Zee Quotes
Quotes tagged as "zee"
Showing 1-21 of 21
“Reluctantly, I pulled out my necklace and showed it to them.
Samuel frowned. The little figure was stylized; I suppose he couldn't tell what it was at first.
"A dog?" asked Zee, staring at my necklace.
"A lamb," I said defensively, tucking it safely back under my shirt. "Because one of Christ's names is 'The Lamb of God.'"
Samuel's shoulders shook slightly. "I can see it now, Mercy holding a roomful of vampire at bay with her glowing sheep."
I gave his shoulder a hard push, aware of the heat climbing to my cheeks, but it didn't help. He sang in a soft taunting voice, "Mercy had a little lamb...”
― Moon Called
Samuel frowned. The little figure was stylized; I suppose he couldn't tell what it was at first.
"A dog?" asked Zee, staring at my necklace.
"A lamb," I said defensively, tucking it safely back under my shirt. "Because one of Christ's names is 'The Lamb of God.'"
Samuel's shoulders shook slightly. "I can see it now, Mercy holding a roomful of vampire at bay with her glowing sheep."
I gave his shoulder a hard push, aware of the heat climbing to my cheeks, but it didn't help. He sang in a soft taunting voice, "Mercy had a little lamb...”
― Moon Called
“You should be home sleeping. What is the use of having a man in the house, if he cannot take care of you for a while?”
“Mmm,” I said. “I give up. What's the use of having a man in the house?”
― Blood Bound
“Mmm,” I said. “I give up. What's the use of having a man in the house?”
― Blood Bound
“Zee said, grumpily, “Liebling, this is not a good idea.”
“Zee,” I told him, “I am completely out of good ideas and am doing my best with the bad ones I have left.”
― Frost Burned
“Zee,” I told him, “I am completely out of good ideas and am doing my best with the bad ones I have left.”
― Frost Burned
“She regards me the same way I would a cat – like I’m distasteful, occasionally entertaining, and not to be trusted not to pee on the rug. Which is completely unfair – I only thought about it once.”
― Crushed
― Crushed
“Hey, Zee,” I said. “I take it that you can fix it, but it’ll be miserable, and you’d rather haul it to the dump and start from scratch.”
“Piece of junk,” groused Zee. “What’s not rusted to pieces is bent. If you took all the good parts and put them in a pile, you could carry them out in your pocket.” There was a little pause. “Even if you only had a small pocket.”
I patted the car. “Don’t you listen to him,” I whispered to it. “You’ll be out of here and back on the road in no time.”
Zee propelled himself all the way under the car so his head stuck out by my feet. “Don’t you promise something you can’t deliver,” he snarled.
I raised my eyebrows, and said in dulcet tones, “Are you telling me you can’t fix it? I’m sorry. I distinctly remember you saying that there is nothing you can’t fix. I must have been mistaken, and it was someone else wearing your mouth.”
He gave a growl that would have done Sam credit, and pushed himself back under again, muttering,“Deine Mutter war ein Cola-Automat!”
“Her mama might have been a pop machine,” I said, responding to one of the remarks I understood even at full Zee-speed. “Your mama . . .” sounds the same in a number of languages.
“But she was a beauty in her day.” I grinned at Gabriel. “We women have to stick together.”
― Silver Borne
“Piece of junk,” groused Zee. “What’s not rusted to pieces is bent. If you took all the good parts and put them in a pile, you could carry them out in your pocket.” There was a little pause. “Even if you only had a small pocket.”
I patted the car. “Don’t you listen to him,” I whispered to it. “You’ll be out of here and back on the road in no time.”
Zee propelled himself all the way under the car so his head stuck out by my feet. “Don’t you promise something you can’t deliver,” he snarled.
I raised my eyebrows, and said in dulcet tones, “Are you telling me you can’t fix it? I’m sorry. I distinctly remember you saying that there is nothing you can’t fix. I must have been mistaken, and it was someone else wearing your mouth.”
He gave a growl that would have done Sam credit, and pushed himself back under again, muttering,“Deine Mutter war ein Cola-Automat!”
“Her mama might have been a pop machine,” I said, responding to one of the remarks I understood even at full Zee-speed. “Your mama . . .” sounds the same in a number of languages.
“But she was a beauty in her day.” I grinned at Gabriel. “We women have to stick together.”
― Silver Borne
“Second thoughts? About the Squad?"
She nodded.
"I'm starting to think the CIA is seriously deranged for letting us do this," I told her, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to do it." I paused. "Actually, the fact that we probably shouldn't be doing this kind of makes me want to do it more."
Zee snorted. "Adrenaline junkie," she accused.”
― Killer Spirit
She nodded.
"I'm starting to think the CIA is seriously deranged for letting us do this," I told her, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to do it." I paused. "Actually, the fact that we probably shouldn't be doing this kind of makes me want to do it more."
Zee snorted. "Adrenaline junkie," she accused.”
