Amazon アソシエイト Web サービスが Product Advertising API に名称変更されたのにともない、リクエストごとに電子署名を含めなければならなくなるようです。これは 2009 年 5 月 11 日から同 8 月 15 日まで段階的に導入され、その後、認証されないリクエストについては処理されなくなるとのことです。 私はこの件について最初にメールで知ったのですが、Amazon アソシエイト・プログラム(アフィリエイト) 公式ブログ: Amazon アソシエイト Web サービスの名称変更および署名認証についてのお知らせにも同様の記事が掲載されています。詳しくはそちらを参照してください。 なんだか非常にややこしそうな話で、すでに半ば心が折れそうな状態ですが、ちょっとがんばって調べてみました。まだ書きかけの部分もありますが、あとで調べなおしたことがあれば随時追記していき
参考: 今後はOpenIDみたいにAWSにシグネチャが要るとか。 rubyで書いてみた。 require "openssl" require "base64" key = "1234567890" req = [ "AWSAccessKeyId=00000000000000000000", "ItemId=0679722769", "Operation=ItemLookup", "ResponseGroup=ItemAttributes%2COffers%2CImages%2CReviews", "Service=AWSECommerceService", "Timestamp=2009-01-01T12%3A00%3A00Z", "Version=2009-01-06"].join("&") message = ["G
You have been redirected here because the page you are trying to access has been archived. AWS re:Post is a cloud knowledge service launched at re:Invent 2021. We've migrated selected questions and answers from Forums to AWS re:Post. The thread you are trying to access has outdated guidance, hence we have archived it. If you would like up-to-date guidance, then share your question via AWS re:Post.
You have been redirected here because the page you are trying to access has been archived. AWS re:Post is a cloud knowledge service launched at re:Invent 2021. We've migrated selected questions and answers from Forums to AWS re:Post. The thread you are trying to access has outdated guidance, hence we have archived it. If you would like up-to-date guidance, then share your question via AWS re:Post.
I just received word that a new version of the Amazon E-Commerce Service has been released. Here are the newest features: Ability to search the Industrial & Scientific Products catalog. A new search index, All, with the ability to perform a keyword search on all product categories with up to 5 pages of results. Ability to search using 13-digit ISBNs. There are also a handful of bug fixe