
Add HTML Headers to Trac pages in a simple way


This plugin allows Trac server administratorss to add script, link and meta headers into all Trac pages without having to create a Chrome template file. This allows the easy usage of own JavaScript and CSS files. Also all other kinds of link headers can be added.

The following are some examples of the plugins usage.


The following example shows how to add files for a multi-style implementation, so that the user can select between different graphics styles: The JavaScript file is located at $TRAC_PROJECT_DIR/htdocs/js/multistyle.js and all CSS files are located at $TRAC_PROJECT_DIR/htdocs/css/. A general style file common.css is included, which holds all common style definition. The default style is in default.css and the alternative styles in theme1.css and theme2.css.

Note that general CSS files are added using add_styles, while the others are using add_links. This has HTML and Trac API related reasons.

default_style_base  = site/css/
default_script_base = site/js/

add_scripts  = multistyle
add_styles   = common
add_links    = style0,style1,style2

style0.rel   = stylesheet
style0.type  = text/css
style0.title = default
style0.href  = /chrome/site/default.css

style1.rel   = alternate stylesheet
style1.type  = text/css
style1.title = theme1
style1.href  = /chrome/site/theme1.css

style2.rel   = alternate stylesheet
style2.type  = text/css
style2.title = theme2
style2.href  = /chrome/site/theme2.css

add_metas = keywords conttype
keywords.content = "Trac Wiki page" = Content-Type
conttype.content = text/html

This will result in the following added headers, not necessarily in that order:

Adding custom JavaScript and CSS

The following example shows how to add some custom JavaScript and CSS files. Here they all start with a common prefix. The JS files (abc_one.js, abc_two.js, abc_tree.js) are positioned in the $TRAC_PROJECT_DIR/htdocs/js/ and the CSS files (style_print.css, style_screen.css) $TRAC_PROJECT_DIR/htdocs/css/ directory.

# in trac.ini
default_style_base = site/css/
default_script_base = site/js/

add_scripts = abc_one,abc_two,abc_tree
add_styles = style_print,style_screen

or, even shorter:

# in trac.ini
default_style_base = site/css/abc_
default_script_base = site/js/style_

add_scripts = one,two,tree
add_styles = print,screen

Unusual filenames

While the names given by add_scripts or add_styles is used to build the default filename, it becomes just an arbitrary string when the real filename is set explicitly using <name>.filename. This can be used when the real filename is unusual, eg has commas included or is very long. Make sure to use an UTF-8 capable editor when adding non-ASCII letters.

# in trac.ini

add_scripts = short

short.filename = /site/somewhere/Very,weird,filename @;'öäßÖÄß¼€.js
# Also possible to change the MIME-type (default is 'text/javascript')
short.mimetype = text/something

# Same for style files
# General link files must always be set explicitly

General link tag

The link tags are used to define relations between the page and other pages, for example 'My startpage is at ..., the next page is at ...'. Trac itself adds a couple of link tags for help, up, prev, etc. for some pages.

The following example would add a linked copyright notice (written in plain text) and a shortcut icon to every Trac page. Note that the information is not displayed by default to the user in any way and most browsers are ignoring link tags which aren't used for style sheets or shortcut icons.

# in trac.ini
add_links    = cpyrght,icon

cpyrght.rel   = copyright
cpyrght.type  = text/plain
cpyrght.title = Copyright notice
cpyrght.href  = /chrome/site/copyright.txt

icon.rel  = shortcut icon
icon.type = image/x-icon
icon.href = /chrome/site/favicon.ico

This will result in the following added header:

<link title="Copyright notice" type="text/plain" href="/load/view.php?a=aHR0cHM6Ly90cmFjLWhhY2tzLm9yZy9jaHJvbWUvc2l0ZS9jb3B5cmlnaHQudHh0" rel="copyright">
<link type="image/x-icon" href="/load/view.php?a=aHR0cHM6Ly90cmFjLWhhY2tzLm9yZy9jaHJvbWUvc2l0ZS9pY29uLmljbw" rel="shortcut icon">

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for AddHeadersPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.

The plugin is also available on PyPI.


You can check out AddHeadersPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


General instructions on installing Trac plugins can be found on the TracPlugins page.

Enable this plugin by adding the following into your trac.ini file, normally found at ../conf/trac.ini:

tracaddheaders.* = enabled


The plugin is controlled through settings in the TracIni file. All settings must be placed in the section [addheaders].

default_base = <path relative to base URL> (default: 'site/')
Default base of the files relative to the base URL, which is eg Note that URL paths are used, not local file paths. The default is site/ which is the relative URL for the htdocs directory in your $TRAC_PROJECT_DIR.
default_script_base = <path relative to base URL> (default: default_base)
Provide a different default path for scripts.
default_style_base = <path relative to base URL> (default: default_base)
Provide a different default path for style files.
default_meta_lang = default language> (default: None)
Default language for meta tags, ie lang and xml:lang attributes.
add_scripts = <name1>,<name2>,...
Adds script tags for all given names. The mime-type and filename can be defined by:
  • <name>.mimetype = <MIME-type> (default: 'text/javascript')
  • <name>.filename = <filename incl. path> (default: default_script_base<name>.js)
add_styles = <name1>,<name2>,...
Adds CSS link tags for all given names. The mime-type and filename can be defined by:
  • <name>.mimetype = <MIME-type> (default: 'text/css')
  • <name>.filename = <filename incl. path> (default: default_style_base<name>.css)
add_link = <name1>,<name2>,...
Adds general link tags for all given names. There exists no default setting.

The following settings are mandatory:
  • <name>.rel = <Relation of the link>
  • <name>.href = <Relative URL of the link>

The following settings are optional:
  • <name>.title = <Link title>
  • <name>.type = <MIME-type of linked content>
  • <name>.class = <(CSS?) class of link>
add_meta = <name1>,<name2>,...
Adds `meta` tags for all given names. There is no default setting.

One and only one of the following settings must be given:
  • <name>.http_equiv = <equivalent HTTP header>
  • <name>.name = Name of meta tag, defaults to <name>
  • <name>.scheme = <scheme>

The content is set using:
  • <name>.content = <content of meta tag>

Optionally the language can be set using:
  • <name>.lang = <language of meta tag>

Recent Changes

17136 by rjollos on 2018-04-16 19:54:35
TracAddHeadersPlugin 0.4: Conform to PEP8
15264 by rjollos on 2016-02-11 04:22:34
Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files

svn:mime-type was set to "plain" for many files.

9844 by martin_s on 2011-02-08 17:33:08
Made meta name attribute default to the name used in the config file.


Author: martin_s
Maintainer: Martin Scharrer

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on May 15, 2022, 7:09:38 AM