Rising from the South Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) southeast of Australia, New Zealand is an isolated country settled by both Māori and European peoples. It is composed mainly of two large landmasses called the North Island and the South Island. They are known in the Māori language as Te Ika-a-Māui (meaning “The Fish of Māui,” a legendary hero) and Te Waka-a-Māui (“The Canoe of Māui”). These two islands account for nearly 99 percent of the land area of New Zealand. The country also includes more than 700 smaller, ringing islands and some faraway archipelagoes, including the Chatham Islands, which lie 500 miles (800 kilometers) to the east. Among the uninhabited areas that New Zealand controls are the Kermadec Islands, which lie about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) northeast of Auckland, and Campbell Island and the Bounty and Antipodes islands, all south of the South Island. Area 102,587.000000 square miles (265,700.000000 square kilometers). Population (2025 est.) 5,136,000.000000.
New Zealand’s landscapes exhibit spectacular contrasts, including steep fjords, rocky and sandy shores, glaciers, rugged mountains, lush subtropical forests, and miles of verdant pastures and cropland. The country’s Māori name, Aotearoa, is sometimes translated as “land of the long white cloud.” This name likely refers to the cloudiness of its skies and its snowcapped mountainous backbone.
Cook Strait divides the two main islands. The strait is about 14 miles (23 kilometers) wide at its narrowest point. The Tasman Sea, an extension of the Pacific Ocean, lies between New Zealand and Australia. Separating New Zealand from Antarctica to the south is the constantly wind-battered Southern, or Antarctic, Ocean.
New Zealand lies in temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, and the South Island is halfway between the Equator and the South Pole. The main islands extend slightly more than 1,000 miles along the line of their curve. Their greatest width is 280 miles (450 kilometers). The total length of their indented coastlines has been variously estimated at several thousands of miles, depending on how closely the innumerable twists and turns are measured. About two-thirds of the shoreline is rocky, but the remainder affords numerous gravel and sandy beaches. Most large cities and towns are on or near the coast. No place is more than 80 miles (130 kilometers) from the sea.
New Zealand is an independent country and a member of the Commonwealth. It is about the same size as the United Kingdom, but it is not as densely populated. Three-fourths of New Zealanders, including most Māori, live on the North Island. It is nearly 25 percent smaller in land area than the South Island. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington, at the southern tip of the North Island. The largest city and chief commercial center is Auckland, in northern North Island.
New Zealand is thousands of miles distant from all major markets except for Australia, which is itself distant from all but Southeast Asian markets. This relative isolation has played a decisive role in the development of New Zealand’s social, cultural, and economic characteristics. Despite the great distances, however, international trade is extremely important. The country is heavily dependent upon the export of its agricultural products. These products are derived chiefly from such livestock as sheep and cattle. The country’s average standard of living is high. New Zealanders have long enjoyed the benefits of a social safety net of welfare services. It includes a social security fund and one of the most comprehensive health care programs in the world. The country has maintained these programs in spite of pressures to restructure public services and medical care and to rely more on private insurance.
Land and Climate
The two large islands have significantly different terrain. The North Island is less than one-fifth mountainous, for instance, while mountains cover nearly three-fourths of the South Island. The Southern Alps is an extensive rugged mountain range running the length of the South Island, about 300 miles (485 kilometers). Within the range are 16 peaks that rise above 10,000 feet (3,050 meters), including the country’s highest peak, Aoraki/Mount Cook. In 1991 an avalanche reduced that peak’s elevation a bit, to 12,316 feet (3,754 meters).
During the last Ice Age, which ended about 10,000 years ago, the South Island was extensively glaciated. When the ice retreated, finger lakes and fjords filled some of the flanking valleys. Hundreds of glaciers still exist on the South Island. The best known of these are the Tasman, Franz Josef, and Fox glaciers, all in the vicinity of Aoraki/Mount Cook. However, scientists are concerned about the shrinking of glaciers due to global warming.
In distinct contrast to the South Island, the North Island has prominent volcanic cones, lower and more-eroded mountains, and many hill and valley systems. Because of its warmer latitude and lower relief, the North Island was carved by far fewer glaciers during the last Ice Age. Today, a handful of small glaciers descend from Mount Ruapehu. In the center of the island is Lake Taupō, the country’s largest lake. It covers more than 230 square miles (600 square kilometers).
New Zealand lies at the junction of two of the world’s great tectonic plates: the Indian-Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate. The lighter rocks of the Indian-Australian Plate are undercut by the heavy Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate has been pushing slowly northwestward for millions of years. The transition zone where the two plates meet has experienced vertical and horizontal stresses and movements. As a result, the country’s various rugged and folded mountains have been created. A wide belt of hot springs and geysers extends northeastward from the central volcanoes of the North Island to the sea. Several volcanoes, such as Whakaari/White Island, are intermittently active. Occasionally, as at Mount Tarawera in 1886, eruptions have been violent.
New Zealand is a land of moderate earthquake activity. Each year about 100 earthquakes are strong enough to be felt, though relatively few have been severe. A powerful earthquake killed some 250 people and destroyed much of Napier and Hastings in 1931. In September 2010 a strong earthquake struck Christchurch and its surrounding region. Although there were no fatalities, the city suffered extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure. In February 2011 another, more-devastating earthquake struck Christchurch. More than 160 people were confirmed dead in the weeks after the quake, and dozens more remained missing. The city center was hit particularly hard and was evacuated. Prime Minister John Key quickly declared a national state of emergency. Scientists described the Kaikōura earthquake of 2016, which struck the northeastern part of the South Island, as one of the world’s most complex. Registering 7.8 on the Richter scale, it ruptured 12 separate faults, including some that had been unknown. Its unusual behavior caused scientists to reexamine the nature of quakes in the area.
About one-third of New Zealand’s land area is devoted to national parks, wilderness areas, and other conservation efforts. There are 13 national parks. Fiordland National Park is the largest, at more than 2.9 million acres (1.2 million hectares).
Natural Regions
In addition to being divided into two major islands, New Zealand has a number of regions. Each has distinctive natural qualities.
North Island
The northernmost part of the North Island is called Northland. Intricate bays and inlets mark its east coast, and there are many offshore islands. On the west there is a line of almost continuous sandy beaches and dunes whipped by westerly winds. Several areas have been reserved as national or maritime parks. Notable among these are the Bay of Islands area in the far north and the Hauraki Gulf area east and north of Auckland. Kauri trees are preserved in Waipoua Forest. The warm, moist climate supports lush growth and subtropical fruits in some areas. Other areas have poor soil and scrubby vegetation.
South Auckland
New Zealand’s longest river, the Waikato, drains the region south of Auckland. On its northwesterly course from Lake Taupō toward Hamilton, the Waikato descends more than 975 feet (300 meters). It empties into the Tasman Sea. The lower valleys of the Waikato and other rivers extend in a wide belt from the west coast to the Bay of Plenty. They provide productive alluvial soils for crops and dairy pastures.
