Name | Size | Rev | Age | Author | Last Change |
abbrmacro | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
accountldapplugin | | 15265 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on js and html files svn:mime-type … | |
accountmanagerplugin | | 18669 | 5 months |
TracAccountManager 0.6.1dev: fix AttributeError raised when session …
accreditationplugin | | 17082 | 7 years | applying patch from #13289 | |
acidtheme | | 13139 | 12 years |
Removed empty 0.9 directory.
acronymsplugin | | 16764 | 8 years | TracAcronyms 0.2: Fix typo | |
addcommentmacro | | 16765 | 8 years | TracAddCommentMacro 0.3: Add license info | |
addheadersplugin | | 17136 | 7 years | TracAddHeadersPlugin 0.4: Conform to PEP8 | |
addressplugin | | 2901 | 17 years | Fixed error in comment. | |
addstaticresourcesplugin | | 14167 | 11 years | Allow using absolute refrences to static-resources | |
adminenumlistplugin | | 16196 | 8 years | 2.0: Set Trac version requirement | |
admintoolkitscript | | 11846 | 13 years | Added code that was attached to the project wiki page. | |
advancedticketworkflowplugin | | 18558 | 17 months | TracAdvancedTicketWorkflow 1.2.2dev: make compatible with Trac 1.6 and … | |
advparseargsplugin | | 17133 | 7 years | TracAdvParseArgsPlugin 0.4: Conform to PEP8 | |
agiloticketreportplugin | | 6587 | 16 years | add "pending" status for ticket | |
allattachmentsmacro | | 14371 | 10 years |
Fixed compatibility with Trac 1.1.2 and KeyError when milestone has …
analyzeplugin | | 13995 | 11 years | Added copyright year. Refs #11832. | |
anchormacro | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
androidclientintegration | | 13657 | 11 years | New hack AndroidClientIntegration, created by mfvloon | |
anjlabsyncitplugin | | 6491 | 16 years | Importing version 0.4.452.106 from the Google code page. | |
announcerplugin | | 17678 | 5 years | TracAnnouncer 1.2.0dev: Fix syntax error in r17660 Refs #12120, Fixes … | |
arbitraryoptionsplugin | | 11845 | 13 years | Removed egg. | |
arbitraryprojectpropertiespatch | | 7496 | 15 years | initial commit | |
archiveviewerplugin | | 17529 | 5 years | fix a bug; zip files on root of repo cannot extend | |
asciimathmacro | | 18583 | 17 months | AsciiMathMacro: make compatible with Python 3 (closes #14153) | |
astutesvcintegration | | 11848 | 13 years | Added file that were attached to the project wiki page. | |
attachfilterplugin | | 13141 | 12 years | Removed empty directory. | |
attachmentnotifyplugin | | 12518 | 12 years | New hack AttachmentNotifyPlugin, created by gasolwu | |
attachmentnummacro | | 17134 | 7 years | TracAttachmentNumMacro 0.8: Conform to PEP8 | |
attachmentpolicyplugin | | 16321 | 8 years | 0.1: Conform to PEP8 | |
autocompleteusersplugin | | 18623 | 12 months | TracAutocompleteUsersPlugin 0.4.8dev: make compatible with Python 3 | |
autointertracplugin | | 9631 | 14 years | Got auto intertrac not doubling logging (shouldnt have called … | |
autopagerizeplugin | | 13843 | 11 years | AutoPagerizePlugin; simplified | |
autoqueryplugin | | 7228 | 15 years | fixes #5428 | |
autowikifyplugin | | 16766 | 8 years | TracAutoWikify 0.2: Run autopep8 on codebase | |
awesomeattachmentsplugin | | 17539 | 5 years | TracAwesomeAttachments 0.4dev: Format JS code | |
backlinksmacro | | 17913 | 4 years | 8.1: Fix local variable referenced before assignment | |
backlinksmenumacro | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
backlogplugin | | 16835 | 7 years | BacklogPlugin 0.3dev: Remove unneeded parameter | |
backuptracscript | | 16026 | 8 years | New hack BackupTracScript, created by nextloop | |
bambootracplugin | | 5833 | 16 years | simplifying the stylesheet | |
basicofficepreviewplugin | | 17661 | 5 years | BasicOfficePreviewPlugin: Python 3 support. (fix #13740) | |
basicthemeeditorplugin | | 16800 | 8 years | Code drop from external site | |
batchmodifyplugin | | 16394 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
beanstalkplugin | | 10247 | 14 years | New hack BeanstalkPlugin, created by dlowe | |
bittenforgitplugin | | 16498 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
bittenlintannotateplugin | | 12804 | 12 years | Version 0.1.1 | |
bittenrecipesextractorscript | | 11018 | 13 years | I give up. Its too early to be coding. But this should fix everything. | |
blackmagictickettweaksplugin | | 17905 | 4 years | TracBlackMagicTicketTweaks 0.12.4: Change plugin name | |
blogpartsmacro | | 4117 | 17 years | Change permission for web admin panel | |
blueflattheme | | 18329 | 4 years | BlueFlatTheme: support Trac 1.4 and 1.6. * New Jinja2 theme template * … | |
bookmarkplugin | | 18549 | 21 months | TracBookmark 1.0.2dev: Add missing braces Fixes #14223. | |
branchtimelineplugin | | 6382 | 16 years | Citing the branch names in which there was a change | |
breadcrumbsnavplugin | | 18167 | 4 years | BreadCrumbsNavPlugin: added classifiers to | |
browsersvnoperationsplugin | | 15409 | 9 years | 0.2: Fix installation problem * ContextMenuPlugin should be … | |
budgetingplugin | | 17626 | 5 years |
0.6.8: Add release command
Refs #13671.
bugzillaissuetrackingplugin | | 700 | 19 years | BugzillaIssueTrackingPlugin: Initial import. | |
cannedresponsesplugin | | 16389 | 8 years | TracCannedResponses 0.11.2: Conform to PEP8 | |
canvizplugin | | 12119 | 12 years | CanvizPlugin: New mantainer in town = olemis | |
captchaauthplugin | | 12984 | 12 years |
Refs #7262: Point setup,py link to TracSqlHelperScript 0.11 …
captchaauthplusplugin | | 8075 | 15 years | Uploaded the plugin | |
cardsplugin | | 17667 | 5 years | CardsPlugin: Python3 compatibility. (fix #13735) | |
categorizedfieldsplugin | | 17144 | 7 years | Renamed the plugin | |
ccselectorplugin | | 18683 | 2 weeks | update translations | |
changelogmacro | | 18148 | 4 years | ChangeLogMacro: Python 3 fixes for !StringIO and string/bytes … | |
childticketsplugin | | 18437 | 4 years | ChildTicketsPlugin: let user hide the description and table headers of … | |
childtickettreemacro | | 17689 | 5 years | Tracchildtickettreemacro 1.1.1: Fix mispelled import Refs #13775. | |
citecodemacro | | 17708 | 5 years | TracCiteCode 0.3.6: Require Trac 1.2 Remove compatibility code. | |
citemacro | | 4534 | 16 years | Improved the formatters, better date output. | |
citytracscript | | 2915 | 17 years | Delete Mistaken Adds | |
ckeditorplugin | | 14145 | 11 years | refs #11330: avoid error with Genshi 0.7: […] | |
clientsplugin | | 17712 | 5 years | TracClients 0.5dev: Adapt to Trac 1.0+ API Fixes #13754. | |
cloudplugin | | 14004 | 11 years |
Correct license keyword argument in . Refs #11832.
cmtekniktheme | | 16045 | 8 years | 1.0: Clarify copyright Fixes #4883. | |
codecommentsplugin | | 11224 | 13 years | New hack CodeCommentsPlugin, created by nikolay | |
codeexamplemacro | | 14903 | 10 years |
Removes svn:mime-type text/plain .
codereviewerplugin | | 17726 | 5 years | CodeReviewerPlugin 1.0.0dev: Fixed reviewer not used in ticket change … | |
codereviewplugin | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
collapsibleplugin | | 18570 | 17 months | use onelinerformater to prevent paragraph, add collapsibleplugin class … | |
colormacro | | 15929 | 8 years | 1.0: Change format of version metadata | |
componentdependencyplugin | | 17722 | 5 years | TracComponentDependency 0.3: Add classifiers Version 0.3 has been … | |
componenthierarchyplugin | | 17615 | 5 years |
TracComponentHierarchy 1.2.1: Add classifiers metadata
Fixes #13711.