― Killer Spirit
“There was a movement to my right, and I snuck a quick glance to see Zee and Gabriel coming out the garage door. They must have gone back around. Zee had a crowbar in one hand and held it like another man might hold a sword. Gabriel had—
“Zee,” I squeaked. “Tell him to put the torque wrench back and grab something that won’t cost me five hundred dollars if he hits someone with it.”
“Won’t cost five hundred,” said Zee, but as I glanced over again, he nodded at the white-faced Gabriel, who looked at what he held as if he’d never seen it before. The boy slipped back into the garage as Zee said, “It wouldn’t break it — you’d just have to get it recalibrated.”
“We have a whole garage worth of tools — pry bars, tire irons, and even a hammer or two. There’s got to be something better than my torque wrench he could have grabbed.”
― Silver Borne
“Zee,” I squeaked. “Tell him to put the torque wrench back and grab something that won’t cost me five hundred dollars if he hits someone with it.”
“Won’t cost five hundred,” said Zee, but as I glanced over again, he nodded at the white-faced Gabriel, who looked at what he held as if he’d never seen it before. The boy slipped back into the garage as Zee said, “It wouldn’t break it — you’d just have to get it recalibrated.”
“We have a whole garage worth of tools — pry bars, tire irons, and even a hammer or two. There’s got to be something better than my torque wrench he could have grabbed.”
― Silver Borne
“The universe wants you to find partnership (purpose/happiness/pleasure/love/peace) with whoever (boy/girl/both/many/yourself) you want in whatever way (emotionally/sexually/intellectually/spiritually) you want.”
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
“The Wookiee gambit.' he said with a smile. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about, but somewhere in my head a distant memory was forming. He raised an eyebrow. 'Christ, Alex, what have they done to your brain? You don't remember Star Wars?”
― Death Sentence
― Death Sentence
“What makes you think a girl like me and a boy like you can figure out what nobody else in history has ever really figured out?” “Because only a boy like me and a girl like you could ever figure this out.”
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
“Can we hug? Not because we’re sad or in love but because we’re human.”
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
“I don’t know who I’m supposed to be anymore, and I’ve always known who I’m supposed to be.”
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
“Eindelijk kwam Gauvain. Hij zette zijn auto aan de rand van de klif, ik hoorde het portier dichtslaan en raadde zijn omtrekken in de duisternis. Hij zal me wel in het licht van de koplampen hebben gezien, want hij holde meteen de rotsachtige helling af. Ik was met mijn rug tegen een op het zand getrokken bootje gaan zitten om me tegen de wind te beschutten, de armen om mijn knieën geslagen in een pose die me zowel sportief als romantisch toescheen... Als je twintig bent let je heel erg op je houding. Gauvain greep mijn beide handen om me sneller op te trekken en voordat ik een woord had kunnen uitbrengen, drukte hij me heftig tegen zich aan, zijn been meteen tussen de mijne, zijn mond opende de mijne, mijn tong klampte zich vast aan zijn kapotte tand, mijn hand voor het eerst onder zijn jasje, in zijn geurige warmte, mijn vingers drongen door in de ontroerende holte die ontstaat tussen de broeksband en de welving van de rug, tussen de spieren van de lendenen, bij sommige mannen. Geluidloos begon het te regenen en we bemerkten het niet ogenblikkelijk, zo ver waren we heen.”
― Zout op mijn huid
― Zout op mijn huid
“Och, ik denk dat wie de zee begrijpt nooit een psychiater nodig heeft. Die eindeloze golven en die verre horizon. De zee is de enige zichtbare eeuwigheid op aarde. Daar ademde ik diep in. De zeelucht, duizenden kilometers lang gewassen met met blauw, vrijheid en zeilen, kwam mijn longen binnen.”
― Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg
― Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg
“You can do whatever the heck you want to do. You can love whoever you want to love. You can be whoever you want to be, Anyone who says you can’t, no matter what religion or bullshit they are hiding behind, are only telling you that you can’t be you because they’re terrified of the freedom to be who they want to be.”
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
― The Handsome Girl & Her Beautiful Boy
“De zee kwam in zicht, grijs en uniform, een wezen dat iets onverstaanbaars te vertellen had.”
― Buitenleven
― Buitenleven
“... het strand en de zee, waarvan het geelgrijze aanzicht haar op een diep en kinderlijk niveau geruststelde.”
― Buitenleven
― Buitenleven
“De zon was een matrode schijf met een vurige rand om de bovenronding tegen een egaalgrijze lucht. Op het water wat rode slierten zoals schilders dat soms doen om weerspiegeling weer te geven. Ervoor vlogen grote sterns vissend heen en weer. Van een meter of tien lieten ze zich vallen, boorden het water in dat opspatte alsof er een steen in werd gegooid. Even later kwamen ze weer boven water. Kierrr... kierrik!”
― De Onverbiddelijke Tijd
― De Onverbiddelijke Tijd
“De wereld vergaat en de heldin zoent de overspelige held te midden van een zee van vlammen.”
― Lieve Chris
― Lieve Chris
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