Central North Island
The volcanic plateau of the Central North Island region rises steadily toward a cluster of snowcapped mountains. The highest are two active volcanoes, Mounts Ruapehu and Ngāuruhoe. Along with a third volcano, Mount Tongariro, they form part of Tongariro National Park. Skiing resorts have been developed on the slopes of Mount Ruapehu. Lake Taupō lies immediately to the north of the park. Farther north the Rotorua area, dotted with smaller lakes, is remarkable for its hot springs and geysers.
The Taranaki region, in western North Island, is centered on the dormant volcano called Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont. Its picturesque snowcapped cone rises from the encircling lowland forests of Egmont National Park. Surrounding the park are the rolling pastures of an area of intensive dairy farming. Natural gas and some petroleum have been found in the region, both on land and offshore.
East Coast
To the east, the backbone ranges of the North Island extend from East Cape to Cook Strait. Some areas of native forest remain, notably in the Te Urewera area. Sheep and cattle graze in the mountains and in the extensive but often badly eroded hill country. The small lowland areas around Hawke and Poverty bays are notable for the farming of fruits and vegetables, which grow well in the warm, dry climate.
East and west of the mountain backbone, the rolling lowlands of the Manawatū region support prosperous dairy and sheep farms. The sand dunes of the Manawatū coast are planted with pine forests to hold the shifting sand. To the south, around Wellington, the coastal lowlands are crowded by ranges that end abruptly in Cook Strait. They reappear across the strait, which indicates the geologically continuous structure of the North and South islands.
South and Stewart islands
Across Cook Strait the South Island’s mountain ranges meet the sea in the intricate inlets of “the Sounds,” a series of drowned valleys. The indented coast of the Nelson-Marlborough region is sheltered and sunny. It is a popular vacation and retirement area. Apple orchards, vineyards, and tobacco farms dot the lowlands.
The Southern Alps separate sharply different regions: the narrow, lowland strip of the humid west coast of the South Island and the broad, dry plains of the east. The Westland region is heavily forested. Snow-fed rivers cascade down steep valleys to the coast. Lakes and waterfalls are numerous, and glaciers descend from the Aoraki/Mount Cook area almost to sea level. Farmland is limited, but timber, mining, and tourism are important.
East of the Alps lies Canterbury. This region includes the grassy side of the ranges, the most-extensive plains in New Zealand, and the extinct volcanoes and crater-harbors of Banks Peninsula. Sheep ranching prevails in the uplands. The fans of alluvial gravel that form the productive Canterbury Plains are divided into single-family farms. The farms grow mostly wheat and other grains as well as fodder crops for livestock.
South of Canterbury is Otago, including the dry ranges and basins of Central Otago and the rolling hills and lowlands of the coastal fringe. The two main rivers, the Clutha and the Waitaki, provide hydroelectric power and irrigation for orchards. The region’s scenic lakes, both natural and artificial, are tourist attractions.
Southland and Stewart Island
The southern tip of the South Island is called Southland. In the far southwest, in the Fiordland region, the Alpine ranges merge into a rugged plateau. The plateau is penetrated by majestic coastal fjords and inland lakes. Southland’s plains have been drained to form good cropland and pastures. Across the narrow Foveaux Strait lies Stewart Island, which is some 674 square miles (1,746 square kilometers) in area. It is remote and forested. Vacationers and fishers use the island, but it has few inhabitants.
New Zealand is situated mainly between 34° and 47° S latitude. The country thus lies in the belt of midlatitude westerly winds (winds that blow from the west). Its climate is generally temperate, moist, and maritime, much like that of northern California and Oregon. Because New Zealand is surrounded by ocean and is a thousand miles from the nearest continental landmass (Australia), it has no seasonal temperature extremes. As with other lands in the Southern Hemisphere, the temperatures are generally warmer in the north. Average temperatures at sea level range from 59 °F (15 °C) in the far north to 48 °F (9 °C) in the far south. In most settled areas, daytime temperatures in the summer usually exceed 70 °F (21 °C) and wintertime temperatures seldom drop below 50 °F (10 °C).
As the prevailing westerly winds come into contact with the mountains, the air rises and cools. This produces abundant precipitation. As a result, rainfall is heaviest on the western, windward slopes (those exposed to the prevailing winds). In parts of the Southern Alps, for instance, the annual average precipitation may reach 472 inches (1,200 centimeters). Much less rain falls east of the mountains (on the leeward side). In the basins of Central Otago, annual precipitation dips to 13 inches (33 centimeters). Most settled areas experience between 25 and 60 inches (64 and 152 centimeters) of precipitation each year. Rain may fall in any season, but usually the skies quickly clear. Snow is common only in the mountains.
Plants and Animals
Most of New Zealand’s native plant and animal species are not found anywhere else. This is partly the result of millions of years of evolution in isolation from continental landmasses. The closest such landmass, Australia, also has a wide variety of unusual species.
Before humans arrived, as much as two-thirds of New Zealand was forested, particularly in the windward western areas. But in the drier eastern districts bunch, or tussock, grass prevailed. After the European settlers arrived, they logged or cleared many forests for farmland. Native forests still survive on many mountains and in unpopulated areas such as reserves and national parks. Most are mixed forest with broad-leaved evergreens and conifers called podocarps. In the warmer north a type of massive pinelike conifer called the kauri is prominent. Kauri trees may reach 150 feet (45 meters) in height and 23 feet (7 meters) in diameter. Southern beeches are common on cooler uplands. Notable among the trees brought to New Zealand is the Monterey (radiata) pine, introduced from California. Extensive pine forests have been planted for commercial use and to help repair soil erosion. Willows and poplars have also been planted on many hills to reduce erosion. However, some introduced plants, such as gorse, have spread over countless acres of land and choked out other plant species. New Zealand’s Department of Conservation has teamed up with various organizations and community groups to restore and protect natural habitats and to eliminate harmful plants.
Before people arrived, no land mammals reached the isolated islands apart from a few species of bats. Isolation also permitted the survival of a small lizardlike reptile called the tuatara. It is the last survivor of its order, which has been extinct elsewhere for more than 100 million years. Although rats wiped out the tuataras on the main islands, these reptiles are still found on some of the smaller islands. All of New Zealand’s other native reptiles are types of lizards called geckos and skinks. The country also boasts giant land snails and the world’s heaviest insect, the wētā.
In the absence of predatory mammals, New Zealand was a paradise for birds. The birds included many flightless species such as the now-extinct moas. Māori hunters exterminated at least 10 species of moa. Many other bird species met their demise because of the rats (kiore) that arrived with the early Māori settlers. The rats spread out rapidly, devouring the eggs of birds, lizards, and other animals. The pace of extinction picked up in the 19th century when Europeans introduced their own voracious rats, cats, stoats, and other predators. In the 20th century the Department of Conservation launched efforts to rid areas of introduced predators. Success was reached on various smaller islands in the early 21st century. The government set a goal for the entire country to be free from introduced predators by 2050.
