By publishing this Recommendation, W3C expects that the functionality specified in this Touch Interface Recommendation will not be affected by changes to HTML5 or Web IDL as those specifications proceed to Recommendation. The WG has completed and approved this specification's Test Suite and created an Implementation Report that shows that two or more independent implementations pass each test. The
Multi-touch web development Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Introduction Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets usually have a capacitive touch-sensitive screen to capture interactions made with the user's fingers. As the mobile web evolves to enable increasingly sophisticated applications, web developers need a way to handle these eve
Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs 1/21/2020 2 minutes to read MSDN and TechNet blog sites have been retired, and blog content has been migrated and archived here. Archived blogs are grouped alphabetically by the initial letter of the blog name. Blogs and blog posts can be searched by their names, using the Search box at the top of the page. Actively updated blogs have been moved to other blog sites,
Bad Request - the request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. Please try one or more of the following: If you typed the address, please make sure it is correct. Go to the Home page and look for links that lead to the desired resource. Return to the last page you were on and try again. Report the issue (with all pertinent details) through the Contact form. Software and Su
GestureWorks Version 2 is a powerful authoring solution for multitouch and multiuser software applications developed by Ideum.
Zip Code To add additional parts please click the plus symbol (only 6 items are allowed per submission). 3M Touch Systems Part Number Complete Serial Number Unit Price Purchase Order RMA Code 3M takes your privacy seriously. 3M and its authorized third parties will use the information you provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy to send you communications which may include promotions, produc
OpenMT Project Information OpenMT is an open source hardware project for developing multitouch applications. Unlike camera-based multitouch such as FTIR, DI, and DSI, OpenMT lets you make a super thin and flexible multitouch surface. At this time, OpenMT consists of ArduMT, VIS3D, MTView, and SGDriver. It is Arduino friendly and has been developed by Sensible UI in Seoul, Korea. Quick Start See Qu
MT4j - Multitouch for Java™ - is an open source Java™ framework, created for rapid development of visually rich applications. MT4j is designed to support different kinds of input devices with a special focus on multi-touch support. can be used for 2D, 3D or 2.5D (pseudo-3D) applications cross-platform - currently tested under Windows 7™, XP™, Vista™, Ubuntu Linux and Mac OSX™ extensible, component