Keepers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "keepers" Showing 1-18 of 18
Ridley Pearson
“Be careful what you wear to bed, because you never know where you might wake up.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn

Cherise Sinclair
“Who needs fireworks when I have you?”
Cherise Sinclair, Breaking Free

Shelly Crane
“If you can't get your freak on to make little Keepers, then how are there so many of you?”
Shelly Crane, Catalyst

Laura Kreitzer
“Help me out,” I pleaded. “You’ve left me alone to deal with this situation, and now we’re being dealt the consequences.”

I swore I heard Tom growl. I actually pulled the phone from my ear to stare at it to make sure it hadn’t turned into a tiny lion.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

“Fathers are the future's keepers, as it was in the beginning when the only begotten Son became Father to Man and the Great Circle of Father to Son; Son to Father began.”
Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Laura Kreitzer
“I’m not your boyfriend!” I snapped, trying to gently move her hands away from my body.

“How can you say that?” Sara asked in horror.

“It’s shockingly effortless,” I replied. “My vocal chords vibrate, and my mouth and tongue articulate. I can even do it without thinking.” I had to remind myself to stay calm, and sarcasm was the best way to do that.

“When are you going to give me a key to your house so I don’t have to knock like some guest?” Sara asked, coming at me again.

I backed away. “How about never? Is never good for you?”

Sara, undeterred, said, “You’re the reason I go to therapy on Fridays.”

“The plot thickens!” Gabby exclaimed for comedic relief.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“How ya doing?” Gabby’s face came into view, and she grinned down at me. She’d stopped doing her healing thing, and the pain rushed in.

“I’m just peachy,” I quipped, throat scratchy. “Only hurts when I breathe or blink or exist, if I’m being honest.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“I had this guy’s file pulled this morning, along with the rest of your neighbors. His name is Desperado.”

Pause. A few seconds passed. He was waiting for my reaction.

“Did you say Desperado?” I couldn’t stop the snort of laughter that bubbled to the surface.

“Yeah,” the Director confirmed. “He changed his name when he turned eighteen. It was Melvin.”

I was still laughing. “’Cause Desperado is so much better than Melvin.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“Jules lips quivered, and I feared she was about to cry. Then she asked, “He bit off more than he could chew, didn’t he?” She made a motion as if she was biting into a tough piece of steak.

Gabriella’s lips sealed shut as she tried to hide her grin, though she failed at it when Andrew asked, “Was he eating?” He turned desperately to Gabriella, confused.

Jules wasn’t about to cry, she was trying not to laugh! She giggled then, the sound tinkling and odd in the outlandish setting.

Andrew straightened and shook his head at Gabriella. “Did you see him eat?”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“It’s complicated,” I said in defense, hands going up to show surrender.

“Talk slowly,” Jenna retorted derisively.

“Okay, I deserved that,” I admitted.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“Awe! Leaving so soon?” Gabby said sweetly, holding the door open. “I was just about to pull out the gun for you to play single-player Russian Roulette.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“Shut the front door!” Jenna exclaimed.

Andrew disappeared into the foyer, and when he returned, his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “The door is shut?”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

Laura Kreitzer
“Joseph, you’re out of clean towels.” Lucia poked her head into the living room, the rest of her hidden behind the wall. Her red hair dripped water onto my wooden floors.

“She’s in the buff.” Jenna guffawed. Gabriella rolled her eyes, beaming.

I rose. “Go back to the bathroom. I’ll bring you a towel,” I ordered Lucia. She disappeared down the hall.

“You have naked angels running around your house,” Jenna continued through her laughter. Gabby laughed louder.”
Laura Kreitzer, Keepers

“Keep trying if you have too .”
Sasha Maurtitus

Caren Gussoff
“Finding is easy. Keeping is hard.”
Caren Gussoff, Three Songs for Roxy

Danielle James
“The sum of a person's life is not determined by one action. It is what you do with the time you are given that matters.”
Danielle James, Absolution