As for other birds, the flightless takahē was once thought to have become extinct by 1900. However, it was rediscovered in 1948 in a remote Fiordland valley, where it is now protected. Hen-sized flightless birds called kiwis survive only in secluded areas. Unique to the country, these birds are the source of a common nickname for New Zealanders: Kiwis. Other birds found only in New Zealand include the yellow-eyed penguin, the saddleback, and the rare kākāpō, the world’s only flightless parrot. The Department of Conservation has developed breeding programs and created protected reserves in an attempt to preserve many of the endangered species that are unique to the country.
In addition to bringing domestic animals, Europeans introduced many other species to New Zealand, including the red deer, the Australian possum, and rabbits. Without any natural predators on the islands, many introduced species spread across the landscape. Because they cause untold damage to plants and soil, New Zealanders have long tried to exterminate them or to limit their numbers. Red deer were initially imported by sport hunters, but their numbers increased exponentially. Today they trample and devour the plant life of forests, farms, and national parks alike.
The mixture of cool and warm ocean currents around New Zealand guarantees an abundant variety of fish, including cod and hake in Antarctic currents and tuna and marlin in warmer waters. Groper, bass, flounder, and spiny lobster are found along the coasts. Hector’s dolphin and the critically endangered Māui dolphin, two of the world’s smallest such mammals, are native to New Zealand waters. To protect the ocean environment, New Zealand has implemented several conservation measures, including restrictions on fishing and offshore drilling. The Department of Conservation has also set aside more than 40 marine reserves. People may visit and explore these areas through such activities as kayaking and snorkeling. However, they are not allowed to fish or to otherwise disturb the marine habitat.
In opposition to the health and environmental problems stemming from nuclear weapons testing in the South Pacific in the mid-20th century, New Zealand became a nuclear-free zone in 1987. It passed a law prohibiting all nuclear weapons from being transported in New Zealand or its territorial waters. This eliminates the risk of accidental or intentional discharge and contamination.
People and Culture
Three-fourths of New Zealanders live on the North Island, and nearly one-fourth live on the South Island. The hundreds of smaller “offshore” islands account for fewer than 1,000 residents altogether. Despite the vast land area available for settlement, most New Zealanders seem to prefer living in close association with one another. More than four-fifths of the people live in towns or cities. Although population densities are low overall, some districts within cities are quite crowded.
Ethnic Groups
According to the 2013 census, the ethnic makeup of New Zealand was about 74 percent European, 15 percent Māori (local Polynesian), 12 percent Asian, and 7 percent other Pacific peoples (mostly other Polynesian groups). People were allowed to identify with more than one ethnic group, so the percentages do not add up to 100. The term Pākehā is often used to refer to people of non-Polynesian heritage, especially those of European descent.
Immigration is a major contributor to population growth in New Zealand, and it has long been regulated. Beginning in the mid-19th century the government encouraged immigration from Europe, especially the United Kingdom, but discouraged immigration from Asia. Chinese immigrants began arriving in the 1860s to take advantage of a gold rush. Opposition to the newcomers led the government to pass the Chinese Immigrants Act of 1881. It introduced an entry tax for each Chinese person admitted to New Zealand. The tax was eventually waived in 1934 and repealed in 1944, but other anti-Chinese and broader anti-Asian restrictions remained in place. Meanwhile, the country provided many British and Irish citizens with financial assistance to relocate.
The New Zealand government reviewed and began to revise its immigration policies in the 1970s. It ended unrestricted access for British immigrants and stopped the assisted immigration program. At the same time, it confirmed free access to immigrants from Australia, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. A new Immigration Act passed in 1987 ended the practice of choosing or rejecting immigrants on the basis of nationality. It called for evaluating immigrants by their job skills instead. By the early 21st century these changes had made New Zealand a more culturally diverse country. A record number of work and student visas were issued to Asians—especially those from China, India, and the Philippines—seeking to stay in the country long-term.
New Zealand was first settled by ancestors of the Māori, perhaps in the late 1200s (see History section below). According to oral histories, they migrated from Hawaiki, which was likely a tropical island to the northeast. They were not, however, from distant Hawaii, despite the similarity in names. Regardless of the exact time and locations involved, New Zealand was one of the last major areas of the world to be settled by humans. Its inhabitants then remained isolated until the arrival of European explorers.
A host of diseases accompanied the Europeans. The Māori had little or no resistance to the illnesses. In the early 1800s there were perhaps some 100,000 to 200,000 Māori in New Zealand. By 1896 only about 42,000 remained. Their numbers increased in the 1900s and early 2000s. In the 2013 census the Māori numbered 598,605—almost one-seventh of New Zealand’s population. Nearly two-thirds of Māori lived in large towns and cities, with few in traditional (largely rural) areas. In addition, more than 70,000 people of Māori descent lived in Australia, and as many as 10,000 lived in the United Kingdom.
Beginning with the voyages of Captain James Cook in 1769–79, the British established close links with New Zealand. Europeans began to arrive in significant numbers about 1800, but from the mid-1800s they seemed to be flooding into the country. In the early 2000s they made up some three-fourths of the population. Mostly of British origin, New Zealand’s Pākehā also include descendants of Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Dalmatian (Croatian), Hungarian, and other settlers and immigrants.
The number of New Zealanders of Asian heritage, particularly Chinese, Indian, and Southeast Asian, began to increase substantially in the 1990s. In addition, many immigrants came from other Pacific islands, especially Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, and the Cook Islands. Immigration has remained an important part of Kiwi history. However, in the early 21st century, some government leaders called for a reduction in immigration numbers. They stated that the country’s infrastructure was unable to keep up with the population growth.
Languages and Religions
New Zealand is predominantly an English-speaking country, but since 1987 both English and Māori have been official languages. The Māori language has survived but is endangered. Only about one-fifth of the Māori speak the language regularly, and fewer use it as their first language. Since the late 20th century, efforts have been made to promote the Māori language and traditions. Thousands of non-Māori have learned to speak Māori as a second language.
New Zealand has no official religion. Slightly less than half of the population is affiliated with a Christian church. The largest Christian denominations are Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Presbyterian. In addition, there are several religious minorities, including believers in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and traditional Polynesian religions. More than two-fifths of the people are nonreligious, including large numbers of agnostics and atheists.
The culture of New Zealand is an outgrowth of the country’s history, geography, and changing social structures. It includes the country’s blend of Māori and Pākehā customs, beliefs, and institutions. In a broad sense, then, Kiwi culture incorporates ethnicity, language, and religion (discussed above). It includes the intertwining customs of daily life, from the kinds of foods that are most popular to the sports and other pastimes commonly enjoyed. New Zealand culture also encompasses the artistic endeavors of “high culture” and “pop culture” within the visual arts, literature, theater, and music.
