Disney at Dawn Quotes
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Disney at Dawn Quotes
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“I... do... not... do... lightning.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“Who's Chernabog?" Grumbled Maybeck.
Philby answered,"Only the most powerful villian Walt Disney ever created.”
― Disney at Dawn
Philby answered,"Only the most powerful villian Walt Disney ever created.”
― Disney at Dawn
“What do you care more about? The kids or your hair?”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“Be careful what you wear to bed, because you never know where you might wake up.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“Jez had gone from an evil twin to a sweet, even angelic, girl, all in less than a minute.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“Maybe we all dream pieces of the future but just don’t happen to know it.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“Not all leaders are elected, Finn. Some just rise to the occasion.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn
“We’re no longer in the Animal Kingdom, we’re in Maleficent’s kingdom.”
― Disney at Dawn
― Disney at Dawn