Beginning in the early 1990s, the government approved substantial financial, land, and resource compensation for past injustices. Among the more notable awards were a 1998 monetary settlement with the South Island’s Ngāi Tahu tribe that at the time was the largest and oldest land claim in the country’s history, and a 2008 land exchange with a group of seven North Island tribes. The government also apologized for the suffering and injustices inflicted on Māori and made plans to settle all historical grievances within a short period of time.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the diversity of New Zealand’s population increased greatly. Immigration increased markedly in the early 1990s, with the introduction of a points-based immigration system that rated applicants on a combination of skills, education, age, offers of employment, and qualifications. Under that system many applicants could qualify to gain residency fairly easily. There was a marked shift in the immigrants’ countries of origin, from traditional sources such as Great Britain to Asia, particularly Taiwan, China, and South Korea. Such growing diversity was accompanied by a debate as to whether New Zealand was still a bicultural country or should be more properly seen as a multicultural society.


In September 2010 a strong earthquake struck Christchurch and its surrounding region; although there were no fatalities, the city suffered extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure. In February 2011 Christchurch was struck by another, far more-damaging earthquake whose epicentre was located just a few miles from the city’s central business district. The quake killed 185 people and devastated the city centre. The rebuilding of the city centre and repairs to damaged housing and roads throughout the city were expected to take several years to complete.

Raewyn Dalziel

John Key’s second term as prime minister (2011–16)

Key won a second term as prime minister when the National Party scored a historic victory in the general election in November 2011, capturing some 48 percent of the vote (the largest total for any party since the advent of mixed-member proportional representation in 1996) and 60 seats in the House of Representatives, along with maintaining the support of its junior partners in the ruling majority coalition. Key remained popular with voters and won a third term in the September 2014 election. One of his campaign promises was to hold a national referendum on choosing a new national flag versus retaining the old one. A two-year search for a new design brought more than 10,000 submissions from the public, and five finalists were chosen. Public-opinion polls, however, showed that 60 to 70 percent of citizens preferred the existing flag. In the final referendum, held in March 2016, the country’s voters chose to retain the existing flag.

The Bill English government (2016–17)

In December 2016 Key surprised New Zealanders by announcing his resignation as party leader and prime minister so that he could spend more time with his family. His preferred successor, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Bill English, who had previously led the National Party in 2001–03, took office on December 12. The National Party then made a strong showing in the general election in September 2017—especially for a government seeking its fourth consecutive term—capturing some 46 percent of the vote and 58 seats in the House of Representatives, the largest total for any party in the election but not enough to form a majority government. With special votes (those by New Zealanders who were overseas or who had registered to vote on polling day) still to be counted, English sought to form a coalition government with the kingmaker populist New Zealand First party (winner of nine seats), as did Jacinda Ardern, the leader of the Labour Party, which tallied about 36 percent of the vote and 45 seats but which also could count on the support of the Green Party (securer of seven seats). Ardern, at age 37, had taken over as Labour leader at the beginning of August 2017, when opinion polling had painted a dire picture of the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

The Jacinda Ardern government (2017–23)

When the special votes were tabulated, both Labour and the Green Party gained one seat each at the expense of the National Party, which fell to a total of 56 seats. In mid-October, after weeks of negotiation, Winston Peters, New Zealand First’s leader, announced that his party would enter a coalition government with Labour, which prepared to rule with “confidence and supply” support from the Green Party. In the process, nearly a decade of National Party rule came to a close, and the charismatic Ardern became New Zealand’s youngest prime minister in some 150 years. In June 2018 Ardern put New Zealand in the international spotlight when she gave birth to her first child, which made her the first leader of a country in nearly three decades to give birth while in office.

New Zealand was back in the headlines around the world in 2019, this time as a result of deeply disturbing events, when two mosques in Greater Christchurch were attacked on the afternoon of March 15, resulting in the deaths of some 50 people and injuries to about 50 others. Allegedly, shortly before beginning the rampage, the suspect, a 28-year-old Australian national who was a white supremacist, published a 74-page hate-filled anti-immigrant manifesto on social media in which he indicated his intention to attack the mosques. The attack on Al Noor Mosque, in central Christchurch, was streamed live on Facebook by the assailant, apparently using a head-mounted camera, which showed him firing indiscriminately in and around the mosque with semiautomatic assault weapons and shotguns, taking 42 lives. The video feed ended while the gunman was traveling some 3 miles (5 km) to undertake an attack on a mosque in the suburb of Linwood, where he killed eight more individuals. After he was apprehended by police, explosive devices were found attached to several vehicles.

