Talkers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "talkers" Showing 1-10 of 10
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little. It is plain than an ignorant person thinks everything he does know important, and he tells it to everybody. But a well-educated man is not so ready to display his learning; he would have too much to say, and he sees that there is much more to be said, so he holds his peace.”
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Nicholas Sparks
“You're very perceptive for a guy who can go a whole day without talking,” she said, peering up at him. “That's why I'm perceptive.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Longest Ride

Anthony Liccione
“At the bottom of the mountain you have your scoffers and doubters, by midpoint you have your envious and haters, and when you reach to the top you have new friends and family you never met or thought existed.”
Anthony Liccione

“To me the great divide is between the talkative and the quiet. Do they just say everything that's on their minds, even before it's on their minds? Sometimes I think I could just turn up my head like a Walkman so what's going on there could be heard by others. But there would still be a difference. For inside the head they are talking to people like them, and I am talking to someone like me: he is quiet and doesn't much like being talked at; he can't conceal how easily he gets bored.”
James Richardson, Vectors: Aphorisms & Ten-Second Essays

Donna Goddard
“Although a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts, both the words and thoughts are usually muddled and destructive, as is generally the case with drinkers and talkers.”
Donna Goddard, Pittown

“Choose your battle ground. If you’re a talker, surround yourself with doers . If you are a doer, surround yourself with thinkers or talkers.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Cecelia Ahern
“Talkers don't think much; their words drown out any possibility of hearing their subconscious asking, why did you say that? What do you really think?”
Cecelia Ahern, The Book of Tomorrow

Roberto Bolaño
“Florita Almada had nothing to say. When you know something, you know it, and when you don't, you'd better learn. And in the meantime, you should keep quiet, or at least speak only when what you say will advance the learning process.”
Roberto Bolaño, 2666

Steven Wright
“In Ms Yuka's class he once wrote a poem about it called:

The last lines were -

I know you know you do it,
it doesn't matter to you at all
you just want to keep on
a verbal waterfall”
Steven Wright, Harold