Festival of Perth

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Organisation Festival of Perth
Address University of WA
WA 6009
Functions Other, Presenting Company, Production Company, Streaming Platform (Online), Touring Company, [Unknown]
Notes Founded in 1953. Now known as Perth International Arts Festival.
Related Organisations

National Theatre Inc.

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

The British Council

The Hole in the Wall Theatre Company

  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988
  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987
  • Oedipus the King, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 9 February 1983
  • A Manual of Trench Warfare, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 3 February 1983
  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982
  • Sexual Perversity in Chicago, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 12 February 1981
  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • A Man of Many Parts, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 28 February 1980
  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Night and Day, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 13 February 1979
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • Three's Company, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 May 1978
  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978
  • The Soldier's Tale, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 25 February 1977
  • The Christian Brothers, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 16 February 1976
  • Swamp Creatures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 February 1974
  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974
  • Swan River Saga, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 2 February 1972

Australia Council for the Arts

  • The Drover's Wives, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 2006
  • Electronic Big Top, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 13 January 1999
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998
  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994
  • The Happy Prince, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 23 February 1993
  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Sexual Perversity in Chicago, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 12 February 1981
  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981
  • I Colombaioni, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 20 January 1981
  • A Man of Many Parts, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 28 February 1980
  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977
  • The Plough and the Stars, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 7 February 1977
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975
  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974

Clifford Hocking Enterprises Pty Ltd

Michael Redington (London)

Prospect Theatre Company

Sydney Opera House Trust

Chicago Symphony Orchestra


  • The Wakefield Mystery Plays, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 10 February 1978
  • Measure for Measure, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 5 February 1970
  • The Knight of the Burning Pestle, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 5 February 1969
  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Thieves' Carnival, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • The Insect Play, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1961
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Australian Bicentennial Authority

The Western Australian Arts Council

  • The Dreamers, Western Australia, WA, 9 August 1983
  • The Dreamers, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 14 July 1983
  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982
  • Sexual Perversity in Chicago, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 12 February 1981
  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981
  • A Man of Many Parts, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 28 February 1980
  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975
  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Sydney Festival

Western Australian Theatre Company

Black Swan Theatre Company

Festival of Sydney

The Australian Council for the Arts

The Black Theatre Of Prague

The Festival of Perth Committee

The University of Western Australia, Dramatic Society

  • Murder in the Cathedral, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1977
  • Thieves' Carnival, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Undergraduate Dramatic Society

Victorian Arts Centre

Adelaide Festival Centre Trust

Australian Broadcasting Commission Concert Department

Seymour Theatre Centre

Tasmanian Arts Council

The Adelaide Festival of Arts

The Old Tote Theatre Company

Actors Theatre of Louisville

Channel 9

Chrissie Parrott Dance Collective

Footsbarn Travelling Theatre

Melbourne Theatre Company

Nova Ensemble

  • The Burrow, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1 April 1994
  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994
  • My Spiritual Dreaming, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Perth Building Society

Playbox Theatre Company

The University of NSW, Drama Foundation

West Australian Opera

Bankside Theatre Productions

  • The Winter's Tale, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 January 1965
  • Othello, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 January 1965
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964

Barking Gecko Theatre Company

Canberra Theatre Trust

Cheek by Jowl

Company B Belvoir

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998
  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Deckchair Theatre

  • Kate 'n' Shiner, Fremantle Prison, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996
  • My Spiritual Dreaming, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

English Shakespeare Company

Melbourne City Council

New South Wales Government

Performing Lines Ltd

Piccolo Teatro di Milano

Robyn Archer

Steppenwolf Theatre Company

Swy Theatre Company

The Elizabethan Trust Opera Company

The University of Melbourne

The West Yorkshire Playhouse

Trestle Theatre Company

University of Western Australia

Western Australian Symphony Orchestra

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Belvoir Street Theatre

Chichester Festival Theatre Company

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Circus Aristophanes

  • The Archarnians, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 13 February 1987
  • The Acharnians, University of Western Australia , Crawley, WA, 1987

Circus Oz

  • Non Stop Energy, Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA, 10 February 1989
  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Confederation of Australian International Arts Festivals Inc

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Czech Philharmonic Orchestra

Ex Machina Theatre

Groupe Emile Dubois

Harold Lang's Voyage Theatre

J C Williamson Productions Ltd (1976-1993)

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

J C Williamson Theatres Limited (1943-1976)

Leeds City Council


Michael Edgley International

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

National Theatre of Great Britain

New Zealand International Festival of the Arts

  • Bob Berky, Paramount Theatre, Te Aro, Wellington, 1 March 1994
  • A Slight Hitch, Illott Concert Chamber, Te Aro, Wellington, 8 March 1988

Nimrod Theatre Company

NSW Ministry for the Arts

  • Electronic Big Top, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 13 January 1999
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Robert Sturgess

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Royal Shakespeare Company

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre

State Theatre Company of Western Australia

Sturgess Concerts Pty Ltd

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Sydney Opera House

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997
  • Central Park, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 18 January 1996

Sydney Theatre Company

Teatro dell'Angolo

The Arts Council of Australia

The Athens Drama Company

The Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs

The Georgian Film Actors' Studio Theatre

  • Bakula's Pigs, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 27 February 1990
  • Don Juan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 24 February 1990

The Heartache and Sorrow Theatre Company

The Negro Ensemble Company

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

The Song Company

  • The Burrow, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1 April 1994
  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Theatre De La Marmeille

Theatre West

  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996
  • Oleanna, Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA, 17 February 1994

Theatre Zart

TVW Enterprises Ltd.

Two Cities Production

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

University of Leeds

West Yorkshire Grants

Western Australian Education Department

  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Yorkshire and Humberside Arts

Adelaide Festival Centre

Allied Pickfords

  • Bob Berky, Paramount Theatre, Te Aro, Wellington, 1 March 1994

Arts NSW

Arts WA

Association Francaise d'Action Artistique

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Australian Contemporary Dance Company

Australian Nouveau Theatre

Australian Performing Group

Aztec Services Pty Ltd


  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Blue Seas Productions

  • Whale Nation, Cremorne Theatre (1985- ), South Brisbane, QLD, 5 February 1990

Bonne Nuit Productions

BP Australia

  • Macunaima, The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA, 29 February 1984

British Broadcasting Corporation

Centre Internationale de Creations Theatrales

Chamber Made Opera

  • Recital, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1994

Chorus Repertory Theatre of Imphal

CICT Company

Circus Australia Ltd

City of Nantes

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Cladan Cultural Exchange Institute of Australia

Compagnie Alis

Compagnie Philippe Genty

Company Theatre Physical


  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Dance Collective

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Darpana Academy

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Earth Players of Johannesburg

  • Bopha!, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1988

Ensemble Theatre Pty Ltd

Ex-stasis Theatre

FAI Insurance Group

Fellowship of Australian Writers

  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967

Fiction Factory

Fuel Theatre

Garnet H. Carroll

Grace Bros

Greater London Council

Grupo de Teatro Macunaima

  • Macunaima, The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA, 29 February 1984

Her Majesty's Theatre

Hoopla Theatre Foundation

Insomniac Productions

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

ISO Dance Theatre

Italian Foreign Ministry

  • I Colombaioni, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 20 January 1981

Kanze Noh Theatre

  • Noh Theatre, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 4 March 1988

Kaos Theatre

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Kim Carpenter's Theatre of Image


L'Ecran Humain

La Mama Theatre (SA)

Ladysmith Black Mambazo

Lano and Woodley

Le Phun

Leicester Haymarket Theatre

  • Hamlet, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 March 1990

Lyt Theatre Company

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Marionette Theatre of Australia

Marli Biyol Company

Ministry For Education and Culture Croatia

Mitsubishi Motors

  • Macbeth, Rymill Park, Adelaide, SA, 2 March 1986

Mobil Oil (New Zealand)

Nada Theatre

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Northern Rivers Performing Arts

Old Vic Ensemble

Old Vic Trust Limited

Olivetti Solutions

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Patch Theatre Inc (WA)

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Performing Arts Board of the Australia Council

Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Perth Repertory Club

Playlovers Inc.

PW Productions

Ra-Ra Zoo

  • Ra-Ra Zoo, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 16 February 1988

Rakutendan Company of Tokyo

Rio Tinto

Royal De Luxe

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Semola Teatre

  • Hibrid, Riley Oval, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1997


Soul Brothers

  • Soul Brothers, Concert Hall (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 26 February 1991

St George's Cathedral Choir

St Martin's Theatre Company

State Government of Western Australia

State Theatre Company of Northern Territory

Steamworks Arts Productions

Steps Youth Dance Company

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Swan River Stage Company

  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Sydney Harbour Casino

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Sydney Symphony Orchestra

The Arts Council of Australia (South Australian Division)

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

The Arts Council of Great Britain

The Australian Opera

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

The Australian Opera Chorus

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

The Commonwealth Savings/Trading Bank of Australia

The Merce Cunningham Dance Company

The NIDA Company

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

The Old Vic Company

The Reduced Shakespeare Company

The Royal Ballet Covent Garden

The Seymour Group

The Shell Company of Australia Ltd

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

The South Australian Theatre Company Inc.

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

The Stratford National Theatre of Canada

The UWA Perth International Arts Festival

The Victorian Ministry for the Arts

Theatre JEL

Theatregoround Productions

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981


Twyla Tharp Dance

Undergraduate Choral Society

University of Western Australia Department of English

  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967

Victorian Arts Centre Trust

Victorian Arts Council

Vis a Vis

  • Central Park, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 18 January 1996

Vusisizwe Players

West Australian Opera Company

West Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts

Yann Campbell Hoare Wheeler

Youth Theatre of Western Australia

  • Sun Pictures, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 10 February 1987