Prior to those attacks, the worst mass shooting in the history of modern New Zealand had occurred in 1990 in the town of Aramoana, where a gunman killed 13 people in an incident prompted by a dispute with a neighbour. Ardern characterized the assaults on the mosques as a “terrorist attack” and said that the event had made for one of the “darkest days” in the country’s history. She then called for New Zealand’s gun laws to be changed, a contentious proposal in a country with an extremely high percentage of gun owners (more than one million guns in a population of some 4.9 million people).

In December 2019 New Zealand was once again plunged into a state of national mourning when a volcanic explosion on uninhabited White Island (Whakaari) claimed the lives of 22 members of an excursion group made up of adventure tourists and guides. Still reeling as the new year began, the country was then forced to deal with the onset of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that was sweeping the globe. Ardern’s government adopted a “go hard and go early” approach that quickly closed New Zealand’s borders to international travelers and imposed a strict nationwide lockdown. Although these aggressive public health policies dealt a shocking blow to the country’s tourism-dependent economy (GDP fell by more than 12 percent in the June 2020 quarter, the worst quarterly decline in New Zealand economic history), they were extraordinarily effective. New cases of COVID-19 (the disease produced by the virus) disappeared for some 100 days until August, when an outbreak in Auckland led to another national lockdown. By October the virus was again contained. New Zealand had limited the spread of the virus to about 2,000 and the death toll to 25 lives.

In parliamentary elections, originally scheduled for September but held in October, the Labour Party won a historic landslide victory, capturing some 49 percent of the vote (and 64 seats) to become the first party in 24 years to be able to form a majority government without dependence on a coalition partner. The Green Party, which had been part of Ardern’s ruling coalition, also increased its share of the vote, to 8 percent (up from 6 percent in 2017). Meanwhile, the opposition National Party registered its worst performance at the polls in decades, dropping to 27 percent of the total vote for a loss of 21 seats in the House of Representatives.

The Ardern government was forced to jettison its “zero COVID” policy in response to the challenges of combating the outbreak of the more infectious Delta variant of COVID-19, which spiked in New Zealand in November 2021. The next wave of the virus to hit the islands, the Omicron variant, dwarfed the incidences of the Delta variant when it crested in March 2022. In response to the changing nature of the pandemic, the government shifted the emphasis of its response from lockdowns to vaccination and “living with the virus.” But because of its earlier dependence on lockdowns, New Zealand was slow to roll out its vaccination program, which did not begin until February 2021. Nevertheless, by the end of February 2022, nearly 80 percent of New Zealanders were fully vaccinated, which helped to prepare the country to face the subsequent COVID-19 outbreaks that peaked at midyear 2022 and during the transition to 2023.

However, many New Zealanders took issue with the government’s COVID-19 policies, objecting first to the lockdowns and then to vaccines and mandates that required military personnel, police, teachers, doctors, and nurses to be vaccinated. Proof of vaccination was also required for entrance to stores and restaurants. These complaints, combined with growing concern with economic issues such as the rising cost of living and falling housing values, contributed to a significant decline in Ardern’s popularity. For most of 2022 the National Party led Labour in preference polling.

Conspiracy theories swirled among those most adamantly opposed to Ardern’s rule, and death threats against her began mounting. In February 2022 a large convoy of trucks and cars descended on the capital to demonstrate against Ardern and her policies, bringing traffic to a standstill and disrupting life in Wellington by following the playbook that hard-line conservatives had used in Canada. Protesters camped outside New Zealand’s parliament for weeks (setting fire to tents and mattresses) before they were forcibly removed by law enforcement officials. In the process, scores of demonstrators were arrested.

All these developments wore on Ardern. On January 19, 2023, she shocked the country by announcing her intention to resign as prime minister by February 7. “You cannot, and should not” lead a country, she said, “unless you have a full tank.…I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice.”

The Chris Hipkins government (2023– )

The Labour Party acted quickly to choose Ardern’s replacement, 44-year-old Chris Hipkins, who had been in charge of implementing the country’s response to the global pandemic, first as the interim health minister and then as COVID-19 response minister. He was sworn in as prime minister on January 25. At the same time, Carmel Sepuloni was sworn in as deputy prime minister. She became the first person of Pacific Island heritage to take that role.

