Half Truths Quotes
Quotes tagged as "half-truths"
Showing 1-21 of 21
“Attitude Is Everything
We live in a culture that is blind to betrayal and intolerant of emotional pain. In New Age crowds here on the West Coast, where your attitude is considered the sole determinant of the impact an event has on you, it gets even worse.In these New Thought circles, no matter what happens to you, it is assumed that you have created your own reality. Not only have you chosen the event, no matter how horrible, for your personal growth. You also chose how you interpret what happened—as if there are no interpersonal facts, only interpretations.
The upshot of this perspective is that your suffering would vanish if only you adopted a more evolved perspective and stopped feeling aggrieved. I was often kindly reminded (and believed it myself), “there are no victims.” How can you be a victim when you are responsible for your circumstances?
When you most need validation and support to get through the worst pain of your life, to be confronted with the well-meaning, but quasi-religious fervor of these insidious half-truths can be deeply demoralizing. This kind of advice feeds guilt and shame, inhibits grieving, encourages grandiosity and can drive you to be alone to shield your vulnerability.”
We live in a culture that is blind to betrayal and intolerant of emotional pain. In New Age crowds here on the West Coast, where your attitude is considered the sole determinant of the impact an event has on you, it gets even worse.In these New Thought circles, no matter what happens to you, it is assumed that you have created your own reality. Not only have you chosen the event, no matter how horrible, for your personal growth. You also chose how you interpret what happened—as if there are no interpersonal facts, only interpretations.
The upshot of this perspective is that your suffering would vanish if only you adopted a more evolved perspective and stopped feeling aggrieved. I was often kindly reminded (and believed it myself), “there are no victims.” How can you be a victim when you are responsible for your circumstances?
When you most need validation and support to get through the worst pain of your life, to be confronted with the well-meaning, but quasi-religious fervor of these insidious half-truths can be deeply demoralizing. This kind of advice feeds guilt and shame, inhibits grieving, encourages grandiosity and can drive you to be alone to shield your vulnerability.”
“Like the moon shining bright
Up high with all its grace,
I can only show you at night
And hide half of my face.”
― Pierrot & Columbine
Up high with all its grace,
I can only show you at night
And hide half of my face.”
― Pierrot & Columbine
“It’s not enough to be able to lie with a straight face; anybody with enough gall to raise on a busted flush can do that. The first way to lie artistically is to tell the truth — but not all of it. The second way involves telling the truth, too, but is harder: Tell the exact truth and maybe all of it…but tell it so unconvincingly that your listener is sure you are lying.”
― Time Enough for Love
― Time Enough for Love
“Once you take to the habit of deception, every new lie comes that much easier. Though to me it wasn't so much lies as a matter of judicious editing. We all inevitably present a version of ourselves that is a collection of half-truths and exclusions. The way I saw it, the truth was too complicated, whereas the well-chosen lie would put everyone's mind at ease.”
― Skin Game
― Skin Game
“Tough love and brutal truth from strangers are far more valuable than Band-Aids and half-truths from invested friends, who don’t want to see you suffer any more than you have.”
“A half-truth is even more dangerous than a lie. A lie, you can detect at some stage, but half a truth is sure to mislead you for long.”
― Half A Shadow
― Half A Shadow
“One of the greatest challenge facing young people today, is the
large scale availability of half truth’s and manipulated facts”
― The Unseen Terrorist
large scale availability of half truth’s and manipulated facts”
― The Unseen Terrorist
“The problem with half-truths, I'm discovering, is that they are also half-lies.”
― The Ones We Trust
― The Ones We Trust
“How treacherous history is! Half-truths, ignorance, deceptions, false trails, errors, and lies, and buried somewhere in between all of that, the truth, in which it is easy to lose faith, of which it is consequently easy to say, it’s a chimera, there’s no such thing, everything is relative, one man’s absolute belief is another man’s fairy tale; but about which we insist, we insist most emphatically, that it is too important an idea to give up to the relativity merchants.”
― Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights
― Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights
“The statement that 'abortions is a women's choice over her body' is a half-truth, because there are two heart+beats, not one.”
“I laid facts out for you, Miss Wadsworth. You assumed I meant lover. You assumed he was untrustworthy, simply because of our professions. Your prejudice interfered with your ability to inquire further, to ask more specific questions, to separate fact from the fiction of your mind. You had the opportunity to clear everything up; I would not have lied to you. That was a choice you made, and did I benefit from it? Of course I did. I make no denial of the fact I’ve used this method on people before, and I will most certainly do so in the future. If you’re angry with anyone, it ought to be yourself as well. You created an illusion of the truth you wanted to see.”
― Escaping from Houdini
― Escaping from Houdini
“The Truth is different than human truths; they are like LIGHT.
Truths are like a color, absolute and true, while THE TRUTH is all colors and still colorless; the duality of Truth.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
Truths are like a color, absolute and true, while THE TRUTH is all colors and still colorless; the duality of Truth.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
“Political truths are like colors in the rainbow, they may be true, except like the color purple which is created in the mind, however they are not THE WHOLE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, colorless and yet all colors, seen and unseen.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
“Human half-truth logic, dates back to Adam and Eve, when he tried to deceive God with a truth, 'we knew we were naked so we hid', leaving God to understand that something was wrong with Adam's logic, because if Adam knew THE TRUTH, he would know that you can't hide from God.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
“The truth, 'stop violence against women' is a truth that is flawed, because it ignores the many forms of abuses of women, and then totally ignores men, children and the unborn.
Why the unborn ?
Well today, more and more unborn women of tomorrow are having their heart-beats terminated today, because they are female.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
Why the unborn ?
Well today, more and more unborn women of tomorrow are having their heart-beats terminated today, because they are female.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
“Truth is like a double edged sword.
Truth, as in the colors of the rainbow, are truths, not to be confused with THE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, all colors and no single color.
The Truth is like a tree, with all its fruit, while truths are like the fruit on the tree, part of the whole; parts of The Truth, half-truths.
Truth can be true, yet it can also lie.
So the question is does truth lead to THE TRUTH, or do truths lead us to a lie ? To see the difference is the key to the gates of Eden.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
Truth, as in the colors of the rainbow, are truths, not to be confused with THE TRUTH, which is like LIGHT, all colors and no single color.
The Truth is like a tree, with all its fruit, while truths are like the fruit on the tree, part of the whole; parts of The Truth, half-truths.
Truth can be true, yet it can also lie.
So the question is does truth lead to THE TRUTH, or do truths lead us to a lie ? To see the difference is the key to the gates of Eden.”
― The Jesus Christ Code: The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths
“Half-truths presented to the third party are as atrocious as lies, and not presenting the whole story is as detrimental as deception itself”
“A sliver of truth can be a dangerous thing, for it can cast long shadows that obscure the whole story.”
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