Omega Quotes
Quotes tagged as "omega"
Showing 1-21 of 21
“Let us embrace the lighting highways of our brain and oust the distorting indifference with its horrendous aftermath before our vision becomes shrouded by total blindness. Let us not descend, through listlessness, on a mediocre omicron but complete our spiritual life journey into a fulfilling omega. ( "Alpha and Omega")”
“She crawled on top of him, naked and warm and soft, smelling like a miracle that had saved him from a lifetime of aloneness.”
― Fair Game
― Fair Game
“In the spirit of the Alpha and the Omega, in the way the Alpha was the
Omega, and vice versa, he knew the beginning was also the end—and that the end was just another beginning.”
― Snooze: A Story of Awakening
Omega, and vice versa, he knew the beginning was also the end—and that the end was just another beginning.”
― Snooze: A Story of Awakening
“This girl from nowhere. This Amy NLN. Who was alpha, who omega? Who the beginning and who the end?”
― The City of Mirrors
― The City of Mirrors
“For any reasonable value of Omega at the beginning of time, Einstein’s equations show that it should almost be zero today. For Omega to be so close to 1 so many billions of years after the big bang would require a miracle. This is what is called in cosmology the finetuning problem. God, or some creator, had to “choose” the value of Omega to within fantastic accuracy for Omega to be about 0.1 today.
For Omega to be between 0.1 and 10 today, it means that Omega had to be 1.00000000000000 one second after the big bang. In other words, at the beginning of time the value of Omega had to be “chosen” to equal the number 1 to within one part in a hundred trillion, which is difficult to comprehend.”
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
For Omega to be between 0.1 and 10 today, it means that Omega had to be 1.00000000000000 one second after the big bang. In other words, at the beginning of time the value of Omega had to be “chosen” to equal the number 1 to within one part in a hundred trillion, which is difficult to comprehend.”
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
“Inflation is continuous and eternal, with big bangs happening all the time, with universes sprouting from other universes. In this picture, universes can “bud” off into other universes, creating a “multiverse.” In this theory, spontaneous breaking may occur anywhere within our universe, allowing an entire universe to bud off our universe. It also means that our own universe might have budded from a previous universe. In the chaotic inflationary model, the multiverse is eternal, even if individual universes are not. Some universes may have a very large Omega, in which case they immediately vanish into a big crunch after their big bang. Some universes only have a tiny Omega and expand forever. Eventually, the multiverse becomes dominated by those universes that inflate by a huge amount.
In retrospect, the idea of parallel universes is forced upon us.”
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
In retrospect, the idea of parallel universes is forced upon us.”
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
“Nella natura selvaggia non ci sono le fiabe, non c'è la storia della Cenerentola. Il lupo di rango inferiore che sembra salire in cima al branco in realtà era sempre stato un alfa.”
― Lone Wolf
― Lone Wolf
“Charles asked me to stay here, she said, rather than confronting Hosteen with his lie. "You aren't my Alpha-and even if you were, he can't make me do anything, either." She tappef herself in the chest with one of her needles and half sang, "Omega. Me." Dropping into her own voice she said, "As an Omega wolf, I don't have the urge to obey you. At all. Not even the tiniest bit. Don't worry, it makes the Merrick crazy too.”
― Dead Heat
― Dead Heat
“Think of trying to balance a pencil vertically on its tip. No matter how we try to balance the pencil, it usually falls down. In fact, it requires a fine-tuning of great precision to start the pencil balanced just right so it doesn’t fall over. Now try to balance the pencil on its tip so that it stays vertical not just for one second but for years! You see the enormous fine-tuning that is involved to get Omega to be 0.1 today. The slightest error in fine-tuning Omega would have created Omega vastly different from 1. So why is Omega so close to 1 day, when by rights it should be astronomically different?”
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
― Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
“I’d been claimed by a monster. A beast I’d yet to see, covered in fur, but as intelligent as any person. Bonded, with no way to escape.”
― Monster's Find
― Monster's Find
“Infinity exist unfortnately what will happen if we accept it??