Within a matter of days, the country was beset with an onslaught of catastrophic weather as heavy rain pelted the North Island. On January 27 alone, Auckland was inundated with 9.8 inches (249 mm) of rain, the equivalent of a typical summer’s worth of precipitation. The rain and flooding continued into February, but the worst was yet to come. In the middle of the month, New Zealand was buffeted by Cyclone Gabrielle. The worst storm to hit New Zealand in a century, it dropped an additional 6–16 inches (150–400 mm) of rain and brought winds that reached high speeds between 80 and 100 miles (about 130 and 160 km) per hour, causing flooding and widespread damage and occasioning the declaration of only the third national emergency in New Zealand history.

As the year unfolded, New Zealand’s economy also experienced rough going, suffering from the effects of the inflation that gripped much of the world. When New Zealanders voted in the country’s regularly scheduled national election in October, many of them cited the high cost of living and their perception that Labour had failed on its promises as the impetuses for their votes. When the bulk of votes had been counted, Labour claimed only some 27 percent of them (down from about 50 percent in the 2020 election), whereas the National Party took some 39 percent. Although special votes (mostly from New Zealanders abroad), constituting some 20 percent of the total vote, remained to be counted, it was expected that the National Party would secure about 50 seats and that its preferred potential coalition partner, ACT, was on track to take 11 seats, setting the stage for National leader Christopher Luxon, a former business executive, to become the next prime minister. What remained to be seen was whether those seat counts would be changed enough by special votes to necessitate the involvement of New Zealand First in the government, either through inclusion in the ruling coalition or a confidence-and-supply agreement.

Prime ministers of New Zealand

The table provides a chronological list of the prime ministers of New Zealand.
Prime ministers of New Zealand
name party term
Henry Sewell 1856
William Fox 1856
Edward William Stafford 1856–61
William Fox 1861–62
Alfred Domett 1862–63
Frederick Whitaker 1863–64
Frederick Aloysius Weld 1864–65
Edward William Stafford 1865–69
William Fox 1869–72
Edward William Stafford 1872
George Marsden Waterhouse 1872–73
William Fox 1873
Julius Vogel (from 1875, Sir Julius Vogel) 1873–75
Daniel Pollen 1875–76
Sir Julius Vogel 1876
Harry Atkinson 1876–77
Sir George Grey 1877–79
John Hall 1879–82
Frederick Whitaker 1882–83
Harry Atkinson 1883–84
Robert Stout (from 1886, Sir Robert Stout) 1884–87
Harry Atkinson (from 1888, Sir Harry Atkinson) 1887–91
John Ballance Liberal 1891–93
Richard John Seddon Liberal 1893–1906
Joseph Ward (from 1911, Sir Joseph Ward) Liberal 1906–12
William Ferguson Massey Reform 1912–25
Joseph Gordon Coates Reform 1925–28
Sir Joseph Ward United 1928–30
George William Forbes Reform-United 1930–35
Michael Joseph Savage Labour 1935–40
Peter Fraser Labour 1940–49
Sidney Holland National 1949–57
Walter Nash Labour 1957–60
Keith Jacka Holyoake (from 1970, Sir Keith Jacka Holyoake) National 1960–72
John Marshall National 1972
Norman E. Kirk Labour 1972–74
Wallace Edward Rowling Labour 1974–75
Robert Muldoon National 1975–84
David Lange Labour 1984–89
Geoffrey Palmer Labour 1989–90
Mike Moore Labour 1990
James Bolger National 1990–97
Jennifer Shipley National 1997–99
Helen Clark Labour 1999–2008
John Key National 2008–16
Bill English National 2016–17
Jacinda Ardern Labour 2017–23
Chris Hipkins Labour 2023–23
Christopher Luxon National 2023–
*The titles premier and first minister were variously applied to each of the principal ministers until 1869, when premier became customary. Although the title prime minister was first used formally in the Schedule of the Civil List Act of 1873, no one used the title officially until Richard John Seddon, beginning in 1893.

EB Editors

Additional Reading

General works

Useful information is available in the Bateman New Zealand Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (2005). The New Zealand Official Yearbook (annual) contains descriptive text and statistics on all aspects of New Zealand life; each chapter also has an extended bibliography.


New Zealand’s physiographic features are discussed in D.W. McKenzie (ed.), Heinemann New Zealand Atlas (1987); Malcolm McKinnon (ed.), Bateman New Zealand Historical Atlas (1997); and Russell Kirkpatrick, Bateman Contemporary Atlas New Zealand: The Shapes of Our Nation (1999). Works on geology and climate include Maxwell Gage, Legends in the Rocks: An Outline of New Zealand Geology (1980); Jacobus T. Kingma, The Geological Structure of New Zealand (1974); J.M. Soons and M.J. Selby, Landforms of New Zealand (1982); H.S. Gibbs, New Zealand Soils (1980); and A.P. Sturman and N.J. Tapper, The Weather and Climate of Australia and New Zealand (1996). Conon Fraser, Beyond the Roaring Forties (1986), describes the geology, ecology, and natural history of New Zealand’s subantarctic islands.

