Attitudes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "attitudes" Showing 1-30 of 121
Coco Chanel
“Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.”
Coco Chanel, Believing in Ourselves: The Wisdom of Women

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Israelmore Ayivor
“A sincere attitude of gratitude is a beatitude for secured altitudes. Appreciate what you have been given and you will be promoted higher.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Bree Despain
“There's a difference between people who do hurtful things because they're evil and people who do bad things because of their circumstances.”
Bree Despain

Eckhart Tolle
“When you no longer perceive the world as hostile, there is no more fear, and when there is no more fear, you think, speak and act differently.”
Eckhart Tolle

The first month of the year,
A perfect time to start all over again,
Changing energies and deserting old moods,
New beginnings, new attitudes”
Charmaine J Forde

Oscar Wilde
“The public make use of the classics of a country as a means of checking the progress of Art. They degrade the classics into authorities.... A fresh mode of Beauty is absolutely distasteful to them, and whenever it appears they get so angry and bewildered that they always use two stupid expressions--one is that the work of art is grossly unintelligible; the other, that the work of art is grossly immoral. What they mean by these words seems to me to be this. When they say a work is grossly unintelligible, they mean that the artist has said or made a beautiful thing that is new; when they describe a work as grossly immoral, they mean that the artist has said or made a beautiful thing that is true.”
Oscar Wilde

Ralph Ellison
“What and how much had I lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do? What a waste, what a senseless waste! But what of those things which you actually didn't like, not because you were not supposed to like them, not because to dislike them was considered a mark of refinement and education - but because you actually found them distasteful? The very idea annoyed me. How could you know? It involved a problem of choice. I would have to weigh many things carefully before deciding and there would be some things that would cause quite a bit of trouble, simply because I had never formed a personal attitude toward so much. I had accepted the accepted attitudes and it had made life seem simple ...”
Ralph Ellison

“Change your attitude and you change your life.
You cannot control what happens to you in your life, but you can always control how you respond to it. The way you choose to respond is a reflection of your attitude. By changing your attitude, you also change your perspective and change your life.”
Roy Bennett

Deborah Day
“The more you take responsibility for your attitudes, the more you can adjust yourself in a forward thinking manner.”
Deborah Day

Israelmore Ayivor
“Nothing good stands without the right attitude. You may know how to do it, but if the attitude is negative, all you can say is “I could have done it”.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

Israelmore Ayivor
“Your health, wealth, position, performance, ability and attitude are the results of your decisions.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Dream big!: See your bigger picture!

“Transformations are a part of life. We are constantly being changed by things changing around us. Nobody can control that. Nobody can control the environment, the economy, luck, or the moods of others. Compositions change. Positions change. Dispositions change. Experiences change. Opportunities and attitudes change. You will change.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Ambrose Bierce
“We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect.”
Ambrose Bierce

Corallie Buchanan
“Attitude Determines Altitude”
Corallie Buchanan, Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose

Corallie Buchanan
“I believe our attitude to our problems ultimately determines how we resolve them. If we truly want to be set free, the first thing we need to deal with is our attitude. If you don’t get your attitude right, then your life is never going to change.”
Corallie Buchanan, Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose

Corallie Buchanan
“The outcome of your situation is directly determined by your attitude towards your problem.”
Corallie Buchanan, Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose

“By taking risks you’re putting yourself up to the possibility of failure, so the more risks you take now, the higher your tolerance for loss, setback, and failure will be in the future. You’ll learn from those experiences, embrace the failure and push forward, improving yourself one risk at a time.”
Farah Osman, Future Titans

Asa Don Brown
“We are not designed to carry around blame or shame.”
Asa Don Brown, Waiting to Live

Peter T. Coleman
“It is known in psychology that attitude change is much more pronounced and permanent when it is perceived as coming from one's own experience rather than as a result of external pressure.”
Peter T. Coleman, The Five Percent: Finding Solutions to Seemingly Impossible Conflicts

“[The Kerner R]eport does not say that Americans are racist. If it did, the only answer would be to line everybody up, all 200 million of us, then line up 200,000 psychiatrists, and have us all lie on couches for ten years trying to understand the problem and for ten years more learning how to deal with it. All over the country people are beating their breasts crying mea culpa--"I'm so sorry that I am a racist"--which means, really, that they want to cop out because if racism is to be solved on an individual psychological basis, then there is little hope.

What the Kerner Report is really saying is that the institutions of America brutalize not only Negroes but also whites who are not racists but who in many communities have to use racist institutions. When it is put on that basis, we know we cannot solve the fundamental problem by sitting around examining our innards, but by getting out and fighting for institutional change.”
Bayard Rustin, Down the Line: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin

“During my life, during my entire career, I have been attuned to the slights, assumptions, and hurdles based on racial attitudes and beliefs. I cannot count the number of meetings I attended where I integrated the gathering and had to find ways to handle and address the racial subtext in the room. I had to learn how to control my anger and find ways, sometimes with subtlety occasionally with righteous indignation, to overcome the notions of white privilege that shaped many of these sessions.”
Lonnie G. Bunch III, A Fool's Errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama, and Trump

“When love expires, the pain of sacrifice made into the relationship will bring hurts. Continually cultivate love especially when life is in the valley.”
Tinashe Hodhera

Steven Redhead
“Your reactions, responses, attitudes, moods, and everything about you will impact each and every situation that you encounter.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We are all too easily bribed by words written to appeal to our mortal appetites, and we find ourselves soured by those that change our hearts.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Accessibility is a right, a right largely denied and disregarded in India.”
Dr. Kalyan Kankanala, Young Intellectuals: Intellectual Property Insights

Asa Don Brown
“RED FLAGS: If you know that your partner has a volatile personality, such as displaying excessive jealousy, outbursts, frequent lying, and inability to self-regulate, then you will have a greater understanding of how they may react. The end of a relationship may have dug up raw emotions for your partner. They may feel unsure of how to make sense of these emotions or they may be totally out of touch with their emotions altogether. Either way, it is important that you are safe in your approach to your ex-partner.”
Asa Don Brown

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The realities of the world that we live in do not need to shape the nature of the attitudes that we live with.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

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