After all numbers are taken what happens??
We will start with Omega+1 Then Omega+Omega+1... Think on this, this is the infinitive road, I gave it to you but what you will do?”
After all numbers are taken what happens??
We will start with Omega+1 Then Omega+Omega+1... Think on this, this is the infinitive road, I gave it to you but what you will do?”
“Meg si voltò verso il suo obiettivo, ma il demone era sparito. Volatilizzato.
«Sai, le persone normali non girano con così tante armi e se vedono qualcosa di così violento solitamente scappano.»
Meg trasalì e si voltò con il cuore in gola, sentendo la sua voce provenire da dietro di sé. «E tu non sai che solo i vigliacchi attaccano alle spalle?» replicò invece di andare all’assalto, ponendo però l’arma tra di loro.
Lui fece una smorfia nel tentativo mal riuscito di mascherare un sorriso. «Considerando che tra noi due sono io quello che si è ritrovato con un buco nello stomaco, direi che è lecito essere prudenti. E poi sono disarmato.»
Meg fece saettare lo sguardo verso il suo addome esposto, visto che la maglietta gliel’aveva lacerata lei, ma non c’era nessun segno di ferita. Se non fosse stato per il sangue che gli imbrattava i vestiti avrebbe pensato di averlo mancato.
«Vedi qualcosa di tuo gradimento?» le domandò con un sorriso appena un po’ malizioso.
Meg intuì di essere arrossita, combattuta tra imbarazzo e ira. Scelse la seconda e tentando di colpirlo con la lama lo redarguì: «Non so come vanno le cose dalle tue parti, ma sappi che non puoi cercare di uccidere una ragazza e allo stesso tempo flirtare con lei!»
«Qui l’unica che sta tentando di uccidermi sei tu! E ripetutamente anche!» ribatté lui, schivando i suoi attacchi.”
― Omega: La fine è solo il principio
«Sai, le persone normali non girano con così tante armi e se vedono qualcosa di così violento solitamente scappano.»
Meg trasalì e si voltò con il cuore in gola, sentendo la sua voce provenire da dietro di sé. «E tu non sai che solo i vigliacchi attaccano alle spalle?» replicò invece di andare all’assalto, ponendo però l’arma tra di loro.
Lui fece una smorfia nel tentativo mal riuscito di mascherare un sorriso. «Considerando che tra noi due sono io quello che si è ritrovato con un buco nello stomaco, direi che è lecito essere prudenti. E poi sono disarmato.»
Meg fece saettare lo sguardo verso il suo addome esposto, visto che la maglietta gliel’aveva lacerata lei, ma non c’era nessun segno di ferita. Se non fosse stato per il sangue che gli imbrattava i vestiti avrebbe pensato di averlo mancato.
«Vedi qualcosa di tuo gradimento?» le domandò con un sorriso appena un po’ malizioso.
Meg intuì di essere arrossita, combattuta tra imbarazzo e ira. Scelse la seconda e tentando di colpirlo con la lama lo redarguì: «Non so come vanno le cose dalle tue parti, ma sappi che non puoi cercare di uccidere una ragazza e allo stesso tempo flirtare con lei!»
«Qui l’unica che sta tentando di uccidermi sei tu! E ripetutamente anche!» ribatté lui, schivando i suoi attacchi.”
― Omega: La fine è solo il principio
“We want the mind of God; we seek the heart of Christ - and even pray it, then receive them to a degree. But people are unable to bear these fully: for He is both stronger and more sensitive than we.”
“As you standing there looking,pointing or judging your neighbour by his fall did you ever think about yours?cause I know that fall is for everyone who living and sent for purpose cause the message & you must be tested and you need to know how it strong it is,how big your master is.Think about this, who can believe and trust untested service? that means it unfinish peace of work while your master call himself by Alfa and Omega which is beginning and the End that is our Living God.”
“I’m looking out on the road the sky is bright the wind is cold.
The wind my element it blows so hard, the sheer force of the world is felt in this air.
I feel the life being ****** out and then in to my body at the same time such a beautiful sensation.