componentsprocessormacro | | 17035 | 7 years | Fix string interpolation in query Conform to Trac coding style for … | |
condfieldsgenshiplugin | | 17702 | 5 years |
CondFieldsGenshiPlugin 0.3dev: Don't lower before comparison
Fixes …
condfieldsplugin | | 14505 | 10 years | 3.0dev: Fixed indentation errors in [12825] and [12827]. Fixes … | |
contactformplugin | | 17213 | 7 years | TracContactForm 0.2dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.0+ | |
contactinfoplugin | | 7088 | 15 years | forgot a config | |
contactsplugin | | 16940 | 7 years | TracContacts 0.3dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+ | |
contextchromeplugin | | 17546 | 5 years | ContextChromePlugin: cosmetic changes | |
contextmenuplugin | | 12127 | 12 years | Refs #10439: Fixed indentation. | |
createpluginscript | | 3945 | 17 years | initial import of the script | |
cryptoplugin | | 11813 | 13 years | CryptoPlugin: Implement some functionality now, starting with OpenPGP, … | |
crystalxtheme | | 16763 | 8 years | TracCrystalXTheme 1.1: Run autopep8 on codebase | |
csvmacro | | 18581 | 17 months | CsvMacro: make compatible with Trac 1.4/1.6 and Python 3 (closes … | |
customfieldadminplugin | | 18456 | 3 years | CustomFieldAdminPlugin: Use dgettext everywhere Patch by Jun Omae. … | |
customticketprefixplugin | | 15373 | 9 years | Add Trac 1.0 compatible version of the plugin. | |
dailyreminderscriptfortracscript | | 8683 | 15 years | Importing attachment from project's wiki page. | |
dashessyntaxplugin | | 17129 | 7 years | TracDashesSyntaxPlugin 1.1: Conform to PEP8 | |
datasaverplugin | | 17318 | 6 years |
TracDataSaver 3.0dev: Replace deprecated unload
The method is …
datefieldplugin | | 16195 | 8 years | 3.0.0: Set Trac version requirements | |
dblclickeditplugin | | 7420 | 15 years | Also allows one to save the changes by double click. | |
defaultccplugin | | 17658 | 5 years | TracDefaultCc 0.6dev: Test path before permissions check Refs #13694. | |
defaultcolsplugin | | 11336 | 13 years | New hack DefaultColsPlugin, created by shesek | |
depgraphsidebarplugin | | 8329 | 15 years | finall fix for trac 0.12 | |
detailedrssfeedplugin | | 4141 | 17 years | updated version number. | |
detailedviewplugin | | 14533 | 10 years | Add COPYING file, containing text of license. Refs #12268. | |
diavisviewplugin | | 15900 | 9 years | 0.3dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.0 * Use Pillow rather than PIL * … | |
dirclassmacro | | 16969 | 7 years | Conform to PEP8 | |
directoryauthplugin | | 17455 | 6 years | Remove duplicated option Fixes #13548. | |
discussionplugin | | 17854 | 5 years | TracDiscussion 1.2.2dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.4+ Fixes #13877. | |
diskusageplugin | | 11047 | 13 years | revert 0.11 DiskUsage plugin before. because don't work in 0.11 | |
djangointegrationplugin | | 15737 | 9 years | 1.1: Add 3-Clause BSD license with permission of author Fixes #12327. | |
doapviewmacro | | 15265 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on js and html files svn:mime-type … | |
docrenderplugin | | 14475 | 10 years | 0.3dev: Import of Trac 1.0 compatibility changes by gilado. Refs #12218. | |
downloadsplugin | | 18443 | 4 years | update DownloadsPlugin to support Trac 1.4.x (see #14044) * switch to … | |
doxygenplugin | | 18471 | 3 years | DoxygenPlugin 0.7.5dev: Make compatible with Python 3 Patch by … | |
dropbearsplugin | | 13495 | 11 years | Version 2.1: Get document width and height using jQuery. Refs #11437. | |
drupalintegration | | 16393 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
duplicateticketsearchplugin | | 17620 | 5 years |
1.0.5: Add classifiers metadata
Fixes #13674.
dygraphsvisualizationplugin | | 14726 | 10 years | Add the 'multi column bar plotter' (taken from the example plotter at … | |
dynamicfieldsplugin | | 17871 | 4 years | 2.6.0dev: Fix textarea layout with Trac 1.0.x Refs #8971. | |
dynamicvariablesplugin | | 16587 | 8 years | 1.2.0dev: Restore argument unintentionally removed in r16586 | |
earnedvaluechartmacro | | 12373 | 12 years | ||
easypollmacro | | 16394 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
editfilesplugin | | 8676 | 15 years | added unicode patch; fixing relative paths; disabling GET args | |
editorguideplugin | | 5387 | 16 years | EditorGuidePlugin source added for versions 0.11 and 0.12, directory … | |
eggdropticketinfointegration | | 9686 | 14 years | Added README that points to 0.12 version of plugin at external site. … | |
emailprocessormacro | | 16970 | 7 years | Add metadata to macro | |
emailtotracscript | | 2197 | 18 years | EmailToTracScript EmailtoTracScript: debian/changelog, … | |
emoticonsplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
entitymacro | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
epochfieldplugin | | 15659 | 9 years | EpochFieldPlugin: follows changeset:15474 | |
estimationtoolsplugin | | 17585 | 5 years | TracEstimationTools 0.6.0dev: Bump version after release The plugin … | |
estimatorplugin | | 16452 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
evidenceschedulingplugin | | 8445 | 15 years | New hack EvidenceSchedulingPlugin, created by doycho | |
exceldownloadplugin | | 18652 | 7 months | ExcelDownloadPlugin: make compatible with openpyxl 3.1.3+ (closes #14352) | |
excelxlstviewerplugin | | 16799 | 8 years | TracExcelXlstViewer 1.0dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.0+ and newer … | |
exowebcodereviewplugin | | 12139 | 12 years | Fixed incorrect source code encoding … | |
explorertheme | | 11036 | 13 years | New hack ExplorerTheme, created by wolfisch | |
exportimportxlsplugin | | 17846 | 5 years | 0.3: Add Jinja2 template for Trac 1.4+ Fixes #13874. | |
extendedcamelcaseplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
extendedversionplugin | | 17993 | 4 years | TracExtendedVersion 1.0dev: Make compatible with 1.3.3+ The … | |
externallinksnewwindowplugin | | 17623 | 5 years |
TracExtLinksNewWindow 1.2: Add classifiers metadata
Fixes #13676.
extlinkrewriterplugin | | 4051 | 17 years | make compliant with trac 0.11 | |
extracturlplugin | | 17893 | 4 years | TracExtractUrl 0.5: Add release command | |
faqplugin | | 11126 | 13 years | New hack FaqPlugin, created by seccanj | |
fieldgroupsplugin | | 15150 | 9 years | 0.0.3: Fix invalid path to script Refs #12629. | |
fieldoftableplugin | | 17172 | 7 years | fix #13426 | |
fieldtooltipplugin | | 18209 | 4 years | FieldTooltipPlugin: Add release command | |
filelistplugin | | 14216 | 10 years | Removed author email address at request of author. | |
finegrainedpageauthzeditorplugin | | 17400 | 6 years | 0.12.1dev: Put help in standard location | |
fivestarvoteplugin | | 17155 | 7 years | FiveStarVote 0.2.0dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+ * Trac < 1.0 is … | |
flashembedmacro | | 10984 | 13 years | Added plugin revision info to webadmin page. | |
flashganttplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
flattablemacro | | 18481 | 3 years | Make compatible with Python 3 Refs #14134. | |
flexibleassigntoplugin | | 16706 | 8 years | FlexibleAssignTo 0.8.13: Fix export of interface and cleanup … | |
flexiblereporternotificationplugin | | 14309 | 10 years |
0.1: Removed duplicate author in and fixed indentation.
flexiblewikiplugin | | 7816 | 15 years | flexiblewikiplugin: example for site.html - site_example.html | |
foldmacroprocessormacro | | 16971 | 7 years | FoldMacroProcessorMacro: Add metadata | |
footnotemacro | | 18152 | 4 years | FootNoteMacro: minor Python 3 fix. Bumped version to 1.6.1. Added more … | |
forcepreviewplugin | | 16774 | 8 years | Add license info | |
freedocplugin | | 17022 | 7 years | Margin of list had wrong offset | |
freemindmacro | | 4890 | 16 years | Restore some debug info. | |
fullblognotificationplugin | | 10014 | 14 years | Refs #8662: Merged [10013] into the 0.12 branch. | |
fullblogplugin | | 18216 | 4 years | FullBlogPlugin: Bump version after release Version 0.2.0 has been … | |
fullnamespatch | | 11918 | 13 years | New hack FullNamesPatch, created by jaz | |
fulltextsearchplugin | | 16711 | 8 years | FullTextSearchPlugin 0.1: Require TracTags >= 0.7 Refs #13228. | |
gamedevtheme | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
ganttchartplugin | | 13557 | 11 years | Replaced tabs with spaces. Misc PEP-0008 changes. | |
genshimacro | | 11445 | 13 years | New hack GenshiMacro, created by ejucovy | |
geoticketplugin | | 12984 | 12 years |
Refs #7262: Point setup,py link to TracSqlHelperScript 0.11 …
gitoliteplugin | | 12070 | 12 years | New hack GitolitePlugin, created by ejucovy | |
gitoriousplugin | | 8294 | 15 years | Add some metadata | |
gitplugin | | 7757 | 15 years | GitPlugin: ported code from TracMercurial in trac:changeset:6461 | |
gitwebplugin | | 3416 | 17 years | Change my email to avoid Yahoo, which decided to brake my scraper … | |
gnomebrtheme | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
googleanalyticsintegration | | 17117 | 7 years | TracGoogleAnalytics 0.3.0: Release 0.3.0 | |
googleappsauthplugin | | 9568 | 14 years | New hack GoogleAppsAuthPlugin, created by riggs | |
googlecalendarplugin | | 16393 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
googlechartplugin | | 16727 | 8 years | gchartplugin 0.2: Fix indentation Fixes #6917. | |
googlemapmacro | | 17140 | 7 years | TracGoogleMapMacro 0.6: Fix unintended name change | |
googlesitemapplugin | | 17141 | 7 years | TracGoogleSitemapPlugin 1.1: Conform to PEP8 | |
googlestaticmapmacro | | 17137 | 7 years | TracGoogleStaticMapMacro 1.1: Conform to PEP8 | |
googletranslateplugin | | 9908 | 14 years | Initial commit | |
googletranslatetimelinescript | | 4992 | 16 years | import code | |
googlewebmasterverifyplugin | | 17132 | 7 years | TracGoogleWebmasterVerifyPlugin 0.3: Send content-length header Patch … | |
graphvizplugin | | 18539 | 2 years | TracGraphviz Prepare for development | |
gridflowplugin | | 5584 | 16 years | Use XML parser instead of HTML to fix potential collision with other … | |
gridmodifyplugin | | 17192 | 7 years | TracGridModify 1.0.0dev: Change plugin name This prepares plugin to … | |
gringottsplugin | | 16497 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
groupingassigntoplugin | | 14280 | 10 years |
Added dependency to .