Information on animal and plant forms in New Zealand can be found in Harriet Fleet, The Concise Natural History of New Zealand (1986); Gordon R. Williams (ed.), The Natural History of New Zealand: An Ecological Survey (1973); Barrie D. Heather and Hugh A. Robertson, The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand, rev. ed. (2000); Penguin Books, The Penguin Guide to New Zealand Wildlife (2002); H.H. Allan, Flora of New Zealand, vol. 1, Indigenous Tracheophyta (1961, reprinted 1982); Peter Wardle, Vegetation of New Zealand (1991); E. Bruce Levy, Grasslands of New Zealand, 3rd ed. (1970); and John T. Salmon, The Native Trees of New Zealand, rev. ed. (1996). Craig Potton, National Parks of New Zealand (1998); and Eric Pawson and Tom Brooking (eds.), Environmental Histories of New Zealand (2002), are also useful.


Overviews are provided in R.J. Warwick Neville and C. James O’Neill (eds.), The Population of New Zealand: Interdisciplinary Studies (1979); and Paul Spoonley, David Pearson, and Ian Shirley (eds.), New Zealand Society: A Sociological Introduction, 2nd ed. (1990, reissued 1994). Histories of the Māori people before and after the arrival of Europeans and discussions of modern interaction may be found in Te Rangi Hiroa (Peter Buck), The Coming of the Maori, 2nd ed. (1950, reissued 1966); Michael King (ed.), Te Ao Hurihuri: The World Moves On: Aspects of Maoritangi (1975), essays by Māori authors; Joan Metge, The Maoris of New Zealand, rev. ed. (1976); and Jean E. Rosenfeld, The Island Broken in Two Halves: Land and Renewal Movements Among the Maori of New Zealand (1999). I.H. Kawharu (ed.), Waitangi: Māori and Pākehā Perspectives of the Treaty of Waitangi (1989); Andrew Sharp, Justice and the Māori: Māori Claims in New Zealand Political Argument in the 1980s (1990); and Augie Fleras and Paul Spoonley, Recalling Aotearoa: Indigenous Politics and Ethnic Relations in New Zealand (1999), discuss the recent history of intergroup relations. Regional and demographic trends are discussed in Brian Colless and Peter Donovan (eds.), Religion in New Zealand Society (1980); and R.J. Johnston (ed.), Urbanisation in New Zealand: Geographical Essays (1973), and Society and Environment in New Zealand (1974).


Economic history and contemporary conditions are documented by G.R. Hawke, The Making of New Zealand: An Economic History (1985); John Gould, The Rake’s Progress? The New Zealand Economy Since 1945 (1982); Patrick Massey, New Zealand: Market Liberalization in a Developed Economy (1995); and Stuart Birks and Srikanta Chatterjee (eds.), The New Zealand Economy: Issues and Policies, 4th ed. (1988, reissued 2001).

Government and society

New Zealand’s government is discussed in Graham W.A. Bush, Local Government and Politics in New Zealand (1980); Stephen Levine (ed.), Politics in New Zealand: A Reader (1978), and the complementary volume The New Zealand Political System: Politics in a Small Society (1979); Hyam Gold (ed.), New Zealand Politics in Perspective (1985); Jonathan Boston, New Zealand Under MMP: A New Politics? (1996); and Raymond Miller (ed.), New Zealand: Government and Politics, 5th ed. (2010). Public administration and social policy are examined by R.C. Mascarenhas (ed.), Public and Private Enterprise in New Zealand (1984); R.C. Mascarenhas, Public Enterprise in New Zealand (1982); Angeline Barretta-Herman, Welfare State to Welfare Society: Restructuring New Zealand’s Social Services (1994); and Jonathan Boston, Paul Dalziel, and Susan St. John (eds.), Redesigning the Welfare State in New Zealand: Problems, Policies, Prospects (1999).