This is the sensation right before you begin the Great Work when you feel the energy of the universe.
The energy just whirling around in circles the path of lapis ruber or another path.
But my journey if not for lapis philosophorum my journey is for blank, my mind is not for anything.
The journey I travel is not for life it is not for death this journey is not for a **** thing in existence.
My journey is for something much more what it is only one on the road will understand.
So when I feel the wind blowing I ask myself is it time for me to move? Is it time to start?
I am going to the center of the sun what will I do now that I’ve taken the first step has it all begun?
It is not possible to turn back not in this particular journey.
In this journey once you take a step, the platform you were walking on before is completely destroyed.
It is swallowed up in the sea of what, the platform is consumed in the place of never-ending nothingness.
Really it is not a place, it is swallowed in the void, so you can’t turn around even if you will it.
Now I as I walk this path I sit here and I see the star, on it are five points.
The five points of the star are all looking at me I just wonder if the look is inverted or upright.
If it is observing me inverted what will I do? If it is watching me uprightly what can I do?
These questions are both the same but which way is the star observing me.
I couldn’t give a **** either way, but at certain points it seems I would give a ****, now why is that?
See I’m on a spiraling path of this something, and it’s becoming clear, it’s not that I’m stepping forward.
In this journey I am not stepping forward I am not stepping backwards I am doing much more.
But I am stepping.
That’s the beauty of this journey where time ceases to exist.
It’s because at the end of this journey I might have explored the universe in its entirety.
I may have went to the edge of this universe of motion and jumped off the edge.
I would have slipped through the corners barely escaping the hound dogs of the barrier.
And after facing the eternal beasts, I would have ended up back inside of the universe.
It’s funny because after this timeless journey, I may have gained so much and time will have certainly passed.
est ruber in terra, populous non est faciem in principia pater sol regnat
in terra humanos est regnant.
deus sol non est in oceanaia luna non est in caelum nocte quam quam non lux.
non lux quam quam sol non est regnat.
hominis the rise of the moon is so great that the light of the sun can be overtake.
But the light of the moon come from the light of the sun there is nothing else that can actually and truly be done.
What to be done is what to be given to all who want to go forward in the way of life.
The path of love and the path of light leads to the same sources it is up to one of us to decide which one will be our tool. Back to what I was talking about the sand was awesome.
The alpha and the omega a rise of the sun and the fall of the moon also rise of the moon and the fall of the sun.”
The wind my element it blows so hard, the sheer force of the world is felt in this air.
I feel the life being ****** out and then in to my body at the same time such a beautiful sensation.
This is the sensation right before you begin the Great Work when you feel the energy of the universe.
The energy just whirling around in circles the path of lapis ruber or another path.
But my journey if not for lapis philosophorum my journey is for blank, my mind is not for anything.
The journey I travel is not for life it is not for death this journey is not for a **** thing in existence.
My journey is for something much more what it is only one on the road will understand.
So when I feel the wind blowing I ask myself is it time for me to move? Is it time to start?
I am going to the center of the sun what will I do now that I’ve taken the first step has it all begun?
It is not possible to turn back not in this particular journey.
In this journey once you take a step, the platform you were walking on before is completely destroyed.
It is swallowed up in the sea of what, the platform is consumed in the place of never-ending nothingness.
Really it is not a place, it is swallowed in the void, so you can’t turn around even if you will it.
Now I as I walk this path I sit here and I see the star, on it are five points.
The five points of the star are all looking at me I just wonder if the look is inverted or upright.
If it is observing me inverted what will I do? If it is watching me uprightly what can I do?
These questions are both the same but which way is the star observing me.
I couldn’t give a **** either way, but at certain points it seems I would give a ****, now why is that?
See I’m on a spiraling path of this something, and it’s becoming clear, it’s not that I’m stepping forward.
In this journey I am not stepping forward I am not stepping backwards I am doing much more.
But I am stepping.
That’s the beauty of this journey where time ceases to exist.
It’s because at the end of this journey I might have explored the universe in its entirety.