groupticketfieldsplugin | | 17899 | 4 years | TracGroupTicketFields 0.3: Add egg to release | |
growlplugin | | 3950 | 17 years | Fixes #3325 setup file was invalid, and enable growl image background | |
gtkdocplugin | | 9899 | 14 years | * minor bug fixes in the deployment of non-default books * words more … | |
guestbookplugin | | 16942 | 7 years |
TracGuestbook 0.3: Remove use of macros.html
hackergotchiplugin | | 16756 | 8 years | TracHackergotchi 1.2: Run autopep8 on codebase | |
hackinstallplugin | | 16664 | 8 years | Format codebase with autopep8 | |
hgtimelineplugin | | 2657 | 18 years | New hack HgTimelinePlugin, created by djc | |
hideablequeryplugin | | 13059 | 12 years | Fixes #11053: Changed license to BSD 3-Clause with permission of … | |
hidechangesplugin | | 14031 | 11 years | Changed license to 3-Clause BSD with permission of author. Refs #11832. | |
hidefieldchangesplugin | | 12704 | 12 years | closes #10920, included license text for ContextChromePlugin, … | |
hidevalsplugin | | 18169 | 4 years | HideValsPlugin: require Trac >= 1.4 because only Jinja2 template is … | |
hipchatrelayintegration | | 14835 | 10 years | It seems I never pushed this up :-/ | |
hotkeysplugin | | 8247 | 15 years | New hack HotKeysPlugin, created by bne | |
htgroupeditorplugin | | 16401 | 8 years |
Remove build directory
httpauthplugin | | 18631 | 11 months | TracHTTPAuth: allow to configure HTTP authentication realm | |
hudsontracplugin | | 18684 | 2 weeks | update translations | |
icalexporterplugin | | 12121 | 12 years | iCalExporterPlugin: New mantainer in town = olemis | |
icalviewplugin | | 7253 | 15 years | commit error | |
imagetracplugin | | 13934 | 11 years | Fixed checking for table existence in Trac 1.0 and later. Refs #11754. | |
includeattachmentmacro | | 14768 | 10 years | add license fixes #12419 | |
includemacro | | 18505 | 2 years | TracIncludeMacro 3.3.0dev: Fix typo in r18147 Patch by figaro. Fixes … | |
includepagesplugin | | 2910 | 17 years | Initial import. | |
includesourcepartialplugin | | 17695 | 5 years | add support of regex in "start" and/or "end" parameters (see #5233) | |
infosnippetplugin | | 18650 | 8 months | Changed: Version 0.4 is confirmed to be compatible with TRAC 1.6. … | |
iniadminplugin | | 18548 | 22 months | IniAdminPlugin: enable universal of bdist_wheel and add classifiers | |
inigetmacro | | 17559 | 5 years |
Import tag from Trac rather than Genshi
inlinemacro | | 13140 | 12 years | Added files previously attached to the project wiki page. | |
inputfieldtrapplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
insertelementmacro | | 16973 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
insidetracpluginintegration | | 6445 | 16 years | New hack InsideTracPluginIntegration, created by pedersen | |
intertraccommitpatch | | 8342 | 15 years | refs #7171 | |
ircannouncerplugin | | 13659 | 11 years | Imported interface was incorrectly named. | |
irclogsplugin | | 16464 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
irresistibletheme | | 5485 | 16 years | Change license to GPL to comply with upstream. Remove some unneeded … | |
ittecotracplugin | | 5298 | 16 years | New hack IttecoTracPlugin, created by itteco | |
jabbertracscript | | 5935 | 16 years | First upload | |
javadocwikimacro | | 16974 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
jiratotracintegration | | 13407 | 11 years | Install jira2trac as a console script. | |
jobcontrolplugin | | 15873 | 9 years | Remove empty directory | |
jqchartmacro | | 18440 | 4 years | 1.0dev: Make compatible with Python 2.7 Refs #14037. | |
jupyternotebookplugin | | 16379 | 8 years |
TracJupyterNotebook 1.0: Add jupyter to installation requirements
keepinterfacesimpleplugin | | 17316 | 6 years | Version 2.5 | |
keywordreplaceplugin | | 17654 | 5 years | TracKeywordReplace 1.0dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.0+ Refs #13726. | |
keywordsuggestplugin | | 17470 | 6 years | TracKeywordSuggest 0.5.0dev: Drop support for Trac < 1.0 | |
lastmodifiedmacro | | 17870 | 4 years |
Add LatestRevision macro
latexformulamacro | | 17863 | 4 years | Revert r17862 on 0.11 directory Refs #13887. | |
latexmacro | | 17861 | 4 years | TracLatex 0.2dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+ Fixes #13888. | |
ldapacctmngrplugin | | 18603 | 15 months | Add option for user field and make compatible with Python 3 (closes #13487) | |
ldapauthnzplugin | | 11353 | 13 years |
Fixes #9864, Refs #9172: Fixed typo in start_tls_s method call.
