Web関連およびアプリケーション、映像関係、静止画素材、自動処理、4K/8K/ハイビジョン素材関連などを扱っています。 誤字脱字等、お気づきの点がありましたら、お気軽にメールをください。 この目次にないアプリケーション等の使い方などに関してはその他のリファレンス/アプリケーション...のページを参照してください。
Web関連およびアプリケーション、映像関係、静止画素材、自動処理、4K/8K/ハイビジョン素材関連などを扱っています。 誤字脱字等、お気づきの点がありましたら、お気軽にメールをください。 この目次にないアプリケーション等の使い方などに関してはその他のリファレンス/アプリケーション...のページを参照してください。
CSS is an acronym that stands for cascading style sheets and refers to a set of instructions that controls the appearance of a web page. The formatting principles of CSS are supported by most browsers include Firefox and IE3. In comparison with HTML, CSS provides more formatting options and finer tuning for instance, instead of being stuck with 7 font sizes one can simply use an infinite number of
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こんにちは!面白プロデュース事業部のおばらです。 本記事では JavaScript のコードゴルフ大会『JS体操』の全5問を、作問の裏話とあわせて振り返ってみよう思います! 目次 『JS体操とは』 第1回「波形の整形」 作問の裏話 最短文字数の回答 面白いコード 第2問 作問の裏話 最短文字数の回答 鬼コード 第3問 作問の裏話 最短文字数の回答 面白いコード 第4問 作問の裏話 最短文字数の回答 第5問 作問の裏話 最短文字数の回答 面白い回答 おまけ まとめ 『JS体操とは』 『JS体操』とはカヤックが主催する JavaScript のコードゴルフ大会です。 もともとは社内の勉強会として始めた施策です。 その詳細は以下のブログ記事を御覧ください! techblog.kayac.com 第1回「波形の整形」 【問題】https://hubspot.kayac.com/js-taiso-0
ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal. Features: ThickBox was built using the super lightweight jQuery library. Compressed, the jQuery library is 20k, uncompressed it's 58k. The ThickBox JavaScript code and C
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Working with hugedomains.com was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
pyenvを利用してvenvで作成した仮想環境内のPythonバージョン venvで作成したPythonの仮想環境内にインストールされているバージョンを変更してみました。 2024年5月22日 10:57 カテゴリー Python Tailwind CSSで任意のメディアクエリを指定する Tailwind CSSでは簡単にメディアクエリの指定が可能です。 2023年11月 2日 00:40 カテゴリー CSS Tailwind CSSでdisabled Tailwind CSSでdisabled属性がついた要素に対してスタイルを当てたい場合には、disabled擬似クラスを利用して指定を行います。 2023年10月19日 15:32 カテゴリー CSS Vue.jsでコンポーネントの要素をpropsによって切り替える Vue.jsでボタンコンポーネントなどを作成する場合、ユースケースに応じ
After a couple years of not putting any revenue into the business, I realized that it was time to say goodbye. I have officially dissolved my corporation, Snook.ca Web Development, Inc. My personal blog, Snook.ca, marches on. ... Read it all » Back in the late 80s, my mom bought me a 386sx 16MHz computer equipped with a 2400 baud modem. It was my first computer that enabled me to connect to an onl
Register now for Axway Summit 2024 and get energized to accelerate your digital transformation. Learn More Aptana Studio 3 is an open-source web development IDE, and while we are no longer actively maintaining the repository, it is still open-source and public so if you wish to download Aptana Studio 3 you can do so on GitHub.
Working with hugedomains.com was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
I worked on the eCommerce team at Square focusing on the following areas: 1: Helping merchants translate their brand online. I worked on our website editor's style related features: layout, typography, color, imagery, et al. 2: Orbit, a design system built in Vue.js. It is utilized in all eCommerce products. I was a major engineering contributor as well as a design contributor. View live
This is a bugfix release that bumps script.aculo.us to version 1.9.0. Most importantly, the included Prototype 1.7 provides performance and compatibility improvements with the latest browsers. One other fix is includes, that makes the script.aculo.us loader work better if you use script tags in the BODY of your page. Download at http://script.aculo.us/, or grab/fork the source at http://github.com
MooTools is a collection of JavaScript utilities designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It allows you to write powerful and flexible code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent APIs. MooTools code is extensively documented and easy to read, enabling you to extend the functionality to match your requirements. Open Source LicenseMooTools libraries are released under