Zagreb Theatre Company

The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA

Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA

New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA

The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA

University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA

His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA

The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA

Perth, Perth, WA

Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA

Concert Hall (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW

Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW

Canberra Theatre, Canberra, ACT

ABC Radio, Perth - Basil Kirke Memorial Studio, Perth, WA

Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA

York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW

Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA

Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA

Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide, SA

Dallas Brooks Hall, East Melbourne, VIC

Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA

Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA

SWY Theatre, Perth, WA

Winthrop Hall, Crawley, WA

Arts Theatre, Adelaide, SA

Burt Memorial Hall, Perth, WA

Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW

Melbourne Concert Hall, Melbourne, VIC

Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA

Playbox Theatre, Melbourne, VIC

Riley Oval, Crawley, WA

St. George's Cathedral, Perth, WA

Subiaco Oval, Subiaco, WA

Subiaco Theatre Gardens, Subiaco, WA

University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW

University of Western Australia, The Undercroft, Crawley, WA

Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, SA

Artsite, Subiaco, WA

Astor Theatre, Perth, WA

Belvoir Street Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW

Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW

Boya Quarry, Perth, WA

Burswood Showroom, Rivervale, WA

Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA

Challenge Stadium, Mt Claremont, WA

Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS

Concert Hall, South Brisbane, QLD

Cremorne Theatre (1985- ), South Brisbane, QLD

Devonport Town Hall, Devonport, TAS

Drama Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW

Fairfax Studio, Melbourne, VIC

Freeway Underpass, Perth, WA

Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA

Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA

Fremantle Prison, Fremantle, WA

Fremantle Town Hall, Fremantle, WA

Hackett Hall, Floreat, WA

Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC

Her Majesty's Theatre (1962-1977 & 1988-), Adelaide, SA

Her Majesty's Theatre (1973-2001), Sydney, NSW

Illott Concert Chamber, Te Aro, Wellington

McCallum Park, South Perth, WA

Murray High School, Queenstown, TAS

National Theatre, St Kilda, VIC

Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA

Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA

Old Fremantle Jail, East Fremantle, WA

Paramount Theatre, Te Aro, Wellington

Perth Entertainment Centre, Perth, WA

Perth Railway Station Forecourt, Perth, WA

Phillip Park Open Air Theatre, Sydney, NSW

Princes Park, Parkville, VIC

Princess Theatre, Launceston, TAS

Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC

Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA

Regional Victoria Touring, VIC

Royal King's Park Tennis Club, King's Park, WA

Rymill Park, Adelaide, SA

Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, VIC

Smithton High School, Smithton, TAS

Space Theatre, Adelaide, SA

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Fremantle, WA

Studio Underground, Perth, WA

The Esplanade Park, Fremantle, WA

The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA

Theatre Royal, Hobart, TAS

Thebarton Theatre, Torrensville, SA

Tilbury Hotel, Woolloomooloo, NSW

University of Western Australia , Crawley, WA

Western Australia, WA

Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts , Mount Lawley, WA

Wool Pavilion, Claremont, WA

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Edgar Metcalfe - Actor, Director

James Beattie - Actor

Isla Blair - Actor

Julian Glover - Actor

Jane McCulloch - Playwright, Writer

Toby Robertson - Director

Timothy West - Actor

Rosemary Barr - Actor, Performer

Derek Jacobi - Actor

George Solti - Conductor

Neville Teede - Actor, Devisor, Performer

  • A Man of Many Parts, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 28 February 1980
  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978
  • Swamp Creatures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 February 1974
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974
  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • The Winter's Tale, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 January 1965
  • Othello, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 January 1965
  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Visions in a Brutal Landscape, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1964

John Milson - Designer, Director

Faith Clayton - Actor

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • The Knight of the Burning Pestle, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 5 February 1969
  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968
  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967
  • Romeo and Juliet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 28 January 1966
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Bill Dunstone - Actor, Performer

Mark Howett - Lighting Designer

Duncan Ord - Lighting Designer

James Bailey - Actor

Helen Godecke - Actor, Deputy Stage Manager, Stage Manager

Iain Grandage - Composer, Musical Director, Musician

Ron Haddrick - Actor

Clifford Holden - Actor

Joan Sydney - Actor

David Addenbrooke - Consultant, Director

Joan Bruce - Actor, Performer

Julian Chagrin - Performer

Eileen Colocott - Actor, Performer

Margaret Ford - Actor, Performer

Geoffrey Milne - Electrician, Lighting Designer

Aarne Neeme - Director

  • God's Best Country, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 3 February 1987
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975
  • Catspaw, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 February 1974
  • Antony and Cleopatra, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1974
  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Collin O'Brien - Actor, Reciter

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968
  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Australia's Golden Age, or Colonial Goose, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 8 January 1965
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Andrew Ross - Adaptor, Director

Leith Taylor - Actor, Director

  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996
  • Oleanna, Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA, 17 February 1994
  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Michael Tilson Thomas - Conductor

Robert van Mackelenberg - Actor, Stage Manager

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987
  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978
  • Antony and Cleopatra, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1974

Claudia Alessi - Choreographer, Dancer, Performer

Bill Dowd - Designer

Murray Dowsett - Actor, Performer

Kristian Fredrikson - Costume Designer, Designer, Set Designer

Rod Hall - Actor

Gerald Hitchcock - Actor

Neil Hunsley - Costume Designer

  • The Winter's Tale, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 January 1965
  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958
  • Richard III, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 1953

Maurice Jones - Designer, Set Designer

Ruth Kott - Stage Manager

  • The Knight of the Burning Pestle, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 5 February 1969
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Michael Louis - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Jenny McNae - Actor, Director

Raymond Omodei - Actor, Designer, Director

  • Oedipus the King, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 9 February 1983
  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982
  • A Man of Many Parts, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 28 February 1980
  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979
  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964

Dickon Oxenburgh - Actor, Adaptor

Nita Pannell - Actor

Chrissie Parrott - Choreographer, Director

Nigel Prescott - Production Manager, Stage Manager

Igor Stravinsky - Composer

Evan Taplin - Actor

  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 17 February 1977
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Tony Tripp - Actor, Designer

Aristophanes - Playwright

Neil Armfield - Director

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998
  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997
  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Alan Becher - Actor, Adaptor, Director

Richard Burnett - Musician: Pianist

Alexander Buzo - Playwright

Deidre Coops - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Bernie Davis - Actor

Jack Davis - Actor, Playwright

Ernie Dingo - Actor, Choreographer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Bran Nue Dae, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1990
  • The Dreamers, Western Australia, WA, 9 August 1983
  • The Dreamers, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 14 July 1983

Alan Fletcher - Actor

Geoff Gibbs - Actor

Ron Graham - Actor, Performer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964
  • Cinderella, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 January 1964
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Katrina Hendry - Devisor, Director

Glen Hitchcock - Actor

Stefan Karlsson - Dancer, Writer

Andy King - Actor

Barry King - Lighting Designer

Ivan King - Actor

Meredith Kitchen - Dancer

Victor Marsh - Actor

Jean-Baptiste Moliere - Playwright

Lynette Narkle - Actor

Steve Nolan - Costume Designer, Designer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • The Dreamers, Western Australia, WA, 9 August 1983
  • The Dreamers, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 14 July 1983
  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983

Dennis Olsen - Actor

Ian Partridge - Singer

Joan Pope - Actor, Choreographer, Devisor, Director, Musical Director

Prunella Scales - Actor

Lindsay Sedgwick - Actor, Stage Manager

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Serge Tampalini - Designer

Frank Thring - Actor

Jim Villee - Actor

Lou Westbury - Designer, Writer

Lesley Williams - Actor, Properties Master/Mistress, Tour Manager

Leslie Wright - Actor

  • Privates On Parade, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 21 February 1980
  • Night and Day, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 13 February 1979
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Margaret Anketell - Actor

  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988
  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978
  • Swamp Creatures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 February 1974

Robyn Archer - Producer, Singer, Writer

Geoffrey Atkins - Actor

Barrie Barkla - Actor

Stephen Barry - Director

Peter Brook - Adaptor, Director, Writer

Jon Burtt - Dancer

Merrin Canning - Actor

  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Peter Carroll - Actor

Fleur Challen - Musician

Simon Chilvers - Actor

Jennifer Claire - Actor

John Craven - Musician

Peter Cuffley - Actor, Properties Master/Mistress

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Claude Debussy - Composer

Edward Dembowski - Designer, Set Designer

Declan Donnellan - Director

Michael Duffield - Actor

Robert Faggetter - Actor

Ronald Falk - Actor

Julie Forsyth - Actor

Drew Forsythe - Actor

Tim Fry - Lighting Designer

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Luke Fuller - Actor

Micheal T Fuller - Actor, Dancer

Grahame Gavin - Adaptor, Producer, Writer

Peter Hardy - Actor

Richard Hearder - Actor

Brian Heydon - Actor, Properties Master/Mistress

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Liz Horne - Actor

David Hough - Actor

Brian James - Actor, Writer

Diane Jeffries - Actor, Writer

Chris Johnston - Actor

Jon Jory - Director

Geoff Kelso - Actor

Bevan Lee - Actor

  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974

Frederic Lees - Actor, Performer

Michael Loney - Actor

Robin Lovejoy - Director, Stage Manager

  • 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 8 March 1973
  • Othello, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 January 1965
  • Medea, Perth, Perth, WA, 1956

Richard Mackay-Scollay - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager, Technician

John Meddemen - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

John Moore - Actor

Mary Moore - Designer

Maxine Narkle - Actor

Jake Newby - Lighting Designer

Colin Nugent - Actor

Maurie Ogden - Actor

  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

George Ogilvie - Director

Nick Ormerod - Designer

Frederick Parslow - Actor

John Pell - Actor

Kelton Pell - Actor

Martin Phelan - Actor

Malcolm Phillips - Actor

June Pollard - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Christine Randall - Stage Manager

Malcolm Robertson - Actor

Tim Robertson - Actor

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Romeo and Juliet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 28 January 1966
  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Ian Robinson - Assistant Stage Manager, Designer

Sally Sander - Actor

  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988
  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982
  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981

David Schneider - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Ian Scott - Actor

Barry Screaigh - Actor, Choreographer

Philip Scutt - Actor

Alan Seymour - Playwright

Peter Shaffer - Playwright

  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975
  • Royal Hunt of the Sun, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 28 January 1967

Roger Smalley - Composer, Conductor

Annie Stainer - Choreographer, Designer, Devisor, Mime, Performer

  • Changing Woman, Burt Memorial Hall, Perth, WA, 24 February 1988
  • Moon, Burt Memorial Hall, Perth, WA, 17 February 1988
  • Lilith, St. George's Cathedral, Perth, WA, 9 February 1988

Randolph Stow - Writer

Cathie Travers - Composer, Dancer, Musician

Michael Van Schoor - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Makassar Reef, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 10 February 1979

Timothy Walker - Actor, Assistant to the Director, Performer

Oscar Wilde - Author, Playwright

John Wright - Artistic Director, Director

Miwako Abe - Musician: Violinist

Bruce Addison - Actor

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

Eric Alfieri - Dancer

John Allen - Actor

Mathilde Altaraz - Dancer

Nicholas Amer - Actor

Hilton Anderson - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Rod Anderson - Actor

Philip Anthony - Actor, Fight Director

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Randall Arney - Actor

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

H E Baccus - Composer

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Johann Sebastian Bach - Composer

Frank Baden-Powell - Actor, Director, Stage Director

Helmut Bakaitis - Actor

Gregory Baron - Musician: Cellist

Alison Barr - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Keith Bartlett - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Kevin Bartlett - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Bela Bartok - Composer

Trevor Baxter - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

John Bell - Director

Roger Bensky - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Normand Bissonnette - Actor

Laura Black - Actor

Ray Bluett - Actor

Michael Bogdanov - Adaptor, Director, Lighting Designer

Lloyd Bolgia - Actor

Alan Bonds - Musician: Violinist

Michael Boothe - Actor

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Felicity Bott - Actor, Choreographer, Performer

Muriel Boulay - Dancer

Kathleen Bourke - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Martina Bovet - Actor