ldapauthstoreplugin | | 17336 | 6 years | LdapAuthStore 0.4.0dev: Fix syntax error in r17335 Refs #13530. | |
ldapplugin | | 18457 | 3 years | LdapPlugin 0.7.0dev: Fix recurrsion resolving groups Patch by Joachim … | |
lightertheme | | 11446 | 13 years | New hack LighterTheme, created by ejucovy | |
lightgreentheme | | 13416 | 11 years | Styled inline code blocks. | |
linenomacro | | 16197 | 8 years | 1.2: Set Trac version requirement | |
linkedinmacrosmacro | | 12139 | 12 years | Fixed incorrect source code encoding … | |
listofwikipagesmacro | | 17126 | 7 years | TracListOfWikiPagesMacro 0.5: Conform to PEP8 | |
listtracprojectsmacro | | 16976 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
littlemarytheme | | 9560 | 14 years | se agrega manejo de errores | |
loginrequiredplugin | | 9648 | 14 years | New hack LoginRequiredPlugin, created by riggs | |
logviewerplugin | | 18671 | 3 months | TracLogViewer 0.4dev: fix warnings from setuptools on build […] | |
logwatcherplugin | | 16398 | 8 years |
Remove dist directories
loomingcloudsplugin | | 18234 | 4 years | LoomingCloudsPlugin: make it compatible with Trac > 1.4 by dropping … | |
luntbuildtracintegration | | 14626 | 10 years | Added MIT license | |
macrochainmacro | | 15872 | 9 years | Rename directory | |
mactheme | | 17940 | 4 years | Code drop from PyPI | |
mailarchiveplugin | | 17666 | 5 years | MailArchivePlugin: Python3 compatibility. (see #13739) | |
mailplugin | | 16533 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
mailtotracplugin | | 16530 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
manpagerendererplugin | | 16531 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
mantischangesetbuglinkspatch | | 12473 | 12 years | Remove trailing whitespace | |
mantisimportscript | | 16529 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
markdownmacro | | 18423 | 4 years |
MarkdownMacro: use Markdown < 3.2 install requirement only for …
masterticketsplugin | | 17852 | 5 years | TracMasterTickets 4.0.5dev: Fix depgraph with summary containing … | |
mathcaptchaplugin | | 17091 | 7 years | TracMathCaptcha 5.0dev: Fix grammar in option doc Refs #6891. | |
mediawikipluginmacro | | 17832 | 5 years | TracMediaWikiMacro 1.1dev: Fix multiple issues * Fixed issue where … | |
mentionedticketsplugin | | 17321 | 6 years | MentionedTicketsPlugin: Initial commit. | |
menusplugin | | 17580 | 5 years | TracMenus 0.4.0dev: Bump version after release Published to … | |
mermaidmacro | | 17355 | 6 years | Fix Error: int object has no attribute replace Fixes #13546. | |
metamacroplugin | | 9769 | 14 years | Import plugin | |
metapostplugin | | 16536 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
mhssuiteplugin | | 17368 | 6 years | New hack MhsSuitePlugin, created by ghiboz | |
milestonecompactmacro | | 16977 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
milestonequerymacro | | 18189 | 4 years | MilestoneQueryMacro: simplify imports by unifying different codepath … | |
milestoneteamsplugin | | 5142 | 16 years | Fixing typo… | |
milestonetemplateplugin | | 17779 | 5 years | Corrected year in copyright file. | |
milncheckboxplugin | | 17000 | 7 years | Conform to PEP8 | |
mindmapmacro | | 17116 | 7 years | TracMindMapMacro 1.2.0dev: Fix some parsing errors Conform to PEP8 … | |
mockdatascript | | 17333 | 6 years | Add script that was attached to wiki page | |
modwsgiacctmgrscript | | 3045 | 17 years | * Initial import | |
mointotracscript | | 16520 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
motdplugin | | 13979 | 11 years | Replaced tabs with spaces and fixed indentation. | |
moviemacro | | 18483 | 3 years | TracMovieMacro 0.4dev: Make compatible with Python 3 * Add new movie … | |
mscgenplugin | | 16521 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
mssqlbackendplugin | | 12705 | 12 years | fixes mistakes on changeset:12704 | |
multipleprojectqueryfilterplugin | | 2357 | 18 years | MultipleProjectQueryFilterPlugin: initial checkin | |
multipleworkflowplugin | | 18098 | 4 years | MultipleWorkflowPlugin: Python 3 fix. Added classifiers to | |
multiprojectbacklogplugin | | 18099 | 4 years | MultiProjectBacklogPlugin: fixes for Python 3. Added classifiers to … | |
multiprojectcommitticketupdaterplugin | | 15730 | 9 years | 1.0.0dev: Simplify and fix several issue with ticket command matching … | |
multireposearchplugin | | 11229 | 13 years | New hack MultiRepoSearchPlugin, created by ejucovy | |
multiselectfieldplugin | | 17830 | 5 years | TracMultiSelectField 1.0.4: Fix exceptions for unintended name … | |
multitracstatisticsplugin | | 12139 | 12 years | Fixed incorrect source code encoding … | |
mypageplugin | | 12157 | 12 years | New hack MyPagePlugin, created by cboos | |
narcissusplugin | | 16461 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
navaddplugin | | 17903 | 4 years | TracNavAdd 0.5: Change plugin name | |
navigationdisplayplugin | | 16532 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
neighborpageplugin | | 16612 | 8 years | NeighborPagePlugin 0.4: Issue error message if used in non-wiki realm … | |
nevernotifyupdaterplugin | | 17907 | 4 years | TracNeverNotifyUpdater 1.0: Fix metadata | |
newsflashmacro | | 16753 | 8 years | TracNewsFlash 1.0.3: Run autopep8 on codebase | |
newticketlikethisplugin | | 11116 | 13 years | New hack NewTicketLikeThisPlugin, created by ejucovy | |
nikocalemacro | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
noanonymousplugin | | 10369 | 14 years | #8868 - redirect to original page after login | |
nonotifytimingpatch | | 9954 | 14 years | New hack NoNotifyTimingPatch, created by doycho | |
noteboxmacro | | 13676 | 11 years | Tagged version 1.0. | |
noticemanagerplugin | | 16516 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
noticepublisherplugin | | 11129 | 13 years | New hack NoticePublisherPlugin, created by seccanj | |
notifyallusersplugin | | 10051 | 14 years | first version of plugin, without setup code | |
nukeuserplugin | | 10017 | 14 years | New hack NukeUserPlugin, created by slinkp | |
numberedheadlinesplugin | | 17125 | 7 years | TracNumberedHeadlinesPlugin 0.5: Conform to PEP8 | |
oauth2plugin | | 14010 | 11 years | Added unlicense. | |
odtexportplugin | | 17233 | 7 years | OdtExportPlugin 1.0dev: Adapt to Trac 1.0 API Refs #13443. | |
ohlohbadgemacro | | 16754 | 8 years | TracOhlohBadge 1.1: Bump version | |
onerepomanytracsitespatch | | 14962 | 9 years | Hacked to support multiple trac sites from a single repository commit. | |
onsitenotificationsplugin | | 18190 | 4 years | OnSiteNotificationsPlugin: created Jinja2 templates. Minor Python 3 … | |
openiddelegateplugin | | 3715 | 17 years | Add MyOpenID to the auto-server list. | |
openofficetotracwikiscript | | 9815 | 14 years | Part of [9774]. | |
opensearchplugin | | 13855 | 11 years | fix a bug when deploy by egg archive | |
osxrssdashboardwidgetleopardintegration | | 2555 | 18 years | OsxRssDashboardWidgetLeopardIntegration: | |
overlayviewplugin | | 18680 | 6 weeks |
OverlayViewPlugin: fix UnicodeEncodeError raised when the filename …
overrideeditplugin | | 16512 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
packagerepositoryplugin | | 17301 | 6 years | PackageRepositoryPlugin: Initial commit. | |
page2docbookplugin | | 16514 | 8 years | Fix identation | |
pageticketsmacro | | 17330 | 6 years |
PageTicketsMacro: Don't ignore explicit additional id=... arguments …
pagetodocintegration | | 16518 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
pagevariablemacro | | 16515 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
pandocplugin | | 16433 | 8 years | TracPandoc 0.1.0: Add URL to | |
parameterizedincludemacro | | 17655 | 5 years |
Make compatible with Trac 1.4+
Add Rev to svn:keywords
Fixes #13724.
parametrizedtemplatesplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
pdfimageplugin | | 11408 | 13 years | changed external convert command according ticket:9874#comment:5 | |
pdfpreviewplugin | | 15904 | 8 years | Fix package_data. A patch by jun66j5. refs #12887 | |
pdfredirectorplugin | | 16501 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
peerreviewplugin | | 18288 | 4 years | PeerReviewPlugin: improvements to ticket creation: * You may specify a … | |
pencilpreviewplugin | | 17864 | 4 years | PencilPreviewPlugin: Strip trailing whitespace | |
pendingticketplugin | | 16275 | 8 years | 1.2.0: Fix error in r16274 | |
perforcejobscript | | 6717 | 15 years | port script to Trac 0.11.5 | |
perlpodmacro | | 16980 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
perlpodplugin | | 16434 | 8 years | TracPerlPod 0.1.1: Make compatible with future versions of Trac | |
permredirectplugin | | 16606 | 8 years | TracPermRedirect 0.3: Conform to PEP8 | |
phpbbauthplugin | | 16564 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
phpbugtracker2tracscript | | 16507 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
phpdocplugin | | 7799 | 15 years | re #6833 - Changed None to an empty string | |
planetforgeimportexportplugin | | 16494 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
plannedmilestonesmacro | | 17008 | 7 years | Conform to PEP8 | |
plantumlmacro | | 18647 | 8 months | TracPlantUml 2.3.1dev: make compatible with Trac 1.6 and Python 3 … | |
pledgiemacro | | 16506 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
pollmacro | | 16771 | 8 years | TracPoll 0.4.0dev: Add license info | |
precodebrowserplugin | | 17032 | 7 years | PreCodeBrowser 1.0: Fix missing syntax highlighting Patch by ntmlod. … | |
privatecommentplugin | | 17721 | 5 years | TracPrivateComments 0.5dev: Remove obsolete files Refs #13776. | |
privatereportsplugin | | 18212 | 4 years | TracPrivateReports: Bump trunk version to 1.3.1dev since 1.3.0 was released | |
privateticketsplugin | | 17424 | 6 years | TracPrivateTickets 2.4.0dev: Fix groups with uppercase characters not … | |
privatewikiplugin | | 17167 | 7 years | TracPrivateWiki 1.1.0: Conform to PEP8 | |
progressmetermacro | | 14871 | 10 years |
Don't enforce Python version in , it is problematic.
