Dark Fiction Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dark-fiction" Showing 1-30 of 111
T.M. Frazier
“We were just us, broken and bruised, fucked-up and messy, and together we were everything we never thought we could be.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier
“I fell asleep that night in the arms of a killer. I'd never slept better.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier
“We are all a little damaged, Bee. Some of us more than others.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier
“I'm afraid I'm going to look at your perfect face, and you're finally going to see me as the monster I am.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier
“Sick, twisted Abby was in love with the sick, twisted, beautiful Jake.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier
“He thrust into me as if he were trying to climb into my soul.”
T.M. Frazier, The Dark Light of Day

Mladen Đorđević
“The world as we know it, cruel, dark and hopeless, have gifted us one more reason why, as a species, shoud we accept the fact that we're living in absolute ignorance. One more chunk of food for our fears and desperations. One more nightmarish and haunting thought for our dreams.”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Pritajeno zlo

Georgina Anne Taylor
“The surge of his ardour swept through him in climatic release, filling her womb with his final, mortal sowing.”
Georgina Anne Taylor, The Woman of the Well

Michael F Simpson
“How have you been sleeping? I would like to assume poorly. That makes my job easier. See, you did not know it before, but every time you sleep I am watching you. And those horrible dreams you tried so hard to forget about, yet could not get out of your head? You are welcome.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Michael F Simpson
“Before he could speak his mind, eight black psychopathic needles came out of my mouth, sharpened and clean. They pulled at my already weakened jaw and drew out an abyssal creature, angry, great and strong.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Michael F Simpson
“He flicked a switch, and the voltage screamed as it ran through my soul.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Logan Ryan Smith
“People are slippery.
Especially when they excrete.
Or bleed.
Or fuck.”
Logan Ryan Smith, Y is for Fidelity

“Do you know how sick with love I am for you? No… Of course you don’t. All you want to do is get away from me. I revolt you right?”
E.L Beth, Redemption

Michael F Simpson
“The thing from inside my soul started to sing.

It sounded like suicide.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Michael F Simpson
“Through the holes in the walls, I could see the world. The whole beautiful world. White clouds passed the makeshift windows and pulled across the dark blue sky, and with it the sun and stars burning bright. Crows flew past and cried out to me. Fireflies swarmed around my head. And none of it mattered without the quiet girl.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Michael F Simpson
“Words will always make more sense to the writer than the reader. It just means that, even though the reader may have suffered, they haven’t suffered like the writer.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Michael F Simpson
“Loudmouth turned his head and pointed at me, with wide eyes that weren’t ready for an afterlife.”
Michael F Simpson, Sempiternal

Jonathan  Dunne
“It was a symphony of fire for the ages.”
Jonathan Dunne, Fireman

“Sometimes, we like to imagine that we know a person because of how they used to be. Sadly, the reality of this is that people change. They love you at some point then 'move on' and resent you for the rest of your life." —Birds On The Wall”

Anna Edwards
“My name is Eaton Armstrong. And I've come to collect what’s mine.”
Anna Edwards, Mine

Sfarda L. Gül
“[She] said ‘blood does not wash off’ and she was right. Blood does not forget, either. Blood congealed and crusted and stained evermore. Blood knew what it was like to be free.”
Sfarda L. Gül, Non Omnis Moriar

George Orwell
“Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing.”
George Orwell, 1984

“This isn’t like the nose. That came off, like it was being picked at, pulled, tugged like taffy. This is from the inside. I can feel it when I’m going to sleep. Through the optic nerves. Drinking, gently, slowly, like brandy punch through a straw.”
Naben Ruthnum, Helpmeet

Khuzema Ahmed
“Eons of quietness and displaced discipline
nourish madness. It is the fragilities that one
never accepted that make one into a devil
that no one recognizes.”
Khuzema Ahmed, I Saw The Devil

Leo Tolstoy
“I have often remarked that it is hardest of all to live with people who are untruthful and insincere.”
Leo Tolstoy

Akshat Pathak
“She recreated her funeral in front of her family where they all were sobbing harder than ever.”
Akshat Pathak, Loving her ruptured soul!!: Part 2

Akshat Pathak
“Hearts on the shore were overconfident enough to take the chills and thrills.”
Akshat Pathak, Strangers to the Quietus!: The Three Rangers of the Mortal Coil...

Christopher Stanfield
“A man begging for his life is a sonnet. That man screaming for it to end is a symphony.”
Christopher Stanfield, Shadow of a Rose

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