The transplanting of Victorian English society to isolated South Pacific islands where Māori culture was already established caused difficulties for both societies. It also created opportunities that had never been imagined previously. For the Europeans the main problems were distance from their roots and, initially, the difficulty of maintaining “high culture” in frontier communities dedicated to taming the land. For the Māori the problem was to maintain their own traditions, including their language, while assimilating Pākehā culture when desirable or necessary. Māori identity remains strong, yet it is not exclusive: today, many Māori and people of European ancestry intermarry and seem to have similar ways of life. Some aspects of social and cultural life, however, tend to remain distinctly Māori or distinctly European. Many Māori, for example, choose to get moko (facial tattoos) as a sign of their cultural identity. Nonetheless, many people believe that New Zealanders have a growing sense of national culture and a blended Māori-Pākehā identity.
The principal museums, located in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin, are notable for their collections of Māori and Pacific artifacts. Major research libraries include the National Library in Wellington and libraries at the University of Otago in Dunedin and at the Auckland Museum.
Recreation and daily life
New Zealanders, like the residents of other developed countries, seem increasingly wedded to films, television, the Internet, computer programs, and video games. These often compete with popular music recordings and radio programs. Even so, Kiwis still regard reading as a popular pastime. A good deal of time is also spent outdoors on golfing, gardening, or hiking on extensive networks of trails. Other popular activities include tennis, skiing, snowboarding, and water sports.
Highly competitive sports teams represent New Zealand internationally in rugby, football (soccer), and cricket. Kiwis have garnered international fame in yacht races, notably with their America’s Cup victories of 1995, 2000, and 2017. Rugby is the most popular spectator sport and is regarded as the national game. Netball is one of the most played and watched women’s sports. Taking its small population into account, New Zealand has won a comparatively large number of Olympic medals in track and field, rowing, windsurfing, canoeing, equestrian, and yachting events.
Among the more-typical foods of New Zealand is seafood, from eels and kōkiri (leatherjacket) to several kinds of shellfish. A large shellfish called toheroa is prepared as a delicacy. It is found on sandy beaches, mainly in the north. To prevent the extinction of the toheroa, its harvesting has been strictly regulated, especially since the mid-1900s. Vegetables, fruits, roast mutton or beef, rice, and pasta dishes are also typical. Biscuits and cakes are well liked, but a national favorite is pavlova, a confection made of egg whites and sugar. Restaurant visits are popular.
New Zealand has a long narrative tradition dating back to the early oral literatures of the Māori. The main Māori literary styles included waiata (song), tangi (lamentation), and other forms of chanted or sung poetry. Other major literary styles were prose myths and legends and genealogical recitals. Much of this material has been preserved, notably in the publications of George Grey in the 1850s. The Māori leader Apirana Ngata compiled a comprehensive waiata collection beginning in the 1920s. Most Māori authors now write in English using European forms such as poetry, short stories, and novels, often to express Māori themes.
New Zealand literature began to receive international attention mainly in the 1900s, especially with the stories of Katherine Mansfield (which were written in England but often dealt with New Zealand themes). Acclaimed Kiwi writers of the mid-1900s included Ngaio Marsh, Allen Curnow, and Sylvia Ashton-Warner. In the 1960s and ’70s, the poet Hone Tuwhare and the novelist Witi Ihimaera broke new ground for Māori creative writing in English. Many of the country’s contemporary writers have represented a blending of European and Māori backgrounds and styles. Renowned writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries included poet Bill Manhire, children’s author Margaret Mahy, and novelists Keri Hulme, Janet Frame, Maurice Gee, Patricia Grace, and Eleanor Catton. New Zealand has a reputation as a country of readers. Its large numbers of book sales, magazine subscriptions, library visits, and book-discussion clubs confirm that status.
Visual arts
Traditional forms of Māori art include intricate carvings in wood, stone, whalebone, and jade; designs in plaited and woven flax; painting on wood and rock; and tattooing. Some of these arts, especially wood carving, still flourish and are exemplified in the work of carvers Pine and John Taiapa and Paki Harrison. Māori painters such as Ralph Hotere and Selwyn Muru have blended various art styles. Notable carvings and woven works are exhibited at the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute, part of the Te Puia cultural center in Rotorua.
The first significant Pākehā painter, Frances Hodgkins, did her major work abroad. So too did the sculptor Len Lye. A truly New Zealand tradition in visual arts began to emerge in the 1930s with such artists as M.T. Woollaston and Rita Angus. Along with the later work of Colin McCahon, Don Binney, and others, they produced works of great vitality and variety.
Performing arts
New Zealanders have a proud and unique heritage in the performing arts. There is much interest in traditional Māori dance forms such as the haka, which is a combination chant and posture-dance. It is accompanied by rhythmic stamping and menacing facial gestures, especially in war dances. Today some dancers mix traditional elements with European melodies in a style called the waiata-ā-ringa (action song).
New Zealanders listen to a variety of music, including rock, pop, jazz, blues, classical, and country. Māori and Māori-influenced music underwent a popular revival starting in the late 20th century. Notable Kiwi musicians have included Māori singers Īnia Te Wīata and Howard Morrison, jazz pianist Mike Nock, pop singer Bic Runga, hip-hop artist Scribe, and musical groups such as the Chills, Split Enz, and the Datsuns. New Zealand has also produced such prominent opera singers as Donald McIntyre and Kiri Te Kanawa. Notable institutions include the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, the New Zealand String Quartet, and the New Zealand Opera.
Major professional theaters have been established since the 1960s in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, Palmerston North, and Dunedin. The country’s oldest professional dance company, the Royal New Zealand Ballet, was founded in 1953.
Few feature films were made in New Zealand before the 1970s, but the industry has boomed since the 1980s. Notable films of the 1990s included The Piano (1993), an Academy Award-winning film directed by Jane Campion, and Once Were Warriors (1994), directed by Lee Tamahori. The acclaimed film Whale Rider (2002), by New Zealand director Niki Caro, is based on a novel by Witi Ihimaera. It deals with issues of family, gender, and cultural survival. The film made a star of the young half-Māori actress Keisha Castle-Hughes. Among the numerous other respected Kiwi actors are Sam Neill and Kerry Fox. Peter Jackson is the country’s most popular filmmaker. Among his achievements are the grandiose Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–03), the last film of which won 11 Academy Awards in 2004; King Kong (2005); and The Hobbit trilogy (2012–14). All these films benefited from spectacular backdrops of New Zealand mountains, waterfalls, braided river valleys, and lush forests.
Education and Social Welfare
New Zealand has a generally well-educated society, with a literacy rate of nearly 100 percent. Schooling is compulsory for students aged 6 to 16, and public school is free to those aged 5 to 19. Most children start school at 5 years, and many attend preschool classes. Roughly 5 percent of primary and secondary pupils attend private schools as fee-paying students. Home education is also allowed. For children living in remote areas, Te Kura (formerly the Correspondence School) organizes regular lessons and written assignments for all age groups. New Zealand also has a variety of special schools, including schools for children with disabilities.