Michael Bowie - Actor

Raymond Boyce - Designer

Jeana Bradley - Director

Arnold Braunsdorf - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Katharine Brisbane - Costume Designer, Producer, Publicist

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Benjamin Britten - Composer

David Britton - Adaptor, Playwright

Kim Carpenter - Designer, Director, Writer

Jean-Claude Carriere - Adaptor, Playwright

Andrew Carter - Designer

  • My Spiritual Dreaming, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993
  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Jas Cartwright - Mask Maker

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977
  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Alan Cassell - Actor

  • Night and Day, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 13 February 1979
  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Donald Casson - Actor, Musician

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Peter Caust - Production Manager

Kate Champion - Choreographer

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Angela Chaplin - Director

Trevor Clapton - Actor

Derryn Clarke - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Robin Clarke - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Sylvia Clarke - Actor

Terence Clarke - Composer, Musical Director

Dennis Clements - Actor, Lighting Operator/Technician

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979

Tim Coldwell - Circus Style Performer

  • Non Stop Energy, Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA, 10 February 1989
  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Ross Coli - Actor

Dorothy Collard - Actor

Craig Colley - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979

Peter Collingwood - Actor

Hugh Colman - Designer, Set Designer

William Constable - Costume Designer, Designer

Robert Cooper - Musician: Violinist

Robert Cousins - Set Designer

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Pat Coxon - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Harriet Craig - Actor

  • Swamp Creatures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 February 1974
  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974

Syd Crisp - Head Mechanist, Mechanist, Set and/or Property Maker

Alison Croggon - Librettist

  • The Burrow, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1 April 1994
  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Normand Daneau - Actor

Peter Darling - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Jane Davies - Actor, Performer

Sydney Davis - Actor, Producer, Set Designer

William de Goode - Actor

Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker - Artistic Director, Choreographer

Thierry de Mey - Composer

Phillip Hayes Dean - Playwright

Christophe Delachaux - Dancer

Ronald Denson - Director

  • Structures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 30 January 1974
  • Swan River Saga, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 2 February 1972

Roy Dotrice - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Cathy Downes - Actor, Adaptor, Director, Editor

Duncan Duff - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Richard Dundas - Actor

Jean Dunn - Actor, Musician

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Don Edmonds - Assistant Stage Manager, Lighting Designer

  • Romeo and Juliet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 28 January 1966
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

T S Eliot - Playwright

Don Emery - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Nick Enright - Adaptor

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Berian Evans - Musician: Violist

Christine Evans - Producer, Writer

Jon Ewing - Actor, Director

  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • The Threepenny Opera, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 21 February 1973

Peter Exton - Musician: Violinist

Marie Eykel - Actor

David Farr - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • The Philadelphia Story, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, February 1956

Johanna Fewings - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Carl Fillion - Set Designer

Peter Finlay - Actor

Peter Fisher - Actor

Douglas Foley - Actor

Laurel Frank - Costume Designer

  • Non Stop Energy, Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA, 10 February 1989
  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Anne Fraser - Designer

Richard Frechette - Actor

Christopher Fry - Playwright

John Gaden - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998
  • King Oedipus, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1971

Jean-Claude Gallotta - Choreographer

Yole Gartner - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Maina Gielgud - Devisor

Marie Gignac - Actor

Barbara Gilby - Musician: Violinist

Dianna Girling - Hair Stylist, Wigmaker

David Goodall - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Pascal Gravet - Dancer

Eric Gray - Actor

John Gray - Musician: Bassist

Scott Grayland - Circus Style Performer, Performer

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998
  • Non Stop Energy, Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA, 10 February 1989

Chris Greenacre - Actor, Technical Manager

Rachel Greene - Choreographer

Colin Griffith - Actor, Movement Director

John Guare - Playwright

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Margaret Gunson - Musician: Violinist

Tyrone Guthrie - Director, Original Director

Penne Hackforth-Jones - Actor

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

Anne Haddy - Actor

Mary Haire - Actor

Greville Hallam - Actor

Kevin Hammond - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

John Harding - Actor, Playwright

Moira Harris - Actor

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Richard Hartley - Stage Manager

Vic Hawkins - Actor

  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981
  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980

Alan Haywood - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Philippa Henderson - Actor, Set Designer

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Bobbi Henry - Actor

Dorothy Hewett - Playwright

Jack Hibberd - Playwright

Rolf Hind - Musician

Edwin Hodgeman - Actor

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971
  • Royal Hunt of the Sun, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 28 January 1967

Tim Hood - Actor, Composer

Alan Hopgood - Actor

Max Howard - Company Manager

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Richard Howard - Director

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

Wendy Hughes - Actor

Hugh Hunt - Director

Roy Hutchins - Adaptor, Director, Performer

  • Whale Nation, Cremorne Theatre (1985- ), South Brisbane, QLD, 5 February 1990
  • Ra-Ra Zoo, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 16 February 1988

Arthur Hynes - Production Manager, Technical Director

Irene Inescort - Actor

Robert Ingram - Musician: Violinist

Ronal Jackson - Actor and Singer, Singer

June Jago - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Michael Jenn - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Steve Jodrell - Actor

Frank Johnson - Actor

Cynthia Johnston - Actor and Singer, Singer

Murray Johnstone - Lighting Designer

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Elizabeth Jolley - Writer

Gaile Jonikas - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Paterson Joseph - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Peter Julian - Actor

Robert Juniper - Designer, Set Designer

Kristof Kaczmarek - Actor, Adaptor, Director

Okko Kamu - Conductor

Michael Kantor - Director

  • The Burrow, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1 April 1994
  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Lila Kedrova - Actor

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

John Kelland - Actor

Jude Kelly - Director

David Kelsey - Actor

Wendy Kesselman - Playwright

Alan Kickett - Actor

Elizabeth King - Actor, Choreographer, Musician

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Maggie King - Actor

Denise Kirby - Actor

Ingle Knight - Actor

Axel Kruse - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Harold Lang - Actor, Director, Writer

Nicolas Latarte - Actor

Jeff Lathbury - Actor

Robin Laurie - Associate Director, Circus Style Performer

  • Non Stop Energy, Burswood Theatre (1987-2011), Burswood, WA, 10 February 1989
  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Caroline Lavoie - Actor

Ray Lawler - Playwright, Writer

Robert Lepage - Creator, Director

György Ligeti - Musician

Tony Llewellyn-Jones - Actor

Derek Lord - Actor

Richard Lowe - Actor, Musical Director

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969
  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

David Mamet - Playwright

Peter Mann - Actor, Costume Designer, Producer

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Katherine Mansfield - Writer

Christopher Marlowe - Playwright

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • The Labours of Love, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 1 February 1972

Margaret Maslen - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Sally McConnell - Actor, Photographer

  • Roses in Due Season, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1980
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Mandy McElhinney - Actor

  • Oleanna, Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA, 17 February 1994
  • Beautiful Mutants, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Robert McGuire - Actor

Frank McKallister - Actor

  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974
  • Antony and Cleopatra, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1974

Caroline McKenzie - Actor

John McTernan - Actor

  • Oleanna, Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA, 17 February 1994
  • Romeo and Juliet, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1979

Valerie Melrose - Actor, Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Felix Mendelssohn - Composer

Costis Michaelides - Director

Keith Michell - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Ferenc Molnar - Playwright

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970
  • The Guardsman, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1970

Justin Monjo - Adaptor

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Composer

John Newton - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Tony Nicholls - Actor, Director

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Noriko Nishimoto - Actor, Devisor, Director

Cecilia Noble - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Judy Nunn - Actor

Juwon Ogungbe - Musical Director

Lloyd Owen - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Tunji Oyelana - Musical Director

Tolis Papazoglou - Adaptor, Designer, Director

Trevor Parfitt - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994
  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Peter Parkinson - Designer

Philip Parsons - Assistant to the Director, Director

Sandra Lee Paterson - Actor

John Patrick - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Georg Pedersen - Musician: Cellist

Shane Pickett - Designer

Nyree Dawn Porter - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Philip Porter - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Malcolm Pratt - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Richard Prins - Set Designer

Mark Pritchard - Lighting Designer

Sergei Prokofiev - Composer

Robin Ramsay - Actor

Dale Rapley - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Steve Rate - Lighting Designer

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Rondi Reed - Director

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Tom Reynolds - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962
  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Sally Richardson - Actor, Devisor, Director, Playwright

Kevin Rigdon - Designer

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Richard Roberts - Designer

  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996
  • Oleanna, Subiaco Theatre Centre, Subiaco, WA, 17 February 1994

Rex Robinson - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Tony Robinson - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Charlie Roe - Actor

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

John Romeril - Playwright

Peter Rowley - Actor

Hugh Rule - Actor, Stage Manager

Cait Ryan - Assistant Stage Manager

Rupert Sadka - Actor

Steve Sallur - Actor

Deborah Salmirs - Dancer

Mallika Sarabhai - Actor, Dancer

Alvin Sargent - Composer, Musician, Sound Designer

Tess Schofield - Costume Designer

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Joan Secombe - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Viviane Serry - Dancer

Robert Seyfried - Dancer

George Bernard Shaw - Playwright

George Shevtsov - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994
  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Jane Sims - Costume Co-ordinator, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979

Patricia Skevington - Actor

Michael Smetanin - Composer

  • The Burrow, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1 April 1994
  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Don Smith - Actor

  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979
  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Kevin Smith - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998
  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Max Smith - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Rae Smith - Designer

Sophocles - Playwright

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989
  • King Oedipus, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1971

Wole Soyinka - Playwright

David Spurling - Actor

Jiri Srnec - Creator, Director, Performer

Jeannette Sterke - Actor

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Nigel Stock - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Tom Stoppard - Playwright

  • Night and Day, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 13 February 1979
  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Natalie Sugden - Costume Designer

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Peter Sugden - Actor

  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Yvonne Suhor - Actor

  • Lydie Breeze, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1987
  • Lydie Breeze, York Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 21 January 1987

Peter Summerton - Director, Producer

  • Picnic, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 3 February 1959
  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

John Sumner - Director

John Millington Synge - Playwright

  • Well of Saints, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1970
  • Tinkers Wedding, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1970

Alison Tame - Actor, Lighting Operator/Technician

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • The Way of the World, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 20 February 1979

Gavin Tempany - Sound Designer

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Lyndon Terracini - Actor, Singer

Ronald Thomas - Director, Musician: Violinist

Priscilla Thompson - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Alex Todicescu - Musician: Violist

Paul Tolton - Writer

Ian Tregonning - Actor, Lighting Designer

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981
  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

George Tsousis - Stage Manager

Mikhail Tumanishvili - Artistic Director, Director

  • Bakula's Pigs, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 27 February 1990
  • Don Juan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 24 February 1990

Jessica Turner - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978
  • The Apple Cart, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Niki Turner - Designer

Jeana Tweedie - Director, Producer

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960
  • Much Ado About Nothing, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 21 January 1957