projectmenuplugin | | 18474 | 3 years | TracProjectMenu 2.1dev: Make compatible with Python 3 Refs #14128. | |
projectplanplugin | | 16448 | 8 years | Remove intermediate directory | |
projectplugin | | 16504 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
projectsmanagerplugin | | 9351 | 14 years | New hack ProjectsManagerPlugin, created by zjj | |
protectedmacro | | 7628 | 15 years | Fix by miau: the format must be checked since the action will be … | |
proxydavplugin | | 11275 | 13 years | New hack ProxyDavPlugin, created by castorinop | |
pullrequestsplugin | | 17663 | 5 years | PullRequestsPlugin: Python3 compatibility. (fix #13741) | |
pydocplugin | | 16773 | 8 years | TracPyDoc 0.11.2: Add license info | |
pydotorgtheme | | 16449 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
pygamewebtheme | | 16505 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
pytppthemeplugin | | 16508 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
qatrackerplugin | | 16509 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
qrcodeplugin | | 9559 | 14 years | Revised version with commmented out text removed | |
queryuiassistplugin | | 16192 | 8 years | 0.3: Set Trac version requirements | |
questionregisterplugin | | 11297 | 13 years | Add the first implementation. | |
queuesplugin | | 16027 | 8 years | Remove eclipse project files | |
quickticketplugin | | 8248 | 15 years | New hack QuickTicketPlugin, created by bne | |
quietplugin | | 17573 | 5 years | 1.2.2dev: Bump version after release pypi:TracQuiet/1.2.1 published. … | |
ragestoryplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
randomincludeplugin | | 16493 | 8 years | Fix indentation | |
readmeplugin | | 14171 | 11 years | New hack ReadmePlugin, created by Southen | |
recaptcharegisterplugin | | 9846 | 14 years | Adding 0.10 branch to repository. Fixes #5726. | |
regexlinkplugin | | 16457 | 8 years | Remove intermediate directory | |
registrationconfirmationpatch | | 3870 | 17 years | New hack RegistrationConfirmationPatch, created by nicholasbs | |
relevantticketplugin | | 11362 | 13 years | Bug Fix: Lack of ticket_deleted method | |
remoteticketconditionalcreateplugin | | 12639 | 12 years |
Refs #10872: Added license header to . Added URL to .
remoteticketplugin | | 9898 | 14 years | Catch network errors when refreshing RemoteTicket, add such to … | |
reporevisionsyntaxplugin | | 8337 | 15 years | New hack RepoRevisionSyntaxPlugin, created by shesek | |
reposearchplugin | | 16772 | 8 years | TracReposearch 0.2: Add license info | |
repositoryhooksystemplugin | | 7102 | 15 years | fix comments | |
reposreadmeplugin | | 9323 | 14 years | ReposReadMePlugin: Visual follow-up for #7795, specifically some … | |
reschedulescript | | 8516 | 15 years | Added revision info to macro. | |
resourcereservationplugin | | 17630 | 5 years |
Import source and add classifiers metadata
Fixes #13680.
revtreeplugin | | 15470 | 9 years |
Remove tag_svn_revsion attribute
The attribute isn't supported in …
roadmapboxmacro | | 16981 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
roadmapfilterplugin | | 7961 | 15 years | It wasn't filtering out the stats data, so it showed the wrong … | |
roadmaphoursplugin | | 16164 | 8 years | 1.2.0dev: Require Trac >= 1.2 | |
roadmapplugin | | 18626 | 12 months | Adapt to Jinja2 template engine and make compatible with Python 3 … | |
robotstxtplugin | | 16757 | 8 years | TracRobotsTxt 2.1: Run autopep8 on codebase | |
rssembedmacro | | 17482 | 6 years | Fix example in README Fixes #6619. | |
scarabtotracscript | | 6590 | 15 years | initial version | |
scheduledworkflowplugin | | 14846 | 10 years | explicitly licensed ScheduledWorkflowPlugin with 2-clause BSD (Closes … | |
schedulingtoolsplugin | | 15265 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on js and html files svn:mime-type … | |
screenshotsplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
scrippetmacro | | 16544 | 8 years | switch to an unminified fountain.js | |
scriptauthplugin | | 7394 | 15 years | Added the very important URL encoding for the username and password … | |
scrumburndownplugin | | 16778 | 8 years | TracBurndown 2.0.0dev: Fix incorrect types for milestone timestamp … | |
searchallplugin | | 18610 | 15 months |
TracSearchAll 0.10: bump up the version to 0.10 (refs #14254)
searchattachmentsplugin | | 15177 | 9 years |
0.2dev: Fix indentation using
sectioneditplugin | | 18164 | 4 years | SectionEditPlugin: fixed typo in css selector which may have broken … | |
securepluginpanelplugin | | 16802 | 8 years | Code from from external site | |
secureticketsplugin | | 14028 | 11 years | Added license headers and text. Refs #11832. | |
selfdeleteplugin | | 17561 | 5 years | TracSelfDelete 2.1: Remove unused import | |
sensitiveticketsplugin | | 17648 | 5 years |
TracSensitiveTickets 1.2.4: Add release command
serverdownmacro | | 3416 | 17 years | Change my email to avoid Yahoo, which decided to brake my scraper … | |
serversideredirectplugin | | 17895 | 4 years | TracServerSideRedirectPlugin 1.0.2: Bump versions and release | |
settingsplugin | | 16398 | 8 years |
Remove dist directories
sfntotracscript | | 3739 | 17 years | initial import | |
sharedcookieauthplugin | | 15486 | 9 years | 0.1.6dev: Refactor code and update documentation | |
sharingbuttonsplugin | | 13332 | 12 years | SharingButtonsPlugin: show open graph protocol and twitter cards in … | |
shellexamplemacro | | 11485 | 13 years |
Fixes #9900: get_templates_dirs needs to return an empty list, but …
shortcuticonplugin | | 17135 | 7 years | TracShortcutIconPlugin 0.3: Conform to PEP8 | |
showpathplugin | | 4474 | 16 years | Removed debugging print, which seems to be crashing Trac when run … | |
showwhenmacro | | 16982 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
simplecaptchaplugin | | 3869 | 17 years | Initial import. | |
simplemultiprojectplugin | | 18451 | 3 years | SimpleMultiProjectPlugin: Release 0.7.4 Refs #14055. | |
simpleticketplugin | | 16048 | 8 years | 5.0: Release version 5.0 | |
sitesaciafomeplugin | | 17309 | 6 years | New hack SiteSaciaFomePlugin, created by maxdias | |
siteuploadplugin | | 10440 | 14 years | Show plugin's svn revision on webadmin plugin panel. | |
sixhatsmacroplugin | | 7121 | 15 years | Init release. | |
skittlishtheme | | 3831 | 17 years | Initial import of skittlish theme for trac 0.11 | |
slackintegration | | 14476 | 10 years | New hack SlackIntegration, created by wagner.pinheiro | |
slideshowplugin | | 14745 | 10 years | 0.3: Added 3-Clause BSD license, with permission of author. Fixes #12321. | |
smallsearchmacro | | 7519 | 15 years | Adding 0.11 version to the repository | |
snapshotplugin | | 17530 | 5 years | SnapshotPlugin: fix a bug to render with jinja2 template at … | |
spoilermacro | | 16348 | 8 years | 0.7: Conform to PEP8 and remove unused imports The macro has been … | |
sqlalchemyquerymacro | | 16394 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
sqlconstantsplugin | | 4677 | 16 years | Initial checkin - mostly working. | |
sqlflexibleauthstoreplugin | | 10932 | 13 years | * added the sources for the SQLFlexibleAuthStorePlugin to subversion | |
sqlquerymacro | | 18071 | 4 years | TracSqlQueryMacro 0.3dev: Remove pymills dependency Patch by Jun … | |
sslauthenticationplugin | | 6136 | 16 years | Use exception handling instead of an 'if' check to check for perm_user … | |
statushistorychartmacro | | 17536 | 5 years | StatusHistoryChartMacroWeekPlanPlugin: Trac 1.3 compatible DB … | |
stickyticketplugin | | 11065 | 13 years | Removed unused imports and variables. | |
stractisticsplugin | | 17376 | 6 years | 0.6dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.2+ Refs #13563. | |
subcomponentsplugin | | 18176 | 4 years | SubcomponentsPlugin: use Jinja2 template for Trac 1.4 (no Genshi … | |
subprojectspatch | | 16573 | 8 years | Add patch for 1.0, previously attached to project wiki page | |
subscriberlistplugin | | 16804 | 8 years | Code added from external site | |
subversionlocationplugin | | 4837 | 16 years | New hack SubversionLocationPlugin, created by ErikRose | |
sumfieldsplugin | | 17505 | 6 years | TracSumFields 2.0.0dev: Enable for wiki view Check template rather … | |
summacro | | 13736 | 11 years | Removed unnecessary method. | |
sumstatsplugin | | 15069 | 9 years |
0.9.1dev: Fix traceback when overall_completion is None
The issue …
superuserplugin | | 17128 | 7 years | tracsuperuser 0.4: Conform to PEP8 | |
svnauthzadminplugin | | 18648 | 8 months | SvnAuthzAdminPlugin 1.0.1dev: follow-up to r18641, fix duplicated … | |
svncchelpersscript | | 1703 | 18 years | SvnCcHelpersScript: Remove the old revtree implementation based on … | |
svncliremoteplugin | | 18272 | 4 years | SvnCliRemotePlugin: again fixes to svn path handling. This mostly … | |
svnmultiurlsplugin | | 14596 | 10 years | remove not needed file | |
svnsyncplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
svntarballplugin | | 6509 | 16 years | First working version to use with CernVM conary cook recipes | |
tableplugin | | 17473 | 6 years |
Interpolate row with empty cells when @endrow encountered
Fixes #13597.