More than 125,000 students are enrolled at eight universities in New Zealand. These universities are the University of Auckland; the Auckland University of Technology; the University of Waikato, at Hamilton; Massey University, at Palmerston North; Victoria University of Wellington; the University of Canterbury, at Christchurch; Lincoln University, near Christchurch; and the University of Otago, at Dunedin. More than an additional 100,000 students attend teacher-training colleges or polytechnic schools.
Māori education has received significant attention since 1961, when the Māori Education Trust was established. It was formed to encourage Māori students to attend tertiary schools, colleges of education, and universities. Since then, various government ministries and agencies have encouraged higher levels of Māori educational and economic achievement. There are now more than 500 special preschools (kōhanga reo) that use Māori-language instruction and dozens of other Māori-centered educational institutions.
Health and social welfare
New Zealanders have a generally high standard of living. Although not everyone fares equally in terms of living conditions and health, most are aided considerably by the government’s guarantee of universal health care (health insurance for all New Zealanders). Many wealthy and middle-class citizens supplement their universal coverage with private health insurance. New Zealand’s commitment to the well-being of its citizens is also illustrated by its robust social security system, which was among the world’s first. This system provides various benefits for widows, orphans, mothers with low incomes, the sick, the unemployed, veterans, and retirees.
Among the other factors affecting New Zealanders’ sense of well-being are their average workweeks of 37 to 40 hours. In addition, in 2003 the country passed an act that guaranteed most workers a minimum of four weeks’ paid vacation per year (effective 2007). There are 11 legal holidays each year.
A majority of families own their homes. Most commonly, homes are one-story structures of brick or wood, with an accompanying green-grass yard (also called a garden). In recent years, however, there has been a trend toward multistory apartment buildings. Even so, the supply of housing could not keep up with the demand from the large number of immigrants. Partly for that reason, housing prices in New Zealand skyrocketed in the 2010s. In many places people were unable to obtain adequate shelter.
Major Cities
More than 85 percent of New Zealanders live in urban areas, including the majority of Māori. The North Island has most of the larger cities. Auckland, the largest, is the chief center of industry, commerce, and international transportation. Some one-third of the country’s population resides in the Auckland metropolitan area, many in the suburbs of Manukau, North Shore, and Waitākere. Those suburbs are significant cities in their own rights. The largest metropolitan area after Auckland is Wellington, the national capital. Christchurch is the main urban center for the South Island. Other populous metropolitan areas are Hamilton, in north-central North Island; Tauranga, on the Bay of Plenty in north-central North Island; Napier-Hastings, in southeastern North Island; and Dunedin, in southeastern South Island. Scottish immigrants originally established Dunedin, and it has characteristics reminiscent of Edinburgh, Scotland. Scottish immigrants also settled Invercargill, the main city in Southland.
The economy of New Zealand, though limited in size, is comparable in strength to those of other developed countries, including those of western Europe. New Zealand has a well-educated workforce. Its free-market economic system is monitored and modified to allow for a social safety net in case of unemployment and other hardships. The flexible mixture of services, manufacturing, and primary industries (such as agriculture and mining) helps provide a generally high standard of living and limited unemployment. The main hurdles to economic development are New Zealand’s great distance from major world markets (particularly from the United States and Europe) and its limited population. At just above five million people, the population is smaller than that of many of the world’s major cities. However, in the 21st century a large influx of immigrants, many of them settling in urban areas, stressed local economies. Auckland, for example, faced unemployment issues and housing and infrastructure shortages.
Although the economy is now more diversified, it was once based largely on agricultural exports. From the early days of European settlement, New Zealand produced agricultural goods for Britain, while Britain supplied New Zealand with manufactured goods and some raw materials. After Britain joined the European Communities (a forerunner of the European Union) in 1973, the volume of New Zealand’s agricultural exports to Britain fell sharply. By the mid-1980s Australia, the United States, and Japan had surpassed Britain as New Zealand’s main trading partners. In the early 21st century, New Zealand became the first developed country to enter into a free trade agreement with China, and the two became major trading partners. New Zealand ranks among the leading countries of the world in value per capita of international trade.
Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry
Only a small percentage of the labor force works in agriculture. Wool and meat exports are now less important than they were in the 1900s. However, about two-fifths of New Zealand’s export earnings come from sales of dairy products (notably cheese and powdered milk) and the meat of sheep (mutton) and cattle. The country is a leading exporter of mutton. Goats and deer have also been important since the 1980s. New Zealand has more than six times as many sheep as people and about twice as many cattle as people. The livestock graze in fields and ranges that occupy more than half the country’s total land area. As a result, prairie vegetation has been destroyed, and some streams and rivers have become polluted from animal waste. In the early 21st century, however, landowners began to work with the government to improve the natural environment. For example, some farmers contained their livestock behind fences, allowing grasses to regrow and reducing the amount of waste that reaches waterways.
Farmland covers about one-eighth of New Zealand, but not all of this land is planted every year. The most productive areas include the Canterbury Plains and other lowland areas. The country’s chief crops are apples, potatoes, wheat, barley, and kiwi. Citrus fruits are grown mainly in warm, well-watered northern districts such as Northland and the Bay of Plenty. Vineyards that grow grapes for wine have expanded in the drier areas of both islands, such as the region around Hawke Bay. Vegetables and fruit grown in that region support a thriving canning industry.
The country’s native forests cover less than one-fourth of the land. They are no longer a major source of timber. However, privately held forests containing such species as rimu, tawa, and red and silver beech supply timber and support a pulp and paper industry. These forests are managed under sustainable practices to maintain an ecological balance. Many species of marine life—including oysters, rock lobster, orange roughy, hake, snapper, tuna, and squid—are caught for the export market. To conserve fish populations, the government devises annual fishing quotas.
In the early 2000s manufacturing accounted for roughly 10 percent of the workforce and the national income. Construction also employs many New Zealanders. Manufactured exports include machinery, vehicles, dishwashers, and electric fences. Wood pulp, chemicals and chemical fertilizers, wool yarn, wine, and carpets are also important. Many factories that process goods for export are large, but the typical factory producing for the home market is small.
Few minerals are found in commercial quantities, but some coal, gold, silver, and industrial minerals are mined. Natural gas, found in the Taranaki region and its offshore waters, is significant. That region also yields some petroleum.
The country has substantial hydroelectric-power potential. Hydroelectricity has been developed principally on the Waikato River in the North Island and on the Clutha and Waitaki rivers and Fiordland’s Lake Manapōuri–Doubtful Sound complex in the South Island. These stations supply most of the country’s electricity at a relatively low cost. Thermal stations that use coal and natural gas generate some of New Zealand’s power. However, geothermal plants that use steam tapped in the central North Island volcanic area are increasingly being used. The reliance on other renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power has grown in the 21st century.