Rejean Vallee - Actor

Martin Vaughan - Actor

Peter Vermeersch - Composer

Jim Vile - Actor

Ghislaine Vincent - Actor

Doug Ward - Artistic Director

Gary Wastell - Actor

Ted Wilks - Composer

Bruce Williams - Actor, Narrator

  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967
  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

David Williams - Actor, Writer

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994
  • Beautiful Mutants, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Richard Williams - Actor

  • Privates On Parade, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 21 February 1980
  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Judy Wilson - Actor

Tim Winton - Writer

  • Cloudstreet, Fremantle Dock, Fremantle, WA, February 1998
  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Googie Withers - Actor

Molly Worsnop - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969
  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Paul Wright - Musician: Violinist

Atif Abazov - Actor

Roy Abbott - Chorus

Claude Accolas - Lighting Designer

Jonathan Ackerman - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Gabrielle Acres - Actor

Danny Adcock - Actor

Juliet Adderley - Actor, Costume Designer

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Michael Addison - Director

Steve Agnew - Director

Paul Ahad - Technical Director

John Aitken - Playwright

Linda Aitken - Production Manager

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

David Ajao - Actor

Stephen Albert - Actor

Cordula Albrecht - Costume Co-ordinator

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Tom Albu - Production Manager

Erika Alexander - Actor

Rick Alfaro - Actor

Micky Allen - Designer

Penny Alsopp - Actor

Patrick Bin Amat - Musician

Stephen Amos - Mechanist

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Lucinda Amour - Actor

  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988

Gaye Anderson - Actor

Judith Anderson - Actor

  • Medea, Perth, Perth, WA, 1956

Bill Andrew - Lighting Designer

Herve Anglenot - Performer

John Angliss - Actor

Elspeth Angus - Actor

Michael Angus - Actor

Jean Anouilh - Playwright

  • Thieves' Carnival, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1964

John Anstey - Actor

John Antill - Composer

Inge Apelt - Actor

Ashley Arbuckle - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Geraldine Ardagh - Properties Master/Mistress

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Annabel Arden - Director

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Karen Ardiff - Actor

Rohanna Argus - Actor

Malcolm Arnold - Composer

Ronne Arnold - Choreographer, Dancer

Craig Ashley - Actor

Catherine Ashton - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Frederick Ashton - Choreographer

Daryl Atkinson - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Gerry Atkinson - Actor

John Atkinson - Actor

Ruth Atkinson - Singer: Soprano

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Zoe Atkinson - Costume Designer

Zoe Backes - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Valda Bagnall - Singer

Peter Baillie - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Robin Bain - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Barry Baker - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Dale Baker - Dancer

Shane Baker - Actor

David Balfour - Actor

Cletus Ball - Dancer

Colin Ballantyne - Director

  • The Insect Play, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1961

Elspeth Ballantyne - Actor

Peter Bankolé - Actor

Tom Bannerman - Designer

Rodney Bannister - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Maroochy Barambah - Actor

Teresa Barbara - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Fiona Bardsley - Deputy Stage Manager

Bill Barker - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Anne-Marie Barlow - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Mick Barnfather - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Margaret Barr - Movement Director

Roger Barratt - Lighting Designer

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Tuwaine Barrett - Actor

Joan Barrie - Costume Assistant

Desmond Barrit - Actor

June Barry - Actor

Philip Barry - Playwright

Tony Bartuccio - Choreographer

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Peter Basson - Dancer

Natalie Bate - Actor

Henry Bateman - Technical Director

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Sandra Bates - Director

Peter Batey - Director

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

Rowena Bathgate - Stage Manager

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Colleen Bauer - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Jane Baxter - Actor

Jane Bayly - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Mark Bazely - Actor

Kate Beahan - Actor

John Beaton - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Francis Beaumont - Playwright

John Beckett - Designer, Lighting Designer

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Georgina Beer - Actor

Ray Begley - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Kurt Beimel - Actor

Andrew Bell - Composer

Ron Bell - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Jiri Belohlavek - Conductor

Susan Benfer - Stage Manager

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Carlo Bengio - Devisor, Performer

Eddie Bennell - Librettist

Stephen Bennett - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Diane Bensky - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Bob Berky - Clown

  • Bob Berky, Paramount Theatre, Te Aro, Wellington, 1 March 1994

James Berlyn - Actor

Elmer Bernstein - Composer

Judy Best - Actor

Jean Betts - Assistant Director

Peter Bibby - Actor

Sylvia Biddle - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Anne-Christine Biel - Actor

Margarete Biereye - Actor

Urs Bihler - Actor

Clive Birch - Singer

  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Alison Bird - Actor

Lyn Birklund - Actor

Simon Bishop - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Steve Bisley - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Georges Bizet - Composer, Lyricist

Wendy Black - Accompanist

Honor Blackman - Actor

Paul Blackwell - Actor

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Alan Blackwood - Director

  • Sun Pictures, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 10 February 1987

Samantha Bladon - Actor

Brian Blain - Actor

Ron Blair - Playwright

Leila Blake - Actor

Diana Blechynden - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

David Blenkinsop - Festival Director

Glenn Blight - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Arthur Bliss - Composer

Ernest Bloch - Composer

Harry Bluck - Musical Director

  • Cinderella, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 January 1964

Graeme Blundell - Actor

Krisztine Bodonyi - Choreographer

Anthony Bolgia - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Ross Bolleter - Composer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Reg Bolton - Lighting Designer, Sound Designer

  • Moon, Burt Memorial Hall, Perth, WA, 17 February 1988

Derek Bond - Musical Director

John Bond - Actor

Pat Bonnar - Actor

Roger Booth - Actor

Jeff Borgeson - Actor

Anna Borghesi - Designer

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Colin Borgonon - Actor

  • Duff, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 7 February 1981

David Borowsky - Designer

  • Hamlet, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 March 1990

Merrilyn Bosworth - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Shannon Bott - Choreographer, Performer

Renald Bourgeois - Performer

Kyra Bousloff - Choreographer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Chris Bowers - Actor

Donald Box - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Stephen Boxer - Actor

Laura Boynes - Movement Director

Greer Bradbury - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Alfred Bradley - Director

Adrian Brand - Actor and Singer

David Branson - Actor

  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Betty Braunsdorf - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Bertolt Brecht - Playwright

Michel Georges Bregent - Composer

Christopher Brennan - Writer

David Brett - Actor

Norman Briers - Actor, Musical Arranger

Dianne Briggs - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Miljenko Brlečić - Actor

Sue Broadway - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Anna Brockway - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Anna Broinowski - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Tim Brooke-Taylor - Actor

Michele Brooking - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Naomi Brooks - Assistant Stage Manager

Peter Brooks - Actor, Stage Manager

Ken Brougham - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Louis Brown - Assistant Stage Manager

Maxwell Brown - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Davey Browne - Chorus

Peter Browne - Director

Anne Browning - Actor

Frank Brozzesi - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Adam Bubna-Litic - Actor

Bob Buckee - Actor

Mar Bucknell - Actor

Helen Buday - Actor

Lee Buddle - Composer

John Buhler - Actor

Ratko Buljan - Actor

Dick Burgess - Musician

Andrew Burke - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Simon Burke - Actor

Jenepher Burns - Actor, Choreographer

Mike Burns - Composer

Graham Burrows - Actor

Matthew Burton - Actor

Stephen Burton - Circus Style Performer

Mitchell Butel - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Audrey Butterfield - Actor

Anne Buttsworth - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Luretta Bybee - Actor

Wayne Byndor - Actor

  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Bradley Byquar - Actor

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Brian Byrne - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Sidney Cahan - Composer, Musical Director

Elizabeth Caiacob - Actor

Eve Calder - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

John Callander - Actor

Paul Callander - Production Manager

Heather Callender - Choreographer

  • Sun Pictures, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 10 February 1987

David Campbell - Writer

Duncan Campbell - Musician

Beverley Campbell Jackson - Designer

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Ken Campbell-Dobbie - Designer

  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982

Paula Cantello - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Josef Capek - Playwright

  • The Insect Play, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1961

Karel Capek - Playwright

  • The Insect Play, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1961

Neil Caple - Actor

Michael Carmody - Video Designer

Andrew Carr - Actor

Jennifer Carseldine - Designer

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

Anne Carter - Singer

Elliott Carter - Composer

Jack Carter - Choreographer

Joni Carter - Stage Manager

Tanya Cavanagh - Circus Style Performer

Phillipe Chabry - Designer

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Stephen Champion - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Elizabeth Chance - Actor

Ron Chandler - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Geoffrey Chard - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Jack Charles - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Alan Charlton - Actor

Peter Charlton - Actor

Suzanne Chaundy - Dramaturg/e

Justin Cheek - Actor

Russell Cheek - Director

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Anton Chekhov - Playwright

Djamchid Chemirani - Musician

Wal Cherry - Director

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Greer Chester - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

David Chesworth - Composer

  • Recital, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1994

Jimmy Chi - Playwright

K Choinski - Writer

John Christie - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Gerald Chrystal - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Helene Chudolij - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Lok Meng Chue - Director

Tom Churches - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Caryl Churchill - Playwright

  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982

Geoffrey Cichero - Dancer

Ryszard Cieslak - Actor

Virginia Cizeika - Actor

Cynthia Clarey - Actor

Deanne Clarke - Actor

Doreen Clarke - Playwright

Joan Clarke - Lighting Designer

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Sophie Clausen - Stage Manager

David Clendinning - Actor

Colleen Clifford - Director

  • Thieves' Carnival, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1964

Geoff Cobham - Lighting Designer

Leonie Cockburn - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ronalie Cockburn - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ken Coker - Lighting Designer

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Brendan Coleman - Circus Style Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Jon Coleman-Doscas - Stage Manager

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

John Collard - Actor

June Collis - Actor

Athol Compton - Actor

James Condon - Actor

William Congreve - Playwright

Charlotte Connell - Actor

Judi Connelli - Singer

Patricia Conolly - Actor

Marius Constant - Adaptor, Musical Director

Adele Cooper - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Burt Cooper - Actor

Elliott Cooper - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Peter Corbett - Actor

Richard Cornish - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Selwyn Cornish - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Georges Corraface - Actor

Mandy Corunna - Stage Manager

Stevan Costan - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Jean-Luc Courcoult - Assistant Director, Writer

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Helene Courteau - Performer

Pete Courtie - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

John Cousins - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Raymond Cousse - Playwright

Roger Covell - Composer

Edith Cowan - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Alistair Cowie - Actor

Simon Cowling - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Christine Coxon - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Val Coxon - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Ruth Cracknell - Actor

Richard Craig - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Rex Cramphorn - Costume Designer

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Sean Cranitch - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Drew Crawford - Assistant Musical Director

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Eric Creighton - Properties Master/Mistress

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Jason Crewes - Actor

Julian Cribb - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Vivienne Cribb - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Lydia Crimp - Costume Co-ordinator