tablesorterplugin | | 16392 | 8 years |
TableSorterPlugin: Using jQuery at global scope to avoid the …
tagpublicplugin | | 14287 | 10 years | Convert tabs to whitespace. Refs #12033. | |
tagsplugin | | 18666 | 5 months |
TracTags: enable [bdist_wheel] universal option
tasklistplugin | | 9683 | 14 years | Handle constraints as a list of dictionaries in Trac 0.12. Fixes #6336. | |
taskticketsmacro | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
teamcalendarplugin | | 16052 | 8 years | 0.1: Add database create steps to README | |
teamcitypluginintegration | | 13694 | 11 years |
Replaced deprecated add_javascript with add_script . Fixes #11589.
testbornintegration | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
testcasemanagementplugin | | 16394 | 8 years | Remove eggs | |
testmanagerfortracplugin | | 17759 | 5 years | Remove obsolete script Change links to HTTPS | |
testplugin | | 18484 | 3 years | New hack TestPlugin, created by vudlhse150296 | |
textareakeybindingsplugin | | 17970 | 4 years | TextareaKeyBindingsPlugin: Transform also InterWiki links with … | |
textmatebundle | | 4354 | 16 years | Fix an old typo. | |
tgauthplugin | | 3641 | 17 years | * Remove print statement originally put in for debugging. | |
themeengineplugin | | 18454 | 3 years | ThemeEnginePlugin: Release version 2.3.1 Version 2.3.0 had a … | |
ticketaccessplugin | | 10295 | 14 years | New hack TicketAccessPlugin, created by solarwind | |
ticketboxmacro | | 16985 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
ticketcalendarplugin | | 18659 | 5 months | ticketcalendar: fix date and datetime picker not working in the … | |
ticketchangeplugin | | 11974 | 13 years |
Updated svn:ignore to ignore products of building the egg.
ticketchartsmacro | | 13335 | 12 years |
refs #6904: fixed UnicodeDecodeError , _get_random_string generates …
ticketconditionalcreationstatusplugin | | 10491 | 14 years | operate like on ticket creation when existing ticket goes from closed … | |
ticketcreatebuttonsplugin | | 14013 | 11 years | Added COPYING file and author email. Refs #11871. | |
ticketcreationstatusplugin | | 16194 | 8 years | 0.1: Set Trac version requirements | |
ticketdeleteplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
ticketdependencyplugin | | 16672 | 8 years | New hack TicketDependencyPlugin, created by dlutz | |
ticketextplugin | | 10092 | 14 years | Trac0.12でエラーとなる部分を修正。 | |
ticketfieldfilterplugin | | 18107 | 4 years | TicketFieldFilterPlugin: no longer use Javascript for read-nly field … | |
ticketfieldsplugin | | 12580 | 12 years | Initial checkin of TicketFieldsPlugin | |
ticketguidelinesplugin | | 6277 | 16 years | New hack TicketGuidelinesPlugin, created by manski | |
ticketimportplugin | | 18621 | 13 months | TicketImportPlugin: pass logging format and parameters rather than … | |
ticketlastcommentjumpplugin | | 12362 | 12 years | TicketLastCommentJumpPlugin: It supported trac 1.0 version. ( closes … | |
ticketmodifiedfilesplugin | | 16490 | 8 years | 2.0.0dev: Fix legend markup Refs #5817. | |
ticketmoverplugin | | 15129 | 9 years | 0.1.3dev: Normalize casing before comparing paths The issue was … | |
ticketnavplugin | | 14674 | 10 years | fixes #12386: added license | |
ticketrelationsplugin | | 10771 | 13 years | New hack TicketRelationsPlugin, created by leihog | |
ticketsboardplugin | | 18160 | 4 years | TicketsBoardPlugin: Python 3 fixes, Bumped version to 1.3.0. The … | |
ticketsidebarproviderplugin | | 18496 | 3 years | TicketSidebarProvider 0.1: Bump version | |
ticketstencilplugin | | 16432 | 8 years |
TracTicketStencil 0.1.1: Avoid conflicts due to use of $ at global scope
ticketsubmitpolicyplugin | | 12712 | 12 years | Code formatting changes. | |
ticketteamdispatcherplugin | | 16855 | 7 years | TracTicketTeamDispatcher 0.3dev: Implicitly install TracUserManagerPlugin | |
tickettortmplugin | | 6466 | 16 years | Adding TicketToRtmPlugin version 0.1 from … | |
tickettosalesforceplugin | | 14845 | 10 years | Add license per issue #12456 | |
tickettotracscript | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tickettreeplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
ticketvalidatorplugin | | 18151 | 4 years | TicketValidatorPlugin: bump version to 0.3.0. The plugin seems to … | |
timelinecheckinfilterplugin | | 5708 | 16 years | Removed username filtering - use TimelineUserFilterPlugin instead, … | |
timelinecomponentfilterplugin | | 16157 | 8 years | Make compatible with Trac 1.2 | |
timelineuserfilterplugin | | 7596 | 15 years | Forgot to credit asic_druide in the plugin | |
timetrackingplugin | | 17749 | 5 years | TimeTrackingPlugin: Require Trac 1.4 (see #13820) | |
timevisualizerplugin | | 14861 | 10 years | 0.7: Adds support for multiple lines and makes it possible to specify … | |
timingandestimationplugin | | 17249 | 7 years | Change db backend import stuff to allow running without all backends … | |
tocmacro | | 18149 | 4 years | TocMacro: Python3 fixes: replaced unicode() with to_unicode(). … | |
togglemacroplugin | | 7449 | 15 years | init toggle macro | |
topmacro | | 5040 | 16 years | New hack TopMacro, created by dwclifton | |
tracadvancedsearchplugin | | 10162 | 14 years | New hack TracAdvancedSearchPlugin, created by dnephin | |
tracajaxcommentsplugin | | 11838 | 13 years | - patched for #10186 - updated version and maintainer | |
tracajaxqueryplugin | | 9222 | 14 years | Fix bug with added filters not updating query. | |
tracasciidoctorplugin | | 17244 | 7 years | Fix missing htdocs prefix Patch by Jun Omae. Fixes #13453. | |
tracautocompleteplugin | | 17528 | 5 years | 0.1: Conform to PEP8 | |
tracbacklinkplugin | | 18606 | 15 months |
TracBackLinkPlugin/1.0.15: fix AttributeError when invoking …
tracbacksplugin | | 18131 | 4 years | TracBacksPlugin: fix for Trac 1.5. Bumped version to 0.3.0. | |
tracbashrcscript | | 17931 | 4 years | Remove obsolete links | |
tracbasicmacro | | 17932 | 4 years | Remove unnecessary files and convert line endings | |
tracbibplugin | | 12605 | 12 years | changing revision 'latest' to 'None' for trac 0.11 | |
tracblockdiagplugin | | 17624 | 5 years |
Add classifiers metadata
Fixes #13687.
tracbuildbotintegration | | 16941 | 7 years |
TracBuildbot 0.2.0dev: Remove use of macros.html
Require Trac >= 1.0.
traccaptchaplugin | | 8162 | 15 years | New hack TracCaptchaPlugin, created by felix_schwarz | |
traccasplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
traccgitplugin | | 11292 | 13 years | New hack TracCgitPlugin, created by fhuberts | |
tracchecklistmacro | | 18524 | 2 years | v0.1.8 commit | |
tracciaplugin | | 6457 | 16 years | Add metadata to plugin (Closes: #5746) | |
traccmdscript | | 17002 | 7 years | Fix match for HTTPS Patch by walty8. Fixes #13339. | |
traccodeprocessormacro | | 16803 | 8 years | Code drop from external site | |
traccomponentaliasplugin | | 13196 | 12 years | small fix for when changing the component after ticket is created, it … | |
tracconfigurablepermissionplugin | | 17020 | 7 years | New hack TracConfigurablePermissionPlugin, created by cauly | |
traccosignplugin | | 6049 | 16 years | remove hostname/server from [cosign] section; change login_path to … | |
traccreatewebuiscript | | 6495 | 16 years | ||
traccronplugin | | 17943 | 4 years | Drop latest code from PyPI | |
traccrowdauthplugin | | 10112 | 14 years | init import | |
traccsvplugin | | 10954 | 13 years | Initial Check in | |
traccvsntintegrationplugin | | 14842 | 10 years |
Moved code into 0.12 directory.
