Overseas Security Advisory Council
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State
OSAC Code of Conduct
Introduction and Purpose
OSAC is a free public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) and security professionals from U.S. organizations operating abroad.
The OSAC Program Office has established this Code of Conduct (hereafter called the “Code”) to serve as a guideline for the professional conduct of anyone participating in OSAC activities and accessing OSAC products, as well as to inform of the consequences of unacceptable behavior.
It is the expectation of the Department of State and the OSAC Executive Director that every participant in OSAC activities and products will respect and abide by this Code. Failure to do so will result in corrective action, as set forth below.
Scope & Applicability
For the purposes of this Code of Conduct, "OSAC content” refers to any communications, products, or activities coordinated and approved by the OSAC Executive Director, the OSAC Program Office, or Regional Security Officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.
"OSAC communications” includes messages originating on OSAC-managed digital platforms, to include emails, Google Groups, messaging apps, and social media. “OSAC products” include OSAC reports, benchmarking, situation reports and other materials.
"OSAC activities” includes OSAC programs, conferences, consultations, webinars, snap calls, networking events, or other activities held, sponsored, or affiliated with OSAC, including those hosted by other organizations in partnership with the OSAC Program Office or Regional Security Office at U.S. Embassies or Consulates.
All organizations, media representatives, speakers, attendees, volunteers, staff, contractors, exhibitors, and others interacting with OSAC content are collectively referred to as “participants.” Participants must fully comply with the Code and submit to its standards, cooperate with its complaint evaluation processes, and respect outcomes as a condition of their participation in OSAC content.
This Code is subject to change and will be reviewed as needed by the OSAC Program Office to ensure its continued relevance and scope. If you have questions about the Code, contact OSAConduct@state.gov.
Expected Behavior
The OSAC Executive Director expects that participants will:
Unacceptable Behavior includes:
Reporting Concerns
Any participant who has experienced unacceptable behavior as defined above, or has witnessed unacceptable behavior, or has additional concerns about conduct or activities associated with OSAC, should immediately report concerns to OSACconduct@state.gov. This address is monitored exclusively by OSAC’s Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, and Programs Team Lead It is helpful to provide as much information as possible to ensure a thorough evaluation of any incident. The following information should be included in the report:
All reports will be handled expediently and confidentially, to the extent permitted by law and U.S. Department of State policy. The Privacy Act of 1974 applies to the Department of State and the information it may receive from individuals, as does the Freedom of Information Act.
Submissions will be monitored during normal business hours (8:30 am - 5:00 pm ET, Monday - Friday). Participants should contact 911 immediately if they have experienced or witnessed behavior or suspicious activity during an OSAC event in the United States that may constitute a crime or serious threat to the public.
If outside the United States, participants should report immediate concerns to law enforcement or to the senior OSAC representative present at the event or activity, who will coordinate any follow-up action with the Regional Security Officer.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
The OSAC Executive Director will not tolerate unacceptable behavior. Any participant asked to stop behaving in an unacceptable manner, as outlined by this Code of Conduct, is expected to comply immediately when requested by another participant or Department official, or if applicable, a law enforcement officer. The OSAC Executive Director must report any criminal acts to the appropriate authorities for investigation by the entity with jurisdiction.
The OSAC Executive Director will review and evaluate all complaints internally and any USG employee designates, as circumstance dictates. The OSAC Executive Director will ensure due diligence is followed in all reported cases, according to the guidance of the U.S. Department of State and the Diplomatic Security Service.
If the evaluation of the circumstances results in a substantiated finding, the offender may be subject to corrective actions including but not limited to expulsion from events and/or communications platforms. Depending on the severity of the unacceptable behavior, further consequences may include a temporary or permanent termination of access to OSAC membership groups and/or denial to participate in future OSAC events or programs. OSAC Executive Director decisions are considered final. The OSAC Executive Director also reserves the right to request that an OSAC organization rescind approval to any individual representative from their organization who has been found to violate the OSAC Code of Conduct.
For privacy reasons, The OSAC Executive Director will not make any statements about Code of Conduct violations, except where required by law. OSAC also will not share details of reported violations, evaluations, findings, or deliberative processes, nor will it share with the reporting party the resulting corrective actions with respect to any individuals involved.
Posted February 4, 2025