Disney at Dawn Quotes

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Disney at Dawn (Kingdom Keepers, #2) Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson
14,782 ratings, 4.02 average rating, 948 reviews
Disney at Dawn Quotes Showing 1-8 of 8
“I... do... not... do... lightning.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“Who's Chernabog?" Grumbled Maybeck.
Philby answered,"Only the most powerful villian Walt Disney ever created.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“What do you care more about? The kids or your hair?”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“Be careful what you wear to bed, because you never know where you might wake up.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“Jez had gone from an evil twin to a sweet, even angelic, girl, all in less than a minute.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“Maybe we all dream pieces of the future but just don’t happen to know it.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“Not all leaders are elected, Finn. Some just rise to the occasion.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn
“We’re no longer in the Animal Kingdom, we’re in Maleficent’s kingdom.”
Ridley Pearson, Disney at Dawn