John Thorley

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Contributor John Thorley
Gender Male
Functions Actor


Francis Beaumont - Playwright

Lyn Birklund - Actor

Jeana Bradley - Director

Faith Clayton - Actor

Bill Dunstone - Actor

Robert Elliott - Actor

Siobhan Foley - Actor

Janet Grono - Actor

Muriel Hayes - Actor

Glen Hitchcock - Actor

Aileen Hornel - Actor

David Hough - Actor

Steve Jodrell - Actor

Maurice Jones - Set Designer

Ann Jordan - Actor

Peter Julian - Actor

John Kelland - Actor

Barry King - Lighting Designer

Claudia Knowles - Actor

Ruth Kott - Stage Manager

Jess McDonald-Taylor - Actor

Rosalind Moore - Actor

Nigel Prescott - Production Manager

Rupert Sadka - Actor

Philip Scutt - Actor

Paul Smith - Actor

Jim Villee - Actor

Festival of Perth


The Festival of Perth Committee

Undergraduate Dramatic Society

Identifier 493910