Emma Croft - Actor

Lillian Crombie - Actor

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Michael Cronin - Actor

Matthew Crosby - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Suzanne Crouchley - Lighting Designer

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Bruce Crowl - Actor

Ruth Crowle - Actor, Assistant to the Director

George Crumb - Composer

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Max Cullen - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Al Cummings - Actor

Mardi Cummins - Actor

Paddy Cunneen - Composer, Musical Director

Joe Cunningham - Actor

Marty Cunningham - Performer

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Merce Cunningham - Choreographer

Lloyd Cunnington - Actor

Darko Ćurdo - Actor

Antonija Ćutić - Actor

Maree D'Arcy - Actor

Nino D'Introna - Actor, Playwright

Kathy Dahl - Performer

Stephen Daldry - Director

Alice Dale - Actor

Charles Dale - Actor, Fight Director

Timothy Daly - Translator

Jack Daniel - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

John Darrell - Actor

Anni Davey - Circus Style Performer

Aline David - Movement Director

John David - Director, Playwright

Eleanor Davies - Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Joan Davies - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Keith Davies - Actor

Jenny Davis - Actor

Lionel Davis - Musician

Kate Davy - Stage Manager

Bruce Dawe - Writer

Mario de Andrade - Writer

  • Macunaima, The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA, 29 February 1984

Sarah de Jong - Composer

Paul De Lano - Actor

Kim de Lury - Actor

Julia de Plater - Musical Director

Ashley de Prazer - Photographer, Video Designer

Beth Dean - Choreographer

Tony Deary - Dancer

Rachael Dease - Sound Designer

Robert Demeger - Actor

Jean-Paul Denizon - Actor

Barbara Dennis - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Maureen Dennis - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

John Derum - Actor

Ron Deschamps - Actor

Walter Deseo - Producer

Nicolle Desmarchelier - Actor

  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Stuart Devenie - Actor

Nigel Devenport - Actor

  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983

Susan Dewar - Actor

Peter Dews - Director

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Jane Diamond - Choreographer, Performer

John Dicker - Technician

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Wendy Dickson - Designer

Charlie Diehl - Performer

Veronique Dietschy - Actor

Desmond Digby - Set Designer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Arthur Dignam - Actor

Andrew Dilolio - Actor

Jakob Dimitri - Clown

Mamadou Dioume - Actor

Eileen Diss - Designer

Geoff Dix - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Elizabeth Dlask - Dancer

Jaroslav Dlask - Dancer

Claire Dobbin - Actor

Philip Dodd - Actor

David Dodimead - Actor

Richard Doggett - Actor

Laura Doheny - Costume Co-ordinator

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Anton Dolin - Choreographer

Gordon Donald - Dancer

Graham Donley - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Dominic Donnelly - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Terence Donovan - Actor

John Dougall - Actor

Kim Douglas - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Janet Douglass - Costume Designer

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Pam Dover - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

William Dowd - Designer

John Dowie - Director

  • Whale Nation, Cremorne Theatre (1985- ), South Brisbane, QLD, 5 February 1990

Alan Down - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Penny Downie - Actor

Desmonde Downing - Set Designer

Wilfred Dowsett - Actor

Gerard Doyle - Actor

George Drabble - Lighting Designer

John Drabble - Lighting Designer

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Peter Drake - Actor

Melinda Dransfield - Actor

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Michel Drapeau - Composer

Józef Drewniak - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Kalika Duck - Actor

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Carmel Duffy - Lighting Designer

Gerry Duggan - Actor

Beverley Dunn - Playwright

  • As We Are, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 14 February 1978

Adam Dunseath - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Jenny Dunstan - Actor

  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981

Mary Durack - Playwright

  • Swan River Saga, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 2 February 1972

John Durren - Actor

Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Playwright

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Natalie Dyball - Circus Style Performer

Chris Dyer - Set Designer

Thomas Dysart - Actor

Tommy Dysart - Actor

Clive Dyson - Performer

Daphne Eales - Designer

Daun Eastman - Actor

Larry Eastwood - Designer

Paul Eddey - Actor

Charles Edelman - Actor

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

Trudy Edmonds - Actor

Keith Edmundson - Designer

  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Marion Edward - Actor

Elwyn Edwards - Actor

James Edwards - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Jane Edwards - Singer

  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Nigel Eggington - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Geraldine Elias - Actor

Inua Ellams - Playwright

Duke Ellington - Performer

Robert Elliott - Actor

John Elphick - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Gloria Emery - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Anita Emor - Actor

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Gerald English - Actor

Paul English - Actor

  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982

Ronald Erceg - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Kudsi Ergurner - Musician

Euripides - Playwright

Richard Eustace - Production Manager

Gail Evans - Actor

Steven Evans - Actor, Choreographer

Julie Ewington - Lighting Operator/Technician

Maynard Eziashi - Actor

Daniel Ezralow - Dancer

Adrian Falk - Musical Director

Richard Fallon - Actor

Edward Fardell - Actor

Mathew Fargher - Composer

Lynn Farleigh - Actor

Judi Farr - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Lionel Farrell - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Jane Farrelly - Dancer

Jan Featherstone - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Jocelyn Fenny - Actor

Alan Ferris - Actor

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Antunes Filho - Director

  • Macunaima, The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA, 29 February 1984

Gerald Finzi - Composer

Gyorgy Fischer - Conductor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Darryl Fisher - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Michael Fisher - Actor

Rick Fisher - Lighting Designer

Rodney Fisher - Director

Doris Fitton - Actor

  • Medea, Perth, Perth, WA, 1956

Neil Fitzpatrick - Actor

Michael Flanders - Librettist

Brian Fleay - Lighting Designer

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Tom Flood - Writer

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Sheila Florance - Actor

Mikhail Fokine - Choreographer

Siobhan Foley - Actor

Horton Foote - Playwright

John Ford - Playwright

Waverney Ford - Actor

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Alan Forsyth - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

John Forsyth - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Barry Foster - Actor

David Foster - Actor

Andrew Frame - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Gordon Francis - Playwright

Peter Francis - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Bobbie Frankland - Actor

Vincent Franklin - Actor

Donald Fraser - Musician

Myer Fredman - Conductor

Tim Freeman - Performer

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998

Todd Freeman - Actor

Wayne Freer - Composer

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Anna French - Designer

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Bruce French - Designer

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Martin Friedl - Composer

Anatoly Frusin - Assistant Director

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Gareth Fry - Sound Designer

Ray Fry - Director

Sandra Funnell - Dancer

Mark Gaal - Resident Director

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Neville Gaffney - Actor

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Mary Gage - Playwright

Colum Gallivan - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Carrillo Gantner - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Gordon Gardner - Actor

Jake Gardner - Actor

Patrick Garland - Director

Marie Garneau - Performer

Alice Garner - Actor

Vivienne Garrett - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Ron Gartside - Actor

Do Gates - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Anne Gaunt - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

John Gay - Actor

Bayo Gbadamosi - Actor

Kelvin Gedye - Designer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Philippe Genty - Creator, Director

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Andrea George - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

David E R George - Playwright

  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996

John Germain - Singer

Rosemary Gerrette - Actor

George Gershwin - Composer

Les Gibbney - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Victor Gibbney - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Pamela Gibbons - Dancer

Tom Gibbons - Set Designer

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Geoffrey Gibbs - Actor

Colin Gibson - Stage Manager

Heather Gibson - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Mel Gibson - Actor

Helen Gifford - Composer

Sean Gilder - Actor

Christina Giles - Lighting Designer

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Garry Gillard - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Carol Gillies - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Jean Giraudoux - Playwright

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Alex Glasgow - Performer

Jean Glasgow - Actor

Morris Gleitzman - Writer

Irene Goerke - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Tone Gogala - Actor

Carlo Goldoni - Playwright

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

Miriam Goldschmidt - Actor

Nick Golowyn - Actor

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Witold Gombrowicz - Playwright

Rod Goodall - Actor

Ken Goodlet - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Kenneth Goodlet - Actor

Sandy Gore - Actor

Clem Gorman - Playwright

Craig Gough - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Jeffrey Graham - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Marcus Graham - Actor

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Clifford Grant - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Juan Grau Roca - Playwright

  • Hibrid, Riley Oval, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1997

Sheri Graubert - Actor

Dave Gray - Sound Designer

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Ernest Gray - Actor

Glenn Gray - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Kay Greedy - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Stuart Greenbaum - Composer

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Colin Greenhill - Actor

Diana Greentree - Actor, Choreographer

Judith Greenwood - Lighting Designer

Walter Greenwood - Playwright

John Gregg - Actor

Ken Gregory - Stage Manager

Lucy Gregson - Stage Manager

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Helen Griffin - Actor

John Griffin - Actor

Greer Grimsley - Actor

Janet Grono - Actor

Dennis Grosvenor - Actor

Sher Guhl - Actor

Shaun Gurton - Actor

Stefan Haag - Director

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Astrid Hadad - Singer

  • The Bleeding Heart, University of Western Australia, The Undercroft, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Peter Hadley - Composer

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Julia Hales - Actor

Georgina Hall - Actor

John Hall - Actor

Kate Hall - Actor

Susan Halley - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Barbara Halnan - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Paddy Hamilton - Designer

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Jamey Hampton - Dancer

Paul Hampton - Director

George Frideric Handel - Composer

Kathryn Hanlon - Actor

Vaughan Hanly - Conductor

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Penelope Hanrahan - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964

Damien Hanson - Lighting Designer

Mort Hanson - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Tracey Harding - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Brian Harffey - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Patricia Harney - Actor

Stephen Harper - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Richard Harrington - Actor

Amanda Harris - Actor

Chris Harris - Actor, Playwright

Max Harris - Poet

  • The Insect Play, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 16 February 1961

Paul Harris - Actor

Rolf Harris - Performer

Sam Harris - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ursula Harrison - Properties Master

Wayne Harrison - Director

Margaret Harvey - Actor

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Bruce Hatfield - Actor

Geoffrey Haviland - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ponch Hawkes - Photographer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Victor Hawkins - Actor

Richard Hawley - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Suzanne Hawley - Playwright

Robert Hay - Assistant to the Director

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

April Hayes - Actor

James Hayes - Actor

Muriel Hayes - Actor

Nancye Hayes - Actor

Richard Hayes-Marshall - Assistant Stage Manager

Paddy Hayter - Actor

Ric Hearder - Actor

Tamsin Heatly - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Jean-Louis Heckel - Director

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Douglas Hedge - Actor

David Heeley - Actor

Hans Heitsch - Costume Designer

Margrete Helgeby - Dancer

Robert Helpmann - Director

Nolan Hemmings - Actor

Keith Hempton - Actor and Singer

Arran Henry - Actor

Barbara Henry - Actor

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Michael Henry - Composer

Basil Henson - Actor

Alison Herd - Actor

David Herd - Actor

Damon Herriman - Actor

Kurt Herweg - Composer

Naomi Hetherington - Actor

Leo Heuw - Actor

David Heymans - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Ted Hill - Actor

