




Childcare fees in Norway vary by location, but the national average is SEK 3,106 per month.1 However, childcare fees are set at no more than 6% of a family's total capital and personal income, with the maximum amount set at the parent's maximum childcare fee.


According to a Danish web site1, the cost of nursery and kindergarten for children younger than 3 is DKK 3,673 without lunch and DKK 4,331 with lunch included. Nursery and kindergarten for children 3 years and older is DKK 2,020 without lunch, and DKK 2,762 including lunch, from the 1st of the month your child turns 3.


デンマークWebサイト1 によると、3歳未満の子もの保育園幼稚園費用は、ランチなしで3,673DKK(72,201円)、ランチ付きで4,331DKK(85,131円)です。3歳以上のお子さんの保育園幼稚園は、お子さんが3歳になった月の1日からランチなしで2,020DKK(39,705円)、ランチ付きで2,762DKK(54,289円)です。

Preschool childcare is not free in Sweden, but fees are income-based, with a maximum fee across the country 1,572 kronor (€145) per child per month (fees for 2022)1.







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