tracdbftsplugin | | 18315 | 4 years | TracDbftsPlugin: follow-up to r18301, minor changes | |
tracdependencyplugin | | 8368 | 15 years | ||
tracdeveloperplugin | | 18157 | 4 years | TracDeveloperPlugin: Python 3 and Trac 1.5/Trac 1.6 fixes. Bumped … | |
tracdocbookplugin | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
tracdocsplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tracdownloaderplugin | | 15874 | 9 years | Remove obsolete directory | |
tracdragdropplugin | | 18682 | 5 weeks | TracDragDrop: make compatible with Python 3.13 which has removed cgi … | |
tracdupplugin | | 15865 | 9 years |
0.1.2: Fix validate_ticket raising error when fields unchanged
tracemojiplugin | | 12081 | 12 years | New hack TracEmojiPlugin, created by pykler | |
tracexampletheme | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tracfacebookpluginsmacro | | 9002 | 15 years | New hack TracFacebookPluginsMacro, created by thijs | |
tracfewfixesplugin | | 14368 | 10 years | TracFewFixesPlugin: added fix for trac:#11920 | |
tracflexiblequeryuiplugin | | 16568 | 8 years | TracFlexibleQueryUiPlugin/1.0.0: initial commit | |
tracformsplugin | | 16960 | 7 years |
TracForms 0.5dev: Remove debug print statement from r16386
Refs #13319.
tracfoundationtheme | | 12258 | 12 years | New hack TracFoundationTheme, created by sawdog881 | |
tracgenericworkflowplugin | | 9405 | 14 years | New hack TracGenericWorkflowPlugin, created by seccanj | |
tracgitosisplugin | | 8286 | 15 years | New hack TracGitosisPlugin, created by dr4Ke | |
tracgooglesearchplugin | | 17123 | 7 years | Correct the plugin path | |
trachacksplugin | | 17007 | 7 years | TracHacks 3.0.7: Use relative URL for image This fixes a not found … | |
trachgrceditplugin | | 7123 | 15 years | initial Commit of TracHgrcEdit | |
trachotbackupscript | | 16744 | 8 years | Remove hard-code path to trac-admin Patch by Jun Omae. | |
trachoursplugin | | 17874 | 4 years |
TracHours 0.7.4dev: Remove ipnr attribute from query
The ipnr …
trachtmlnotificationplugin | | 18646 | 9 months | TracHtmlNotificationPlugin: respect email obfuscation settings (closes … | |
tracimagesvgmacro | | 12393 | 12 years | Add support for trac 1.0, apply patch from nmadura, see #10659 | |
traciniadminpanelplugin | | 18685 | 2 weeks | update translations | |
tracjenkinsplugin | | 13973 | 11 years | 1.0: Added 3-Clause BSD license. Fixes #11825. | |
tracjsganttplugin | | 17888 | 4 years | Trac-jsGantt Fix typo in section name | |
trackerfortracintegration | | 6253 | 16 years | New hack TrackerForTracIntegration, created by Hinnack | |
trackeywordsplugin | | 17985 | 4 years | reverse merge of r17981. If the TagsPlugin is loaded then … | |
traclateplugin | | 15473 | 9 years |
Remove tag_svn_revsion attribute
The attribute isn't supported in …
tracldapauthplugin | | 16569 | 8 years | TracLDAPAuth 1.2.2: Fix login failures with non-ascii characters in … | |
traclegosscript | | 12984 | 12 years |
Refs #7262: Point setup,py link to TracSqlHelperScript 0.11 …
traclinksplugin | | 17547 | 5 years | TracLinksPlugin: Port from genshi to javascript | |
traclistticketsscript | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tracmacroconfigplugin | | 11435 | 13 years | remember non-keyword macro args, provide list() method to retrieve them. | |
tracmediawikisignatureplugin | | 17644 | 5 years | New hack TracMediaWikiSignaturePlugin, created by joro75 | |
tracmergescript | | 3890 | 17 years | Import from a relative path | |
tracmetrixplugin | | 13558 | 11 years | Group tickets by resolution. Untested change. Refs #11414. Patch by … | |
tracmigrateplugin | | 18447 | 3 years |
TracMigratePlugin: fix ImportError with Trac 1.4.x (closes #14054)
tracmultiselectboxplugin | | 17942 | 4 years | Code drop from PyPI | |
tracmypageplugin | | 15471 | 9 years |
Remove tag_svn_revsion attribute
The attribute isn't supported in …
tracopenthreeoneoneplugin | | 6116 | 16 years | allow request submission | |
tracpasteplugin | | 17747 | 5 years | TracPaste 0.4dev: Remove bloodhound support Added in r12575, however … | |
tracpaththeme | | 17912 | 4 years | tracpaththeme: port to Jinja2 template in order to support Trac 1.4 … | |
tracpermissionfilterplugin | | 13912 | 11 years | Fixed indentation and replaced tabs with spaces. Fixes #11737. | |
tracplugintemplatescript | | 6953 | 15 years | include package data, refs #3777 | |
tracpublisherscript | | 7272 | 15 years | New hack TracPublisherScript, created by zimmerle | |
tracpygit2plugin | | 15911 | 8 years |
TracPygit2Plugin: fix raising AttributeError with pygit2 v0.22.1+
tracquickplugintemplatescript | | 7750 | 15 years | support css, js | |
tracrelationsplugin | | 18231 | 4 years |
TracRelationsPlugin: show Duplicate of } field in preview ticket …
tracreleaseplugin | | 15741 | 9 years |
Fix duplicated packages arguments of setup() (closes #4618)
tracreportinplaceeditplugin | | 17191 | 7 years | TracReportInplaceEditPlugin 0.3: Conform to PEP8 | |
tracreportmanagerplugin | | 6336 | 16 years | remove license.txt | |
tracrestrictaccessplugin | | 14589 | 10 years | fix comment | |
tracrpcgetallusersplugin | | 16730 | 8 years | New hack TracRpcGetAllUsersPlugin, created by cauly | |
tracrpcprotocolsplugin | | 7425 | 15 years | New hack TracRpcProtocolsPlugin, created by olemis | |
tracrussiantranslation | | 13937 | 11 years | Removed extra bracket. | |
tracschedulerplugin | | 6398 | 16 years | #5685 remove admin panel | |
tracsecdlplugin | | 16554 | 8 years | Import source code from external site | |
tracsentinelplugin | | 5569 | 16 years | Really fixed formatting this time (I think). | |
tracshellscript | | 5254 | 16 years | New hack TracShellScript, created by j_king | |
tracsnapplugin | | 12694 | 12 years | Refs #5886: Fixed some unresolved imports that were preventing the … | |
tracsqlalchemybridgeintegration | | 5089 | 16 years | Bump version number and more old<->new SQLAlchemy compatibility changes. | |
tracsqlhelperscript | | 16473 | 8 years |
TracSQLHelper 0.3.1: Replace use of remove _get_connector
tracsqlplugin | | 8021 | 15 years | New hack TracSqlPlugin, created by mrjbq7 | |
tracstatsplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tracstorypointsplugin | | 7403 | 15 years | Minor Bug Fixes to WikiMacros and improved License text. | |
tracsuposeplugin | | 10486 | 14 years | TracSuposePlugin: #8991 fixed path in the linux | |
tracsvnadminplugin | | 11209 | 13 years | Added the ability to provide a path to a hooks folder that contains … | |
tracsvnauthzplugin | | 18015 | 4 years | Convert template to Jinja2 Patch by y-nobu. Refs #13964. | |
tracsvnpoliciesplugin | | 16161 | 8 years | 1.0dev: Finish implementation of TracFineGrainedPermissions The … | |
tracsysgroupsplugin | | 5672 | 16 years | ||
tractabplugin | | 12716 | 12 years | Refs #5742: Refactored template. | |
tracterminologyplugin | | 7181 | 15 years | use label as link string if given | |
tracticketchainedfieldsplugin | | 18444 | 3 years | 1.2dev: Remove TCF_ADMIN Require TICKET_ADMIN to access admin panel. … | |
tracticketchangelogplugin | | 18070 | 4 years |
TracTicketChangelogPlugin Extract messages on bdist_* …
tracticketchangesetsplugin | | 17869 | 4 years | 1.0dev: Fix formatting using autopep8 Refs #13897. | |
tracticketconditionalvalidateplugin | | 13380 | 12 years |
Corrected url in .
tracticketdepgraphplugin | | 14700 | 10 years |
Don't include empty htdocs directory. Fixes #11223.