Tyler Hill - Costume Designer, Set Designer

Anastasia Hille - Actor

Louis Hilyer - Actor

Carol Hinchcliffe - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Mary Hind - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Paul Hindemith - Composer

Ciaran Hinds - Actor

Thora Hird - Actor

Bryn Hitchin - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

James Hoback - Actor

Gary Hodge - Devisor

  • Sun Pictures, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 10 February 1987

Norman Hodges - Actor

Jim Hogan - Dancer

Emma Hogen-Esch - Actor

Hazel Holder - Dialect Coach

Tony Hollins - Actor

David Holmes - Actor

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Paul Holmes - Sound Designer, Voice Over Artist

Sally Home - Actor

Guy Hooper - Circus Style Performer

Alec Hope - Writer

Gilli Hope - Designer

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Antony Hopkins - Composer

Roderick Horn - Actor

Aileen Hornel - Actor

Douglas Horton - Writer

  • Recital, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1994

Takeshi Hoshino - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Dianne Hosking - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Basil Hoskins - Actor

Graham Hoskins - Musician: Trombonist

Emile Hotte - Performer

Helen Hough - Actor

  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Narelle Hourn - Actor

Desmond Warwick Howard - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

John Howard - Actor

Laura Howells - Associate Lighting Designer

Anthony Howes - Actor

Anton Hubble - Lighting Designer

Vaclav Hudecek - Musician: Violinist

Kenric Hudson - Actor

Ian Hughes - Actor

Marcus Hughes - Musical Director

Matthew Hughes - Circus Style Performer

Raymond Hughes - Costume Designer

Sebastian Hunsley - Actor

Kathryn Hunter - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Paul Hunter - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Peter Hurford - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Aldous Huxley - Author

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Jacques Ibert - Composer

Martins Imhangbe - Actor

William Inge - Playwright

  • Picnic, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 3 February 1959

Gordon Inglis - Sound Designer

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Rob Inglis - Actor

Mick Innes - Actor

Judith Isherwood - Stage Manager

  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983

Corinne Jaber - Actor

Ian Jackson - Designer

Gordon Jacob - Composer

Peter Jagger - Performer

Finlay James - Designer

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Joe James - Actor

Peter James - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Trilby James - Actor

Damien Jameson - Actor

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Trevor Jamieson - Actor

Shawn Jarrett - Actor

Alfred Jarry - Playwright

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Gerard Jarry - Orchestral Leader

Andrew Jarvis - Actor

Kate Jason-Omodei - Actor

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Kate JasonSmith - Designer

Phil Jay - Actor

Marianne Jean-Baptiste - Actor

Barbara Jefford - Actor

William Jennings - Scenic Artist

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Dinka Jeričević - Designer

Richard Jeziorny - Designer

Michael Jodoin - Choreographer

Poole Johnson - Actor

Steve Johnson - Actor

Terry Johnson - Actor

Dave Johnston - Actor

Clive Johnstone - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Claire Jones - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Garrick Jones - Actor and Singer

Gillian Jones - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Graham Jones - Dancer

Ignatius Jones - Performer

John Joseph Jones - Devisor

Julie Jones - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Kevin Jones - Actor

Martin Jones - Actor

  • The Tempest, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 26 February 1976

Max Jones - Adaptor

Ann Jordan - Actor

Dušan Jovanović - Playwright

Ian Judge - Director

Khail Jureidini - Actor

  • The Boors, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 17 February 1971

Melita Jurisic - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Marta Kaczmarek - Actor

Drazen Karapandza - Actor

Paul Karo - Actor

Paul Kathner - Designer

Jane Kayle - Make-up Artist

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Arlette Keat - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Peter Keelan - Circus Style Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Allan Keeley - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Malcolm Keith - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Cathy Kelly - Costume Co-ordinator

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

James Kemp - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Jeff Kemp - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Thomas Keneally - Playwright

Ong Keng Sen - Director

Lisa Kenna - Musician

Patricia Kennedy - Actor

Stephen Kent - Musician

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Colin Kenworthy - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Sarah Kernot - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Bill Kerr - Actor

Geoff Kerr - Actor

Akram Khan - Actor

David Killick - Actor

Barbara King - Actor

Denis King - Composer

Faye King - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Patricia King - Actor

Allan Kingsford Smith - Actor

Mark Kingston - Actor

David Kirby - Costume Co-ordinator

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Rio Kishida - Playwright

Jeffery Kissoon - Actor

David Kldiashvili - Writer

Kevin Kling - Performer, Playwright

  • 21A, Perth, Perth, WA, 1987

Phyllis Klotz - Director

Claudia Knowles - Actor

Gilbert Knowles - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Jack Knowles - Lighting Designer

Scott Koehler - Performer

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Tootsie Koh - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Estelle Kohler - Actor

Nada Kokotovic - Assistant Director

Jacek Koman - Actor

Ted Korecki - Actor

Yelena Koroneva - Actor

  • Lou, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1996

Adam Kotz - Actor

Sotigui Kouyate - Actor

Igor Kovaceciv - Actor

Peter Kowitz - Actor

Boris Krajny - Musician: Pianist

Dorothy Krantz - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Damir Kruhak - Lighting Designer, Sound Designer

Edward Kuks - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Kuo Pao Kun - Writer

Tuncel Kurtiz - Actor

Edie Kurzer - Designer

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Robert Kya-Hill - Actor

  • The Tempest, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 26 February 1976

Isobel Lacey - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Ben Laden - Performer

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Barry Laing - Actor, Writer

Andrew Lake - Lighting Designer, Set Designer

Tom Lake - Actor

John Lambert - Musical Director

Jo Lancaster - Performer

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998

Mark Lancaster - Costume Designer

Tyrone Landau - Singer

  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Allan Lander - Actor

Colin Lane - Comedian

Robert Langdon Lloyd - Actor

Michael Langham - Director

Rod Langlands - Actor

  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987

June Langoulant - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Diane Langton - Actor

Wilfred Last - Actor

Ningali Lawford - Actor

Alan Lawrence - Musician

Kenneth Lawrence - Actor

Jessie Laws - Costume Assistant

Bruce Lawson - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Leigh Lawson - Actor

Dragoljub Lazarov - Actor

Frank Lazarus - Actor, Composer

Ursula Lea - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Penelope Leach - Actor

John Leary - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Kai Leclerc - Performer

Ian Lee - Actor

Keith Lee - Actor

Rachelle Lee - Actor

Jennie Leggatt - Actor

Vivien Leigh - Actor

Pureza Pinto Leite - Actor

David Lemmon - Actor

Terence Lemmon - Actor

Antony Lennox - Actor

Bill Lensky - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Rosemarie Lenzo - Actor

Lorna Lesley - Actor

Francine Leslie - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Michael Leslie - Associate Director, Choreographer

Philip Lethlean - Lighting Designer

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Michael Leur - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Nigel Levings - Electrician

Deborah Levy - Writer

John Lewin - Adaptor

Arthur Lewis - Musician: Trumpeter

Jamie Lewis - Scenic Artist

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Mervyn Lewis - Actor

Tony Lewis - Composer

Helen Lindsay - Actor

Michael Ling - Circus Style Performer

Charles Little - Actor

Henry Livings - Performer

Bowen Llewellyn - Actor

Bernard Lloyd - Actor

Peter Locke - Musician

  • Recital, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1994

John Lockman - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Anne Lodge - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Claire Loewe - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Gillian Lomberg - Actor

  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983

Adam Long - Actor, Adaptor

Julie-Anne Long - Choreographer

Robert Long - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Tony Lord - Stage Director

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

John Lovell - Actor

Polly Low - Actor

  • Amadeus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1981

Anne Lucas - Actor

Betty Lucas - Actor

Joe Lui - Lighting Designer

Des Lukey - Actor

John Lund - Head Electrician

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Brendon Lunney - Actor

Elizabeth Lutyens - Composer

Simon Lyndon - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Nicolas Lyon - Composer

Felicity Lyons - Deputy Stage Manager

Claire Lyth - Costume Designer

Yuri Lyubimov - Adaptor, Director

  • Hamlet, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 March 1990

Mireille Maalouf - Actor

Hugh MacDiarmid - Translator

Lachlan Macdonald - Devisor

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Peter MacDonald - Lighting Designer

Robert David MacDonald - Playwright

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Jenine Mackay - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Margaret Mackay - Stage Manager

Lech Mackiewicz - Director

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Fiona MacLean - Actor

Graham Maclean - Designer

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Gay MacLeod - Actor

Kenneth MacMillan - Choreographer

Ian MacNeil - Designer

Jack MacPherson - Actor

Mary Macrae - Stage Manager

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

David Magill - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Marcello Magni - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Christine Mahoney - Actor

Marie-Louise Maidment-Laurent - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Monica Main - Actor

Malvina Major - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Grant Malcolm - Actor

James Malcolm - Actor

Ross Manson - Stage Manager

Thobeka Maqhutyana - Actor

Alain Maratrat - Actor

Benedetto Marcello - Composer

Louise Marchand-Paris - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Rose Marcinkowski - Costume Assistant

Frank Marcus - Adaptor

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970

Murray Mardardy - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Lex Marinos - Actor

Stephanie Mark - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Phil Marle - Director

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Alex Marshall - Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Jane Martin - Playwright

  • Cementville, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 18 February 1992

Reed Martin - Actor

Leone Martin-Smith - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Perica Martinović - Actor

Rebecca Massey - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Babette Masson - Actor, Designer

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Stephen Mastere - Playwright

Sean Masterson - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Ian Matheson - Actor

Ray Mathew - Writer

Patricia Matz - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Mavuso Mavuso - Actor

Paul Maxwell - Actor

Peter Maxwell - Performer

Peter Maxwell Davies - Composer

Robin Maynard - Actor

Antonio Mazzara - Actor

Bill McAllister - Musical Director

Simon McBurney - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Margot McCarthy - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Tom McCarthy - Actor

Catherine McClements - Actor

David McCormick - Company Manager

Ronald McCuaig - Writer

Kev McCurdy - Fight Director

Jamie McDaniell - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Ian McDonald - Composer

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Jess McDonald-Taylor - Actor

Joan McHugh - Actor, Costume Designer

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Julie McInnes - Circus Style Performer, Composer, Musical Director

Shane McIntyre - Actor

  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Colin McKenzie - Actor

Ian McKenzie - Lighting Designer

Maxine McKenzie - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Stuart McKenzie - Stage Manager

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Ian McLaren - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Ramsey McLean - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Kenneth McLeish - Translator

  • Philoctetes, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1989

Anne McLeod - Stage Director

Rona McLeod - Actor

John McMahon - Actor

David McNaughton - Actor

Greg McNeill - Actor

Sarah McNeill - Actor

Paul McPhail - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Kris McQuade - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Ken McSwain - Actor