The service sector accounts for about two-thirds of both the workforce and the national income. This huge sector includes finance, insurance, real estate, retail and wholesale trade, business services, entertainment (such as tourism and restaurants), education, health care, and government services.
Tourism is a major economic draw. The scenic attractions of New Zealand are unrivaled, as shown to the world in movies such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy. There are excellent opportunities for sightseeing, as well as for fishing, hunting, mountaineering, and skiing and other sports. The annual number of overseas visitors increased from about 150,000 in the mid-1960s to more than 3,500,000 in the early 21st century.
Transportation and Communications
In spite of the rugged nature of the terrain, most areas of New Zealand are readily accessible by a good road system. Modern highways link the main cities. The rate of private vehicle ownership is high. A lack of infrastructure improvements, however, has contributed to daily traffic congestion in large urban centers such as Auckland. With the growth of air and automobile travel, rail passenger services have decreased. The railroad remains efficient for bulk goods.
Good air service links all major centers. Air New Zealand and more than 20 other carriers provide overseas flights. The country has more than 35 airports, with major international terminals at Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. The ports of Tauranga and Auckland are the most vital links for international trade. The ports of Wellington and Picton handle most shipping between New Zealand’s islands.
New Zealand has an advanced communications system, with numerous broadcast (“free-to-air”) and subscription television channels. There are more than 200 radio stations, including two national public (noncommercial) radio networks. The Broadcasting Commission (known as NZ On Air) has increased programming that promotes the Māori language and Māori culture. There are more than 20 Māori radio stations and a Māori television channel.
New Zealand is an independent country and a member of the Commonwealth. As a constitutional monarchy, its democratic form of government reflects a long historical association with Great Britain. The British monarch is the head of state, a largely honorary and ceremonial title. The monarch is represented locally by a governor-general, who is normally appointed for a five-year term. The governor-general has ceremonial functions. Apart from reserve powers to guard the constitution, however, the governor-general has authority to act only on the advice of government ministers, particularly the prime minister. The prime minister is the head of government.
The Parliament is the country’s lawmaking body. It consists of a single chamber, the House of Representatives. It has about 120 members, including several legislators (seven since 2002) who represent Māori electorates. Each Māori citizen can vote for either a member representing the general electorate or one representing a Māori electorate. All members are elected to three-year terms. Elections are conducted partly on a party basis. The party gaining a majority of parliamentary seats forms the government. The leader of that party becomes the prime minister, who heads the formal Executive Council and the informal but influential cabinet. The two most prominent political parties are National and Labour.
All citizens 18 years and older may vote in elections. Woman suffragists began campaigning in the 1870s, and in 1893 New Zealand became the world’s first country to give women the right to vote. However, it was not until 1919 that women could stand for election, and few women were elected to Parliament before the 1980s. In the 1990s and the early 21st century, women filled many of the country’s top government positions, including those of prime minister, governor-general, and chief justice.
The courts balance the power of the executive and legislative branches. The District Courts handle civil and criminal cases. Overseeing them are the High Court and the Court of Appeal. The British Privy Council, based in London, acted as the final court of appeal for New Zealand until 2003. In that year a new Supreme Court replaced it.
New Zealand has played a prominent role in the security and governance of the South Pacific. In the early 1900s it annexed or otherwise assumed control over several external Pacific islands, including the Cook Islands and the United Nations (UN) Trust Territory of Western Samoa (now Samoa). The latter became an independent country in 1962. The Cook Islands and the island of Niue chose to become internally self-governing states in association with New Zealand in 1965 and 1974, respectively. The atoll cluster of Tokelau remains a New Zealand dependency. The country also administers a wedge of Antarctica called the Ross Dependency.
There are various explanations for the origins of the Māori. According to centuries-old oral histories, the ancestors of the Māori came to New Zealand from Hawaiki. Many scientists now believe that Hawaiki was located in either the southern Cook Islands or the Society Islands. Determining when the Māori arrived has been controversial. In the late 1800s anthropologists interpreted some Māori oral literature as indicating that a “great fleet” of seven canoes arrived with the largest early group of settlers about ad 1350. In the mid-1900s, however, radiocarbon dating of archaeological finds suggested that the first Polynesian contact with New Zealand occurred much earlier, between ad 600 and 800. Later reassessment of the radiocarbon dating has called into question those early dates. Many scientists now believe that the first of many canoes carrying settlers began arriving between ad 1250 and 1300, though some date the arrival at more than a thousand years earlier.
Early Māori Society
Traditional Māori social organization was based on clans of extended families who shared common ancestors. Together, the clans made up tribes (iwi) led by clan chiefs. The early Māori made a living by growing crops such as sweet potatoes and fern roots, gathering fruits and other readily available foods, and hunting seals and flightless birds such as moas (until the moas died out). The various groups maintained cultures with distinct artistic, religious, and political traditions. Trade networks linked the groups and regions.
A highly valued quality, especially for chiefs, was mana—meaning “prestige” or “social capital.” Mana could be increased through good leadership and honorable dealings with friends and foes as well as through victories in warfare. Another important concept was utu, meaning “balance” or “harmony” in a broad sense. It was often achieved through gift exchanges. However, it also referred to justice, especially following a murder or other serious crime, which might demand revenge killings. Strong warrior ethics were an important part of nearly every Māori society.
The islands remained unknown to the Western world until the Dutch sea captain Abel Tasman sailed along their western shoreline in 1642. When he attempted to land, however, a detachment of Māori warriors gave him a violent reception. More than a century passed before the voyages of the English explorer Captain James Cook, who made contact with the Māori people at numerous places around the coast. He was impressed by their social organization, intelligence, and artistic abilities. The first European shore stations in New Zealand were established after 1790. They were chiefly for hunting seals and whales, obtaining timber and flax, and trading with the growing Australian colonies. A missionary visit in 1814 led to the founding of the first Christian mission station at the Bay of Islands.
By the early 1800s there were 100,000 to 200,000 Māori in New Zealand, living almost exclusively on the North Island. They were divided into many separate tribes and villages. They did not desire a shared identity until they found themselves increasingly at odds with Europeans. Eventually, they adopted the name Māori (meaning “normal”) to distinguish themselves from what they viewed as the strangely dressed and more strangely acting Europeans, whom they began to call Pākehā. The arrival of Europeans disrupted Māori social networks and displaced many villages from their land. The Māori population declined, largely as a result of European-introduced diseases and intertribal warfare (aided by European muskets). By 1896 only about 42,000 Māori remained.
Cooperation and Conflict
Although large numbers of Māori and Europeans often came into conflict in the 1800s, many also had productive and even friendly relations. The Europeans were often in desperate need of food, from pigs to sweet potatoes. Timber, flax, and other resources were also in great demand. In exchange, the Māori received imported foods and precious materials such as nails, which could be fashioned into fishhooks and other useful items. The Māori also increasingly demanded muskets with which to fight their enemies, and the Pākehā were often ready to provide them.
