
IE8とdel.icio.usに関するtsupoのブックマーク (1)

  • delicious blog » Internet Explorer and del.icio.us

    Today, I’m happy to announce an early beta release of an Internet Explorer version of our del.icio.us bookmarks extension. For the first time our Internet Explorer users will enjoy most of the best features of our new Firefox extension. We’re very excited about this release, as we have many users who use Internet Explorer as their primary browser. Since there are some differences between Internet

    tsupo 2008/05/15
    Today, I’m happy to announce an early beta release of an Internet Explorer version of our del.icio.us bookmarks extension. → これの影響なのかどうかわかんないけど、いま、del.icio.us の取得系APIが軒並み503エラー吐いてるよ ><
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