Andrea McVeigh - Actor

David Meadows - Actor

Ainslie Meddemen - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Francesca Meehan - Actor

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Marianne Megan - Actor

Mike Megan - Actor

Daniel Meilleur - Director

Graziano Melano - Artistic Director

Esme Melville - Actor

Mark Mendelowitz - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Clive Mendus - Actor

  • The Visit, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 27 February 1990

Alex Menglet - Actor

Kim Menzer - Musician

Anna Mercer - Movement Director

France Mereille - Director

John Merivale - Actor

Vittorio Mezzogiorno - Actor

Arky Michael - Actor

Kelsey Michael - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Sidney Michaels - Playwright

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Danielle Micich - Choreographer, Performer

Frank Middlemass - Actor

Jean-Pierre Mignon - Director

Kevin Miles - Actor

Maggie Millar - Actor

Dennis Miller - Actor

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Marie Miller - Actor

Roger Miller - Lighting Operator/Technician

Angie Milliken - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Frank Mills - Reciter

  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967

Gerald Milner - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Peta Milner - Actor

Simeon Milner - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

David Milroy - Musical Director

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Djunawong Mirindo - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Robin Miskimmin - Stage Director

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Dan Mitchell - Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Irene Mitchell - Director

Sally Mitchell - Actor

Simon Mitchell - Performer

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998

Robyn Moase - Dancer

Bruce Mohan - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Frances Moncrieff - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Bruce Montague - Actor

Natalie Montefiore - Actor

Julia Moody - Actor

Don Moore - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Rosalind Moore - Actor

Cecile Moreau - Designer

Catherine Morgan - Associate Designer

Luc Morineau - Actor

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Leo Moriya - Actor

Mary Morris - Adaptor

Della Morrison - Actor

Terry Mortimer - Composer

James Moss - Actor

Phil Motherwell - Actor

Eric Moxham - Actor

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Leslie Moxon - Actor

Percy Mtwa - Director, Playwright

  • Bopha!, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 February 1988

Ian Mudie - Writer

Aldo Muia - Actor

Rob Muir - Composer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Hans Müller-Einigen - Sound Designer

Jane Mullett - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Adrian Mulraney - Actor

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Vivian Munn - Actor

Walter Murdoch - Writer

Michael Murphy - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Jillian Murray - Actor

Raymond Murray - Actor

Bruce Myers - Actor

Gemma Mylonas - Actor

Roger Nadeau - Performer

Josef Nadj - Choreographer, Director

Anna Nagel - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Patrice Naiambana - Actor

Donald Nairn - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Tsotne Nakashidze - Adaptor, Composer

Mike Nanning - Technical Director

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Frank Nannup - Actor

Franklyn Nannup - Actor

Flyn Narkle - Actor

Danny Nash - Actor

Margot Nash - Sound Operator/Engineer

Paul Nathan - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Ruth Naylor-Smith - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

John Neal - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Peter Needham - Actor

Bob Nelson - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Lili Nereide - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

David Nettheim - Actor

Vaclav Neumann - Conductor

Robyn Nevin - Actor

Kym Newell - Lighting Designer, Photographer, Stage Manager

Ian Nichols - Actor

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Peter Nichols - Playwright

Hal Nicholson - Lighting Designer

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Gerda Nicolson - Actor

Adrian Noble - Director

Helen Noonan - Performer

  • Recital, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1994

Wenanty Nosul - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Branko Novkovic - Actor

Howard Nowak - Actor

Nietka Nowak - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Louis Nowra - Director

Cyril Nri - Actor

Robert Nussbaum - Composer

Lynda Nutter - Actor

Paul Nygaard - Actor

Finn O'Branagain - Associate Director, Writer

John O'Brien - Devisor

Philippa O'Brien - Designer

  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Seán O'Casey - Playwright

Davilia O'Connor - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Damien O'Doherty - Actor

Helen O'Grady - Actor

  • Tom, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 13 February 1974

Timothy O'Leary - Actor

Sandra O'Neil - Actor

Brian O'Neill - Actor

Tricia O'Reilly - Actor

Michael O'Rourke - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Peter O'Shaughnessy - Reciter

  • I Protest, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 14 February 1967

Matthew O'Sullivan - Actor

Chloe Obolensky - Designer

Jonathan Odlum - Actor

Paula Odlum - Actor

Kwami Odoom - Actor

Yoshi Oida - Actor

Igor Oistrakh - Musician: Violinist

Catherine Oliveira - Costume Designer

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Jeff Oliver - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Bob Olmanis - Set Designer

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Lois-Mary Olney - Actor

Kymberlyn Olsen - Circus Style Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Marie Orchard - Scenic Artist

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

John Orcsik - Actor

Peter Orcsik - Actor

Pierre Orifice - Writer

  • Le Peplum, Forecourt (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1997

Madeleine Orr - Actor

Jennifer Orsi - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Ruth Osborne - Artistic Director

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Ross Osterlin - Actor

Attila Oszdolay - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Roger Otis - Devisor

Michael Oxenburgh - Actor

Tilly Ozsdolay - Actor

Michael Padgett - Actor

Jean-Francois Paillard - Conductor

Greig Pairman - Actor, Assistant Stage Manager

Louis Papelias - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Annette Parker - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

James Parker - Actor

Trina Parker - Designer

Jeremy Parkinson - Set Designer

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Patricia Parkinson - Dancer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Guy Parry - Actor

Nicholas Parsons - Playwright

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Piers Partridge - Composer

  • Catspaw, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 February 1974

Robin Pascoe - Devisor

  • Sun Pictures, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 10 February 1987

Marilynne Paspaley - Actor

Hélène Patarot - Actor

John Paton - Actor

Jennifer Patrick - Actor

Anne Patterson - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Bill Pearson - Actor

Edward Peel - Actor

Roland Peelman - Conductor

  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Mark Pegler - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Guilham Pellegrin - Adaptor

  • Ubu, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 11 March 1994

Claude-Robin Pellet - Actor

Anne Pendlebury - Actor

Chris Pendlebury - Actor

Michael Pennington - Actor

June Percival - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Charles Perrault - Playwright

  • Cinderella, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 January 1964

Carolyn Pertwee - Actor

Michala Petri - Musician

Sian Phillips - Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Francesco Maria Piave - Librettist

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Phyllis Pick - Properties Master/Mistress

Katrina Pickering - Wardrobe Mistress

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Greig Pickhaver - Actor

Alan Pigram - Musician

Philip Pigram - Musician

Stephen Pigram - Musician

Ailsa Piper - Actor

  • Cloud Nine, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1982

Nigel Piper - Composer

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 23 February 1999

Walter Piston - Composer

Christopher Pitman - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Artur Pizzaro - Musician: Pianist

David Plaisted - Actor

David Pledger - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Walter Plinge - Musician: Drummer

Vanessa Poelina - Actor

Boleslav Polivka - Director, Performer, Playwright

Carolyn Polizzott - Writer

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Cecily Polson - Actor

  • The Guardsman, University of NSW, Old Tote Parade Theatre (1969-1978), Kensington, NSW, 7 March 1970

W Poole Johnson - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Carol Porter - Designer

Bisnja Postic - Costume Designer

Dan Potra - Designer

  • The Burrow, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

Susy Potter - Actor

Francis Poulenc - Composer

Chantal Poullain - Performer

Wayne Poulton - Actor

Robert Powell - Stage Manager

Jenny Pratt - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Terry Preedy - Actor

Fiona Press - Actor

John Preston - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Karen Price - Actor

Patricia Price - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Romanie Price - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

J B Priestley - Playwright

John Pringle - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Margaret Prior - Stage Manager

Giacomo Puccini - Composer

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Hilda Pugh - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Cesare Pugni - Composer

Iva Puhalo - Actor

Tina Puhalo - Actor

Vladimir Puhalo - Actor

James Punch - Set and/or Property Maker

Angela Punch McGregor - Actor

Richard Pusey - Actor

David Pye - Musical Director

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Nomvula Qosha - Actor

Barry Quin - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Patrick Rafferty - Actor

Patricia Raine - Actor

Walter Raleigh - Playwright

Susan Ralph - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Jean-Phillipe Rameau - Composer

Robert Rauschenberg - Designer

Giacomo Ravicchio - Composer, Playwright

Bill Rawlinson - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

John Rayment - Actor

  • The Miser, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 24 February 1977

Martzin Razard - Designer

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Martin Redpath - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Shelley Rees - Actor

Melissa Reeves - Circus Style Performer

Steve Reich - Composer

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Robert Reid - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Mary Reynolds - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Melodie Reynolds - Actor

Michael Rhett - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Adam Richards - Lighting Designer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Alison Richards - Actor

Catherine Richardson - Actor

Steven Richardson - Production Manager

Steve Riches - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Deborah Riedel - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Tim Riley - Composer

Sule Rimi - Actor

Monique Rioux - Director

Ljubisa Ristic - Director

Roy Ritchie - Composer

  • Catspaw, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 February 1974

Max Roach - Composer

Tricia Robbins - Actor

David Roberts - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Karen Roberts - Performer

  • Kaos World, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, February 1998

Simon Roberts - Actor

Jamie Robertson - Actor

  • King Lear, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 22 February 1994

Wendy Robertson - Choreographer

Michel Robidoux - Sound Designer

Cathryn Robinson - Adaptor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Diana Robinson - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Keith Robinson - Actor

  • Chinchilla, Octagon Theatre, Crawley, WA, 22 February 1978

Dianne Robson - Administrator, Costume Designer, Photographer

Neil Robson - Designer

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Roland Rocchiccioli - Stage Manager

Steve Rodgers - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

David Roe - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Peter Roehlen - Technical Director

Jennifer Rogers - Playwright

  • Jigsaws, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 5 February 1988

Ashely Roland - Dancer

Brian Rooney - Actor

John Rose - Actor

Hector Ross - Actor

Susan Ross - Actor

Edmond Rostand - Playwright

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

John Rouch - Scenic Artist

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Albert Roussel - Composer

Steve Rowbottom - Actor

Pam Rowe - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Micheline Rozan - Producer

Deidre Rubenstein - Actor

Mile Rupčić - Actor

Mariette Rups-Donnelly - Actor

  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987

Laurie Russell - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Sue Russell - Designer

Ingrid Ruz - Actor

Catherine Ryan - Actor

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Frank Ryan-Norel - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

Mary Rydeen - Performer

Loudon Sainthill - Costume Designer, Set Designer

Abdul Salis - Actor

Philip Salom - Writer

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Con Salvaris - Actor

  • Swamp Creatures, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 20 February 1974

David Sampi - Actor

Julia Sander - Designer

Kevin Sanders - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Bakary Sangare - Actor

Danny Sapani - Actor

Igor Sas - Actor

Erik Satie - Composer

Ana Raquel Satre - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Christopher Saunders - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Hal Saunders - Book and Lyrics Librettist