Interestingly, in the early 1800s many Māori chiefs were anxious to have Pākehā neighbors. Some even advertised in newspapers to encourage settlement. Not only did they know that the Pākehā could attract trade to their regions, but they also saw these “whites” as status symbols in their own right—that is, that associating with them could increase one’s mana.
On behalf of the British government, Captain William Hobson (later governor of the colony) signed the Treaty of Waitangi with Māori chiefs in 1840. The Māori thereby ceded sovereignty of the islands to the British in return for protection of their land rights. The treaty was a milestone in New Zealand law. However, the Māori and the Europeans had different understandings of the agreement when it was signed, partly because of the questionable manner in which the Māori version was translated. Ever since, it has often been a source of contention.
The first highly organized British settlement, under the auspices of the New Zealand Company, began in 1840. New Zealand became a self-governing colony in 1856. The pace of European exploration and settlement quickened after discoveries of gold on the South Island starting in the late 1850s. In the 1860s Ernst Dieffenbach, Julius von Haast, Ferdinand von Hochstetter, Andreas Reischek, and other scientist-adventurers mapped much of the country. Missionary-explorers such as William Colenso, Samuel Marsden, and George Augustus Selwyn were also active in the mid-1800s.
Sadly, the Europeans tended to see the lands they surveyed as empty rather than crediting the Māori with ownership, and they sometimes caused grave insults. George Grey, who became governor in 1845, attempted to expand European power on the islands while also trying to appease Māori interests. He helped shape the New Zealand Constitution Act of 1852. The act established an elected central Parliament and several provincial governments.
Disagreements between British and Māori over land rights and other issues, as well as racist attitudes on both sides, were prevalent. The unrest led to a series of bloody wars, notably on the North Island in the 1860s. The British brought in thousands of troops, steamships, combat engineers, and cannon. Yet British expectations of quick victory were dashed because the Māori proved themselves resourceful and tenacious fighters. They laid siege to settlements and repulsed British attacks by building numerous pā (fortresses). The pā incorporated trenches, lookout posts, and interlocking barricades. The British eventually prevailed, and the Māori subsequently lost most of their best land. Never totally defeated by the British, however, some Māori sought refuge in Māori-controlled areas of the rural interior.
Meanwhile, the South Island remained largely free of such conflicts. With grasslands open to sheep grazing and grain growing and with the stimulus of gold rushes, the South Island became the more-prosperous island in the mid-1800s. Not until the 20th century did the North Island regain its dominant economic position.
Self-Government and Economic Growth
In 1876 the provincial governments were abolished, and the central government began to assume the leading role in the country’s development. Free, compulsory education was established in 1877. The country’s first refrigerated ship sailed for Great Britain in 1882. The development of refrigerated ships enabled New Zealand to add perishable meat, dairy products, and fruit to its exports of wool, hides, gold, and timber. The Liberal Party, in power from 1891 to 1912, introduced many economic and social measures that are basic to the welfare state. In addition, the Land for Settlements Act of 1892 promoted the division of large estates into smaller farms.
In 1907 New Zealand assumed dominion status within the British Empire, meaning that it took control of more of its own affairs. During World War I, New Zealand troops fought in Europe and elsewhere in support of the Allied cause. The achievements of their soldiers, who fought alongside the Australians at Gallipoli in 1915 as part of the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), stoked Kiwi pride and a new sense of national identity. One year after the Gallipoli Campaign, the first Anzac Day, a holiday to honor war veterans, was held. It became a national holiday in New Zealand in the 1920s. After World War I, New Zealand joined the League of Nations. By the 1920s New Zealand was largely self-governing.
The national economy, largely dependent on overseas markets, suffered its worst decline during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Social and economic distress led to the election in 1935 of the first Labour government. It introduced further social, economic, and industrial reforms.
In World War II, New Zealand troops fought alongside the Allies in the Middle East, Europe, and the Pacific. United States troops were stationed in New Zealand, whose Pacific forces were under United States command. In 1944 New Zealand and Australia signed the Canberra Pact, claiming a voice in the postwar affairs of the Pacific.
After World War II
New Zealand became one of the founding members of the United Nations (UN) in 1945. It later governed a large area of the Pacific as a UN Trust Territory. In 1947 New Zealand ratified the Statute of Westminster, making the country fully independent within the Commonwealth. In 1951 Australia, New Zealand, and the United States signed the ANZUS Treaty, creating a Pacific defense alliance. After 1985, however, the United States cut this link with New Zealand after the latter banned all nuclear warships from its harbors. Two years later New Zealand became a nuclear-weapons-free zone.
New Zealand became a member of other regional organizations, including the Colombo Plan, an economic association of South and Southeast Asian countries. New Zealand troops fought in wars in Malaysia, Korea, and Vietnam, and they continue to serve on UN peacekeeping missions. In 1983 an agreement for closer economic relations (known as CER) with Australia initiated progress toward a common market. Working through the regional Pacific Islands Forum, these countries have followed similar trade-and-aid policies toward their island neighbors.
Meanwhile, New Zealand changed its units of money. As a British colony, it had initially used British money—pounds, shillings, and pence. One pound was worth 20 shillings or 240 pence. New Zealand began issuing its own coins and banknotes in the 1930s but kept the same traditional British units. On July 10, 1967, the country switched its money to a decimal system (based on the number 10 and its multiples), which allows easier calculations. It replaced the pound with the dollar. Each dollar is worth 100 cents.
The 1970s and ’80s were difficult economically for New Zealand. Inflation and unemployment soared, and thousands emigrated to Australia. In the 1980s, in a sweeping reversal of government policy, restrictions on free enterprise that had been imposed over the previous 50 years were lifted. In the 1990s New Zealand privatized many of its state-owned industries and sold off parts of others. But the country did not abandon its strong welfare and social security policies. Instead, many policies—including ones related to the economy, social security, race relations, foreign policy, the position of women, the environment, and sports—were reexamined, and some were modified.
In many ways, New Zealand has continued to pass progressive social legislation. In 2004, for example, the country legalized civil unions (similar to marriage), including those between persons of the same sex. The country’s first woman prime minister, Jenny Shipley, took office in 1997. Her party appointed her to replace a prime minister who stepped down in midterm. In 1999 Helen Clark became the first woman to become prime minister in New Zealand as the result of an election. The country’s next woman prime minister was Jacinda Ardern, who took office in 2017. She was the country’s youngest prime minister in some 150 years.
The country faced several challenges in 2019–20, including the worst mass shooting in New Zealand history. More than 50 people were killed in terrorist attacks on two mosques in Greater Christchurch in 2019. The attacker, an Australian who had published a hate-filled manifesto against immigrants, used semiautomatic military-style assault weapons as well as shotguns. Less than a month after the attacks New Zealand passed a law banning most semiautomatic weapons.