I may have went to the edge of this universe of motion and jumped off the edge.
I would have slipped through the corners barely escaping the hound dogs of the barrier.
And after facing the eternal beasts, I would have ended up back inside of the universe.
It’s funny because after this timeless journey, I may have gained so much and time will have certainly passed.
est ruber in terra, populous non est faciem in principia pater sol regnat
in terra humanos est regnant.
deus sol non est in oceanaia luna non est in caelum nocte quam quam non lux.
non lux quam quam sol non est regnat.
hominis the rise of the moon is so great that the light of the sun can be overtake.
But the light of the moon come from the light of the sun there is nothing else that can actually and truly be done.
What to be done is what to be given to all who want to go forward in the way of life.
The path of love and the path of light leads to the same sources it is up to one of us to decide which one will be our tool. Back to what I was talking about the sand was awesome.
The alpha and the omega a rise of the sun and the fall of the moon also rise of the moon and the fall of the sun.”
“The Word Of God Is TRUTH! Whether or Not You Know It, Believe It, or Obey It, The Word of God Is TRUTH.”
“He doesn't know how lucky he is that I didn't come sooner to obliterate him until he was chunks of meat ground into the floor. It's only because I'm the bigger man and carry actual respect for pack hierarchy. You don't deserve disrespect, not when you're one of the most caring, intelligent, brave Omegas in the pack."
He reached out tentatively to touch my cheek where tears had dampened it. His fingers were warm against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
"If he does a damn thing…Aria, I won't let him touch you again. We'll figure it out, okay? This isn't permanent."
Without thinking about it, I leaned into him, seeking solace in his strength. He pulled me up to my feet, straightening me as I wobbled a bit. Unable to meet his concerned gaze, I swore under my breath.
"Ugh, I'm a mess. I'm sorry. I just need a second."
"Shh, it's no problem. You take your time. Don't worry about it or me."
He wrapped his arms around me gently, pulling me close until we were chest-to-chest. I numbly wrapped my arms around his slightly squishy waist and nuzzled into him. The scent of his cologne wafted up, mingling with the earthy undertones of his natural musk. Each breath seemed like coming home.
His scent was intoxicating, making my head spin with safety, comfort, joy. My nose filled with him.
I had smelled him a million times, this was nothing new.
But now? Something inside me unclenched, while at the same time, my cells twisted with a new emotion.
Something deeper, darker, primal. An urge that unlocked inside me, twisting a sense of familiarity into something so much more.
From hot tears to a cellular connection that quaked all the way down to the tips of my toes.
My fingers spasmed around him. My mouth both dry and salivating as the same time.
Was I losing my mind? Had I finally hit a mental breakdown?”
― Knot A Typical Love Story
He reached out tentatively to touch my cheek where tears had dampened it. His fingers were warm against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
"If he does a damn thing…Aria, I won't let him touch you again. We'll figure it out, okay? This isn't permanent."
Without thinking about it, I leaned into him, seeking solace in his strength. He pulled me up to my feet, straightening me as I wobbled a bit. Unable to meet his concerned gaze, I swore under my breath.
"Ugh, I'm a mess. I'm sorry. I just need a second."
"Shh, it's no problem. You take your time. Don't worry about it or me."
He wrapped his arms around me gently, pulling me close until we were chest-to-chest. I numbly wrapped my arms around his slightly squishy waist and nuzzled into him. The scent of his cologne wafted up, mingling with the earthy undertones of his natural musk. Each breath seemed like coming home.
His scent was intoxicating, making my head spin with safety, comfort, joy. My nose filled with him.
I had smelled him a million times, this was nothing new.
But now? Something inside me unclenched, while at the same time, my cells twisted with a new emotion.
Something deeper, darker, primal. An urge that unlocked inside me, twisting a sense of familiarity into something so much more.
From hot tears to a cellular connection that quaked all the way down to the tips of my toes.
My fingers spasmed around him. My mouth both dry and salivating as the same time.
Was I losing my mind? Had I finally hit a mental breakdown?”
― Knot A Typical Love Story
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