Patch by Jun Omae.
tracticketfieldslayoutplugin | | 18681 | 6 weeks |
TracTicketFieldsLayoutPlugin: fix KeyError is raised while rendering …
tracticketlimitplugin | | 12501 | 12 years | New hack TracTicketLimitPlugin, created by rje | |
tracticketreferenceplugin | | 18656 | 7 months | TracTicketReferencePlugin: add file for sdist | |
tracticketrelationandscheduleplugin | | 16781 | 8 years | New hack TracTicketRelationAndSchedulePlugin, created by cauly | |
tracticketstatsplugin | | 17239 | 7 years | Tracticketstats 3.0.0dev: Fix typo in template var Refs #13231. | |
tractickettemplateplugin | | 18654 | 7 months | TracTicketTemplatePlugin 1.0.1dev: make compatible with Trac 1.6 and … | |
tracticketvalidatorplugin | | 17700 | 5 years | TracTicketValidator 0.5: Remove obsolete README | |
tracticketweightplugin | | 12691 | 12 years | small bug fix. removed unused import. | |
tractimedeltaupdatorplugin | | 14930 | 9 years |
tractimedeltaupdator: use info() method of …
tractimetrackerplugin | | 15586 | 9 years | New hack TracTimeTrackerPlugin, created by SuperCookyMan | |
tractoprojectintegration | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
tractweaktheme | | 18432 | 4 years | TracTweakTheme: collection of themes modifying the Trac default appearance. | |
tractweakuiplugin | | 17171 | 7 years | TracTweakUI 1.2dev: Remove need to copy templates to env htdocs dir … | |
tracunreadplugin | | 5523 | 16 years | sample report should now work with PostgreSQL 8.3 (cast as char). … | |
tracuserpageplugin | | 10445 | 14 years | Show plugin's svn revision on webadmin plugin panel. | |
tracusersyncplugin | | 7733 | 15 years | fixed a typo and added some more exception handling (usersync crashed … | |
tracvatarplugin | | 17938 | 4 years | Code drop from PyPI | |
tracviewscript | | 6969 | 15 years | * import tag, forgot this * repr(project) is a command to pastescript … | |
tracwavedromplugin | | 18608 | 15 months | TracWaveDromPlugin: make compatible with Trac 1.6, use files on CDN … | |
tracwikimenuplugin | | 10317 | 14 years | TracWikiMenuPlugin: First commit. | |
tracwikinegotiatorplugin | | 10723 | 13 years | Refresh existing languages on adding/deleting/renaming page. | |
tracwikiprintplugin | | 18614 | 15 months |
TracWikiPrintPlugin 4.0.0dev: set text/markdown to …
tracwikisyncplugin | | 11391 | 13 years | New hack TracWikiSyncPlugin, created by ivanchoo | |
tracwikitohtmlconverterscript | | 4990 | 16 years | tests for trac2html conversion | |
tracwikitopdfplugin | | 17423 | 6 years | TracWikiToPdfPlugin 3.0.0dev: Improve debug logging Refs #13568. | |
tracworkflowadminplugin | | 18545 | 22 months | tracworkflowadmin: make compatible with Trac 1.5.4 and Python 3 | |
tracwsgiplugin | | 11608 | 13 years |
Refs #3966: Part of [11607] - Replaced calls to _open_environment …
tracwysiwygplugin | | 18546 | 22 months | TracWysiwygPlugin: enable universal of bdist_wheel and add classifiers | |
tracxsdplotmacro | | 17313 | 6 years | Fix #13440 - whitespace removed and #13506 - allow multiple toplevel … | |
tracyetanotherchartmacro | | 17240 | 7 years | Add installation requirements Fixes #13449. | |
traczoteroplugin | | 10361 | 14 years | Add and bug fix | |
translatedpagesmacro | | 18686 | 2 weeks | add simple TitleIndexTr macro | |
translationmanagerplugin | | 16398 | 8 years |
Remove dist directories
trashtalkplugin | | 3513 | 17 years | First implementation finished! If there are incoming links for a … | |
truehttplogoutpatch | | 16483 | 8 years | Add version that works with tracd in Trac 1.2 Has been tested with … | |
tsevetheme | | 9249 | 14 years | Correct small error on footer CSS with bigger footer text. | |
typedticketworkflowplugin | | 13576 | 11 years | 0.2: Bump version from 0.2dev to 0.2. Refs #4548. Thanks to glinders … | |
underscorewikiplugin | | 8441 | 15 years | Uploading the initial version of UnderscoreWikiPlugin | |
unixgroupsplugin | | 17607 | 5 years |
Convert tabs to spaces
* Add classifiers metadata
* Version 0.2 has …
upcomingmilestoneschartmacro | | 18188 | 4 years | UpcomingMilestonesChartMacro: simplify imports by unifying different … | |
urldefenderplugin | | 8614 | 15 years | ||
usermanagerplugin | | 17454 | 6 years | TracUserManagerPlugin 1.2.0dev: Fix regression in r16852 Fixes #13586. | |
usernamedecorateplugin | | 17599 | 5 years | UsernameDecoratePlugin: make compatible with Trac 1.4 | |
userstatsmacro | | 16991 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
valuepropagationplugin | | 16190 | 8 years | 1.2.0dev: Adapt to Trac 1.2 API * Fix variable referenced before … | |
vcsreleaseinfomacro | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
virtualticketpermissionsplugin | | 11511 | 13 years | Fixes #9979: Clarified that license is BSD 3-Clause. * Added license … | |
visitcountermacro | | 12139 | 12 years | Fixed incorrect source code encoding … | |
visualbasictracconnectorintegration | | 7838 | 15 years | refs #6929 | |
visualizationplugin | | 17613 | 5 years | TracVisualization 0.2: Publish to PyPI Fixes #13684. | |
voteplugin | | 17589 | 5 years | TracVote 0.8.0dev: Bump version after release The latest release has … | |
vstracintegration | | 3077 | 17 years | New hack VsTracIntegration, created by mika | |
wantedpagesmacro | | 17887 | 4 years | TracWantedPages 0.6: Publish version 0.6 Version 0.6 is r17745. Bump … | |
watchlistplugin | | 17143 | 7 years | TracWatchlistPlugin 3.0.0: Conform to PEP8 | |
websequencediagramplugin | | 6391 | 16 years | Adding WebSequenceDiagram code from … | |
weekplanplugin | | 18497 | 3 years | WeekPlanPlugin: ical recurring events support (fix #14122) Fix … | |
whiteboardplugin | | 18619 | 14 months |
WhiteboardPlugin: add missing whiteboard/ (refs #14313)
wikiautocompleteplugin | | 17990 | 4 years | WikiAutoCompletePlugin: follow-up to r17030, fix cache option not … | |
wikicalendarmacro | | 17886 | 4 years | 2.2.0dev: Make compatible with Trac 1.0 and 1.0.1 | |
wikicommentsplugin | | 12291 | 12 years | removing egg | |
wikicompatplugin | | 2912 | 17 years | Initial import. | |
wikicreateticketplugin | | 16171 | 8 years | WikiCreateTicketPlugin: support Trac 1.2 and add unit tests (closes #13019) | |
wikicreolerendererplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
wikicssplugin | | 18240 | 4 years | WikiCssPlugin: Add release command | |
wikidocplugin | | 5134 | 16 years | Fixed (but its still broken) lists markup parsing | |
wikieditorforeclipseplugin | | 14382 | 10 years | Current update-site is v_0.1.1.201501200837 | |
wikiexportplugin | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
wikiextrasplugin | | 18651 | 7 months | TracWikiExtras 1.3.2dev: follow-up to r18475, sort longer phrases … | |
wikiformsplugin | | 17238 | 7 years |
TracWikiForms 1.0.0dev: Fix windows incompatibility
The %T format …
wikiganttchartplugin | | 18644 | 9 months |
WikiGanttChartPlugin: remove unused WikiGanttChart.to_json method
wikigoodiesplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
wikiimportplugin | | 5986 | 16 years | WikiImportPlugin : minor language fix. | |
wikinfoplugin | | 16347 | 8 years | 0.2: Change plugin name before publishing to PyPI | |
wikioutputstreamplugin | | 1446 | 18 years | WikiOutputStreamPlugin: - Added mode for complete Disabling of … | |
wikirenameplugin | | 16397 | 8 years | Remove obsolete "0.9" code | |
wikireplaceplugin | | 16659 | 8 years | TracWikiReplace 1.1.2dev: Fix wild-card matching of wiki page names … | |
wikireportmacro | | 14710 | 10 years | Add project files | |
wikisearchmacro | | 16989 | 7 years | Add metadata | |
wikistatsplugin | | 15322 | 9 years |
Remove tag_svn_revision
The attribute isn't supported in setuptools …
wikitablemacro | | 18622 | 13 months | WikiTableMacro 0.3dev: fix compatible with Python 3 | |
wikiticketcalendarmacro | | 9668 | 14 years |
WikiCalendarMacro: Pulling trunk in from WikiTicketCalendarMacro, …
windowsservicescript | | 13691 | 11 years | Applied follow-on to [13672] from bwanamarko. Refs #11584. 1. On … | |
winsvnhooksintegration | | 15264 | 9 years | Remove unnecessary svn:mime-type on py files svn:mime-type was set to … | |
workflowactionbuttonsplugin | | 13541 | 11 years | New hack WorkflowActionButtonsPlugin, created by ejucovy | |
workfloweditorplugin | | 13032 | 12 years | Fixes #5269: (WorkflowEditorPlugin) 1.2.0dev Allow users with … | |
workflownotificationplugin | | 12425 | 12 years | New hack WorkflowNotificationPlugin, created by ejucovy | |
worklogplugin | | 16797 | 8 years | WorkLog 1.0dev: Refactor and remove debug print statement Refs #12627. | |
xmlrpcplugin | | 18657 | 6 months | XmlRpcPlugin: ignore them rather than raising an error when non … | |
xsltmacro | | 15871 | 9 years | Rename 0.9 directory to 0.10 | |
yumlpreprocessormacro | | 16988 | 7 years | Add metadata |
The trac-hacks SVN repository.
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for help on using the repository browser.