New Zealand was again plunged into a state of national mourning when a volcano erupted on Whakaari/White Island, located off the coast of eastern North Island, in 2019. Although no one lived on the island, 21 tourists and guides were killed.
Starting in 2020 New Zealand, like other countries around the world, had to contend with a pandemic of the coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19. New Zealand quickly closed its borders to international travelers and imposed a strict nationwide lockdown. These aggressive public health policies dealt a major blow to the country’s tourism industry and economy. The policies were highly effective, however, at limiting the spread of the disease. New Zealand later lifted the lockdown and the international travel ban but introduced new border restrictions. They included a system of managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) at government-run facilities for travelers entering the country as well as for New Zealanders who had been exposed to the virus. The rules varied over time, however, as the country responded to changing conditions. New Zealand began to relax the border restrictions in early 2022.
In the first two years of the pandemic New Zealand was extraordinarily successful at combating COVID, recording fewer than 60 deaths from the disease. The country experienced a major surge in COVID cases in early 2022, however, as the highly contagious Omicron variant of the virus spread.
Māori Decline and Revival
In the early 1900s Māori culture continued to decline. However, leaders such as Apirana Ngata, Māui Pōmare, Te Puea Hērangi, and Peter Buck emerged with visions of a better future.
After World War II great numbers of Māori moved from traditional rural lands to Pākehā-dominated urban centers, many in search of jobs. Some became concentrated in suburbs such as Porirua and Otara, where they found support among Māori friends and neighbors. But others had difficulty coping without the support of their extended families. A new political activism began to emerge in the 1960s and ’70s. This was a result of local conditions and a long history of injustices. It took place within a stormy international context that included the independence of previously colonialized countries in Africa and Asia, growing activism among the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, and the civil rights movement of the United States.
A notable nonviolent Māori protest took place in 1977–78 at a plot of coastal land called Bastion Point (Takaparawhā in Māori) near Auckland. A Māori tribe sought to reclaim ancestral Māori land there that the New Zealand government had taken away in the mid-1800s. Māori protestors occupied the land for more than 500 days. Although the government had them forcibly removed, the protestors won international support for their cause. In 1987 the land was returned to the Māori tribe (see Bastion Point land occupation).
In the 1980s and ’90s urban Māori groups continued to advocate for political, social, and economic rights, and the Pākehā seemed to be willing to listen. In 1997–98 the Parliament attempted to settle a long-standing legal complaint by the Ngāi Tahu tribe of the South Island. The government offered several million dollars in compensation and apologized for injustices dating from the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
In the early 21st century another successful Māori land occupation took place at Ihumātao, land in South Auckland that was sacred to the Māori. To prevent a company from building a housing development there, in 2016 a Māori group began what later became a massive occupation of Ihumātao. The protest finally ended in 2020, when the New Zealand government arranged to buy the land from the development company.
Most Māori today are integrated into the New Zealand economy, though on average they tend to be less well paid and to have higher levels of unemployment. Yet some are successful entrepreneurs, and others have developed powerful voices in politics. Although many Māori and Pākehā are now working together on issues that previously divided them, others continue to clash. Significant challenges remain concerning issues of land, language, customs, and social and economic rights.
name | term | party |
Henry Sewell | 1856 | — |
William Fox | 1856 | — |
Edward William Stafford | 1856–1861 | — |
William Fox | 1861–1862 | — |
Alfred Domett | 1862–1863 | — |
Frederick Whitaker | 1863–1864 | — |
Frederick Aloysius Weld | 1864–1865 | — |
Edward William Stafford | 1865–1869 | — |
William Fox | 1861–1862 | — |
Alfred Domett | 1862–1863 | — |
Frederick Whitaker | 1863–1864 | — |
Frederick Aloysius Weld | 1864–1865 | — |
Edward William Stafford | 1865–1869 | — |
William Fox | 1869–1872 | — |
Edward William Stafford | 1872 | — |
George Marsden Waterhouse | 1872–1873 | — |
William Fox | 1873 | — |
Julius Vogel | 1873–1875 | — |
Daniel Pollen | 1875–1876 | — |
Julius Vogel | 1876 | — |
Harry Atkinson | 1876–1877 | — |
George Grey | 1877–1879 | — |
John Hall | 1879–1882 | — |
Harry Atkinson | 1882–1884 | — |
Robert Stout | 1884–1887 | — |
Harry Atkinson | 1887–1890 | — |
John Ballance | 1890–1893 | Liberal |
Richard John Seddon | 1893–1906 | Liberal |
Joseph Ward | 1906–1912 | Liberal |
William Ferguson Massey | 1912–1925 | Reform |
Joseph Gordon Coates | 1925–1928 | Reform |
Joseph Ward | 1928–1930 | United |
George William Forbes | 1930–1935 | Reform–United |
Michael Joseph Savage | 1935–1940 | Labour |
Peter Fraser | 1940–1949 | Labour |
Sidney Holland | 1949–1957 | National |
Walter Nash | 1957–1960 | Labour |
Keith Jacka Holyoake | 1960–1972 | National |
John Marshall | 1972 | National |
Norman E. Kirk | 1972–1974 | Labour |
Wallace Edward Rowling | 1974–1975 | Labour |
Robert Muldoon | 1975–1984 | National |
David Lange | 1984–1989 | Labour |
Geoffrey Palmer | 1989–1990 | Labour |
Mike Moore | 1990 | Labour |
Jim Bolger | 1990–1997 | National |
Jenny Shipley | 1997–1999 | National |
Helen Clark | 1999–2008 | Labour |
John Key | 2008–2016 | National |
Bill English | 2016–2017 | National |
Jacinda Ardern | 2017–2023 | Labour |
Chris Hipkins | 2023 | Labour |
Christopher Luxon | 2023– | National |
*The titles premier and first minister were variously applied to each of the principal ministers until 1869, when premier became customary. Although the title prime minister was first used formally in the Schedule of the Civil List Act of 1873, no one used the title officially until Richard John Seddon, beginning in 1893. |
Additional Reading
Booz, E.B. New Zealand, 6th ed. (Odyssey, 2006). Keyworth, Valerie. New Zealand: Land of the Long White Cloud, 2nd ed. (Dillon Press, 1999). McKinnon, Malcolm, and others, eds. New Zealand Historical Atlas: Ko Papatuanuku e Takoto Nei (David Bateman and Historical Branch, Dept. of Internal Affairs, 1997). Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, 5 vols. (Auckland Univ. Press, 1990–2000). Simpson, Tony. A Distant Feast: The Origin of New Zealand’s Cuisine (Godwit, 1999). Sinclair, Keith, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of New Zealand, new ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, 1998). Starzecka, D.C., ed. Māori: Art and Culture (Art Media Resources, 1996). Wiremu, Graham. The Māoris of New Zealand (Rourke, 1989).