U.S. Department of State

OSAC Program Office

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Overseas Security Advisory Council
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State

OSAC Program Office


Operating within the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service and headquartered in Washington D.C., thOSAC Program Office directly supports OSAC members through networking groupsevents, analysis, benchmarking, consultations, and other risk assessment and mitigation resources. OSAC's Executive Director is SSA Jerry Tavares.



OSAC Program Office Units


Research & Analysis
-Assesses potential threats to personnel, facilities, and intellectual property of U.S. private-sector organizations operating abroad using classified and unclassified information from U.S. government and open sources
-Creates analytical reports, benchmarking, and briefings, and provides one-on-one consultations and tailored analysis to OSAC members. 


Programs, Partnerships, & Policy 
-Manages regional and industry-specific network groups, or Common Interest Committees for information-sharing between the private and public sectors.
-Supports Regional Security Officers in managing OSAC Country Chapters for information-sharing through U.S. embassies and consulates. 


Country Chapter Accreditation 
-Assesses Country Chapter operations abroad to ensure they are in compliance with mandated quality standards for annual accreditation.
-Collaborates with Regional Security Offices in monitoring Country Chapter Accreditation status and providing solutions in the four accreditation criteria: Private Sector Co-Chairs, Updated Charters, Meeting Frequency, and Communications Platforms.


Global Threat Warning
-Monitors for specific threats to the private sector and facilitates the timely release of warnings at the unclassified level. (*Threat notifications occur when the U.S. Government is aware of specific and credible threats targeting U.S. individuals or organizations.)
-Coordinates closely with members of the U.S. Intelligence Community and other U.S. Government Duty to Warn stakeholders.

Major Events
-Provides on-the-ground support, embassy coordination, and daily security reports, covering large sporting and industry events, such as the Olympics, FIFA World Cups, political and economic summits, and trade and aviation shows.
-For select events with a large U.S. private-sector presence, supports OSAC members with an in-country team of analysts to help coordinate real-time information exchange.


-Strengthens existing and builds new relationships across interagency and private sector organizations to promote awareness of OSAC products and services.

-Createand manages multimedia communications such as social medianewsletters, videosand website content.
-Provides guidance on branding and messaging organization-wide.




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