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15 Comments: Anonymous said... hey this site has been digged cute ! cool collection buddy ! thanks to that flickr guy busyman a cool collection for you ! hhtp://thundafunda.com ___ Anonymous said... http://flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=295981167&size=m ___ Johnathan said... Here is another for your collection. This is the University of Arkansas Razorbacks "Razorbug". ___ Avi Abrams said... Thank yo
Frogner Park, Oslo, Norway (thanks Stenar, jac). Sculpture by Gustav Vigeland. Stockholm, Salzburg; Sweden (thanks Johannes, David, Mogens Beltoft, Yuriy Korzhkov) Prague (thanks Michael, Matt Simpson) Statue of german writer Kafka, Prague, Czech (thanks Jon Elbert) Brussels, Belgium (thanks jamyleloup) The man who measures the clouds by Jan Fabre, Belgium (thanks David Felizarda) By Damien H
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