Cultural life

Information on art in New Zealand is available in Terence Barrow, Maori Art of New Zealand (1978); Gordon H. Brown and Hamish Keith, An Introduction to New Zealand Painting: 1839–1980, rev. and enlarged ed. (1982); and Sidney Moko Mead (ed.), Te Maori: Maori Art from New Zealand Collections (1984). Also useful are the relevant sections in Brian Brake, James M. McNeish, and David Simmons, Art of the Pacific (1979). Introductory works on New Zealand literature include C.K. Stead, In the Glass Case: Essays on New Zealand Literature (1981); and Terry Sturm (ed.), The Oxford History of New Zealand Literature in English, 2nd ed. (1991, reissued 1998). Further information on New Zealand art and literature can be found in the bibliographies for the articles Oceanic arts and New Zealand literature.

General works

Overviews are provided by Keith Sinclair, A History of New Zealand, rev. ed. (2000); Geoffrey Rice (ed.), The Oxford History of New Zealand, 2nd ed. (1992); James Belich, Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders, from Polynesian Settlement to the End of the Nineteenth Century (1996), and Paradise Reforged: A History of the New Zealanders from the 1880s to the Year 2000 (2001); Michael King, The Penguin History of New Zealand (2003); Keith Jackson and Alan McRobie, Historical Dictionary of New Zealand, 2nd ed. (2005); and Giselle Byrnes (ed.), The New Oxford History of New Zealand (2009).

Early history

Works on the pre-European Māori include John Wilson (ed.), From the Beginning: The Archaeology of the Maori (1987); Raymond Firth, Economics of the New Zealand Maori (1959, reprinted 1973); and D.R. Simmons, The Great New Zealand Myth: A Study of the Discovery and Origin Traditions of the Maori (1976). The period of early European contact is discussed in John Cawte Beaglehole, The Discovery of New Zealand, 2nd ed. (1961); Harrison M. Wright, New Zealand, 1769–1840: Early Years of Western Contact (1959, reprinted 1967); and Anne Salmond, Two Worlds: First Meetings Between Maori and Europeans, 1642–1722 (1992), and Between Worlds: Early Exchanges Between Maori and Europeans, 1773–1815 (1997). Annexation and early British government are treated by Ian M. Wards, The Shadow of the Land: A Study of British Policy and Racial Conflict in New Zealand 1832–1852 (1968); and Peter Adams, Fatal Necessity: British Intervention in New Zealand, 1830–1847 (1977). Claudia Orange, The Treaty of Waitangi (1987), discusses the treaty and its effects through the 20th century. Early European settlement is covered by John Owen Miller, Early Victorian New Zealand: A Study of Racial Tension and Social Attitudes, 1839–1852 (1958); and Stevan Eldred-Grigg, A Southern Gentry: New Zealanders Who Inherited the Earth (1980).

Later 19th century

The period to about 1870 is covered by Keith Sinclair, The Origins of the Maori Wars, 2nd ed. (1961, reprinted 1976); James Belich, The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict (1986); Alan Ward, A Show of Justice: Racial “Amalgamation” in Nineteenth Century New Zealand (1974); and W.P. Morrell, The Provincial System in New Zealand, 1852–76, 2nd rev. ed. (1964). Subsequent development, especially in politics and economics, is chronicled in R.M. Dalziel, The Origins of New Zealand Diplomacy: The Agent-General in London, 1870–1905 (1975); Angus Ross, New Zealand Aspirations in the Pacific in the Nineteenth Century (1964); Patricia Grimshaw, Women’s Suffrage in New Zealand (1972); and C.G.F. Simkin, The Instability of a Dependent Economy: Economic Fluctuations in New Zealand, 1840–1914 (1951).

New Zealand since 1900

A general work on New Zealand in the period after World War II is Jenny Carlyon and Diana Morrow, Changing Times: New Zealand since 1945 (2013). The economy is dealt with in J.D. Gould, The Rake’s Progress? The New Zealand Economy Since 1945 (1982). War and international affairs are discussed in F.L.W. Wood, New Zealand in the World (1940), and The New Zealand People at War: Political and External Affairs (1958, reprinted 1971); and Malcolm McKinnon, Independence and Foreign Policy: New Zealand in the World Since 1935 (1993). Politics are treated in Bruce M. Brown, The Rise of New Zealand Labour: A History of the New Zealand Labour Party from 1916 to 1940 (1962); Barry Gustafson, The First 50 Years: A History of the New Zealand National Party (1986); Colin James, New Territory: The Transformation of New Zealand, 1984–92 (1992); Andrew Sharp, Leap into the Dark: The Changing Role of the State in New Zealand Since 1984 (1994); and Alan Simpson (ed.) The Constitutional Implications of MMP (1998).