Kim Saunders - Set Designer

Peter Saunders - Actor

Toni Scanlan - Actor

Malcolm Scates - Actor

Walter Schleicher - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Nick Schlieper - Lighting Designer

Eugene Schlusser - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Marcelle Schmitz - Actor

Arnold Schoenberg - Composer

Judy Schonell - Choreographer

  • Cinderella, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 January 1964

Marjoh Schoonens - Dancer

Yvonne Schoonens - Dancer

Gloria Scott - Dancer

Michael Scott-Mitchell - Designer

Peter Scriven - Director, Playwright

Sean Scully - Actor

Jenepher Scutt - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Rosalind Seagrave - Actor

Judith Sears - Stage Manager

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Isabel Seddon - Actor

Sonja Sekula - Costume Designer

Rade Šerbedžija - Actor

Gloria Serra - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Angela Seward - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Andrzej Seweryn - Actor

David Shaw - Actor

Margery Shaw - Wardrobe Mistress

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Steve Shaw - Actor

Dinah Shearing - Actor

Bijan Sheibani - Director

Amir Sherhan - Associate Sound Designer

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - Playwright

Loreta Sherrell - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Jan Shier - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Gerard Sibbritt - Dancer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Charles Simon - Actor

Daisy Simpson - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ronald Sims - Director

Gavin Sinclair - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Daniel Singer - Adaptor

Buster Skeggs - Actor

John Skinner - Lighting Designer

Lisa Small - Circus Style Performer

Jim Smillie - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964

Francesca Smith - Dramaturg/e

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Gary Smith - Actor and Singer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Keith Smith - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Mary-Theresa Smith - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Michael Smith - Actor

Miles Smith - Actor

Nicky Smith - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Paul Smith - Actor

Ruth Smith - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Sarah Smith - Actor

Sybil Smith - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Sam Snyder - Director

Benjamin Soames - Actor

Maggie Soboil - Actor

Tanya Socorro - Production Manager

James Sollis - Assistant Stage Manager

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Paul Sonkkila - Actor

Judy Sowden - Actor

Georgine Sparks - Production Manager

Elizabeth Spencer - Actor

Mark Squires - Lighting Operator/Technician

Stephanie St Clair - Dancer

Paul St-Jean - Devisor

Antonin Stahly-Viswanandhan - Actor

Elizabeth Stanley - Writer

Michael Stanley - Actor

Richard Stanley - Actor

Sasa Stanojevic - Actor

John Stanton - Actor

Robert Staples - Head Mechanist

Morley Steinberg - Dancer

Warwick Stengards - Conductor

Craig Stephens - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Jill Stephens - Actor

Geraldine Stephenson - Choreographer

Bernadette Stevens - Actor

  • Jumpers, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 15 February 1978

William Stevenson - Actor

Ian Stewart - Stage Manager

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Patrick Stewart - Actor

Simon Stewart-Richardson - Actor

Ellen Stoddart - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Anthony Stone - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Lesley Street - Actor

Robin Stuart - Actor

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Katharine Sturak - Translator

Tapa Sudana - Actor

Lim Kay Sui - Performer

Dheera Sujan - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Branko Supek - Actor

Patrick Suskind - Playwright

Marie Sutherland - Actor

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Helen Syme - Actor

Roberta Symes - Actor

  • Othello, Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA, 4 February 1978

Jeremy Syms - Actor

Grant Synnot - Actor

Henri Szeps - Actor, Translator

Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh - Actor, Musician

Peter Tahourdin - Composer, Librettist

Sonja Tallis - Actor

Ted Tally - Playwright

  • Terra Nova, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 4 February 1983

Los Tarzanes - Musician

  • The Bleeding Heart, University of Western Australia, The Undercroft, Crawley, WA, 21 February 1994

John Tasker - Director

David Tassone - Actor

Paul Tassone - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

Jacques Tati - Mime

  • Topolino, Freeway Underpass, Perth, WA, 17 February 1994

Don Taylor - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Ian Taylor - Actor

Jeremy Taylor - Performer

Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky - Composer

Celia Tedeschi - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Georg Telemann - Composer

Alan Terrie - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Kate Thamo - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Twyla Tharp - Choreographer

Alain Thibault - Composer

Jacques Thieriot - Adaptor

  • Macunaima, The Opera Theatre (1977-1988), Adelaide, SA, 29 February 1984

Ratan Thiyam - Director, Playwright

Dylan Thomas - Playwright

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Edward Thomas - Director, Playwright

Jams Thomas - Actor

Mal Thomas - Singer

Mark Thompson - Designer

Michael Thompson - Actor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Peter Thompson - Actor

Brian Thomson - Designer

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Ken Thomson - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Phil Thomson - Actor, Playwright

  • Wantok, SWY Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

John Thorley - Actor

Rob Tice - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • Tourmaline, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 9 February 1993

Georg Tintner - Musical Director

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Jennifer Tipton - Lighting Designer

Richard Todd - Actor

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Geoff Toll - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Paul Tomany - Actor

Michelle Torres-Hill - Actor

Yoshi Tosa - Designer

Ian Toyne - Actor

Monica Trapaga - Performer

Chad Traupman - Actor

  • 'Scapes, Perth, Perth, WA, 20 February 1997

Ailsa Travers - Actor, Costume Designer

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Kenneth Travers - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Tristram Travers - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Helen Tripp - Actor

Poppy Tsira - Actor

Toshi Tsuchitori - Musical Director

Ramon Tuck - Actor

Richard Tulloch - Writer

Michael Tunnecliffe - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Sonia Turisini - Actor

Bronwyn Turnbull - Actor

  • The Lift, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Northbridge, WA, 3 March 1994

John Turner - Actor

Ian Tweedie - Actor

  • Hamlet, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 29 January 1964

Cathy Tyson - Actor

Barry Underwood - Actor

  • Richard III, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 7 February 1968

Mary Underwood - Choreographer

  • Stowaways, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 14 February 1996

Maurice Valency - Adaptor

  • Ondine, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1958

Shirley Van Sanden - Actor

Ross Vegas - Circus Style Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Irine Vela - Composer

Giuseppe Verdi - Composer

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Bill Vickers - Sound Designer

Antonio Vivaldi - Composer

Anna Volska - Actor

Anton von Webern - Composer

Heisuke Wada - Designer

Yoshio Wada - Director

Alan Wade - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Desmond Wake - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Doug Walker - Actor

Kerry Walker - Actor

Sue Wallace - Actor

Richard Walley - Choreographer

  • The Dreamers, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1982

Simon Walter - Actor

Margaret Walters - Actor

Storry Walton - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Stephen Warbeck - Composer

Anthony Ward - Designer

Glenyse Ward - Writer

  • Tell Tales, The New Dolphin Theatre, Crawley, WA, 9 February 1993

Terence Ward - Actor

Davina Ware - Production Manager

Frank Waring - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

Christopher Warne - Actor

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Jo Warne - Actor

Noel Waterhouse - Dancer

Roger Watkins - Actor

Maggie Watkiss - Actor

Clare Watson - Director

Jill Watson - Actor

June Watson - Actor

Lex Watson - Actor

  • Under Milk Wood, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 10 January 1962

Michael Watson - Actor

  • Dead Heart, Old Boans Warehouse, East Perth, WA, 5 February 1994

Wendy Watson - Stage Manager

Graham Watts - Assistant Director

Emily Weare - Actor

Tom Weaver - Actor

Leonard Webb - Playwright

David Webber - Actor

John Wegner - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Kurt Weill - Composer

Jennifer West - Actor

  • Othello, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 15 January 1965

Ian Westrip - Actor

Raymond Westwell - Actor

George Whaley - Actor, Fight Director

Anne White - Actor

  • The Tempest, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 6 February 1989

Spencer Whiteley - Actor

Peter Whitford - Actor, Director

John Whiting - Playwright

  • The Devils, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1964

Ken Whitton - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

Ken Wilby - Production Manager

Gareth Wilding-Forbes - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Jean Wilhelm - Director

Marc Wilkinson - Composer

William Wilkinson - Producer

Craig Williams - Actor

Geoffrey Williams - Actor

Heathcote Williams - Poet

  • Whale Nation, Cremorne Theatre (1985- ), South Brisbane, QLD, 5 February 1990

John Williams - Musician

Rod Williams - Actor

Ross Williams - Actor

Sher Williams - Actor

Tony Williams - Actor

  • Lysistrata, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 20 January 1960

Vaughan Williams - Composer

Wendy Williams - Actor

  • The Winter's Tale, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 19 January 1959

David Williamson - Playwright

  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987

Pippa Williamson - Actor

Tina Williamson - Actor

  • Emerald City, The Hole in the Wall Theatre, Leederville, WA, 27 February 1987

Elisa Wilson - Actor

Lee Wilson - Actor

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998

Matt Wilson - Circus Style Performer

  • Cybercircus, Old Customs House, Fremantle, WA, 10 February 1994

Peter Wilson - Director

  • Faust, Curtin University, Hayman Theatre, Bentley, WA, 7 January 1981

Warwick Wilson - Actor

Jess Winfield - Adaptor

Glenn Winslade - Actor

  • Don Giovanni, His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA, 11 February 1988

Bruce Wishart - Performer

  • Cinderella, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 2 January 1964

Judith Wishart - Actor

  • Macbeth, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, 2 January 1958

Emil Wolk - Associate Director

Frank Wood - Comedian

Graham Wood - Orchestral Leader

Alan Woodend - Chorus Master

  • La Traviata, Somerville Auditorium, Crawley, WA, 2 February 1962

Michele Woodfall - Assistant to the Director

  • Dylan, New Fortune Theatre, Crawley, WA, 12 January 1966

Josephine Woodford - Actor

William Woodhouse - Actor

  • Cyrano de Bergerac, University of Western Australia, The Sunken Garden, Crawley, WA, February 1969

David Woodland - Designer

John Woodland - Electrician

  • Equus, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 12 February 1975

Irma Woods - Actor

  • Up the Road, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 19 February 1997

Tim Woodward - Actor

Jeany Wright - Circus Style Performer

  • Circus Oz, McCallum Park, South Perth, WA, 26 January 1982

Judith Wright - Writer

Leslie Wright - Actor

Nicholas Wright - Actor

Iain Wyatt - Actor

Daniel Wyllie - Actor

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Iannis Xenakis - Composer

  • Mirror Coda, Quarry Amphitheatre, City Beach, WA, 8 February 1989

Georgina Yabsley - Assistant Designer

  • Cloudstreet, Berth 9, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1998

Simon Yates - Performer

  • Acrobat, Regal Theatre, Subiaco, WA, February 1998

John Young - Producer

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

Tug Yourgrau - Playwright

Lim Yu-Beng - Lighting Designer

Gino Zancanaro - Actor

  • La Boheme, The Playhouse Theatre, Perth, WA, 1 February 1964

John Zeffert - Actor

Matilda Ziegler - Actor

Karl Zwicky - Actor

Visions in a Brutal Landscape
Organisation Identifier 29