Bob Buckee

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Contributor Bob Buckee
Gender Male
Functions Actor


James Beattie - Actor

Peter Bibby - Actor

Chris Bowers - Actor

Audrey Butterfield - Actor

Elizabeth Caiacob - Actor

Peter Charlton - Actor

Virginia Cizeika - Actor

Faith Clayton - Actor

Peter Collingwood - Actor

Mardi Cummins - Actor

Edward Dembowski - Designer

Wilfred Dowsett - Actor

John Durren - Actor

Don Edmonds - Lighting Designer

Geraldine Elias - Actor

Margaret Ford - Actor

Rosemary Gerrette - Actor

Ken Gregory - Stage Manager

Ric Hearder - Actor

Clifford Holden - Actor

David Hough - Actor

Chris Johnston - Actor

Ivan King - Actor

Jeff Lathbury - Actor

Antony Lennox - Actor

Derek Lord - Actor

Victor Marsh - Actor

Ian Matheson - Actor

Edgar Metcalfe - Director

Geoffrey Milne - Lighting Designer

Paula Odlum - Actor

Terry Preedy - Actor

Nigel Prescott - Production Manager

Tim Robertson - Actor

Peter Rowley - Actor

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Richard Stanley - Actor

Jim Villee - Actor

Festival of Perth

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

Identifier 493481