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Seliel the Shaper

A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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You're probably the first person who's ever had this problem. But I'll take your recommendation into consideration 👍

I'm sorry, but you didn't read the page in the first place. I doubt another list of things this asset doesn't contain would've helped you.

(1 edit)

There are others. You can click on my name to see all the assets I have on itchio. Or that link to Ko-fi I gave you.

The title is Mana Seed Tileset Collection. It contains all of the Mana Seed tilesets. A "tileset" is a collection of tiles used to form a background environment. There is a very explicit list of all the tilesets contained in this collection, along with helpful links: 

The title and text are in agreement, and there are no confusing implications. The text you quoted says that I might prepare OTHER assets (like my monsters) for Unity, if this pack proves popular. It doesn't say anything anywhere about monsters being in THIS pack.

And to clarify further, there will never be monsters in this pack. Because this is a tileset collection. If I ever prepare my monsters for Unity, they will be in a separate pack. 

If you want the full Mana Seed collection, that includes all assets found here on itchio (even monsters). You can find that option in my Ko-fi shop:

But I urge you to also read that page before buying.

Thank you! 🙏🏽 

The axe, pick, and hoe work in the same way as weapons. They come in a variety of different angles. You will need to choose the sprites you like and position them in a way that works for you. Once you configure one, you'll be able to swap out the sprite sheet for the tool and the animation will still work with any other tool you put in its place, since they're all laid out the same way.

The tree wall tiles are 128x128, so you're not going to be able to paint them on with a terrain brush unless the map is setup to be 128x128. If you're also placing trees and rocks and stuff, you're probably using a map set at 16x16. To my knowledge, this incongruity is not something Tiled is prepared to handle. If you want to use the tree wall on the same map as the rest of the tileset, you need to set the map to 16x16, then load the tree wall set at 128x128. Make a bottom layer for just the tree wall, and place each 128x128 tile manually, lining them up appropriately.

Most of my tilesets are already setup in this way.

There's an animation guide included in the files. It has animation timing recommendations and cell references.

Hi there 👋

There are two varieties of cloak already, but alas no hood. I do offer a commission option if that's something you really need. Please find the details on my Ko-fi pageThanks!

Hi there, thanks for the compliment 🤗 To answer your questions:

  1. This pack is compatible with my Farmer Sprite System in the same way all my assets are. They have a shared art style and consistent design parameters, like icon size (16x16) and character sprite proportions (doors and furniture sized for 32-pixel-high characters).
  2. I have a "suggestion box" in my Discord server that's available to anyone who subscribes to my Patreon or Ko-fi. But those are just requests, no guarantees. Subscribers also get to vote on which of my assets gets an update each week. Lastly, I offer some limited non-exclusive commissions, which you can read about here.

I started setting up all my tilesets with evenly sliceable sheets specifically for Godot 👍

As I explain above:

"Note: the move/attack animations come in 2 directions (up-angle and down-angle), which can be flipped to represent movement in any direction."

It has a shuffling gait which looks fine moving in any direction.

No plans for an update right now, sorry 🙏🏽

You're welcome to change the colors to suit your needs 👍

Yes, if you buy on ko-fi or itchio, you will get future updates for free 😁👍

Thank you so much for the kind words 🥰🙏🏽

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. You can probably make hair and tools work across both packs, but only with a lot of manual editing. They are not natively interchangeable.

I'm sorry, but this pack is no longer receiving updates. That spikey hairstyle is in the Farmer Sprite System, though. If you really need to use the Character Base, you can try copy-pasting the hair sprites onto a blank sheet and arrange them appropriately for this pack.

That's great to hear! Glad you discovered how to unlock its potential 🥳

I've never seen that screen before, but I think the way itchio has set this up is kind of confusing. It's probably telling you about the Unity Tileset Collection unlock promotion because the asset you're looking at (Fences & Walls) is one of the required assets to unlock the promotion. Unfortunately, as you can see on the second screenshot, ownership of many more assets than Fences & Walls is required to unlock the Unity Tileset Collection.

That unlock promotion only exists to allow people who already own all my tilesets to collect the Unity package for free. It's not intended as a purchasing incentive. If you want the Unity Tileset Collection, it's much more affordable to just buy the Unity Tileset Collection than it is to buy every single tileset separately. Or maybe it would be cheaper for you to look at the list and buy the tilesets you don't yet own? I don't know what you've already got.

The Farmer Sprite Customizer is only included with the Farmer Sprite System, I'm afraid 🙏🏽

If you can send me some proof of purchase from when you bought it on the Unity store, I can give you a download key to access it here. My email is on this page.

Sorry, I have no plans to explicitly support RPG Maker. It would require me to redraw all of my autotiles and animations to meet RM's restrictive standards.

That being said, there's nothing stopping you from using my stuff in RM right now, plenty of devs are doing so. It will just require you to understand your version's requirements, and either edit my tile arrangement or utilize plugins.

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Can you clarify what you mean by broken? Also, you can just find the cloak sheet separately, you don't need to use the customizer for that.

Simple answer? Yeah, they're sliced at the appropriate size, so you can drop full pieces of furniture, rocks, trees, etc, right into your map.

But some objects have multiple variants and are meant to be mixed and matched or arranged deliberately. There's a set of tables specifically that are sliced at 16x16 because you can customize the length and width of the table. Beds are sliced into two segments, rather than one, so you can have one part go in front of the player sprite when it moves into the bed. They're just sliced intelligently.

That's great, I'm glad it's working for you! 😁

Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

An essential component of every outfit 😅

Thank you so much 😁🙏🏽

The smithing animation is on page 4, so start in the "char_a_p4" folder. The smithing stuff is on tool layer A, so look in the "6tla" folder. The sheet you want is called "char_a_p4_6tla_smth_v01.png"

I love it 💜

Love them all 💚

Very nice 👌

Thanks! 🙏🏽😊

No, sorry, this isn't that kind of asset.

Good job 😁👍

If you have enough Unity knowledge to load the package and access the files, you're welcome to use them in other game engines, yes.

That's awesome! Nice work 😁 👍

My assets are often marked down 50% for seasonal sales. Come back the next time itchio has a site-wide sale.

Lovely! 🤗